The roll strokes are scales and arpeggios of drumming.
The way that Awesome Progressive Drummers actually play them,
is as musical motifs (or shorter rhythmic patterns), within longer phrases (phrase marks), crossing barlines, and all related to different note notations of pulse. (speed relationships).
Time is divided and subdivided, within a circular orbit (the metronome pulse). The subdivision and division of that time, transforms into a type of relationship, that allows speed to move at a rate that is the same and different simultaneously. Subdivision moves at the same speed, and division moves at different speeds evenly spaced in the time of each other.
The artistic notation of that is almost never seen, but it is what actually occurs, when brilliant progressive drummers are on fire, inspired, and improvising.
I synthesize number groupings with speed relationships and relate it all to pulse. I did research to understand rhythms underlying numerical code, and compose musical cycles through that code.
Because of the files visual presentation, i want to say that in composing the cycles, what i do, is play it and feel it first (hearing it), and then use the intellect for the notation of it (seeing it). Never the other way around.