im asking for your help to help me find good albums taht arnt so known to prog. newbs like myself so that i dont miss out on good music.
I first started listening to pink floyd. Eventually i got all their albums and found over time which ones i like and dont like quite as much. my favorites are
Animals/meddle, its impossible for me to decide which is best ,atom heart mother
those would be my top 3.
i recently can to this web site and based on your threads, many of you dont agree with the top 50 album list. I found which key albums to listen to through many reviews and have picked my favorites as far as the most famous albums. my favorites are, in no order
close to the edge, relayer, thick as a brick, recycled, remember the future, a tab in the ocean, ocean, larks' toungs, in the court of the crimson king, red, pawn hearts, and the sky moves sideways.
based on all these albums as my favorites, can any of you help decide which band i would probably like alot tell me of some unfamous album taht is very good or mabey obscure key albums taht the top 50 list wont show, and help me find those since im new to prog. and dont no of any albums other than what are on the top 50 list, with the exception of some like nektar, which i found by accident and i love them now.