I play guitar, bass, keyboard and am an avid songwriter and lyricist. I was in an alt-rock band called Bremmens Barrel in the 90s, but have gone on to a little better of things...
Currently on hiatus from a band called "Climbing Trees" It's jam bandsish but we have alot of prog influence from Floyd and Rush (cause we is Canucks)
Right now I'm working on new material for an upcoming project. It's a cross between Tool, Rush and a little John Scofieldish (if you can believe that) however my bass playing is more Geddy than anything.
I'm using the program SONAR to record and have a Soundblaster audigy platinum sound card that works wonders (drool)
I'll have some of it done by the summer, if y'all want to wait around for it, I can upload some here or over a private vpn.
We're called "Hey Use Guise"