I like the idea of us all choosing our own post counts, okay, maybe not.
I think at least it would be better in some ways if it was optional if we want to have our post counts show (It can be useful for mods to be able to see the post count, and perhaps when we hide it, they could still see it ). It can be helpful to for members to see if someone is a regular poster (might be, generally, forgiving of those who err who have low posts counts).
At a site I was on before, we did away with post counts because there were those who were spamming in order to raise them (we didn't have a just for fun section, and "chat-chit" was discouraged. The old mods expected more thought to go into the posts, and we're far more tolerant of off-topic posts here []EDIT, I should read my own posts -- that should be far less tolerant of off-topic posts than here]. I wanted a letter or word-count instead of post-count option there (later on when things got more relaxed, we had a couple of posters with huge number of posts who only regularly posted in a "word association" thread and a ridiculous "count to a million and back" thread. Plus, I have tried to keep my post count down because I didn't like having one of the higher post counts in the past. I don't care any longer, but I was kind of embarrassed, or it made me feel guilty. It was a reminder that I was neglecting responsibilities to spend time at the board, and in that way it did provide positive encouragement not to over-post, and the more I post the more time I spend there, of course (not just when posting, but awaiting responses for discussion to develop. To make matters worse, I had several personalities there, and three of them were top posters.
Edited by Logan - August 23 2009 at 11:15