Oh for god's sake!!! Come on!! Why is it whenever someone discusses sex, the person is flamed. In the animal kingdom (of which we are a part I might remind you) incest is common and completely natural. Not that I've ever engaged in such activity, primarily because I don't have a sister, much less a hot one. But really, all guys want hot chicks, and we really don't care how many we have or who they are. We don't really care about intelligence, personality or anything else but what they look like. Things like monogamy, prohibitions against incest, and such are forced upon us by religion and feminism and it's time that we rip off the shackles that bind us. Let's be proud of the fact that we are all sex-addicted pigs and screw anyone that doesn't like it.
Anywho. Let religion go. Jesus doesn't care if you get laid. Let feminism go. In the end getting laid is more beneficial than having a relationship. Just do it, as the Nike ad says.
Hmmmm. I'm way too perverted. ![](smileys/smiley9.gif)