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Steven Wilson - Economies of Scale

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O666 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote O666 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2023 at 11:41
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ yeah but its not the opinion that the problem, it's how its expressed. There is no music objectivity. Its not a thing.

It does however seem to me that Wilson makes little attempt to connect to his fanbase but then that's been the case for over 20 years. Warm and cuddly he isn't. However with PT and then solo he has made some exceptional music and I thank him for that. Very few artists in this century have achieved half as much (imo). I don't see what fanboyism has got to do with anything. His general attitude is to put stuff out and we can choose to like it or not. I don't see a problem other than people clearly have an expectation and think they have a right to be very brutal in their opinions against him. However this perhaps reflects a modern social media attitude that is prevailant, I was reminded a few days ago that one of the reasons given why Keith Emerson commited suicide was because people were telling him his music was worthless and to give up (on social media sites generally not here). I really hope we can just stick to making comments and having opinions without it getting too personal. Sure, expressing a dislike is fine but that's all it needs to be.

I can't say anything when I face to a reasonable text (as you wrote above). . I really appreciated . 
I never meant to attack to SW character and I just talked about "one song" and specially "Video Clip" that I saw.
Apart of PT or his solo career , He remix some great prog albums . His resume never hurt by one middle eastern guys like me negative opinion!!! I understand when some guys read where I am from , they put themselves upper than me and try to destroy me . Its not happened one or 2 turns during past 14-15 years that I joined PA. This kind of racism , push me to try to defend myself. Unfortunately its a real and it very very hard for me to handle it.
Me and guys like me are living under brutal ideologic regime and when we find a place to talk about our opinions freely , we face with racism and pre-judge about ourselves. In fact , we beaten from 2 side of the world. Its not fair IMHO.
Thanks again .... 

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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2023 at 12:25
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

There is no music objectivity. Its not a thing.

I have often seen that statement here, and I often have provided counter-arguments.  Maybe I'm being too literal and maybe the context was missed, but I have seen this claim so many times without an argument to support it.  I argue that one can be objective within frameworks of analyses, within music theory.  If you just mean if it's good or bad, well that tends to be subjective, but one still definitionally judge the goodness or badness depending on certain criteria.  One's enjoyment is subjective but there are objective qualities assigned to music (one might argue that there was subjectivity in determining those qualities).

One example I like to give on the "better" front is a replication challenge and on the performance level more generally.  Two pianists are presented with, say,  Liszt's Piano Sonata in B Minor.  The better one is set to be the one that performs most accurately according to the sheet music.  One is an acclaimed concert pianist, the other is a three year old who has only just started playing the piano.  The concert pianist gives a note perfect performance, whereas the three old bangs the keys a bit.  The mother of the three year old may enjoy her child's performance more, and it may be a good attempt considering the player, but the concert pianist is objectively better within the context of the challenge.  So I think it does depend on the context and criteria.  I like to consider if I can what the composer and player was trying to achieve, and was it successful from that standpoint.  Clearly some are more skilled than others, much as some surgeons are better at performing heart surgeries than others.

What I find interesting is that we all "hear" and react to music differently because we all have physiological and psychological differences and so the experience is subjective.  That does not mean that there is nothing quantifiably objective to music, say given the way we use terms for music and what criteria we assign to kinds of music.

Again, I did not reads through the comments, but this music is all subjective is often claimed without justification and without much context.  I guess it depends what you mean.  From the perspective of music theory I would say not so much, but as soundwaves that have to be interpreted by a brain, it is subjective.
I tend to say that music appreciation is subjective rather than music itself.

Edited by Logan - September 13 2023 at 12:25
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Lewian View Drop Down
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^ Apart from  the concept of objectivity itself being quite problematic (as discussed elsewhere), if I accept for the moment that it makes some sense, I'd say this: The objective aspects of music are usually the ones we talk less about and that are less interesting than the subjective or at least "not so objective" ones. That's in the nature of the objectivity concept - it basically means "independently of the views of the individual". So the objective aspects are those we tend to agree on, and if agreement is broad enough and secured enough, there's no need to talk about it. OK, occasionally that may not be the case as somebody may lack information or expertise, but agreement is far more likely than disagreement when it comes to these aspects. So whenever we get at the astonishing variety of our music perception and appreciation, we have surely left "objective" territory, and this is when it gets interesting.

Edited by Lewian - September 13 2023 at 15:10
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richardh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote richardh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2023 at 17:04
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

There is no music objectivity. Its not a thing.

I have often seen that statement here, and I often have provided counter-arguments.  Maybe I'm being too literal and maybe the context was missed, but I have seen this claim so many times without an argument to support it.  I argue that one can be objective within frameworks of analyses, within music theory.  If you just mean if it's good or bad, well that tends to be subjective, but one still definitionally judge the goodness or badness depending on certain criteria.  One's enjoyment is subjective but there are objective qualities assigned to music (one might argue that there was subjectivity in determining those qualities).

One example I like to give on the "better" front is a replication challenge and on the performance level more generally.  Two pianists are presented with, say,  Liszt's Piano Sonata in B Minor.  The better one is set to be the one that performs most accurately according to the sheet music.  One is an acclaimed concert pianist, the other is a three year old who has only just started playing the piano.  The concert pianist gives a note perfect performance, whereas the three old bangs the keys a bit.  The mother of the three year old may enjoy her child's performance more, and it may be a good attempt considering the player, but the concert pianist is objectively better within the context of the challenge.  So I think it does depend on the context and criteria.  I like to consider if I can what the composer and player was trying to achieve, and was it successful from that standpoint.  Clearly some are more skilled than others, much as some surgeons are better at performing heart surgeries than others.

What I find interesting is that we all "hear" and react to music differently because we all have physiological and psychological differences and so the experience is subjective.  That does not mean that there is nothing quantifiably objective to music, say given the way we use terms for music and what criteria we assign to kinds of music.

Again, I did not reads through the comments, but this music is all subjective is often claimed without justification and without much context.  I guess it depends what you mean.  From the perspective of music theory I would say not so much, but as soundwaves that have to be interpreted by a brain, it is subjective.
I tend to say that music appreciation is subjective rather than music itself.

Sorry do not accept this way of looking at things because its simply not practical or workable. I doubt very much that Robert Wyatt was thinking about music theory when he created Rock Bottom. The bottom line (no pun intended) is that this is a prog site and most prog rock has to be good in itself , there is a general expectation of that. I've listened to tons of prog and literally never heard anything that was badly written or played, only stuff that was either weak on ideas or just so weird that I don't get it. Perhaps I don't like the production or it can come across as amateurish but I realised a long time ago that even this doesnt matter if there is something there I like. It can be the raw emotion or something in the lyrics that I connect with. Other people could easily write off something like IQ's The Wake for the reasons stated. 'Genesis on a Walkman' was one scathing comment back in the day that I read in a music magazine. Strange that after a year it became my favourite album and had great meaning to me. That is the beauty of music in a nutshell.

Of course bands/artists can easily veer off in directions that tend to take them away from expectation but its quite possible to do this without it being bad. Maybe lack of ideas is a problem sometimes and then what we are talking about is that the music ceases to be within our genre and becomes 'pop'. Still doesnt mean its bad objectively speaking.

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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2023 at 17:10
^ I still don't understand why you say there is no music objectivity, and others have made the same claim, but my mind is on other things and I'll try to parse that post later.

Edited by Logan - September 13 2023 at 17:12
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richardh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote richardh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2023 at 17:13
Originally posted by O666 O666 wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ yeah but its not the opinion that the problem, it's how its expressed. There is no music objectivity. Its not a thing.

It does however seem to me that Wilson makes little attempt to connect to his fanbase but then that's been the case for over 20 years. Warm and cuddly he isn't. However with PT and then solo he has made some exceptional music and I thank him for that. Very few artists in this century have achieved half as much (imo). I don't see what fanboyism has got to do with anything. His general attitude is to put stuff out and we can choose to like it or not. I don't see a problem other than people clearly have an expectation and think they have a right to be very brutal in their opinions against him. However this perhaps reflects a modern social media attitude that is prevailant, I was reminded a few days ago that one of the reasons given why Keith Emerson commited suicide was because people were telling him his music was worthless and to give up (on social media sites generally not here). I really hope we can just stick to making comments and having opinions without it getting too personal. Sure, expressing a dislike is fine but that's all it needs to be.

I can't say anything when I face to a reasonable text (as you wrote above). . I really appreciated . 
I never meant to attack to SW character and I just talked about "one song" and specially "Video Clip" that I saw.
Apart of PT or his solo career , He remix some great prog albums . His resume never hurt by one middle eastern guys like me negative opinion!!! I understand when some guys read where I am from , they put themselves upper than me and try to destroy me . Its not happened one or 2 turns during past 14-15 years that I joined PA. This kind of racism , push me to try to defend myself. Unfortunately its a real and it very very hard for me to handle it.
Me and guys like me are living under brutal ideologic regime and when we find a place to talk about our opinions freely , we face with racism and pre-judge about ourselves. In fact , we beaten from 2 side of the world. Its not fair IMHO.
Thanks again .... 

I'm not really trying to defend him (actually think he's a bit of a bell end but then I think that about Fripp and Waters as well tbh) and realise that I am being a bit 'thought police' in my comment (wouldnt call it racism as such), but also I got the impression that you were not sure yourself about your own comments and so I just answered your question. For sure I can't imagine what it's like to live in your country and we in the west tend to take our freedoms and privileges way too much for granted. It quite annoys me actually that many here in the UK don't vote and take little interest in politics when in so many countries you have no real way to change the system or the regime you live under. Honestly I wish you the best and hope you can keep coming here and discussing prog (but preferably please with a little less of the 'wtf' type posting Wink)
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edefakiel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote edefakiel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2023 at 02:40
Man, I really, really dislike when someone draws the race card. In ten years, I have never experienced racism here, neither I have been mistreated for my poor grasp of English. I don't think your opinions are dismissed because of racism. You are not the only non-white of this forum.
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O666 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote O666 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2023 at 13:10
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by O666 O666 wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I'm not really trying to defend him (actually think he's a bit of a bell end but then I think that about Fripp and Waters as well tbh) and realise that I am being a bit 'thought police' in my comment (wouldnt call it racism as such), but also I got the impression that you were not sure yourself about your own comments and so I just answered your question. For sure I can't imagine what it's like to live in your country and we in the west tend to take our freedoms and privileges way too much for granted. It quite annoys me actually that many here in the UK don't vote and take little interest in politics when in so many countries you have no real way to change the system or the regime you live under. Honestly I wish you the best and hope you can keep coming here and discussing prog (but preferably please with a little less of the 'wtf' type posting Wink)

Thanks a lot. I am here and I will discuss here . PA like "home" for me. I joined PA from 2009 .
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O666 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote O666 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2023 at 13:20
Originally posted by edefakiel edefakiel wrote:

Man, I really, really dislike when someone draws the race card. In ten years, I have never experienced racism here, neither I have been mistreated for my poor grasp of English. I don't think your opinions are dismissed because of racism. You are not the only non-white of this forum.

Racism have 1000 faces. Ofcourse no one never come here and attack to others because of their color or nationality clearly ! They use different strategies to attack and destroy another one . 
I am here from 2009 . When I wrote a text and some guys attack to me so overrated , or they put themselves upper than me and try to show me as an angry wild guy because of my 2 lines text , Its clear for me they are not honest and they have a meant behind of "Just Musical opinion" .
Believe it or not , its a bitter real in everywhere. 
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Gentle and Giant View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gentle and Giant Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2023 at 13:39
It's really interesting reading all these posts when I have purposefully not listened to anything from this album yet. I did with TFB and C/C and it sort of messed them up for me. I can't wait to hear the album in one go from beginning to end, then I'll watch the videos and revisit these posts to see if I agree, or not.
Oh, for the wings of any bird, other than a battery hen
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2023 at 17:45
Originally posted by Gentle and Giant Gentle and Giant wrote:

It's really interesting reading all these posts when I have purposefully not listened to anything from this album yet. I did with TFB and C/C and it sort of messed them up for me. I can't wait to hear the album in one go from beginning to end, then I'll watch the videos and revisit these posts to see if I agree, or not.
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