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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sean Trane Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 04:52
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

Yep, there's a discussion about that review running presently... Geek
There's a discussion, where's the action?? WinkBig%20smile
I'll write a review as that one about Sigur Ros and let's see how long it lasts online...Big%20smile
It's ONE out of 1900! Is it so much of a big deal ? LOL
Sean Trane is able to edit his own reviews... give him time for action. Embarrassed
In your case, I know what to do! Evil%20Smile
Action has been taken, the offensive sentence regarding to whom the album is likely to please has been edited (since it was offending Jody) and a last paragraph added where I take care in expressing the unfortuitious context coincidence of Virg Tech.
The artist (Pauly and Gordon) must know ahead of time that such a subject is not only highly emotional and likely to cause rejection of all kinds, but the very doubtful exploitation of this theme is completely politically incorrect.
Much more so than my review could ever be.
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sean Trane Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 05:38
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Ok, I'll PM the culprit to see if he can make alterations. TongueWink
But the derogatory remarks are aimed at Seb Bach (who was a hired hand), even if the project leaders are not spared.

He's still a human being.
I have my reserves for Seb Bach.Evil%20SmileWink
And Pauly.... should think about the Columbine and Virg Tech victims being also human being (at least wereCry) before opening his filth trap.AngryOuchDead
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MikeEnRegalia Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 07:31
^ I see no connection between the album and the V-Tech incident. Are you saying that because V-Tech happened any albums which deal with violence are now off-limits, and that those who wrote it have "filth traps" for mouths?

Edited by MikeEnRegalia - April 26 2007 at 07:32
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sean Trane Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 08:10
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ I see no connection between the album and the V-Tech incident. Are you saying that because V-Tech happened any albums which deal with violence are now off-limits, and that those who wrote it have "filth traps" for mouths?

Track Listings

1. Human Grain (An Absence Of Empathy) - 4:41
2. Just One More (Murder I - Serial Killer) - 5:49
3. Miseducation (Violence in Schools I - The Teacher) - 5:41
4. I Killed You (Murder II - Impulse Killer) - 9:01
5. This Is Gonna Hurt (Torture I - Torturing) - 4:34
6. Push The Button (War I - Modern War / Impersonal) - 6:10
7. In An Empty Room (Rape I - The Victim) - 5:52
8. Outcast (Violence in Schools II - School Shooting) - 5:32
9. Blade (War II - Historical War / Personal) - 9:23
10. How Long Can I Resist (Rape II - The Assailant) - 6:05
11. When I Look Into My Eyes (Torture II - Being Tortured) - 5:13
12. What Kind Of Animal (Human Grain - Part II) - 5:57

Total Time: 73:58

Have you even looked at the album's track listing (above)
Have you even heard this abject piece of crap??? I have. It is truly offensive and I am thinking to ask Max to permanently retrieve it.
Read up on the other review thread
The posts complaining about my review were originally in the abuse forum and got retrieved by the admin to the improve forum, which in itself is already giving a hint about the way it deserves to be handled. And my review was ammended at the asking of Jody.
As I said I am not linking it to Vir Tech (how could it, it dates back to 05) but it clearly refers to school massacres like Columbine and others before it. And this review was written one week before the  Vir Tech massacre, but posted a few hours after it happened , but I explmain in the last paragraph that I did not know of it, when I did. Luckily so, because my hot blooded nature would've probably made the text even more accusatory.

Edited by Sean Trane - April 26 2007 at 08:14
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MikeEnRegalia Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 08:14
^ are you saying that the album is praising people who did such things? If not, then it is just a matter of taste ... and if you think it's extremely bad taste then you're free to give it a low rating (which you did, and I don't mind), but nevertheless it is a valid album. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sean Trane Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 08:21
Written in answer to jody, but valid for you too:Wink

Freedom of speech can only go so far, Jody!!


I'm sure you object to the lyrical content too (at least I hope so Wink) so you shouldn't have problems understanding what I'm getting at.


The preaching of hate contributes to the spreading of hatred.


In the case of Frameshift's album, I did not read texts where it condemned the practices of murder, rape, torture and school violence. It wasn't even informative or warning of the dangers.


The artist (Pauly and Gordon) must know ahead of time that such a subject is not only highly emotional and likely to cause rejection of all kinds, but the very doubtful exploitation of this theme is completely politically incorrect.


Much more so than my review could ever be.



Hence it can only be an endorsement. And if it isn't exactly an endorsement per se, than it is a blatant and hateful exploitation of Columbine.


Political correctness is a value most conservateur Americans agree with, I think.


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MikeEnRegalia Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 08:29
Let's continue this elsewhere ... I'll listen to the album and post a review myself tonight or tomorrow.Wink
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sean Trane Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 08:31
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Let's continue this elsewhere ... I'll listen to the album and post a review myself tonight or tomorrow.Wink
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 28 2007 at 11:24
Originally posted by billbuckner billbuckner wrote:

RUSH — Snakes & Arrows
Review by Optimisim

5%20stars Unless any of you "reviewers" are professional print and/or web journalists that were privy to Anthem/SRO's OFFICIAL press junket on this album, how in the HELL are you reviewing something that hasn't even been released yet? Shame on you. Yeah, you...and you...and YOU! You've had dessert, now finish the entre.

Also, how are we supposed to take anything you have "reviewed" seriously, if you cannot even grasp basic 8th grade grammar? My God, you should REALLY proofread yourselves!

(Sorry, that was the high school teacher in me popping out).

I have been perusing reviews all over the place, looking for some optimisim until May 1st rolls around, and I can honestly say that I REALLY question some of you so- called "huge/hardcore/ultra" Rush fans. I don't think you TRULY understand what it is you are a fan of, because it doesn't seem like you "get" what Rush is all about.

Moving Pictures has been made. Kings has been made. Hemispheres has been made. Let it go. Please?

What, in your definition, do you all consider "progressive?" Lydian 64th-note sweeping arpeggiated guitar solos, ala Shreddy Kruger? Incessant, unecessary, 32nd-note double bass runs?

I am of the belief that Rush have created something new and progressive, based on the good (and questionable "fan") reviews.

By all means, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I stand by my consternation of some "true" Rush fans.

With "fans" like that, who needs "critics?"

hahahhahahha... oh that's precious... best .err.. review I've read in awhile.  Might just use it in my next review LOL

What is Rush all about anyway...  going by the one song I heard off of it.. sounds like selling albums to me.
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Chus View Drop Down
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Shreddy KruggerLOL
Jesus Gabriel
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The Whistler View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The Whistler Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2007 at 02:45
Hey, dude, what happened to my Stormwatch review? There's a hole in it. I stand confused.
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2007 at 02:58
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by billbuckner billbuckner wrote:

RUSH — Snakes & Arrows
    Review by
    <p style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">
    Unless any of you "reviewers" are professional print and/or web journalists that were
privy to Anthem/SRO's OFFICIAL press junket on this album, how in the HELL are you
reviewing something that hasn't even been released yet? Shame on you. Yeah,
you...and you...and YOU! You've had dessert, now finish the entre.Also, how are we supposed to take anything you have "reviewed" seriously, if you
cannot even grasp basic 8th grade grammar? My God, you should REALLY proofread
yourselves!(Sorry, that was the high school teacher in me popping out).I have been perusing reviews all over the place, looking for some optimisim until May
1st rolls around, and I can honestly say that I REALLY question some of you so-
called "huge/hardcore/ultra" Rush fans. I don't think you TRULY understand what it is
you are a fan of, because it doesn't seem like you "get" what Rush is all about.Moving Pictures has been made. Kings has been made. Hemispheres has been made.
Let it go. Please?What, in your definition, do you all consider "progressive?" Lydian 64th-note sweeping
arpeggiated guitar solos, ala Shreddy Kruger? Incessant, unecessary, 32nd-note
double bass runs? I am of the belief that Rush have created something new and progressive, based on
the good (and questionable "fan") reviews.By all means, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I stand by my consternation of
some "true" Rush fans.With "fans" like that, who needs "critics?"

hahahhahahha... oh that's precious... best .err.. review I've read in awhile.  Might just use it in my next review LOL

What is Rush all about anyway...  going by the one song I heard off of it.. sounds like selling albums to me.

The real problem is that it's not a review.. not even close. It's a rant and should've been placed in a proper forum or thread. Too bad... he's quite articulate.

Edited by Atavachron - April 30 2007 at 02:59
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Originally posted by kazansky kazansky wrote:

"First thing to say: I ve only listen to it once."
at least he's honest about it, and the review itself is not bad.
It's a first-impression glimpse of the music, and the first is the most important impression according to me at least.
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Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Originally posted by kazansky kazansky wrote: "First thing to say: I ve only listen to it once."


at least he's honest about it, and the review itself is not bad.


It's a first-impression glimpse of the music, and the first is the most important impression according to me at least.

it maybe the most important to some people, but there're some albums that really need some more listening before we make our judgement...
and i agree that the review itself isn't bad
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ricochet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 01 2007 at 11:49
Holy crap that was a pain in the ass to add. I had to manually type in all the musician information and manually add the time info. I'd been bitching about getting this artist added for a while, so what the heck. It's a wonderful mixture of musicians from the various genres of progressive music plus many most of us won't be familar with.

This was a prog supergroup. Steve Winwood, Al DiMeola, Klause Schultze Michael Shrieve, all united by a Japanese artist, say no more. The first two LPs (it was actually three vinyls altogether) far outshine the last one called Go Too. As I was entering the information, I was really impressed by the synthesizer credits. Really state of the art for the mid '70's.

I give it a 4.5, due to Go Too being much less prog, which rounds up to 5 stars.

Got to go work now. AnywayI have a lot more to say about this one, consider this review under construction.

I have only one objection about the first phrases:
Holy crap that was a pain in the ass to add. I had to manually type in all the musician information and manually add the time info. I'd been bitching about getting this artist added for a while, so what the heck.

not really interesting or important to say.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote bhikkhu Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 01 2007 at 13:15
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

<span id="intelliTxt"> Holy crap that was a pain in the ass to add. I
had to manually type in all the musician information and manually add
the time info. I'd been bitching about getting this artist added for a
while, so what the heck. It's a wonderful mixture of musicians from the
various genres of progressive music plus many most of us won't be
familar with.This
was a prog supergroup. Steve Winwood, Al DiMeola, Klause Schultze
Michael Shrieve, all united by a Japanese artist, say no more. The
first two LPs (it was actually three vinyls altogether) far outshine
the last one called Go Too. As I was entering the information, I was
really impressed by the synthesizer credits. Really state of the art
for the mid '70's. I give it a 4.5, due to Go Too being much less prog, which rounds up to 5 stars.Got to go work now. AnywayI have a lot more to say about this one, consider this review under construction.I have only one objection about the first phrases: </span><span id="intelliTxt"> Holy crap that was a pain in the ass to add. I
had to manually type in all the musician information and manually add
the time info.
I'd been bitching about getting this artist added for a
while, so what the heck.not really interesting or important to say.WinkErmm </span>

And why even post anything, he says the review isn't finished.

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The Miracle View Drop Down
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I love you Hugues but this is very unfair and downright wrong.

Review by Sean Trane (Hugues Chantraine)
[Special Collaborator Prog-Folk Specialist]
Posted 7:46:09 AM EST, 4/17/2007

3%20stars Most likely another partisan inclusion from one of our collab(look here:Thanks to xhamasaki for the artist addition. It was a non-collab addition, check this thread: and I gotta admit they ARE much more prog then Queen!Wink), Dredg is unfortunately little more than a pale plagiarist clone of U2, with sufficiently few “differences” to avoid being sued by the Irish quartet. I actually had to pop the disc out to make sure that there was no mix-up at the library, but indeed there wasn’t.(O RLY? There has to be  something seriously wrong with me since I can't hear how they are a clone. Check Stonie's review above yours, he's a U2 fan but he doesn't mention them a single time)

Not that this clone album wouldn’t make a decent U2 album, quite on the contrary: the songwriting in itself is correct and The Edge’s guitar is still as immediately recognizable as ever. Bono’s voice seems to slightly tired from the recent touring (his returning cunningulitis tongue acting up again, maybe?)(Gavin sounds nothing like Bono. At all.Confused), while Clayton’s bass is not really loud enough in the mix. Only Larry Mullen’s drumming seems to make a decent competition of The Edge’s guitar.(whatever....)

Not the worst of U2’s album, by far, but we are a far cry from Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby.(CwA owns the entire U2 discography put together, but that's just my humble opinionWink)

Waddya mean this is not U2? Get yourself a life, willya?(Thanks, I'll try.)

Next thing you’ll tell me is that this group was not a partisan fanboy inclusion.(This was a perfectly open inclusion publicly discussed and approved by Max, given that they are one of the best modern art rock bands IMO, and I reached this conclusion not from CwA, their least proggy album but from the amazing El Cielo and excellent Leitmotif. Next thing you'll tell me is that those albums sound like U2...)

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Hmm, I can see similarities between dredg and U2 now that I think of it, but I dunno if its right to base the entire review off that one concept without going into detail.

Also, I think the similarities to U2 are faint if present at all, and the plagiarism count would get little backing, IMO. I see it in the guitar reverb/delay and in the singer's ways of vocalizing at times (old Bono, not crappy post 1992 whisper and crackle Bono, though that might be harsh). Other than that's it's a stretch, but that's IMO.

Edited by stonebeard - May 02 2007 at 00:17
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Well, since my original question has been forgotten by time and space, I'll add a new one.

Can one delete one's own reviews? Not simply edit, but utterly remove?

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snow Dog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2007 at 04:13
Originally posted by The Miracle The Miracle wrote:

I love you Hugues but this is very unfair and downright wrong.

Review by Sean Trane (Hugues Chantraine)
[Special Collaborator Prog-Folk Specialist]
Posted 7:46:09 AM EST, 4/17/2007

3%20stars Most likely another partisan inclusion from one of our collab(look here:Thanks to xhamasaki for the artist addition. It was a non-collab addition, check this thread: and I gotta admit they ARE much more prog then Queen!Wink), Dredg is unfortunately little more than a pale plagiarist clone of U2, with sufficiently few “differences” to avoid being sued by the Irish quartet. I actually had to pop the disc out to make sure that there was no mix-up at the library, but indeed there wasn’t.(O RLY? There has to be  something seriously wrong with me since I can't hear how they are a clone. Check Stonie's review above yours, he's a U2 fan but he doesn't mention them a single time)

Not that this clone album wouldn’t make a decent U2 album, quite on the contrary: the songwriting in itself is correct and The Edge’s guitar is still as immediately recognizable as ever. Bono’s voice seems to slightly tired from the recent touring (his returning cunningulitis tongue acting up again, maybe?)(Gavin sounds nothing like Bono. At all.Confused), while Clayton’s bass is not really loud enough in the mix. Only Larry Mullen’s drumming seems to make a decent competition of The Edge’s guitar.(whatever....)

Not the worst of U2’s album, by far, but we are a far cry from Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby.(CwA owns the entire U2 discography put together, but that's just my humble opinionWink)

Waddya mean this is not U2? Get yourself a life, willya?(Thanks, I'll try.)

Next thing you’ll tell me is that this group was not a partisan fanboy inclusion.(This was a perfectly open inclusion publicly discussed and approved by Max, given that they are one of the best modern art rock bands IMO, and I reached this conclusion not from CwA, their least proggy album but from the amazing El Cielo and excellent Leitmotif. Next thing you'll tell me is that those albums sound like U2...)

Which dredg album is this?
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