Pyrolator was the solo project of Kurt Dahlke a musician and producer (D.A.F, der Plan, Kreidler, To RococoRot and others) from Düsseldorf, who belonged to the second wave of German Rock musicians. 'Ausland' was released in 1981.The music of Pyrolator is influenced by the older Düsseldorf bands like Kraftwerk, Neu, La Düsseldorf and by the electronic experimentations of bands likeThrobbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire. Dahlke's music is constructed around short electronic rhytms and sequences over which he layers ironic comments on the society. He uses often nursery rhymes, popular songs or just common places to put them out of context.Check out 'The Weihnachtsmann (Father Christmas) goes to the disco'.
Edited by Alucard