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Dellinger View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 30 2012 at 18:52
Originally posted by The_Jester The_Jester wrote:

Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

I particularly dislike Peter Gabriel's singing. There, just the favourite singer from this forum, and one among my very least favourites in prog.

That's interesting but why don't you like his voice? And who's your favorite singer?

First, technically as a singer I find him profoundly lacking. I don't really hear all the emotion some people praise him for, on the contrary, when he is supposed to reach more emotional peaks, his voice goes down and it reaches some sort of anticlimax for me. All the weird things he does with his voice sometimes I just find annoying (perfect example, "Back in NY City"). Now, after all this time listening to Genesis, I must say I have gotten used to his singing and it doesn't annoy me so much anymore, and I have been able to "get" some of his emotional peaks... up to a point... however I find him far from being the best prog vocalist around. Now, singers that I do love, and believe them to be more technically and/or emotionally talented (and many will disagree with me, of course), Jon Anderson, Annie Haslam, Francesco DiGiancomo, Jimmy Spitaleri, Freddy Mercury, and well, some others, of course. Also, I don't really know Peter Hamill so well, but for what I've heard, I think he is a very good vocalist indeed, and I understand he likes to do the theatrical thing Peter Gabriel does, but I find him a much more accomplished singer.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 30 2012 at 19:06
Me Tarzan, you Jane, fire baaaad.
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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cstack3 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 00:11
Originally posted by Ambient Hurricanes Ambient Hurricanes wrote:

Originally posted by cstack3 cstack3 wrote:

Alex Lifeson can't hold a candle to prog guitarists like Patrucci.
Alex Lifeson is way better than Petrucci.  And I like Petrucci.

I dunno, I can play this solo note-for-note.  He sounds a bit like Peter Banks at the beginning.   Petrucci's solos leave me weeping, with bleeding fingers!  

Petrucci's technique is basically flawless.  Not that his compositional skills equal his playing....I once described Dream Theater's music to a prog critic friend of mine as "pretty solos, all in a row."  Fairly mindless stuff.   If I want emotion and speed, I look to McLaughlin, Goodsall, even Shawn Lane.

I still don't see the fascination for Rush, beyond the arena rock stuff they are known for.  Generally, I dislike them. 

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JS19 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 03:39

- Peter Gabriel and Gabriel era Genesis
- Magma
- 70s sounding production
- Fantasy lyrics
- The Flower Kings
- Mellotron


- Modern production
- Cds over Vinyls
- Ambient music
- Post Rock more than Prog Rock
- Nick Barrett's voice

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Zombywoof Zombywoof wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

6.- Opeth (If only Akkerfeld sung and not made those annoying sounds)
Head on wall
What's the problem, Can't I dislike that growls?
Of course you can dislike them. But by characterizing them "annoying sounds", it sounds like you're trying to de-legitimize that vocal style. It's something I see a lot, and it drives me insane.
  1. Voice is a sound 
  2. Growls are annoying
So there's no offense in the statement
But you are right I don't consider growling like an animal a legitimate singing style, just as I don't consider most Rap as legitimate music, so live  with it but don't attack people for their opinions.

I know how you feel. I'm currently being attacked on a youtube video for sharing similiar opinions. Aren't so called prog fans supposed to being accepting of others' points of view?

Some Progheads are only tolerant when you agree with them.

Just in case:


growl (ɡraʊlPronunciation for growl



  1. (of animals, esp when hostile) to utter (sounds) in a low inarticulate manner  ⇒ the dog growled at us 
  2. to utter (words) in a gruff or angry manner  ⇒ he growled an apology 
  3. (intr) to make sounds suggestive of an animal growling  ⇒ the thunder growled around the lake 

Growling is making a sound and I find it annoying


I wish to join this polite little scrap LOL

Growling is the emphasis of the percussive timbre of the voice. It's not to everyone's tastes, but it's so abrasive to so many people because we're used to hearing pitch as the main focus of a vocalist. 

If drums had had a pitch emphasis rather than a rhythm emphasis for the last 100 odd years of music, the introduction of a percussive drum into music would have caused a complete uproar with people saying the sound was 'horrible' and 'noisy'.

Go back to the Baroque era where any dissonance more than a diminished 7th was considered unbearable to the ear, you can see that people's acceptance to new musical ideas change with the amount of time that idea has been around for.

Give it another 50 years and we won't have anyone moaning about growls anymore, but I'm sure there'll be something new for us now young ones to maon about. I'm thinking the development of the robot 'autotune' voice.  Smile.

Edited by JS19 - May 31 2012 at 03:48
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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 04:35
Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:


- Peter Gabriel and Gabriel era Genesis
- Magma
- 70s sounding production
- Fantasy lyrics
- The Flower Kings
- Mellotron


- Modern production
- Cds over Vinyls
- Ambient music
- Post Rock more than Prog Rock
- Nick Barrett's voice

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Zombywoof Zombywoof wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

6.- Opeth (If only Akkerfeld sung and not made those annoying sounds)
Head on wall
What's the problem, Can't I dislike that growls?
Of course you can dislike them. But by characterizing them "annoying sounds", it sounds like you're trying to de-legitimize that vocal style. It's something I see a lot, and it drives me insane.
  1. Voice is a sound 
  2. Growls are annoying
So there's no offense in the statement
But you are right I don't consider growling like an animal a legitimate singing style, just as I don't consider most Rap as legitimate music, so live  with it but don't attack people for their opinions.

I know how you feel. I'm currently being attacked on a youtube video for sharing similiar opinions. Aren't so called prog fans supposed to being accepting of others' points of view?

Some Progheads are only tolerant when you agree with them.

Just in case:


growl (ɡraʊlPronunciation for growl



  1. (of animals, esp when hostile) to utter (sounds) in a low inarticulate manner  ⇒ the dog growled at us 
  2. to utter (words) in a gruff or angry manner  ⇒ he growled an apology 
  3. (intr) to make sounds suggestive of an animal growling  ⇒ the thunder growled around the lake 

Growling is making a sound and I find it annoying


I wish to join this polite little scrap LOL

Growling is the emphasis of the percussive timbre of the voice. It's not to everyone's tastes, but it's so abrasive to so many people because we're used to hearing pitch as the main focus of a vocalist. 

If drums had had a pitch emphasis rather than a rhythm emphasis for the last 100 odd years of music, the introduction of a percussive drum into music would have caused a complete uproar with people saying the sound was 'horrible' and 'noisy'.

Go back to the Baroque era where any dissonance more than a diminished 7th was considered unbearable to the ear, you can see that people's acceptance to new musical ideas change with the amount of time that idea has been around for.

Give it another 50 years and we won't have anyone moaning about growls anymore, but I'm sure there'll be something new for us now young ones to maon about. I'm thinking the development of the robot 'autotune' voice.  Smile.

I'll join in too. Point 2...
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:


2.   Growls are annoying

Is not a statement of fact and cannot be produced as evidence.

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Sagichim View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 05:54
Like everything in music, some hate drum machines and some like it, the same goes for growling. I personally sometime enjoy them, sometime don't care and sometime don't like them at all, it depends on the music and the growler. Those vocals represents power and rage, and are trying to pass that emotion to you. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 10:02
And in the end, all these weird proggers discovered to have an untold uncanny inclination towards hip-hop...

That would be the event of the century.

Umbra profunda sumus, ne nos vexetis, inepti; non vos, sed doctos tam grave quaerit opus
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Stevo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:12
Not hate , or even dislike, but just some aspects that bug me:
1. Roundabout- played to death and beyond.
2. Opeth death growls.
3. Zappas antics (just shut up and ...well you know)
4. The melodrama of the Fishless Marillion
5. Magma's made up language. Why bother?
6. VDGG without a saxaphone. Grounding in Numbers would be so much better...
7. Chris Squire's show-boat tendencies live.
8. The sameness of Holdsworth's solos and the obscurity of his acoustic work with Gordon Beck (suggesting he seems to be a one trick pony by choice).
As you can see I have no sense of humor...
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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:16
Originally posted by Stevo Stevo wrote:

3. Zappas antics (just shut up and ...well you know)

Ironically, he preferred to just play instrumental music, it was including vocals that brought in the $$$. I'd love to hear his opinions on internet users.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:16
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:


I wish to join this polite little scrap LOL

Growling is the emphasis of the percussive timbre of the voice. It's not to everyone's tastes, but it's so abrasive to so many people because we're used to hearing pitch as the main focus of a vocalist. 

If drums had had a pitch emphasis rather than a rhythm emphasis for the last 100 odd years of music, the introduction of a percussive drum into music would have caused a complete uproar with people saying the sound was 'horrible' and 'noisy'.

Go back to the Baroque era where any dissonance more than a diminished 7th was considered unbearable to the ear, you can see that people's acceptance to new musical ideas change with the amount of time that idea has been around for.

Give it another 50 years and we won't have anyone moaning about growls anymore, but I'm sure there'll be something new for us now young ones to maon about. I'm thinking the development of the robot 'autotune' voice.  Smile.

I'll join in too. Point 2.

I don't know why it doesn't surprise when you don't agree with me Snow Dog LOL But we are not here to agree only.

NowJS19:  You are just guessing, maybe in 50 years growls will be considered a nasty fashion as using white suit whith black shirts and dancing like Travolta or as many other nasty fashions, but we wouold be guessing...So lets retake the issue about this in 50 years LOL

Until now, I repeat my statement, growling is a sound and I find it annoying, even more annoying than Join Anderson's voice or Hendrix music..

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:


2.   Growls are annoying

Is not a statement of fact and cannot be produced as evidence.

I thought t this was a thread to express what you dislike (Really the starter said hate, but that's a strong term that I don't like to use). So my expression  that I find growls annoying never intended to be a universal truth, just my personal opinion about that SOUND.

I guess you don't want is posting IMHO after everything we say?

Every statement we make is simply our opinion, at least in my case because I don't believe my opinions must be universally accepted.

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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:30
^ I accept you find growls are annoying but your two point "statement" was presented as fact. I really don't care either way.Smile

btw. I don't expect to get the last word on this so I probably won't reply if you do. depends what you say I suppose. If you say I'm a c**t I may have to retort.

Edited by Snow Dog - May 31 2012 at 11:31
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:41
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

^ I accept you find growls are annoying but your two point "statement" was presented as fact. I really don't care either way.Smile

btw. I don't expect to get the last word on this so I probably won't reply if you do. depends what you say I suppose. If you say I'm a c**t I may have to retort.

Just for the record, I also said on a previous post:after a dictionary quote

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Growling is making a sound and I find it annoying


And no, I won't call you names, that's not my style.


BTW: To avoid suceptibilities, unless I say it's a fact and present evidence , each of my posts will be considered as my opinion Wink

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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:45
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

^ I accept you find growls are annoying but your two point "statement" was presented as fact. I really don't care either way.Smile

btw. I don't expect to get the last word on this so I probably won't reply if you do. depends what you say I suppose. If you say I'm a c**t I may have to retort.

Just for the record, I also said on a previous post:after a dictionary quote

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Growling is making a sound and I find it annoying


And no, I won't call you names, that's not my style.


BTW: To avoid suceptibilities, unless I say it's a fact and present evidence , each of my posts will be considered as my opinion Wink

If you present it as fact that is how I will read it. You presented two points as fact in your case. I read what you wrote later so no need to repeat it. I read all your post. Every scrap.

Doesn't change you making an argument based on stated facts.

It's a minor point anyway and I only bring it up for amusement.
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moshkito View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 11:55
- All the bitches that have nothing nice to say about anyone!
- All the critics that always hate music, or something about the music!
- All the reasons that make this symphonic and that spaghetti!
- All the pretentions that show up on this board disguised as a serious music listener, when they only review their favorites!
- All the music ... regardless ... style not important ... you either love it all, or you don't like music!
Really simple ... really simple.
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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Stevo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2012 at 12:03
But how can we argue polemics with all this pluralism? Wink
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The_Jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2012 at 21:41
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

- All the bitches that have nothing nice to say about anyone!
- All the critics that always hate music, or something about the music!
- All the reasons that make this symphonic and that spaghetti!
- All the pretentions that show up on this board disguised as a serious music listener, when they only review their favorites!
- All the music ... regardless ... style not important ... you either love it all, or you don't like music!
Really simple ... really simple.
With the same spirit, can we say that if you don't like humanity in general because you dislike critics, bitches, etc. saying that you like people or you don't. If you say ''I don't like pizza'' can we say you don't like food.
There's a lot of music I strongly dislike just like Chris Brown or Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga and I still am a complete music fan wich listens to music several hours a day. Your statement is truly incoherent to me.
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Logan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2012 at 22:01
I like all music to some extent.  I just like some music more, or much more, or much, much more, or much, much, much more, or much, much, much, much more, or much, much, much,  much, much more than other music.  In sum, I just like some music more than others.

Edited by Logan - June 02 2012 at 22:04
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Dayvenkirq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2012 at 22:43
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 - All the pretentions that show up on this board disguised as a serious music listener, when they only review their favorites!

People have different reasons to review only their favorites and "favorites". Some choose not to review stuff they don't understand because ... well, they are waiting for their ears to mature (like cheese or wine), i.e. to take delight in the music before they will actually feel ready to write a review for it.

Edited by Dayvenkirq - June 02 2012 at 22:46
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2012 at 23:53
Originally posted by Dayvenkirq Dayvenkirq wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 - All the pretentions that show up on this board disguised as a serious music listener, when they only review their favorites!

People have different reasons to review only their favorites and "favorites". Some choose not to review stuff they don't understand because ... well, they are waiting for their ears to mature (like cheese or wine), i.e. to take delight in the music before they will actually feel ready to write a review for it.

It's also a fact that people review the albums they are familiar with before anything, so they will normally review the albums they love, because this ones are easy to remember.

Others simply don't like to review albums they don't like, that's a valid choice.

Some get bored after reviewing this albums or loose the interest in the site so most likely we will see more positive reviews.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 03 2012 at 13:11
I qualify as someone who mainly reviews only what they really love.
                 I do that basically because that is where my strongest feelings and convictions in music are.
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