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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 15:57
While they incorporate many styles into their music, the main foundation throughout is heavy.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 16:17
I consider their music to be country, but the country happens to be Canada.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 16:19
Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Would you consider them Eclectic??? Because the term Heavy Prog makes it seem as if they are always heavy and that's not always the case.

If being in Heavy Prog indicates that a band is always heavy, then almost zero bands belong there.  Porcupine Tree wouldn't fit, The Mars Volta wouldn't fit, etc.

Likewise, how can a band be eclectic all the time?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 16:24
I think they'd fit well min Eclectic but they fit better in Heavy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 16:51
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I consider their music to be country, but the country happens to be Canada.
Who'da thunk I'd ever like country music? LOL
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Earthmover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 18:07
I'd much rather have Porcupine Tree and The Mars Volta in eclectic subgenre than Rush. Not saying Rush isn't good, they're great, and indeed eclectic, but imo not eclectic enough to be in that category.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 18:21
Agreed with many of the above comments; yes, Rush's music could be classified as "eclectic," but if you put them in eclectic prog I feel like you could make an argument to put almost any band in eclectic.  Although not all of their music is hard rock, that's the basis of their sound and I think they fit very well in Heavy Prog.  I could see making a case to put them in crossover, but that seems like it would be counterproductive as the already fit perfectly well in their subgenre.

As to the "metal or not" debate, you have to remember that Zep and Deep Purple were considered metal in the 70s.  Rush was heavier than both of them.  While I wouldn't consider anything after Hemispheres to be metal, something like 2112 definitely could be described as progressive metal in my opinion, even though it doesn't fit into "progressive metal" as the genre is defined here.  Rush decreased the metal elements in their sound drastically in the albums following 2112, though, so I don't think you can say that Rush is a progressive metal band even by 70s standards.
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Sumdeus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 18:31
Rush is as eclectic as any prog band.. But I feel like all you have to do is listen to any Gentle Giant record and it should be clear why they are deemed 'eclectic prog' and Rush are not.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 22:02
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Heavy prog is a nonsense genre anyway. But so is eclectic. But if it is so, yes, why not Eclectic?

ShockedShocked nonsense, neither are nonsense genres they're Prog
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 22:04
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I consider their music to be country, but the country happens to be Canada.

haha very funny
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 22:07
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I think they've reinvented themselves on at least 3 occasions. Heavy prog does not adequately describe 2112 , Farewell To KIngs or Hemispheres which are much closer to symhonic prog than heavy metal in my opinion. In the eighties they actually became closer to Art Rock or even sometimes described as 'Techno Rock'. For about Roll The Bones onwards they fit the heavy prog category pretty well although the prog element as disappeared over time imo. Overall if you look at their origins and then take the later albums the soul of the band is as a heavy prog band. They rule that category. If you put them in eclectic prog then presumably they go toe to toe with King Crimson and Gentle Giant.Confused

Symphonic Prog ConfusedConfused, Rush is one of the founders of Progressive Metal, I would argue that their music is Progressive Metal, listen to The Necromancer, 2112 is that Symphonic ProgConfusedConfused, and you didn't spell Symphonic right. I would consider everything they did from Fly By Night to Hemispheres  Prog Metal or the beginnings of it.

In the eighties they actually became closer to Art Rock , many would argue that Art Rock is Prog Rock.

For about Roll The Bones onwards they fit the heavy prog category pretty well although the prog element as disappeared over time imo ConfusedConfusedConfused, The proggy elements have always been there with them, it's just the way they play , it doesn't feel right for them not to play complicated pieces

If you put them in eclectic prog then presumably they go toe to toe with King Crimson and Gentle Giant.Confused

yeah and  they are just as good as those two bands probably even betterShocked
 I didn't bother to correct my spelling as that 'edited at blah blah' thing at the bottom of the page is always irrititating. In any case it was actually a typo LOL
I always assumed 'Art Rock' to be more about songs than long peices but had a quick look on the internet and its not that straightforward
I guess I got it wrong by using the term 'art rock' but what I was trying to get at was that in the 80's Rush left behind the complexity without losing the artistic qualities in their music.
From 90's onwards they became a lot more straightforward and concentrated on just writing songs but retaining heavy qualities. I have no problem with that btw and rate Vapor Trails highly.
I am a fan and would argue that hardly anything they did could be called 'prog metal'. They likely influenced prog metal bands but then so did many other prog bands .Rush were from a heavy rock background and no more a metal band than Led Zep or Deep Purple. The origins of prog metal come from metal. This would be Iron Maiden , Mettalica and so forth. If you are going back before then perhaps Led Zep 'Achilles Last Stand' was a starting point?
As good as Gentle Giant and King Crimson? Rush smoke both those bands for sheer power but I think those other bands were drawing on a much wider base of influences that went beyond other prog bands. Rush were influenced by King Crimson among others not vice versa.
Disclaimer - apologies for any typo's in the above caused by having chubby ageing fingers. (However I do accept that grammatical errors are down to my lack of intelligence and/or education Smile)

where do you think Maiden and Metallica got some influencesUnhappyUnhappy, from Prog Rock bands sure but Rush was one of them, too
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 22:21
Rush's music has never even been close to eclectic, with a capital 'E' or not, don't see why there's a hubbub

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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 23:17
The old "art rock" genre for Rush worked just fine for me.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2013 at 23:24
Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Heavy prog is a nonsense genre anyway. But so is eclectic. But if it is so, yes, why not Eclectic?
ShockedShocked nonsense, neither are nonsense genres they're ProgShocked
I think that was just dry humor.

Edited by Dayvenkirq - January 08 2013 at 23:25
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 00:58
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

The old "art rock" genre for Rush worked just fine for me.
for Rush?  nah

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 01:52
Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I think they've reinvented themselves on at least 3 occasions. Heavy prog does not adequately describe 2112 , Farewell To KIngs or Hemispheres which are much closer to symhonic prog than heavy metal in my opinion. In the eighties they actually became closer to Art Rock or even sometimes described as 'Techno Rock'. For about Roll The Bones onwards they fit the heavy prog category pretty well although the prog element as disappeared over time imo. Overall if you look at their origins and then take the later albums the soul of the band is as a heavy prog band. They rule that category. If you put them in eclectic prog then presumably they go toe to toe with King Crimson and Gentle Giant.Confused

Symphonic Prog ConfusedConfused, Rush is one of the founders of Progressive Metal, I would argue that their music is Progressive Metal, listen to The Necromancer, 2112 is that Symphonic ProgConfusedConfused, and you didn't spell Symphonic right. I would consider everything they did from Fly By Night to Hemispheres  Prog Metal or the beginnings of it.

In the eighties they actually became closer to Art Rock , many would argue that Art Rock is Prog Rock.

For about Roll The Bones onwards they fit the heavy prog category pretty well although the prog element as disappeared over time imo ConfusedConfusedConfused, The proggy elements have always been there with them, it's just the way they play , it doesn't feel right for them not to play complicated pieces

If you put them in eclectic prog then presumably they go toe to toe with King Crimson and Gentle Giant.Confused

yeah and  they are just as good as those two bands probably even betterShocked
 I didn't bother to correct my spelling as that 'edited at blah blah' thing at the bottom of the page is always irrititating. In any case it was actually a typo LOL
I always assumed 'Art Rock' to be more about songs than long peices but had a quick look on the internet and its not that straightforward
I guess I got it wrong by using the term 'art rock' but what I was trying to get at was that in the 80's Rush left behind the complexity without losing the artistic qualities in their music.
From 90's onwards they became a lot more straightforward and concentrated on just writing songs but retaining heavy qualities. I have no problem with that btw and rate Vapor Trails highly.
I am a fan and would argue that hardly anything they did could be called 'prog metal'. They likely influenced prog metal bands but then so did many other prog bands .Rush were from a heavy rock background and no more a metal band than Led Zep or Deep Purple. The origins of prog metal come from metal. This would be Iron Maiden , Mettalica and so forth. If you are going back before then perhaps Led Zep 'Achilles Last Stand' was a starting point?
As good as Gentle Giant and King Crimson? Rush smoke both those bands for sheer power but I think those other bands were drawing on a much wider base of influences that went beyond other prog bands. Rush were influenced by King Crimson among others not vice versa.
Disclaimer - apologies for any typo's in the above caused by having chubby ageing fingers. (However I do accept that grammatical errors are down to my lack of intelligence and/or education Smile)

where do you think Maiden and Metallica got some influencesUnhappyUnhappy, from Prog Rock bands sure but Rush was one of them, too
yes but that doesn't change the fact that Rush never fused metal and prog because they were never a metal band. Iron Maiden started from metal and introduced prog elements. Rush were a heavy rock band that liked King Crimson (among others) and then expanded their sound  ( I gather they expected 2112 to be their last album release and never anticipated its massive worldwide success). For me Rush were the last massively successfull prog band on a global scale. One of the 'big six' (ELP,Yes,Genesis, Tull and King Crimson being the others - Floyd were not then considered a prog band!). As the most guitar orientated and heaviest its inevitable they have influenced a host of prog metal bands. They hardly created the template for it though.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 10:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

The old "art rock" genre for Rush worked just fine for me.
for Rush?  nah

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 17:24
Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Rush is one of those bands who is not afraid of experimenting even if it means losing fans in the process. Their music has always practically been hard to categorize, they are Hard Rock and Metal and Progressive Rock all in one. Yet they also incorporate elements of Reggae, New Wave, Synth Rock and even Alternative Rock and Pop Rock into their sound. My question to you is. Would you consider them Eclectic??? Because the term Heavy Prog makes it seem as if they are always heavy and that's not always the case.
Eclectic? Ok, now I too am confused here. I never thought of Rush as eclectic. Someone please help and clarify this for me because this is beyond my understanding, eclectic? No, I read it correctly it seems, really? Confused 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 17:31
Originally posted by ProgMetaller2112 ProgMetaller2112 wrote:

Rush is one of those bands who is not afraid of experimenting even if it means losing fans in the process. Their music has always practically been hard to categorize, they are Hard Rock and Metal and Progressive Rock all in one. Yet they also incorporate elements of Reggae, New Wave, Synth Rock and even Alternative Rock and Pop Rock into their sound. My question to you is. Would you consider them Eclectic??? Because the term Heavy Prog makes it seem as if they are always heavy and that's not always the case.

they followed their time :
hard-rock when it was all the rage in the seventies, ska + synth pop in the eighties, alternative rock in the nineties when grunge was king, and now back to their roors with hard-rock.

Would you call Yes, Genesis or Le Orme eclectic because they played pop in the eighties ?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2013 at 17:41
Oh no, ok I don't know much about Rush therefore please give me an example of an eclectic track of theirs? I honestly have to read this twice everytime because eclectic seems so far fetch in terms of RUSH.
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