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Funny band names

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Topic: Funny band names
Posted By: Frasse
Subject: Funny band names
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 09:30
I've translated (poorly) some of the names of swedish bands from the 70s:

Samla Mammas Manna = Collect Mums Mana

Fläsket Brinner =  The Pork is Burning

Måsen Svider = The Gull is aching

Helikoptern Kräks = The helicopter is vomiting (Is this a joke or a real band, anyone who knows?)

Elda med höns = Burning with Chickens

Risken Finns = The Risk exists

There's probably more...

Anyone knowing some bands with funny names?

Posted By: bumheed7
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 09:37
colonel claypools bucket of bernie brains

thats all ive got and it isnt really that funny

Good Morning Carpark Fans

Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 09:41

A polsih band thats called "Big Fat Mumma"...

Also another polish band thats called "Super Power Turbo Metal"...

and of course there is "The Gówno" - (gówno = sh!t)


Posted By: Wolf Spider
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 09:56
Paprika Korps
El Dupa (El Ass)

------------- -

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:04
In Germany there was a band named "Scheiss die Wand an!" ("sh*t against the wall!"). Drummer and keyboarder Freddy Setz of Aera and the Roman Bunka Band played in it. As far as I know they never made any records though.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: bertburt
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:20

There was a local band here in the early 90's called The Wandering Wienerbiters...odd...


There's a punk band here in Canada called DOA whose member's names include Joey Sh*thead, Chuck Biscuits, Sonny Boy Roy, and Dimwit, among others (I know the thread is band names, but I had to mention these guys...)

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:28
Well, DOA is a somewhat strange band name too (and rather macabre).


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: nimrodel
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:55
alamaailman vasarat means hammers of the underworld...

We want... a shrubbery!

Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:57

Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

In Germany there was a band named "Scheiss die Wand an!" ("sh*t against the wall!"). Drummer and keyboarder Freddy Setz of Aera and the Roman Bunka Band played in it. As far as I know they never made any records though.

 The german version sounds great


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 11:01

These two band/artist names sound really funny to Germans:

  • Richie Kotzen (Richie Puke)
  • Johnny Depp (Johnny Idiot)


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Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 11:04
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

These two band/artist names sound really funny to Germans:

  • Richie Kotzen (Richie Puke)
  • Johnny Depp (Johnny Idiot)


heh, I allways laught about Johhny Depp a lot becouse of that. Not sure, but I think the word Dussel is also a way to express a moron? Vide Dusseldorf

Vilige of Idiots?


Posted By: Frasse
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 11:13
Seems like this topic needs to be moved from the Prog Music Lounge...

Posted By: Frasse
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 11:17
...To something like the Non-prog music section.

Anyways, The Johnny depp thing reminds me of another actor whose name sounds funny in Swedish, namely:

Brad Pitt (Brad Dick)

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 12:12

Throbbing Gristle

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Posted By: spectral
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 15:07
Dream Theater is an absolutely hilarious band name!

"...misty halos made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine."

Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 15:23

Originally posted by spectral spectral wrote:

Dream Theater is an absolutely hilarious band name!

Ummm... yeah, right...


Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 15:17
My favourite band name is Crispy Ambulance, but that's not as funny as "The helicopter is vomiting".

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 16:25

Toad The Wet Sprocket- (anyone remember the UK metal sampler 'Metal For Muthas'? Well they provided an alarmingly dull pub rocker called 'Blues In A'.)

Dumpy's Rusty Nuts (have a Hawkwind connection...that's about all I know...)

Toe Fat (actually a very good 70s rock act with Cliff Bennett as singer, and various members of Uriah Heep/ Jethro Tull)

Blossom Toes (another great band- 60s psych/proto prog- did 2 albums)

Heavy Jelly (actually a pseudonym for psych popsters Skip Bifferty- did a song called 'I Keep Singing That Same Old Song' which was on the Island sampler 'Nice Enough To Eat')


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 16:43

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Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: August 18 2005 at 03:41
Originally posted by salmacis salmacis wrote:

Toad The Wet Sprocket- (anyone remember the UK metal sampler 'Metal For Muthas'? Well they provided an alarmingly dull pub rocker called 'Blues In A'.)

Dumpy's Rusty Nuts (have a Hawkwind connection...that's about all I know...)

Good God, Salmacis, you have 'Metal For Muthas' too? You must therefore remember that other great metallic legend Ethel The Frog...

As far as Dumpy's goes - saw them many times in the 1980s, good pub rock without pretentions, changed their name briefly to Dumpy's Rusty Bolts in an attempt to broaden their appeal (failed, DOH! ); still thrashing around on the UK bike rally circuit.

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:


Now, Mike, did you just dig that name off the net, or are you actually a fan of their superb brand of chill...?


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: August 18 2005 at 09:18

Ethel The Frog were a Scandanavian band I believe- quite why they would be on something that was meant to be a sampler for the UK metal scene baffles me!

I've read some of the reviews of that Metal For Muthas fiasco (I wasn't even born at the time), from people like Geoff Barton, who (rightly I feel) criticised the track selection; there were only a few genuine NWOBHM bands on it, and some of the best- Diamond Head and Saxon- weren't represented. Mind you, the best track of Angelwitch- 'Baphomet'- was; it's a shame their album wasn't as good as that (I still like it though) And Sledgehammer is brilliant!

Some more fun band names eh?

Fuzzy Duck- (apparently named after an alcoholic cocktail....they featured ex members of Atomic Rooster I think, and did an album for MAM records- yes the same label that had Gilbert O' Sullivan)

I'll think of some more...

Posted By: spectral
Date Posted: August 18 2005 at 09:41
Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead were a band in the mid-to-late 90s.  They had a song with a similar name.  They were bloody awful!

"...misty halos made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine."

Posted By: 1One1
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 08:03
Men with Deckchairs up their Noses.

I'm serious, they're an Aussie band.


Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 08:22

Hapshash and the Colored Coat (featuring the Human Host and the Heavy Metal Kids) could be mentioned too.

In the Cologne scene there were a few short-lived bands (who never made an album), like Coitus Interruptus, Urinprobe or X-Prep (a heavy laxative).


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 08:34


Posted By: spectral
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 15:38

Anal Phelgm
Anal c**t

2 horrible punk-type bands!!

"...misty halos made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine."

Posted By: NegativeTrend
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 15:50
The String Cheese Incident.


Posted By: el_Sethro
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 18:03
Porcupine Tree 
Spock's Beard
Barenaked Ladies

oh yeah; once when I was browsing the metal section of the local CD store, I came across a band called 'Dying Fetus'

also, I heard that Finger Eleven used to be called 'The Rainbow Buttmonkeys', but they changed their name because "no one took then seriously"

Who you gonna call?

Posted By: abyssyinfinity
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 18:44
Heaven & Hell in Italy:

Paradiso A Basso Prezzo = Low-priced Paradise

Biglietto per l'Inferno = Ticket to Hell

Posted By: Littlewashu5
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 14:13 - 9f7o~T1

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