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Magma scheduled to play in Australia March 2016

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Topic: Magma scheduled to play in Australia March 2016
Posted By: David64T
Subject: Magma scheduled to play in Australia March 2016
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 04:45
Hard to believe but true:" rel="nofollow -

The bad news is that there is only 1 concert - here in Adelaide for the Festival Of Arts.

And it seems that Magma are sharing the bill with a band called Sunn O))), who are influenced by another band called Earth and may or may not be to your taste. Perhaps not for some I suspect:
"SUNN O))) presents an intense situation of which the audio energy can reach high decibel levels. SUNN O))) reminds you to take care of your personal health and to wear earplugs (available at the venue) in case of discomfort"

The good news is that, starting from now, we have 4 and a bit months to brush up on our Kobaļan (and to stock up on spare earplugs).

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Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 04:55
I saw Magma this year and it was an indescribable experience Approve Enjoy Thumbs Up

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 05:08
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

I saw Magma this year and it was an indescribable experience Approve Enjoy Thumbs Up


I will definitely be there for Magma.  I'm not sure I'll be there for the other band - "Sunn0)))" - more research needed there I think.

And of course the concert is on a Saturday night, so "Seasons Of Change" will not be going to air live that night...


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Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 05:16
I don't know the other band either, but I saw it mentioned a few times.

Perfectly understandable Smile

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 05:19
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

I don't know the other band either, but I saw it mentioned a few times.

Perfectly understandable Smile


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Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 05:25
Dang it, wish that alien cult was coming down to Melbourne!

Wondering whether I can convince a friend to go on a many hours road trip that weekend to see them!

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 05:37
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Dang it, wish that alien cult was coming down to Melbourne!

Wondering whether I can convince a friend to go on a many hours road trip that weekend to see them!" rel="nofollow - WOMADelaide is run over the same weekend here in Adelaide if more incentive is needed - though only a drawcard if your friend is into World Music though...

Big smile

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Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 19 2015 at 08:17
^^ I know that feeling Disapprove I hope you'll be able to go.

Posted By: CryoftheCarrots
Date Posted: October 20 2015 at 19:05
I see from the link Godspeed You!Black Emperor are playing Thebbie in March. Cool! 2016 is going to be a good prog year in Adelaide I think. Just got to hope that Slava Grigoryan has taken our advice from last year and booked Steve Hacket for the 2016 Adelaide Guitar Festival. (wishful thinking)

"There is a lot in this world to be tense and intense about"


Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: November 28 2015 at 11:23
Also looks like the will be doing another early spring trip to North America! So happy.

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: December 18 2015 at 19:58
For years I've joked to my wife that any trip we ever make to France would have to coincide with a Magma concert. I was more than a little shocked to stumble across a Magma concert in Adelaide while checking the Magma site a few days ago for a place to buy Sl*g Tanz. Good excuse to visit Adelaide for the first time. Wink

Checked out Sunn O)))) on Spotify too. I'm pretty open to anything when it comes to music, but not sure these guys are going to be my cup of tea... still, at least I can add 'drone metal' to the list of genres I know exist I guess!

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: December 19 2015 at 16:02
Originally posted by AngusH AngusH wrote:

Checked out Sunn O)))) on Spotify too. I'm pretty open to anything when it comes to music, but not sure these guys are going to be my cup of tea... still, at least I can add 'drone metal' to the list of genres I know exist I guess!

With all due respect to both bands, I think it's safe to predict that there will be an exchange of seats at the intermission between those there for Magma and those who are there for Sunn O))))  I don't doubt some will also be there for both bands - they do indeed have my sincere admiration.

For myself, I'm hoping Magma will be on first - I will most likely make a run for Magma merch table (if there is such a thing) before the druids of drone metal emerge and turn up their amps...

Big smile

Welcome to the forum Angus! Hope you can make it to our beautiful city to see Magma - bear in mind that the WOMADelaide world music festival is scheduled for that weekend as well.

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Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: December 19 2015 at 16:21
Yep, I'm making the pilgrimage to Adelaide from Melbourne with my mate Harry (Prog Archives member Stratcat) in March, can't wait.

I noticed Sunn O)))) are doing Melbourne side-shows, but sadly not the mighty Magma, so no choice but to make the several hours drive. Still, good music, a road trip =

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: December 19 2015 at 16:24
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Yep, I'm making the pilgrimage to Adelaide from Melbourne with my mate Harry (Prog Archives member Stratcat) in March, can't wait.

I noticed Sunn O)))) are going Melbourne side-shows, but sadly not the mighty Magma, so no choice but to make the several hours drive. Still, good music, a road trip =

Thumbs Up

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Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: December 19 2015 at 19:23
Originally posted by David64T David64T wrote:

Welcome to the forum Angus! Hope you can make it to our beautiful city to see Magma - bear in mind that the WOMADelaide world music festival is scheduled for that weekend as well.

Thanks! We're going to add a couple of days each side of the concert and hopefully check out a little bit of Adelaide/SA too - with WOMADelaide on, should probably start looking for accom now, too.... Smile

Posted By: hieronymous
Date Posted: January 08 2016 at 18:19
I love MAGMA, I like SUNN O)))- I wouldn't mind seeing both! SUNN O))) could be a nice meditative prelude to the intensity of MAGMA...

Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: February 20 2016 at 04:45
Anyone know who is opening for who?

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 07 2016 at 04:45
Originally posted by AngusH AngusH wrote:

Anyone know who is opening for who?

I really want to know too and I bet we're not the only ones either.

Well, I've looked as many places on the web as I could think including the Facebook pages of both bands - found nothing about the running order for the Adelaide concert. The masters of Kobaļan and the masters of drone metal are "co-headliners".

I rang Thebarton Theatre today and asked them - they didn't know (yet), and suggested I ring back Thursday this week when they will probably be able to tell me. (I will indeed do that).

My guess is Magma on stage first, only based on the assumptions that:
- SUNN O))) might have a higher profile (at least amongst the metal fraternity...) so are more likely to be "headliners"?
- SUNN O))) are described elsewhere as performing with extreme volume and so might be assumed to finish the night off? Assuming at least some members of the audience will be there to see both bands and would likely be deafened by the monks of drone if they played first...

They are both reasonable assumptions I think but still just a guess...

Please, if anyone knows the expected running order, post here and let us know...


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Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: March 09 2016 at 03:58
If it is SUNN O))) on first, you'll find me out at the bar, I'll be the guy in the Magma t-shirt... LOL

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: March 09 2016 at 05:04
I'd rather Magma go first as well, then my mate and I can do a runner! Going to be pretty cranky after the 8 hour drive from Melbourne to get there!

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 11 2016 at 04:34
So who really is on first tomorrow night?

According to the Thebarton Theatre this afternoon (via a phone call):
"Magma are playing from 8pm,
SUNN O))) are playing from 10pm"

You're welcome!

With doubtless an intermission between the two bands. I may stick around to grab a coffee or soemthing after Magma do their bit, so I can hear what the other band sounds like from a distance...but suspect that's the closest I will choose to get to the sight and sound of the "druids of drone".


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Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: March 11 2016 at 21:09
Perfect! Thanks for checking.

Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: March 12 2016 at 05:29
What a show! I've never been a huge fan of Theusz Hamtaahk, but it really worked live. MDK and Kobaia were as great as expected. Great to see so many Magma shirts, and the largely Sunn O fan base really seemed to get into it, too.

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 03:18
Originally posted by AngusH AngusH wrote:

What a show! I've never been a huge fan of Theusz Hamtaahk, but it really worked live. MDK and Kobaia were as great as expected. Great to see so many Magma shirts, and the largely Sunn O fan base really seemed to get into it, too.

Yes, a great night! I didn't see any Magma shirts on my way into the theatre, just lots of SUNN (((0 shirts and general metal shirts so I wasn't sure what sort of welcome Magma would get. But the Magma part of the show seemed to go down well with everyone there.

I didn't stick around for SUNN (((O, so didn't get to use the earplugs they were handing out in the foyer!


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Posted By: stratcat
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 05:59
Was a great gig last night.
Aussie-Byrd-Brother and I were there two. - We drove up from Melbourne yesterday and back today.
I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow. 
I was very impressed by their live performance. Great energy from everyone. Christian was top notch as expected. I was also especially impressed by the xylophone player TiBen. 

I hope they come back to Australia. This time to Melbourne as well. 

Large amount of metal fans  around indeed. We stuck around in the foyer prior to Sunn O going on, hoping to get stuff signed but to no avail. More seemed to come after the Magma gig had finished 

Didn't stick around for Sunn O. It sounded very loud and droney from outside. 

Posted By: Driptray
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 06:00
Absolutely fantastic! Never in my wildest dreams, did I think that I would ever get to see Magma live- anywhere - let alone in Australia! But it actually happened & they were as every bit astonishing live as current live footage and recordings promised them to be.

Absolutely worth the price of our overnight stay in a seedy Adelaide motel and the airfares from Sydney to Adelaide and back the next morning, for my partner and myself. My God! I actually saw MDK performed live!!

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 06:30
Originally posted by stratcat stratcat wrote:

I was also especially impressed by the xylophone player TiBen.

Yes, that guy never seemed to take a break or at least not when I was looking at him! Obviously he is fitted with the same long-life high-output batteries as Christian.

I found it a bit hard to see what they were doing on stage though - the lighting on stage was kept pretty low.

Originally posted by stratcat stratcat wrote:

Didn't stick around for Sunn O. It sounded very loud and droney from outside.

I dropped by the theatre earlier that day, to photograph the sign outside the theatre for posterity. At that time, what sounded like a loud electrical hum was audible outside, I guessed that was SUNN (((0 doing their soundcheck...

Seasons Of Change - weekly programme on community radio:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 06:57
Originally posted by Driptray Driptray wrote:

Absolutely fantastic! Never in my wildest dreams, did I think that I would ever get to see Magma live- anywhere - let alone in Australia! But it actually happened & they were as every bit astonishing live as current live footage and recordings promised them to be.

My thoughts almost exactly - "Never in my wildest dreams, did I think that I would ever get to see Magma live- anywhere - let alone in Adelaide!"
Big smile
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw their one and only concert in Australia was going to be in my own home town...

Originally posted by Driptray Driptray wrote:

Absolutely worth the price of our overnight stay in a seedy Adelaide motel and the airfares from Sydney to Adelaide and back the next morning, for my partner and myself. My God! I actually saw MDK performed live!!

It's a pity you had to rush back but lucky I guess the show was on a weekend too, I expect suited a lot of people travelling to Adelaide from interstate...

Oddly enough it's a long weekend here in Adelaide (the Adelaide Cup horse race is on tomorrow) and of course WOMADelaide is on too. The thought occurred to me that sound-wise Magma might have fitted in OK on the WOMADelaide bill, except that their variant of "world music" comes literally from a completely alien world...

Seasons Of Change - weekly programme on community radio:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: stratcat
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 18:09

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 18:53

Good doing time with you, Harry/Stratcat! Front and center, baby! Well worth the 8 plus hour drive both ways, a true prog road trip, armed with an assortment of Finch, Atomic Rooster, early Floyd, Abraxis, Oresund Space Collective, early Sabbath, early Maiden and Caravan as our soundtrack.

Good to see a bunch of several different prog fans as well, including a really nice guy called Alex who we've encountered at several of our prog/electronic shows!

There was a nice younger fella I spoke to in the front show who literally knew ALL THE WORDS and every single twist and turn their music makes to every piece they played, very impressed (if he's reading, I was the guy with the glasses and the Gong `Camembert Electrique' t-shirt you spoke about `You' to!

Amazing show, and it was nice hearing pretty much the same story from all the proper prog fans in attendance - that they'd all travelled from around Australia for this one experience.

BONUS PIC - Something we got a laugh from on our way to/from Melbourne as well!

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 20:19
^ Michael, Harry - you lucky Devils. Nice shots

Posted By: The Neck Romancer
Date Posted: March 13 2016 at 21:12
Awesome! I'm Brazilian and had the chance to see them once (in the Netherlands, actually) and I know how you feel about having the chance to see them live - I was pretty damn sure I'd never manage to fulfill that.

Still need to see them play Theusz Hamtaahk live, though... that marching mantra section right before the guitar/Stella unison solo is pure musical bliss. They said they might come to South America in December so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Posted By: AngusH
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 04:12
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

 (if he's reading, I was the guy with the glasses and the Gong `Camembert Electrique' t-shirt you spoke about `You' to!

Nice pics, and I was standing in front of you at one point, just before they let us in, you were immediately behind me and my wife waiting on the stairs to go inside. I thought to myself "I never imagined I'd see a Camembert Electrique t-shirt in my lifetime"... :D

We left right after Magma - I tried Sunn O))) a few times on Spotify and figured I'd rather head back into town for a couple of drinks... ;)

Was definitely impressed by some of the younger folks there who were right into it. I was sitting up in the balcony and was listening to a younger fan talk about Yes, Magma, and a few other prog rock acts before Magma came on.

On another note, was really impressed by Adelaide in general... Lovely little city, glad we spent a couple of days either side of the concert. Although, spent an absolute fortune....

Posted By: David64T
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 04:35
Great photos guys! Thanks for sharing -

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Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 04:36
^........and I'm stuck on the 70km outskirts of Brissie, wishing I could've made the gig ................

Posted By: stratcat
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 07:49
Why didn't you come Tom?
It would have been great.
Haven't seen you in years mate.
Are you coming down for Iron Maiden?

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 11:03
^ Going to the big city to catch Maiden here.
Man, I suppose had I gotten off my ass I could've arranged something to get to the Magma gig, there was time, however, things are a bit difficult at the mo'. I do want to make it down south at some stage, maybe record some sh*t with Daniel and see you guys.........

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 20:31
Originally posted by AngusH AngusH wrote:

Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

 (if he's reading, I was the guy with the glasses and the Gong `Camembert Electrique' t-shirt you spoke about `You' to!

Nice pics, and I was standing in front of you at one point, just before they let us in, you were immediately behind me and my wife waiting on the stairs to go inside. I thought to myself "I never imagined I'd see a Camembert Electrique t-shirt in my lifetime"... :D

We left right after Magma - I tried Sunn O))) a few times on Spotify and figured I'd rather head back into town for a couple of drinks... ;)

<span style="line-height: 1.4;">Was definitely impressed by some of the younger folks there who were right into it. I was sitting up in the balcony and was listening to a younger fan talk about Yes, Magma, and a few other prog rock acts before Magma came on.</span>
<span style="line-height: 1.4;">
On another note, was really impressed by Adelaide in general... Lovely little city, glad we spent a couple of days either side of the concert. Although, spent an absolute fortune....

Ha! You can buy them quite easily from the PlanetGong webstore, I've been buying them for a while, everytime one starts to fade I order another one! I also have a few tie-dye versions as well, probably pretty lucky I didn't wear that one, would have clashed with all the black most of the kids were wearing!

Yeah, my mate Harry/Stratcat and I discovered after the Magma performance there was a nail wedged into one of my rear tyres, so we had to wait outside for the Roadside Service to show up. We heard this rumbling reverberating drone from Sunn inside the venue though!

I wish I'd had more time...I was back at work last night. I was a bit bummed out, I said to my mate that I wished we'd had the time to properly explore and just relax in all the little towns we passed through. We stopped briefly at a few of them, but it was not quite enough time to properly take in all the sights.

Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: March 15 2016 at 00:58
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

^ Going to the big city to catch Maiden here.
Man, I suppose had I gotten off my ass I could've arranged something to get to the Magma gig, there was time, however, things are a bit difficult at the mo'. I do want to make it down south at some stage, maybe record some sh*t with Daniel and see you guys.........
Does everyone in Australia know each other?  LOL

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 15 2016 at 01:03
Well, there's only a handful of Progheads scattered about. And we're pretty much all from Melbourne !! I escaped

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