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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2008 at 01:29
I love the albums with Dio. And sure, many of the early Ozzy albums. Can't say I'm a big fan of his vocal capacity, though Smile. But sometimes the music just turns to droning and doomish. It's like being it by a sledgehammer made of thick glue LOL.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 21 2008 at 06:16
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2008 at 05:29
Nice to see Sabbath smoke purple. Wink
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WideAngleWatcher View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 28 2008 at 10:38

Wow! Was surprised to see Deep Purple were behind, I would have guessed they would be dominating. I would say D.P. by a long shot personally too.

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Alberto Muńoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 28 2008 at 15:46

i can't vote for me both bands were a major influence in my formatives years of rock so i love them both bands  my bote is for the two


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lucysmusicbox View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2008 at 19:10
I agree both bands  are great 
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rudderhead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2008 at 17:15
Deep Purple because they sound more typical of what you would expect of a heavy metal band
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abdulbashur View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 12:00
I love both of them. DP and BS are completely different bands, and when I analized them, I have found that DP is more structured, and complex, than BS. The sum of their parts (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover, Lord and Paice)  is by far better than the BS result.

Deep Purple Rules!!!
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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 12:23
Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

Deep Purple because they sound more typical of what you would expect of a heavy metal band

How do I hate being Deep Purple classified as metal!!!
They're classic hard rock pioneers together with Led and Sabbath, but Sabbath headed more heavily even I don't like none of these three amazing hard rock band being called metal.
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rudderhead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 16:15
I didn't say that Deep Purple was a metal band. I said they were a HEAVY metal band thats something totally different. To me hardrock and heavy metal are the same thing. Its just that heavy metal sounds cooler. Hardrock sounds like an ordinary genre discription while heavy metal also refers to the feel behind it. But I agree calling LZ, DP and BS metal is an insult. When I think of "metal", bands like Slayer, Morbid Angel, Metallica, Pantera or Iced Earth come to mind. Those kind of bands represent the kind of dark, grim, hostile, lets-stick-the-devilhornsign-in-the-air music that I hate. On the other hand the phrase "heavy metal" I think of bands like Judas Priest, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Saxon, UFO and the bands mentioned above. They represent the fun, exciting, no-nonsense lets-have-a-ball rock.. So next time I use the word heavy metal I mean the same as hardrock and not that blood-death-and-murder metal that poserbands like Slayer and Sepultura and all those deathmetalbands who cannot play their instruments make
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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 16:24
Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

I didn't say that Deep Purple was a metal band. I said they were a HEAVY metal band thats something totally different. To me hardrock and heavy metal are the same thing. Its just that heavy metal sounds cooler. Hardrock sounds like an ordinary genre discription while heavy metal also refers to the feel behind it. But I agree calling LZ, DP and BS metal is an insult. When I think of "metal", bands like Slayer, Morbid Angel, Metallica, Pantera or Iced Earth come to mind. Those kind of bands represent the kind of dark, grim, hostile, lets-stick-the-devilhornsign-in-the-air music that I hate. On the other hand the phrase "heavy metal" I think of bands like Judas Priest, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Saxon, UFO and the bands mentioned above. They represent the fun, exciting, no-nonsense lets-have-a-ball rock.. So next time I use the word heavy metal I mean the same as hardrock and not that blood-death-and-murder metal that poserbands like Slayer and Sepultura and all those deathmetalbands who cannot play their instruments make

Ac/Dc metal or heavy metal ? haha it's a joke right... When I think in metal or heavy metal to my mind comes Motorhead, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest others.. When I think of Glam Metal this comes; Whitesnake, Poison, Motley Crue, Kiss, Alice Cooper, others..
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rudderhead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 16:59
No its 10000000000000000000000% not a joke. Absolutly the opposite!!!!
I dont just consider AC/DC a heavy metal I consider them THEE heavy metal band. You can be damn well sure that im serious about that. People who dont consider AC/DC a HM band dont know what heavy metal is a about. Saying that AC/DC is not HM is a bit like saying that George Clinton is not P-funk. PERIOD!!!
And Metallica is a complete joke they've got nothing to do with real HM and they ruined heavy rock forever.
Glammetal is not a real genre. They are just normal heavy metal bands with a glam image and I still consider bands like WASP, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Twisted Sister, Dokken (etc) as genuine HM not thrash crap bands like Metallica,Slayer, Exodus, Sepultura, Nevermore and all those falsemetalbands YUUUK!!!!!!!
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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 02 2008 at 17:06
Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

No its 10000000000000000000000% not a joke. Absolutly the opposite!!!!
I dont just consider AC/DC a heavy metal I consider them THEE heavy metal band. You can be damn well sure that im serious about that. People who dont consider AC/DC a HM band dont know what heavy metal is a about. Saying that AC/DC is not HM is a bit like saying that George Clinton is not P-funk. PERIOD!!!

And Metallica is a complete joke they've got nothing to do with real HM and they ruined heavy rock forever.

Glammetal is not a real genre. They are just normal heavy metal bands with a glam image and I still consider bands like WASP, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Twisted Sister, Dokken (etc) as genuine HM not thrash crap bands like Metallica,Slayer, Exodus, Sepultura, Nevermore and all those falsemetalbands YUUUK!!!!!!!

Almost all glam metal bands are a joke!.... Perhaps I don't like metal but I really know what I'm talking about. And the part of trash is just a personal taste so better don't interlude to trash metal fans ok?!
Ac/Dc HM I can't really believe you, even though more people come an' tell me they're, they'r not! They're simply hard rock. If Ac/Dc is HM then Black Sabbath is Heavy Heavy Heavy Metal .
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Shakespeare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 11:03
Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

No its 10000000000000000000000% not a joke. Absolutly the opposite!!!!

A -10000000000000000000000% joke? That must be a world record.
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Zargus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 12:12
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

I didn't say that Deep Purple was a metal band. I said they were a HEAVY metal band thats something totally different. To me hardrock and heavy metal are the same thing. Its just that heavy metal sounds cooler. Hardrock sounds like an ordinary genre discription while heavy metal also refers to the feel behind it. But I agree calling LZ, DP and BS metal is an insult. When I think of "metal", bands like Slayer, Morbid Angel, Metallica, Pantera or Iced Earth come to mind. Those kind of bands represent the kind of dark, grim, hostile, lets-stick-the-devilhornsign-in-the-air music that I hate. On the other hand the phrase "heavy metal" I think of bands like Judas Priest, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Saxon, UFO and the bands mentioned above. They represent the fun, exciting, no-nonsense lets-have-a-ball rock.. So next time I use the word heavy metal I mean the same as hardrock and not that blood-death-and-murder metal that poserbands like Slayer and Sepultura and all those deathmetalbands who cannot play their instruments make

Ac/Dc metal or heavy metal ? haha it's a joke right... When I think in metal or heavy metal to my mind comes Motorhead, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest others.. When I think of Glam Metal this comes; Whitesnake, Poison, Motley Crue, Kiss, Alice Cooper, others..
I can understand you dont like bands like Whitesnake, Poison, Motley Crue, Kiss, Alice Cooper, becaus they all suck. Wink But are you realy saying you dont like great bands like Motorhead, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest? thos are some of my favorites, becaus they are heavy metal? I dont even think some of thos are heavy metal or metal or hard rock or whatever take Van Halen for example they where never very heavy more like a classic rock band, and Motörhead, i seen Lemmy say so many times that they are not a heavy metal band but yust a very laoud rock band, and i agree with him. And as for Judas priest, Iron Maiden and Metallica, yes they might be heavy metal, speed metal,doom metal or whatever, so what they are still great.
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 12:46
Those of you who think Whitesnake are a glam metal band because of TWO albums should probably listen to their earlier output - when they were a great hard-blues band. If you seriously think Jon Lord and Ian Paice (who were with the band for a number of years, before they were kicked out in order for the band to conquer the US, as they did with 1987) would ever play glam metal, I'm afraid you're deluding yourselves. I know ALL of the band's recordings, and I saw them live at Donington in 1983, and I can guarantee you they had NOTHING to do with the likes of Poison and Motley Crue (I hate glam metal btw).

As for Deep Purple being heavy metal... Well, I am a major fan of the band (their new bio here is my handiwork), as well as of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, and I see very little similarities between those bands. I also agree about Motorhead and AC/DC being loud rock bands, not metal ones - while I totally disagree about Metallica being crap. I don't like what they did from the 'Black Album' onwards, but their first four albums are great, and Master of Puppets is a masterpiece.
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LinusW View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 12:54
^ Nice to see someone that appreciate the "real" Whitesnake, which is one of my favourite classic rock bands to come out of the '70's. I'm awfully tired having to explain that I don't listen to the "product" Whitesnake. For all you out there who need some education Wink, check out Ready an' Willing.
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rudderhead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 13:34
Yeah, Master of Puppets is a real masterspiece
A masterpiece of complete rubbish!!!!!
AC/DC, Motorhead, Motley Crue, Krokus, Accept, Saxon, Deep Purple, Poison, Judas Priest, Tank, Riot, Y&T, Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, Styx, Raven, Black Sabbath, WASP, Warrant, Blackfoot, Uriah Heep, Whitesnake, Rush, Triumph, Armageddon, Def Leppard, Witchfynder General, Foghat, Scorpions, Helix
Forget about the thrash/power/death/prog/hardcore/gothic/blackmetal stuff that followed.
Thats just all been one big detour that HM should never have taken
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WaywardSon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 15:54
Originally posted by rudderhead rudderhead wrote:

Yeah, Master of Puppets is a real masterspiece
A masterpiece of complete rubbish!!!!!
AC/DC, Motorhead, Motley Crue, Krokus, Accept, Saxon, Deep Purple, Poison, Judas Priest, Tank, Riot, Y&T, Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, Styx, Raven, Black Sabbath, WASP, Warrant, Blackfoot, Uriah Heep, Whitesnake, Rush, Triumph, Armageddon, Def Leppard, Witchfynder General, Foghat, Scorpions, Helix
Forget about the thrash/power/death/prog/hardcore/gothic/blackmetal stuff that followed.
Thats just all been one big detour that HM should never have taken
I would say the ones in red are hard rock
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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2008 at 16:07
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Those of you who think Whitesnake are a glam metal band because of TWO albums should probably listen to their earlier output - when they were a great hard-blues band. If you seriously think Jon Lord and Ian Paice (who were with the band for a number of years, before they were kicked out in order for the band to conquer the US, as they did with 1987) would ever play glam metal, I'm afraid you're deluding yourselves

Your telling me that I don't know Whitesnake early era pfff... I had Ready an' Willing's cover on my signature... Being that together with Lovehunter very great albums and very faves on my rock collection.. And Come an' Get It aheading lessing 'proggy' and more simple but still rocks. And some songs from their EP and debut are good too.
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