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Reviewers should be judged too.

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Topic: Reviewers should be judged too.
Posted By: Kati
Subject: Reviewers should be judged too.
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 00:07

There seems to be a very tight community among reviewers, this makes us forget about the bigger picture which is the music. Just because a reviewer took part of their precious time to review an album this by no means entitles them to overly bad negative criticism in  their review. Yes reviewers are not being paid by writing a review nor should bands be grateful for a negative review either.

Honest and unbiased opinions are important/crucial yes of course but nasty and unfounded reviews to me do not contribute anything to our prog society, quite the contrary, this does not benefit any of us (listener, prospect buyer or follower) and I think this to be most inconsiderable and disrespectable to any band. The effort, heart, time and soul bands take to produce an album plus financing with their own personal savings/funds to release an album should not be taken lithely. Most bands don’t even recover their initial costs inc. cd production etc.  

Thus for every review out there, there’s a band who at least deserve an honest opinion from a reviewer who took a considerable amount of time to listen to every track on their album.

Critique all you want but if a reviewer, being a collab or not, they too should be allowed to be judged by others and critiqued for their reviews good or bad and especially if they made no effort to describe an album while posting a review. This is only fair to me.

hugs Hug

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 01:02
Sonia, every reviewer has their own way of approaching what they want to praise or criticize about the music they listen to. I can only relate to you my own personal approach, so I won't be speaking for others.

It's difficult for me to be overly critical and negative in much of what I write. I've given poorer reviews before, but there's only been rare examples, for a number of reasons:

a) I am not a musician, so I hardly feel like I can complain about an artists work compared to the ZERO albums that I've recorded!

b) Because the majority of my CD/LP collection is progressive related music, there's more than a good chance that there will be at least several elements - be it the instrumentation, the singing, the lyrics, etc - that will show intelligence, musical sophistication and/or inventive elements that are only worthy of praise, so those will be the things to focus on.

and c) Life is too short to focus on negative, demeaning things, and even if there's some albums that don't mean too much to me (and I know my better friends on here will know plenty of albums/artists that I don't particularly enjoy! , I'd rather simply leave those alone, let others who find more to praise in them do the positive write-ups, than me personally launching into a negative attack. Also, there's plenty of negative things I have personally going on in my life, that I prefer to focus my attention and energy on positive, exciting directions, and I think my usually mostly positive reviews reflect that.

Do I sometimes think `Man, I really should throw in a couple of negative reviews once in a while....'? Yes, absolutely! But I don't have the time, energy or mental space to take the time to be overly negative and put others efforts down, nor am I immature enough to want to ruffle people's feathers and get a reaction from them for the sake of sh*t-stirring.

Anyway, I'm sure I had a point in there somewhere, but I'd like to hear other reviewers feelings on the matter!

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 01:38
2/5 Review

Didn't say atmosphere enough

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 02:51
Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

2/5 Review

Didn't say atmosphere enough

Bwahaha, well I'm glad at least one person takes notice of a lot of my stuff, makes it all worthwhile!

Posted By: Argonaught
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 05:13
I can say I have read quite a few reviewers' reviews that felt distinctively malevolent, cockeyed and meaningless to boot. I stopped reading them altogether Clown (almost). IMO, the reviewers' duty is to bring new music to the public's attention, not to tell you what you should think of it. And yes, improper reviews should be reported, just as improper ratings or other counter-productive behavior that doesn't make positive contribution to the community. 

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:07
Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.


Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:15
I read movie reviews, and I've written a couple of concert reviews, but i'll never read a music review as long as I live.
Someone else's critical opinion of an album means nothing to me.
If I want to talk about the music I love i'll talk to someone else that loves it too.
should they be held responsible?  I guess so - sure. But it really doesn't matter much to me. When it comes to music - it's so damn personal that no one is wrong or right.
Anything I want to know as far as information goes (producer, players, history) I'll look it up if i'm so inclined.
I may have read a bit back in the day - I have Rolling Stone magazines going back to the 60's when they were on newsprint - but since the internet - I couldn't be bothered.

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:20
Originally posted by Argonaught Argonaught wrote:

... improper reviews should be reported, just as improper ratings or other counter-productive behavior that doesn't make positive contribution to the community. 


This is not the PA I want.

Should we put them up against the wall and then what?

The day that happens, call me Charlie Wink

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:22
Thanks Dean, I couldn't have said it better myself.

If you genuinely consider yourself a reviewer - or at the very least work as one, then you should also be able to voice your opinion when the album in question is poor. There are however many ways of doing so, and some people step over the line. That is why we have the report button (NOT because one's new fave album received a 1 star reviewWink).

Some of my favourite reviews are 1 and 2 star write ups. Hell, I still go back and read Bob's (ClemofNazareth) old Triumph reviewsLOL

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:24
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

Yay Dean, my favorite grumpy Heart hello! Smile
There's nothing wrong with critique and ones opinion regarding an album, this is not the point I making here.
I do NOT think negative reviews without substance and actual description of the music/album content should be considered as a "review" because it clearly isn't. I could but won't actually show a review which the reviewer only named one single track on an album and even that name he wrote wrong. Another example would be a reviewer who said he doesn't like the singer while the album has 9 different singersLOL
Big hug to you, Hug

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:30
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

I read movie reviews, and I've written a couple of concert reviews, but i'll never read a music review as long as I live.
Someone else's critical opinion of an album means nothing to me.
If I want to talk about the music I love i'll talk to someone else that loves it too.
should they be held responsible?  I guess so - sure. But it really doesn't matter much to me. When it comes to music - it's so damn personal that no one is wrong or right.
Anything I want to know as far as information goes (producer, players, history) I'll look it up if i'm so inclined.
I may have read a bit back in the day - I have Rolling Stone magazines going back to the 60's when they were on newsprint - but since the internet - I couldn't be bothered.
Aren't movie reviews "so damn personal" as well?

The reviewers share their opinion, but it's an opinion, nobody says if it's wrong or right. If everyone had the same one, the reviews wouldn't matter.

I like to read them to discover music I don't know but also to read how the music I already know touched others differently... like today's five star review of 'Time and a Word' Smile

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:31
well the short answer is yes .. especially when it comes to factual errors.
but aren't irresponsible reviews judged already - by the very virtue that people will publically disagree with them?
are you talking about in general, or just on this site?

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:33
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

I read movie reviews, and I've written a couple of concert reviews, but i'll never read a music review as long as I live.
Someone else's critical opinion of an album means nothing to me.
If I want to talk about the music I love i'll talk to someone else that loves it too.
should they be held responsible?  I guess so - sure. But it really doesn't matter much to me. When it comes to music - it's so damn personal that no one is wrong or right.
Anything I want to know as far as information goes (producer, players, history) I'll look it up if i'm so inclined.
I may have read a bit back in the day - I have Rolling Stone magazines going back to the 60's when they were on newsprint - but since the internet - I couldn't be bothered.
Aren't movie reviews "so damn personal" as well?

The reviewers share their opinion, but it's an opinion, nobody says if it's wrong or right. If everyone had the same one, the reviews wouldn't matter.

I like to read them to discover music I don't know but also to read how the music I already know touched others differently... like today's five star review of 'Time and a Word' Smile
no I get it - that's how I feel about movie reviews ..
and I wasn't saying people shouldn't review - I just occurred to me when reading the OP that I never read them or want to - not in years
it was an odd discovery about me - not the process of reviewing.
I used to write movie reviews for a print magazine - so I do get it :)

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:40
I completely get what you're saying Sonia....but then again, these people are out in the open for all to see. 
Who in their right minds will trust a writer if the reviews are shallow, judgemental and poorly written? Trust me, they receive their end of the bad karma. Free speech* is a real bitch.

*......although we only allow free speech with a bit of common courtesy mixed in here on PABig smile

Damn I got ninja'd by Walton thereLOL 
He even said the same thing - only much more comprehensible.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:41
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

Much as it pains me to agree with this unrepentant gothic hippy, this post cuts deep to the chase. You cannot 'cut and paste' sincerity (Better to live than to know etc) A similar deluded rationale exists where people opine that members who do not like certain genres should therefore not review albums that belong to those genres as if the potential deficit of positivity will somehow topple the edifice of informed choice. Since when did 'I've heard it, I don't like it and here's why' become 'close-minded?) There is no compulsory 'vegetarian choice' when it comes to the arts
Clap Clap Clap


Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:48
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I completely get what you're saying Sonia....but then again, these people are out in the open for all to see. 
Who in their right minds will trust a writer if the reviews are shallow, judgemental and poorly written? Trust me, they receive their end of the bad karma. Free speech* is a real bitch.

*......although we only allow free speech with a bit of common courtesy mixed in here on PABig smile

Damn I got ninja'd by Walton thereLOL 
He even said the same thing - only much more comprehensible.

Gold-A-Bear, your  avatar of Charlie's Aunt is very fitting LOL

(The Danes would understand....)

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:48
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

well the short answer is yes .. especially when it comes to factual errors.
but aren't irresponsible reviews judged already - by the very virtue that people will publically disagree with them?
are you talking about in general, or just on this site?
Walton Street, I am talking in general, the two examples I gave above happened to be on here, however many prog sites deal with this SAME issue, not only P.A.
Having bad written reviews with no content also is not fair to the reviewers who actual do care about what they write both positive and also negative views (both are necessary as it creates some kind of balance).
Thus that one can write anything not related and call it a review with impunity is total B.S.   
another hug to you, Hug

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:54
Formalized "criticism" of artistic pursuits in general is an odd pastime, when I think about it.  Part of me knows that their purpose is to inform the reader of the reviewers considered assessment of the "value" of the work, in the hopes that the reader will have a similar point of view (making it a persuasive piece of writing, in essence). 

But then another part of me also knows that art and music are really above and beyond objective criticism (apart from a purely technical description of the music), and that no two people can hear an album the same way (kind of what Walton Street is saying above), so then the purpose of the review is primarily to entertain rather than inform.  And if the purpose is to entertain, then there is some "value" in a piece which harshly criticizes a piece of art - because for some people, that kind of thing is fun to read.  But in doing this, one must also be sensitive to the parties involved.  And in the case of a music review, the artist who made the album is most definitely involved. 

I always tell myself that whatever I publish on the internet could very well be read by the subjects of my review, and I will have to answer to whatever I write.   This doesn't mean sugar-coating everything, but it does mean using tact - and if you make a bold claim, be sure you're ready to back it up.  We are all responsible for what we do and say.  In the internet world, it's easy to forget that, as we all hide behind masks and sometimes think we can do or say anything without any consequences.  Those are the kind of environments I try to avoid on the internet, because then it resembles actual human interaction less and less, and I'm just not into that.  Some are.

Conclusion - take ownership of your reviews.  Say good things, say bad things, but be prepared to back it up, and use a level of tact befitting actual human intercourse discourse.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:56
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

well the short answer is yes .. especially when it comes to factual errors.
but aren't irresponsible reviews judged already - by the very virtue that people will publically disagree with them?
are you talking about in general, or just on this site?
Walton Street, I am talking in general, the two examples I gave above happened to be on here, however many prog sites deal with this SAME issue, not only P.A.
Having bad written reviews with no content also is not fair to the reviewers who actual do care about what they write both positive and also negative views (both are necessary as it creates some kind of balance).
Thus that one can write anything not related and call it a review with impunity is total B.S.   
another hug to you, Hug
I personally know someone that gave a hugely popular movie the worst review ever because he really wanted to see a different press screening so it put him in a bad mood.
there in a nutshell is the difficulty with reviewing anything ... the human element.
To get any pertinent information out of a review you have to understand and know the reviewer so that you can decipher their language. 
Reviewers are just as exposed as the art maker .. and subject to the same level of criticism. It just boils down to 'one person's opinion'
Bad reviewers get sorted out soon enough and their opinions are discarded. 

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 07:57
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Formalized "criticism" of artistic pursuits in general is an odd pastime, when I think about it.  Part of me knows that their purpose is to inform the reader of the reviewers considered assessment of the "value" of the work, in the hopes that the reader will have a similar point of view (making it a persuasive piece of writing, in essence). 

But then another part of me also knows that art and music are really above and beyond objective criticism (apart from a purely technical description of the music), and that no two people can hear an album the same way (kind of what Walton Street is saying above), so then the purpose of the review is primarily to entertain rather than inform.  And if the purpose is to entertain, then there is some "value" in a piece which harshly criticizes a piece of art - because for some people, that kind of thing is fun to read.  But in doing this, one must also be sensitive to the parties involved.  And in the case of a music review, the artist who made the album is most definitely involved. 

I always tell myself that whatever I publish on the internet could very well be read by the subjects of my review, and I will have to answer to whatever I write.   This doesn't mean sugar-coating everything, but it does mean using tact - and if you make a bold claim, be sure you're ready to back it up.  We are all responsible for what we do and say.  In the internet world, it's easy to forget that, as we all hide behind masks and sometimes think we can do or say anything without any consequences.  Those are the kind of environments I try to avoid on the internet, because then it resembles actual human interaction less and less, and I'm just not into that.  Some are.

Conclusion - take ownership of your reviews.  Say good things, say bad things, but be prepared to back it up, and use a level of tact befitting actual human intercourse discourse.
that was exactly my approach .. couldn't put it better if I tried.

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 08:39
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Formalized "criticism" of artistic pursuits in general is an odd pastime, when I think about it.  Part of me knows that their purpose is to inform the reader of the reviewers considered assessment of the "value" of the work, in the hopes that the reader will have a similar point of view (making it a persuasive piece of writing, in essence). 

But then another part of me also knows that art and music are really above and beyond objective criticism (apart from a purely technical description of the music), and that no two people can hear an album the same way (kind of what Walton Street is saying above), so then the purpose of the review is primarily to entertain rather than inform.  And if the purpose is to entertain, then there is some "value" in a piece which harshly criticizes a piece of art - because for some people, that kind of thing is fun to read.  But in doing this, one must also be sensitive to the parties involved.  And in the case of a music review, the artist who made the album is most definitely involved. 

I always tell myself that whatever I publish on the internet could very well be read by the subjects of my review, and I will have to answer to whatever I write.   This doesn't mean sugar-coating everything, but it does mean using tact - and if you make a bold claim, be sure you're ready to back it up.  We are all responsible for what we do and say.  In the internet world, it's easy to forget that, as we all hide behind masks and sometimes think we can do or say anything without any consequences.  Those are the kind of environments I try to avoid on the internet, because then it resembles actual human interaction less and less, and I'm just not into that.  Some are.

Conclusion - take ownership of your reviews.  Say good things, say bad things, but be prepared to back it up, and use a level of tact befitting actual human intercourse discourse.

As is your norm, a very perceptive post. However, I don't get the 'didactic, persuasive' bit as for me, I couldn't give a discarded fig if anyone agrees with my review or not. How needy would someone have to be to offer: Here's my opinion, please make it mandatory?  Someone as clearly as perceptive as yourself must realise that 'objective' criticism is a laudable but futile pretense, as any articulated opinion must reveal more about the subject than the object. In the light of recent European atrocities perpetuated by the 'intolerant/offended' in our midst, I applaud your recommended caution vis a vis published opinion and personal responsibility but to temper the articulation of our ideas by the potential ramifications of their interpretation by either violent dicks or fleecing solicitors has to be tantamount to countenancing a death warrant for sincerity. We cannot legislate against the mentally ill/opportunistic.


Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 08:54
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

This says it all.

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 09:34
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Formalized "criticism" of artistic pursuits in general is an odd pastime, when I think about it.  Part of me knows that their purpose is to inform the reader of the reviewers considered assessment of the "value" of the work, in the hopes that the reader will have a similar point of view (making it a persuasive piece of writing, in essence). 

But then another part of me also knows that art and music are really above and beyond objective criticism (apart from a purely technical description of the music), and that no two people can hear an album the same way (kind of what Walton Street is saying above), so then the purpose of the review is primarily to entertain rather than inform.  And if the purpose is to entertain, then there is some "value" in a piece which harshly criticizes a piece of art - because for some people, that kind of thing is fun to read.  But in doing this, one must also be sensitive to the parties involved.  And in the case of a music review, the artist who made the album is most definitely involved. 

I always tell myself that whatever I publish on the internet could very well be read by the subjects of my review, and I will have to answer to whatever I write.   This doesn't mean sugar-coating everything, but it does mean using tact - and if you make a bold claim, be sure you're ready to back it up.  We are all responsible for what we do and say.  In the internet world, it's easy to forget that, as we all hide behind masks and sometimes think we can do or say anything without any consequences.  Those are the kind of environments I try to avoid on the internet, because then it resembles actual human interaction less and less, and I'm just not into that.  Some are.

Conclusion - take ownership of your reviews.  Say good things, say bad things, but be prepared to back it up, and use a level of tact befitting actual human intercourse discourse.

As is your norm, a very perceptive post. However, I don't get the 'didactic, persuasive' bit as for me, I couldn't give a discarded fig if anyone agrees with my review or not. How needy would someone have to be to offer: Here's my opinion, please make it mandatory?  Someone as clearly as perceptive as yourself must realise that 'objective' criticism is a laudable but futile pretense, as any articulated opinion must reveal more about the subject than the object. In the light of recent European atrocities perpetuated by the 'intolerant/offended' in our midst, I applaud your recommended caution vis a vis published opinion and personal responsibility but to temper the articulation of our ideas by the potential ramifications of their interpretation by either violent dicks or fleecing solicitors has to be tantamount to countenancing a death warrant for sincerity. We cannot legislate against the mentally ill/opportunistic.
Fair enough - that was probably the weakest bit of my post anyway.  I was talking from a more abstract position, trying to say that taking a value-based stance in a piece of writing (i.e. "I think this is good/bad") necessarily has a persuasive element to it - if we accept that the basic human urge is to gravitate towards the "good" and avoid the "bad", so a bit of writing that says something is "good" is trying, however subtly or unconsciously, to convince the reader of that point of view.  This is all definitely debatable, and probably not essential to the bottom line of what I was saying anyway, but I can't resist going into "philosopher mode" now and then.

You kind of lost me at the end, though, with scary words like "legislate" and "death warrant". Hope you're not reading too much into what I'm suggesting. LOL  I'm a bit distracted by a lot of things today, so my internal strands of cognitive reasoning aren't at their best right now.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 09:43
^Ah, your cognitive reasoning seems pretty good to me, Steve. LOL

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: KingCrInuYasha
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 11:41
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:


We cannot legislate against the mentally ill/opportunistic.

Or the pretentious. Or the silly. Or the pretentiously silly.

He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:10
I don't review much and when I do it tends to be albums I have a lot of excitement about and want to spread the word, personally I don't have a lot of energy for writing reviews about albums I don't like, I also struggle to be fair and not come off as mean. All that said I 100% agree with Dean's comments. 


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:14
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

I don't review much and when I do it tends to be albums I have a lot of excitement about and want to spread the word, personally I don't have a lot of energy for writing reviews about albums I don't like, I also struggle to be fair and not come off as mean. All that said I 100% agree with Dean's comments. 
I disagree here. I do not entirely agree with everything, Dean said Smile
hug to you, Nogbad_The_BadHug

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:23
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

I don't review much and when I do it tends to be albums I have a lot of excitement about and want to spread the word, personally I don't have a lot of energy for writing reviews about albums I don't like, .... 

I totally agree here, I mean you took the word right out of my mouth - if the album appears to be under the PA radar, I will write a review, although it drains my energy really. In my next life perhaps I would write reviews - next life, meaning retirement Wink (look out LOL).

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:29
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

hug to you Hug

Hugs to you too, Kati HugHug and Hug.

(Between you and me, I think I got a crush on you Embarrassed)

Could you spare some of that love for me?

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:32
Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

hug to you Hug

Hugs to you too, Kati. 

(Between you and me, I think I got a crush on you Embarrassed)

Could you spare some of that love for me?
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
(tell me you aren't singing this in your head now)

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:36
^I prefer not to reveal what's in my head right now.....Tongue 

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:40
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

hug to you Hug

Hugs to you too, Kati. 

(Between you and me, I think I got a crush on you Embarrassed)

Could you spare some of that love for me?
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
(tell me you aren't singing this in your head now)

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:42
Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

hug to you Hug

Hugs to you too, Kati. 

(Between you and me, I think I got a crush on you Embarrassed)

Could you spare some of that love for me?
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
(tell me you aren't singing this in your head now)
hahaha Walton Street, I love Freddie too!!!! And my new fav person is earlyprog, he is charming and hot Big smile gnack gnack gnack Embarrassed group hug Hug

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:44
^ Fortunately for Kati - she's in Mozambique ......

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:49
Queen--Is This the World We Created (from Live Aid '85)." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:51
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

^ Fortunately for Kati - she's in Mozambique ......
hahaha Tom and you live down under hihihi hehehe  Big smile ermmm...

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:52
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

hug to you Hug

Hugs to you too, Kati. 

(Between you and me, I think I got a crush on you Embarrassed)

Could you spare some of that love for me?
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
(tell me you aren't singing this in your head now)

Kati, you responded with your signature (Wink). Does this mean you will PM me Heart

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:53
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

^ Fortunately for Kati - she's in Mozambique ......
but dahhhling,
anybody who is ANYBODY lives in Mozambique

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 12:56
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

^ Fortunately for Kati - she's in Mozambique ......
hahaha Tom and you live down under hihihi hehehe  Big smile ermmm...

What's wrong with 69? I like 69.

That's the year '69. Great year for prog and music in general

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:01
Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Walton Street Walton Street wrote:

Originally posted by earlyprog earlyprog wrote:

hug to you Hug


Kati, you responded with your signature (Wink). Does this mean you will PM me Heart
No need for pm's all has been said here. Big hug to you Hug

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:03
I'm just bored waiting at Louis Armstrong's in New Orleans for the long flight home - via L.A.
And 69 is 69 upside down, nothin' wrong with that........

Posted By: Metalmarsh89
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:06
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

This says it all.

What if the reviewer doesn't understand the music? I realize that draws a million more incredibly thin lines in the PA world, but don't people often make the unconscious jump from misunderstanding music to regarding it as poor music. This is certainly common in fashion. Maybe your wife thinks your outfit is silly, when you consider it your best attire for the occasion.

But I understand that what be near impossible to enforce. How does one decide if they understand something or not? And won't they just attempt to try and understand it with a few more listens? Or will they, pretend to understand it with the general belief that the music didn't accomplish its objective effectively? For me, there is hardly an album I've heard that I consider bad, but there are some. Usually I understand (to an extent) the music I am hearing and enjoy it, or I pass if off as something I just don't get. But rarely do I understand something, and also see it for being sub-par. Maybe that's because I don't write reviews? I don't have a reputation on the line, which our dear reviewers do. As someone previously said, free speech is a b****.

Want to play mafia? Visit" rel="nofollow - here .

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:13
I was born in 69.  BOOYAH

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:15
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

I was born in 69.  BOOYAH
I was born in '61.
I think a big toe is involved in my case

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:15
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

I was born in 69.  BOOYAH
hahahaha!!! HolyMoly, you are now officially the hottest PA collab Big smileLOLHugBOOYAH!!!!!

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:20
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

I'm just bored waiting at Louis Armstrong's in New Orleans for the long flight home - via L.A.
And 69 is 69 upside down, nothin' wrong with that........
69 any side up or down is hot Big smile Embarrassed

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:26
Van Damme approves of the direction this thread has taken.

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:37
I guess as an admin I should get it back on track.   REVIEWERS.  Discuss.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:45
Originally posted by Metalmarsh89 Metalmarsh89 wrote:

What if the reviewer doesn't understand the music? I realize that draws a million more incredibly thin lines in the PA world, but don't people often make the unconscious jump from misunderstanding music to regarding it as poor music. 

...or jump to regarding it as great music Smile

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 13:48
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

I guess as an admin I should get it back on track.   REVIEWERS.  Discuss.
well, it did give me a chance to post a pic of Van Damme. Opportunities like that don't come along every day on a prog forum

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 14:22
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

I don't review much and when I do it tends to be albums I have a lot of excitement about and want to spread the word, personally I don't have a lot of energy for writing reviews about albums I don't like. 
Precisely.  I generally don't review an album until I've given it multiple listens.  If I don't like something, I just don't have the time or frankly the will to repeatedly listen to just to give it a fair review.  I'd rather not review at all than give an unfair review. 

-------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------

I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 14:43
Originally posted by Metalmarsh89 Metalmarsh89 wrote:

Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

This says it all.

What if the reviewer doesn't understand the music? I realize that draws a million more incredibly thin lines in the PA world, but don't people often make the unconscious jump from misunderstanding music to regarding it as poor music. This is certainly common in fashion. Maybe your wife thinks your outfit is silly, when you consider it your best attire for the occasion.

But I understand that what be near impossible to enforce. How does one decide if they understand something or not? And won't they just attempt to try and understand it with a few more listens? Or will they, pretend to understand it with the general belief that the music didn't accomplish its objective effectively? For me, there is hardly an album I've heard that I consider bad, but there are some. Usually I understand (to an extent) the music I am hearing and enjoy it, or I pass if off as something I just don't get. But rarely do I understand something, and also see it for being sub-par. Maybe that's because I don't write reviews? I don't have a reputation on the line, which our dear reviewers do. As someone previously said, free speech is a b****.
Sorry MM, but this site caters to a more sophisticated audience than I think you realize. I understand that this is not a license to write reviews crammed with technical jargon or music theory that the Average Joe would not understand.
But let me be clear about this. I do not condone any form of censorship in regard to reviews, except the obvious need not be vulgar or obscene as it adds or subtracts nothing from an opinion.
We are all adults here. Let's act like it. 

Posted By: Argonaught
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 14:45
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

Criticism may be unpleasant to some, but is OK and often quite useful; harsh is OK as long as it's civil, and "unfair" is OK (personal views will often seem unfair to those who hold opposing opinions). Not OK: purposefully malevolent content, such as personal attacks and deceitful statements (which, I believe, is stipulated in the standards of conduct).

To illustrate: if you are not happy with your eBay transaction, you may leave negative feedback; eBay will not intercede, as long as the feedback is fact-based and not insulting. However, if they determine that you purchased the item in order to badmouth the seller, or made false claims, they will hold you accountable.  

I certainly think that by re-stating what I originally said I am also re-stating what you said, which would mean we are largely in agreement. 


Posted By: Argonaught
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 14:46
Originally posted by Argonaught Argonaught wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

Criticism may be unpleasant to some, but is OK and often quite useful; harsh is OK as long as it's civil, and "unfair" is OK (personal views will often seem unfair to those who hold opposing opinions). Not OK: purposefully malevolent content, such as personal attacks and deceitful statements (which, I believe, is stipulated in the standards of conduct).

To illustrate: if you are not happy with your eBay transaction, you may leave negative feedback; eBay will not intercede, as long as the feedback is fact-based, not vindictive and not insulting. However, if they determine that you purchased the item in order to badmouth the seller, or made false claims, they will hold you accountable.  

I certainly think that by re-stating what I originally said I am also re-stating what you said, which would mean we are largely in agreement. 


Posted By: Metalmarsh89
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 14:57
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Metalmarsh89 Metalmarsh89 wrote:

Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Reviewers must be permitted to comment with impunity if they are to give their honest opinion of a piece of work, even if that is harsh or "unfair". Judging whether that harsh opinion is not an honest opinion is an "after-the-event" assessment that the reader is entitled to make, however, what we cannot do is presume that the reviewer is not being honest.

If we start imposing rules (above the normal standards of conduct implied by the Review Guidelines) then we are enforcing restrictions on reviewing practices that will also hamper fair and impartial reviews. 

Not every album is solid gold and a review is of the music presented, not of the effort involved in making it.

This says it all.

What if the reviewer doesn't understand the music? I realize that draws a million more incredibly thin lines in the PA world, but don't people often make the unconscious jump from misunderstanding music to regarding it as poor music. This is certainly common in fashion. Maybe your wife thinks your outfit is silly, when you consider it your best attire for the occasion.

But I understand that what be near impossible to enforce. How does one decide if they understand something or not? And won't they just attempt to try and understand it with a few more listens? Or will they, pretend to understand it with the general belief that the music didn't accomplish its objective effectively? For me, there is hardly an album I've heard that I consider bad, but there are some. Usually I understand (to an extent) the music I am hearing and enjoy it, or I pass if off as something I just don't get. But rarely do I understand something, and also see it for being sub-par. Maybe that's because I don't write reviews? I don't have a reputation on the line, which our dear reviewers do. As someone previously said, free speech is a b****.
Sorry MM, but this site caters to a more sophisticated audience than I think you realize. I understand that this is not a license to write reviews crammed with technical jargon or music theory that the Average Joe would not understand.
But let me be clear about this. I do not condone any form of censorship in regard to reviews, except the obvious need not be vulgar or obscene as it adds or subtracts nothing from an opinion.
We are all adults here. Let's act like it. 

I'm not sure if you are calling me unsophisticated (which I definitely am not, so that's fine with me), or if you are trying to comment on the PA society as a whole.

Actually, is your whole comment directed at me, or the general populace?

Want to play mafia? Visit" rel="nofollow - here .

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:04
^To the general populace which includes myself. We could act better at times and that includes myself as well.
I find you to be particularly sophisticated about prog music. To re-emphasize, I find the general populace to be more musically sophisticated than we  give them credit for.
For the love of Pete, these are prog listeners, man! LOL

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:10
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

For the love of Pete, these are prog listeners, man! LOL
Just as long as it's got a danceable beat, I'm good.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:13
^Yes, I had to turnoff The Ramones in order to write that! LOL

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: Metalmarsh89
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:15
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

^To the general populace which includes myself. We could act better at times and that includes myself as well.
I find you to be particularly sophisticated about prog music. To re-emphasize, I find the general populace to be more musically sophisticated than we  give them credit for.
For the love of Pete, these are prog listeners, man! LOL
What's porg prog? Confused Can I eat it?

I hate serious discussions though. I love derailing them, even if I'm taking part. LOL Definitely not sophisticated. Embarrassed

Want to play mafia? Visit" rel="nofollow - here .

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:17
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

^To the general populace which includes myself. We could act better at times and that includes myself as well.
I find you to be particularly sophisticated about prog music. To re-emphasize, I find the general populace to be more musically sophisticated than we  give them credit for.
For the love of Pete, these are prog listeners, man! LOL

Spot on Steve G spot. Why don't you speak for yourself and not on behalf of all of us. At least exclude me, thanks.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:18
^Cool. Now  Back, back to Rockaway Beach! LOL

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:20
LOL right back at you

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 15:25
One should stop and think about this, bad written reviews reflect just as bad on the site, a band or other reviewers. I am NOT debating the positive or negative REVIEWS/VIEWS about an album or artist here peeps.
It's the content and credibility of the review.

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 16:04
now on a lighter note Big smile

Posted By: timothy leary
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 16:24
no curse words please, big hug

Posted By: Argonaught
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 16:28
Originally posted by timothy leary timothy leary wrote:

no curse words please, big hug

Would Mu5ic cr!t!c be acceptable?

Posted By: timothy leary
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 16:33
I will accept that and thumbs up for knowing where i was going

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:03
Originally posted by timothy leary timothy leary wrote:

no curse words please, big hug
big hug back Big smile

Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:06
put a quarter in the swear jar please.

"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

- SpongeBob Socrates

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:09
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Thanks Dean, I couldn't have said it better myself.

If you genuinely consider yourself a reviewer - or at the very least work as one, then you should also be able to voice your opinion when the album in question is poor. There are however many ways of doing so, and some people step over the line. That is why we have the report button (NOT because one's new fave album received a 1 star reviewWink).

Some of my favourite reviews are 1 and 2 star write ups. Hell, I still go back and read Bob's (ClemofNazareth) old Triumph reviewsLOL

My thoughts exactlyClap. One can write a negative review of an album without disrespecting the artist(s) involved. I have been thanked by musicians after writing a less than stellar assessment of their music, because they could tell I had listened to the album thoroughly before starting to write (something that not everyone bothers to do, especially on bigger-name publications). Obviously, there are people who will feel slighted by anything less than lavish praise, but luckily the majority of artists I have interacted with have been very reasonable.

In any case, the best way to avoid bashing an album is - as somebody else wrote in this thread - keeping away from bands/artists/subgenres we have little affinity for. Life is too short to listen to music we dislike just in order to bash it afterwards.

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:13
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Thanks Dean, I couldn't have said it better myself.

If you genuinely consider yourself a reviewer - or at the very least work as one, then you should also be able to voice your opinion when the album in question is poor. There are however many ways of doing so, and some people step over the line. That is why we have the report button (NOT because one's new fave album received a 1 star reviewWink).

Some of my favourite reviews are 1 and 2 star write ups. Hell, I still go back and read Bob's (ClemofNazareth) old Triumph reviewsLOL

My thoughts exactlyClap. One can write a negative review of an album without disrespecting the artist(s) involved. I have been thanked by musicians after writing a less than stellar assessment of their music, because they could tell I had listened to the album thoroughly before starting to write (something that not everyone bothers to do, especially on bigger-name publications). Obviously, there are people who will feel slighted by anything less than lavish praise, but luckily the majority of artists I have interacted with have been very reasonable.

In any case, the best way to avoid bashing an album is - as somebody else wrote in this thread - keeping away from bands/artists/subgenres we have little affinity for. Life is too short to listen to music we dislike just in order to bash it afterwards.
The report button to me stands for trolls and rude related things, not necessary bad written reviews.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:17
hahah.. and so they shall...

"Up against the wall, motherf**ker"

the only worse than critics.. are critics of critics..

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:21
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

hahah.. and so they shall...

"Up against the wall, motherf**ker"

the only worse than critics.. are critics of critics..

Hahahahaha!!!! Brilliant hahahaha!!! hahaha!!! LOL Exactly! So funny! hahaha! Micky LOL

Posted By: timothy leary
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:24

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:37
Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: akamaisondufromage
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:39

Reviewers should be punished for dodgy spelling and grammer.

Help me I'm falling!

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:52
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.
I did not type what is written on those pics. Delete them if you will Stern Smile I'll share anything I find funny, until I get banned from here although I have no malice whatsoever in me.

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 17:54
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.
I did not type what is written on those pics. Delete them if you will Stern Smile I'll share anything I find funny, until I get banned from here although I have no malice whatsoever in me.
I know, I know.  I'm not deleting anything or banning anything, just keeping things in check.  We're cool.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:02

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:10
Not sure if google understands Italian, anyway this is all very silly. I wish bloodshed, war, etc would be banned instead.

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:15

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:19
And for those who are easily shocked, 2 days left to go for confession Big smileWinkHug

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:20
Don't judge me..............

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:23
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

Don't judge me..............
hahahaha! Tom, awww you never, of course not, you cannot be judged unless it's because you are so awesome! Big smile big massive hug to you Hug

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:27
Anyway Wink

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:30
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

Don't judge me..............

hahahaha! Tom, awww you never, of course not, you cannot be judged unless it's because you are so awesome! Big smile big massive hug to you Hug
Plenty of hugs to go round............

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:34
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

And for those who are easily shocked, 2 days left to go for confession Big smileWinkHug

Always love your bouncing tits, Kati - (and that comment is said with genuine humour, not crass humour !!)

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:35
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.
I did not type what is written on those pics. Delete them if you will Stern Smile I'll share anything I find funny, until I get banned from here although I have no malice whatsoever in me.

hahahaha.  That Kati dear.. is what happens when you run with the Mick.

guilt by association LOL

I'll tone it down Steve! Embarrassed

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:35
OFFS. Profanity is not banned by Google and the request that members refrain from using profanity is not censorship.


Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:54
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.
HolyMoly, this is for you HeartHugAll the Young Dudes - Live! - Mott the Hoople, David Bowie" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 18:57
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

OFFS. Profanity is not banned by Google and the request that members refrain from using profanity is not censorship.

Dean, seriously now

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:09
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

Hey now, easy on the F word guys.  Remember the Google police.
I did not type what is written on those pics. Delete them if you will Stern Smile I'll share anything I find funny, until I get banned from here although I have no malice whatsoever in me.

hahahaha.  That Kati dear.. is what happens when you run with the Mick.

guilt by association LOL

I'll tone it down Steve! Embarrassed
Smile Micky, you are a terrible influence! LOL hahaha!
Big Hug

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:32
Ha Ha....

All is well folks... I just wanted to say something before we had like 15 more F-word images, before it got out of hand, because it looked like it was headed in that direction.  No rules were broken or anything.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Metalmarsh89
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:44
Where the f**k tarter sauce has the thread topic gone??? LOL

Want to play mafia? Visit" rel="nofollow - here .

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:46
Originally posted by Metalmarsh89 Metalmarsh89 wrote:

Where the f**k tarter sauce has the thread topic gone???
hayhahahaha Metalmarsh89 hahaha!!!! LOLHug

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:53
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

OFFS. Profanity is not banned by Google and the request that members refrain from using profanity is not censorship.

I do not write/type any profanity, my mom made sure of that as she was eager with putting chilly sauce on my mouth every time I tried when I was younger. I however do not have any issues with WTF and believe this is not insulting when used appropriately. There are more things for me to be concerned about and the use of profanity by others is not one of them.   

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 19:57
Ban me if you wish, I find this all very silly.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 21:13
Using profanity in its censored or abbreviated form is not an ban-able offence. 

The PA does not permit profane words to be shown unbleeped and the site rules and guidelines stipulate that circumventing the guideline will result in a warning (which if ignored can result in an account suspension), this 'circumventing' includes posting images that display these cuss-words. This "rule" has been a site rule from the beginning at the request of the site owner and has nothing to do with Google's over-zealous and ridiculous threat to withdraw their advertising over some innocuous album cover artwork.

You can say tits, bums, boobies, wtf and offs to your heart's content as long as you are not using them to deliberately offend and insult someone. Even f*ck, sh*t and tw*t can be used as long as it is in moderation and not directed towards another person.

Bleeping out a swear-word is not censorship since everyone can tell what the c*nsored word is. However, what is being proposed in the OP here is a form of censorship by proxy.


Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: January 23 2015 at 21:43
Reviews that run counter to my musical tastes should be banned forthwith as a scandalous assault on my personal prerogatives. The nerve!

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...

Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: January 24 2015 at 02:38
Originally posted by Metalmarsh89 Metalmarsh89 wrote:

Where the f**k tarter sauce has the thread topic gone??? LOL
I Am Tardar Sauce

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

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