Jim Garten wrote:
Blacksword wrote:
My favourite is:
"If you care about this issue, then please like and share this link. Of course most people won't do this" |
My usual reaction to this is somewhat Yoda-ish
"Hmmm, a life this person needs to get"
As an aside, I do love the reactionary bull 'political statement' pictures posted on Arsebook (sadly shared by some people I know, but hey-ho) to prove how right-on the poster is, but in truth only showing how naivety has no respect for age or life experience. |
There's so much on FB that can annoy or irritate. Sadly, people are irritating, and there is nothing any of us can do about that. No one, and I mean NO ONE really understands the world around them, as much as they give themselves credit for, but everyone has the right to an opinion and a perspective on it, however flawed.
People tend to fall into a small number of categories on social media. You get the types who endlessly post pictures of animals in 'funny' situations, those who rant and rave about politics (guilty, yes I know) those who tell the world every time they take a sh*t or make a bacon sandwich, or drink a pint of beer.
My objection is not so much for the quote in the OP. It is just a string of vapid words after all, and we should be used to seeing those on social media, often on forums too. I agree with the premise of the article though that people should learn to respect those around them rather than blindly expecting everyone to happily accept all the sh*t apsects of their personality, in order to experience their better side. I know from personal experience that that courtesy has never been extended to me. When my behaviour towards people I care about has fallen short of what's right and impacts badly on them I get confronted about it, and rightly so!