I never had a chance to post to your original thread. However, rather than provide a long and tedious comment (which I could easily do!), the only comment I will make is this.
I do not really have a problem "getting into" some of the newest "prog" bands - whether prog-metal like Dream Theater, neo-symphonic like IQ or Arena, pop/electronica like Radiohead, or "punk-prog" like Mars Volta. Nor do I have a problem (as some do) with the production on most of these albums.
The only thing I find is that, even from an objective musical standpoint - and not just a subjective "taste" standpoint - most of the newer groups/albums are overrated by the younger listeners. That is, even if "seminal" prog did not exist - and thus we could not compare new prog groups/albums to Genesis, Yes, Floyd, ELP, et al - many of the newer groups/albums are, in my opinion, simply not as "great" (much less "masterpiece") as they are purported to be.
Still, there are some new groups/albums that are great, and even some masterpiece albums. It is just that there are far too many four- and five-star reviews for albums that simply do not merit them, even when not considered against the "greats" of seminal prog.