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Dialects (UK)

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Unsigned Bands
Forum Description: For new prog bands with no official releases
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 06:09
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Dialects (UK)
Posted By: Svetonio
Subject: Dialects (UK)
Date Posted: May 12 2015 at 02:43
Dialects is an eclectic, instrumental prog band from Glasgow. They are released a debut EP titled LTKLTL at 11 May 2015. Physical CD available.
Conor Anderson - Guitar
Steven Gillies - Guitar
Ali Walker - Bass
Jonny Gormley - Drums
"The band’s technical ability is nothing short of incredible, the instrumental four-piece jump through odd times flawlessly, building a complex and spacey wall of sound" - Rave Child

"They create an all-encompassing sound which takes the listener on a sonic adventure" - Captain Christ
"On this EP, the band have not only lived up to the promise of ‘Unknown Orbit’ but expanded on it in some style. Loud, experimental and never less than exciting – the post- and math-rock community will be hearing more from Dialects and that’s something to delight in." - Spectral Nights" rel="nofollow -
Favourite track: Unknow Orbit

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