Have you ever been in a situation, and prog has helped you get through it, or solve the problem?
Here's mine, I was in the car with some friends of mine. The driver had marijuana on them and the passenger had been smoking ciggarrettes so the car smelt. Well, turns out the driver forgot to turn on her lights, and a cop just happen to pull around the corner and catch us.
I had no substances in or on me, and in Texas the driver is solely responsible for anything in the car, not the passangers, so all I had to do was sit and wait wail my friends got search. The situation was very scary because at the time I thought I would be in trouble to. I was nervously shaking and very intimidated by the extremely rude, and tall cop. It felt like I was just about to have a heart attack, I was so nervous. I'm 17 and where I live, I can get some jail time for carrying marijuana.
On the verge of panic, I pulled my mp3 player out of my pocket, turned on Starship Trooper, closed my eyes, and hoped I wouldn't get in trouble for being with my friends at the wrong time. I was concentrating on the music, trying not to think of the scary situation. It worked, I settled down and kept listening to more prog. I felt better as the songs went by and after a certain time I was allowed to leave since I didn't have any illegal substances on me.
Prog helped me get out of this scary situation, and let me calm down. Has it done the same for you?