I guess with noticing that Strictly Inc. only has 16 ratings on PA & the rest of the album is more of the similar Banks solo career, it'd be interesting to see how others might confirm this epic. This song far outdoes much of the other four's career let alone his own career. I guess the sentimental touch throughout the song yet powerfully dramatic climax really makes it an essential purchase even though the time signatures and labels aren't as experimental as say Shadow of the Hierophant. It truly does hold all other evidences of prog with graceful keyboard work, meaningful adventurous lyrics, and of course clocking in over 17 minutes. Every other review on amazon.com says buy the album only for this song and is rated 5 stars because of that sole reason. Not many other sites have shared their opinion from what i found because it's isolated as a Banks trainwreck with, to be honest simply baffles me, and is ignored without given a chance for listening. I guess no touring of the music in 95 & its album cover is the case but nevertheless, I heard it only about 5 times & i'm leaning towards voting in the 2nd poll choice. I haven't heard it enough to consider the 1st poll choice.
Maybe in due time.