First of all:
Gianthogweed wrote:
"Genesis - Dark and twisted most of the time."
What a stupid statement! Genesis were not "dark and twisted most of the time". There songs were/are full of color, expression, depth, and beauty. Mr. Gianthogweed sounds like he's been smoking too much of the foul hogweed himself! It's distorted his fragile and weak mind!
Now back to the original question. The bands are obviously similar in that they were/are famous prog. bands, with their glory years being in the 70's. And both bands had the basic vocals/guitar/bass/keyboards/drums configuration. But musical style and songwriting were quite different. Although I like Yes somewhat, Genesis is much more my kind of group. The high pitched singing, excessive harmonies, and overindulgent solos in Yes are annoying. Of course, both bands are also guilty of getting too commercial and poppy in their later histories, so that's not good either.