Yorkie X wrote:
I wonder why when Gabriel has the much more believable style and less a obvious flim flam man than Collins lets face it when Collins touches a Gabriel song he sounds like the B grade actor he really is ! and also Gabriel is the far more uniquee and overall better voice not to mention about a hundred times more creative and artistic and theatrical with his lyrics and far more profound yet Collins is the best and smoothest change in this poll result so far ? it must come down to this >> $$$$ you have been conned by this short little man yet again I feel people hes nothing but a annoying little 2 octave "Pop" voice & a b grade actor and is best behind the Kit shutting his mouth and hiding behind the cymbals... I'd sooner listen to a Aretha Franklin CD than listen to Mr Collins. Gabriel was genius all the way collins was just a sales man.

this is true.. but the question is smoothest transition, not preferred