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I hope some of you will enjoy this record as much as I do. Posthumous release from
The Angry Host on Freak Flag Recordings.
I'm streaming a song a day from now until pre-orders open next Sunday. First two songs are up now -" rel="nofollow -
*** Pre-orders will open 1st Feb 2015 with immediate download ***
*** Released 15th March 2015 ***
*** First 30 will include the album on CDr w/ printed sleeve ***
* 2x LP on Black Virgin Vinyl
* One pressing Ltd to 100 copies
* 58 min / 33rpm
* Gatefold Sleeve w/ lyrics
* Thick card sleeve on uncoated reverse board
* Vinyl and download Mastered by James Plotkin
* Download Code
Liner Notes:
Angry Host formed in 2005 after we had spent a few months playing
covers by the likes of Pentagram, Dust, Necromandus, Groundhogs etc and
passing ourselves off as a 'blues rock/soul band to get gigs. It was
deeply amusing to be playing doom to angry farmers in irish country
After a while though, the covers just weren't giving us
the buzz and we started getting our own stuff sorted out. Musically, our
influences were all over the place but we all agreed on the darker 70s
stuff and Sabbath in particular. We never set out to be a straight up
doom outfit. It really was just a bunch of riffs arranged usually under
the influence in between listening to a stream of obscure albums coming
from The Freak Emporium(RIP) every week. Classic doom like Saint Vitus,
The Obsessed, Electric Wizard were also huge influences. Lyrical
concerns were largely alcoholism, drugs, self-made misery and men who
find out they are part-ape and burn themselves alive on moorland.
January 2006 we went into Komodo studios to record 9 tracks. We did
them live and kept coming back over the coming months when we had cash
to add bits and pieces of oddness/overdubs. By the summer the lyrical
concerns had become all too real and the Host ground to an ugly,
desperate halt. The recording went into sock drawers and other dark
recesses in the couple of houses that had a copy and that was that.
2013 I got an email from Gary at Freak Flag Recordings about the
possibility of issuing the album on vinyl. I was shocked but told him to
go ahead and after help from Alwyn and Darrell at Komodo and being
re-mastered by James Plotkin, the coffin lid has finally creaked open.
love to say its on a par with some of the great relics we used to cover
but it is what it is. Four young f**kers in a shed in the Irish sticks
playing their take on doomy rock. Sometimes sloppy or trying too hard, i
can smell cheap wine when I listen to it, but it has heart and a few
great moments in there and we're all still around to hear the needle on
the wax. Not angry anymore, just mildly irate
~ Francis (The Angry Host)" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -