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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 10:16
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

A little closed Shocked that's an understatement my friend. Wink

Good stuff nonetheless. LOL
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WinterLight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 10:21
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:
Hey Dean - I don't advocate this because it is a little closed in its arguments - but here's a  link. Pretty eye opening stuff though!! I could give you many links.

Yes, eye opening in so far as it takes nearly everything out of context.  One wonders if its author has ever encountered the concept of metaphor.
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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 16:08
Ya know, I love Dio, alwways have loved Black Sabbath. Am a fan of extreme horror movies. (Maybe should start athread regarding that). Though there are things in Rock/Metal music that do disturb me!!!!!!! I do not like Death / Extreme / Black metal!!!!!!!! Love Dream Theater and Symphony X!!!!!!! Why is that ????!!!!! I do not believe that Black / Death Metal deserves a p-lace in prog music!!!!!! Prog music does, but a true prog musician cares more about his art than in getting certain messages across!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who loves Satan aint no friend of mine and neither is he a friend of Neil Peart, Jon Anderson, or most other musicians who purely care about the art of music. Love Queensryche's Mindcrime and yes the lyrics are controversial but they aint no prayer to Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WinterLight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 17:30
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I do not believe that Black / Death Metal deserves a p-lace in prog music!

Many extreme metal bands don't qualify for the archives, but others, namely those that exhibit progressive characteristics, do hold a rightful position here.

Prog music does, but a true prog musician cares more about his art than in getting certain messages across!

Well, certainly a prog musician (or any musician) is trying to convey something through his art; whether that message is subtle and metaphorical or explicit and literal is irrelevant.   Dispensing with this obvious point, observe also that it seems a bit dishonest to claim what a "true prog musician" does without clarifying what you mean by "prog musician" (maybe we don't agree on the term itself).

...Neil Peart, Jon Anderson, or most other musicians who purely care about the art of music.

And who also place an obvious value on the message of their music.

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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 17:37
None of the artists mentioned above talk  about the same things in music that some others do!!!!! Why is that??? Question religion - sure - why disparage it???!!!!  I know truths that many will never know!!!! Why is that???? The real truth is more amazing than any occult brief!!!!!
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WinterLight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 17:52
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

None of the artists mentioned above talk  about the same things in music that some others do!!!!! Why is that???

I don't know: best to ask the lyricists themselves.

I know truths that many will never know!!!! Why is that????

I'm guessing that the answer is one of those truths that we unwashed will never know.

The real truth is more amazing than any occult brief!

You're not gonna leave a Chick tract in this thread, are you?

Edited by WinterLight - December 29 2008 at 17:53
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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 18:00
Hey Winterlight - I've made a comprehensive study on the occult and as I've loved music all of mmy life I've more than studied it!!!!! The real truth is shocking and un - deniable!!!! I've always loved music but have learned  to discern what is ok and what is not!!!!! Budgies Breadfan is absoutely OK, Opeth's The Grand Conjuration is not ok!!!!!
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 18:10
All of those exclamation points in Dave's posts remind me of a certain Peanuts character: LOL

Edited by Slartibartfast - December 29 2008 at 18:11
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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topofsm View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2008 at 22:16
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Hey Winterlight - I've made a comprehensive study on the occult and as I've loved music all of mmy life I've more than studied it!!!!! The real truth is shocking and un - deniable!!!! I've always loved music but have learned  to discern what is ok and what is not!!!!! Budgies Breadfan is absoutely OK, Opeth's The Grand Conjuration is not ok!!!!!
The lyrics to "The Grand Conjuration" fit well into the concept and mood of Ghost Reveries. Perhaps if Mikael had stayed on the safe side of his lyrics, the climax of the story behind the album wouldn't have meant as much.
I'm not really sure if Akerfeldt is satanic or what, but just because he sings about satan overcoming a person doesn't mean he beleives that it's what should happen. I'm paraphrasing another person in this thread when I say, "if a character in a movie is racist, does it mean the actor or the director is racist?"
It's all about getting an artistic message across. Wink

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WinterLight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 30 2008 at 09:04
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I've made a comprehensive study on the occult and as I've loved music all of mmy life I've more than studied it!

Then it should be an easy matter to supply us with scholarly sources on this topic.

The real truth is shocking and un - deniable!

That the truth is undeniable is, well, a truism.  Since you haven't specified what this truth is, I'm afraid that I can neither confirm nor deny whether it is shocking.

I've always loved music but have learned  to discern what is ok and what is not!

Rather than post like a minor prophet, perhaps you could share with us that set of principles which enable you to "discern what is ok and what is not."

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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 30 2008 at 11:55

Davetheslave, can you provide anything more than lots of "!!!!!!!!"?

I guess if you had a band and you wrote the lyrics, you would have to report yourself here in PA..."I've made a comprehensive study of Davetheslave lyrics, the truth is undeniable, they're all '!!!!!!!!' !!!!!!!!!!!"Wink

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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 10:38
Do we admit that Death and Black metal make a lot of reference to Satan and violence in their music??
Then a further question - why do the Top bands on progarchives per ratings not do the same? Why did Yes, Genesis, Rush and the like not have to go the same way?
As I've said I don't like direct praise for Satan in lyrics and neither do I like a direct prayer to God in music else I would be listening to Hillsong! Why can't artists leave those things alone? Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!!
Religion should be left out of music- the Christians want to convert and make no mistake so do the Satanists!
I don't mind lyrics that question religion but those that blatantly flaunt it bother me!
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 10:55
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Do we admit that Death and Black metal make a lot of reference to Satan and violence in their music?? YES. MILLIONS OF THEM. THOUSANDS OF THEM. METAL REEKS OF SATANISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (!!!!!!! is a copy of style)
Then a further question - why do the Top bands on progarchives per ratings not do the same? What does this have to do with anything? Neither does most classical music, most reggaeton music.... Last time I heard Sesame Street also wasn't full of Satan...Why did Yes, Genesis, Rush and the like not have to go the same way? Mmm... Maybe because they DIDN'T WANT TO. It was not one of their interests? Again, what does this prove? Can you explain? Lack of coherence usually breeds misunderstandings.
As I've said I don't like direct praise for Satan in lyrics and neither do I like a direct prayer to God in music else I would be listening to Hillsong! Ok... That can be understood. Your opinion. Ok. Respected. Why can't artists leave those things alone? Because not all of them think like you. Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!! As much as I could agree with the need to attack more religions instead of just one, there are two (many more actually) obvious reasons: 1, most of the artists are born in countries of western tradition, where christianity rules. It just follows that they would attack the religion that has oppresed them (in their views, and I agree). Islamic countries are not the ideal birthplace of any art lately when a tyrannic muslim majority reigns and censors. 2, as you say, if one artists decides to sing about Allah, the ever-adoring Muslim priests will issue an fatwa and we'd soon be with one less artist in the planet.  
Religion should be left out of music- the Christians want to convert and make no mistake so do the Satanists! Maybe. And both should have the right if one has it. Not only one.
I don't mind lyrics that question religion but those that blatantly flaunt it bother me! That is your right.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 11:19
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!! As much as I could agree with the need to attack more religions instead of just one, there are two (many more actually) obvious reasons: 1, most of the artists are born in countries of western tradition, where christianity rules. It just follows that they would attack the religion that has oppresed them (in their views, and I agree). Islamic countries are not the ideal birthplace of any art lately when a tyrannic muslim majority reigns and censors.   
The reason cited by several Scandinavian Black Metal bands (and Vikernes in particular) is due to their interpretation of the way Christianity was first introduced - which essentially they see as "convert or die". They attack Christianity because a millennium ago they believe the early Christians attacked their indigenous religion - whether this is right or just misguided is irrlevant - it is relevant to them. They do not attack Muslims because Islam never invaded and usurped their heritage.
Incidentally - reading Vikernes website it appears he has denounced Satanism: "I could argue that I never was a devil worshipper, but I think it is better to simply prove that devil worship is a product of the imagination of the Judeo-Christians. When you know that there has never been devil worship in any form in Europe, then you must also understand that there has never been any devil worshippers. When you know that, it should become clear that I cannot possibly have been a devil worshipper either."
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

2, as you say, if one artists decides to sing about Allah, the ever-adoring Muslim priests will issue an fatwa and we'd soon be with one less artist in the planet.  
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 11:44
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!!

Christians and Muslims do believe in the same god though. I don't think there's any particular need to use the Arabic name if the lyrics are in English and the band in question is from a Christian country.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 12:08
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!!

Christians and Muslims do believe in the same god though. I don't think there's any particular need to use the Arabic name if the lyrics are in English and the band in question is from a Christian country.
This is true - fatwas have even been issued against people who offend the name of Isa (Jesus). Wasn't Madonna mixed up in some controversy with Muslims at the same time she was upsetting the Catholic Church with the Like A Prayer video?
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WinterLight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 12:21
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Do we admit that Death and Black metal make a lot of reference to Satan and violence in their music?

The question is loaded.  Still, I'll provide a response: some bands, of which some are death or black metal, make lyrical references to Satan or violence.  This is not interesting in anyway.

Then a further question - why do the Top bands on progarchives per ratings not do the same? Why did Yes, Genesis, Rush and the like not have to go the same way?

Yes' Tales From Topographic Oceans is premised on Buddhist scriptures, which from a Christian perspective may as well be premised on Satanism.  In at least one instance does Genesis fail to provide a flattering portrait of an ostensibly Christian priest (in particular, the sordid encounter during "The Battle of Epping Forest").  Finally, Peart's lyrics often proclaim a secular outlook, again hardly a view reconcilable with Christianity.

As I've said I don't like direct praise for Satan in lyrics and neither do I like a direct prayer to God in music else I would be listening to Hillsong!

Fine.  In that case, you can choose simply to avoid such music.

Why can't artists leave those things alone?

Probably because they have little interest in the opinion of DavetheSlave (or, for that matter, WinterLight).

Why, if they want infamy, don't they attack Allah or dream up stories about Mohammed - I'll tell you why - because they will then soon be ex artists!!

I believe this question has been answered at least twice elsewhere in this thread.

Religion should be left out of music- the Christians want to convert and make no mistake so do the Satanists!

Why?  Religion is as valid a topic as any.

I don't mind lyrics that question religion but those that blatantly flaunt it bother me!

"Flout" rather than "flaunt", I think you mean.  In any case, since such lyrics usually tend toward the sophomoric, I don't care much for them either.  Still, a lyricist can write whatever he pleases.

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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 02 2009 at 12:36
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

As I was scrolling down the page, I was thinking hey, where's Zappa?  He did include a little Zappa quotes, but beyond the quotes, I'd be surprised if he's actually listened to any because otherwise, he'd be really offended.

And someone needs to expose him to the Residents. Tongue

What I find really offensive is the way the trashes Lennon's Imagine. Angry

Edited by Slartibartfast - January 02 2009 at 12:37
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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