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dtguitarfan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dtguitarfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 05:34
Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Jim's right - 5 stars should be rare simply because overuse devalues it's weight. If 80 out of 100 albums are 5 stars, what happens when you find an album that's better than 1 of those 80? You're stuck, because they're no higher place to go.

See, I'm rebelling against this.  In my younger years, I think I would've given out very few 5 star ratings, and they all would've gone to a small handful of bands.  But I have had my low opinions of albums change to high ones so many times that now I'm more careful about low opinions, and also I think I've just gotten to the point in my life where I KNOW what I like, and am extremely comfortable with it.  So I would say that I listen to more masterpieces and less 2 and 1 star rating albums because...well, let's be honest, there's NO WAY I'm going to enjoy Rhianna's latest album, so I'm avoiding that one like the plague.  But I think some people around here like to boast about their infrequent 5 star ratings because they think it makes them look smart.  And then you go and look at what they've rated and you see: Close to the Edge has 2 stars, Thick as a Brick has 3, bunch of Pink Floyd albums have 2, etc...and you look at the 1 album they've given a 5 star rating (it really doesn't matter what it is) and you think "what a [insert mean name here]."

I appreciate many albums I listen to.  Partly because I've been listening to music for a long time and my appreciation has only grown.  Partly because I know what to look for - I have a good idea as to whether I might like something before I start listening to it.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 05:37
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Maybe it's time PA made me a collaborator. 

Good luck. I was told "Prog Reviewer" status came about "more or less automatically" after a certain number of reviews...doesn't seem to be the case....

Collaborator and Prog reviewer are two different things. I write reviews too randomly to be a PR. But I'm always willing to help make the site better by updating album/band pages, etc.

You could try bugging Ian (Snow Dog) to try to become a member of the Erros and Omissions team to update albums and such, but don't forget that I can't even update band pages. Tongue

Not sure we need another member right now but if you are keen PM me. I can talk it out with the team, but we normally onlylike to recruit from current Collabs. So it would need the Admin Ok after we approve and if they had no objections...your in!Big smile

BTW...I haven't noticed you regularly reporting errors.
Vacancies exist in other areas, there is no upper limit on team size - Band Submissions could probably do with some help and maybe one of the Genre teams could consider Mike as a possible member (JR/F for example).

Edited by Dean - June 08 2012 at 05:41
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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snow Dog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 05:42
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Maybe it's time PA made me a collaborator. 

Good luck. I was told "Prog Reviewer" status came about "more or less automatically" after a certain number of reviews...doesn't seem to be the case....

Collaborator and Prog reviewer are two different things. I write reviews too randomly to be a PR. But I'm always willing to help make the site better by updating album/band pages, etc.

You could try bugging Ian (Snow Dog) to try to become a member of the Erros and Omissions team to update albums and such, but don't forget that I can't even update band pages. Tongue

Not sure we need another member right now but if you are keen PM me. I can talk it out with the team, but we normally onlylike to recruit from current Collabs. So it would need the Admin Ok after we approve and if they had no objections...your in!Big smile

BTW...I haven't noticed you regularly reporting errors.
there is no upper limit on team size -.

This is true, and with a larger team we could have a regular trawling of at least the more well known bands and fixing album data standards and Biography errors. I know this has been done in the past but never finished. Probably was too huge a task. I was partly responsible. I was in charge of "C" but left the site for a long while after updating Camel.
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dtguitarfan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dtguitarfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 05:45
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Yup, Finnforest, you just confirmed it for me: people on MMA are WAY cooler, and I don't really care what people's opinions of me here are.
My rating system is like a test grade:
5 stars is the 95-100 range
4.5 is 90-95
4 is a B
3 is a C
2 is a D
1 is an F

You may think you're smart by never giving a 5 but the bands and fans find it insulting and in other areas of the net they are saying they don't like it here because people are snobby. Go ahead, say it's ignorant perception or whatever you wanna say. But I'm gonna follow my instincts for ratings and I really don't care if you say I haven't given out enough lows. I have plenty of low ratings to give, but it's not really worth my time.

Amongst 6 active users online at MMA and 75 on PA currently, even a sad old husk of a man who smells of pee like myself would be on the cusp of cool on MMA. You say you don't care about people's opinions on PA yet your shrill indifference as to the merits of apportioning 5 star reviews or the unsubstantiated perception that PA is 'snobbish' smacks of disingenuous zeal. Why share your ratings evaluation criteria if you don't give a f*ck? You also appear to be the unofficial mouthpiece of many artists listed on PA and would have us believe they find PA raters 'insulting' by the dearth of 5 star reviews given out - please do tell when such private exposes were revealed to yourself (in the strictest confidence of course). I've only ever met two prog musicians (Arthur Brown and Fish) and neither gave a discarded fig about anyone who submitted any review of their work (amateur of professional)

I'm sorry I'm being vague.  I don't really want to go to all the places that this particular situation happened and copy quotes and usernames and send them all to you, so you're just going to have to trust me on this: at one point I decided something had to be done about the fact that some Prog Metal albums were being rated low on the charts.  So I went to some other forums I am on (Prog Power forum, Seventh Wonder forum, Dream Theater forum) and a bunch of band's Facebook pages and posted asking people to think about coming on here and rating their favorite albums.  In every case, at least one person replied along the lines of "oh, I know that site well and I don't like hanging out there - bunch of snobs."  Perception?  Yes.  Far from true?  Maybe.  But it's a perception, and I can say I've definitely seen things around here that have made me feel the same way.

MMA is new, yes.  MMA doesn't have a lot of people on it, and will probably change, and I'll probably hate when that happens because it probably WILL get meaner around there.  But so far it seems like people on MMA are much more respectful, they don't care to go around the sub genres they don't like and go give out a bunch of 1 stars, and they don't go into the forum BOASTING about how their 5 star ratings are rare and everyone should be like them.  It seems like people there are more proud of the music they ARE giving 5 stars to, and spend more time talking about that, and leave the stuff they don't like alone.  It makes the site feel a lot more positive, and I love it.  Yup, it's probably gonna change when more people come online.  But I am going to enjoy things the way they are right now.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ExittheLemming Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 05:59
^OK, you say that people on MMA are more respectful and I don't visit there so I have no opinion either way but it stands to reason that if you post on these forums that MMA people are way cooler, have better ratings criteria, consider PA snobbish and 'decided something had to be done about the fact that some Prog Metal albums were being rated low on the charts' it just might rub some folks up the wrong way round these parts ya dig bro?

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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 06:38
Man I really don't get this dilemma, if you even can call it that. Geoff, if you genuinely feel this way, why the blue feck are you spending this much time on PA? I don't eat capers, therefore I avoid them. Pretty simple.

But setting PA up as this huge conglomerate of distasteful reviewers that seem snobbish and furthermore don't even like the music you like, at least not as much, is just like Lemming mentioned perhaps the wrong way to go about this. I find it pretty petty to be honest. If you look at this site from the view of different folks from all over the world coming together to speak about the music we love, and additionally leave it up to them on how to rate and whatnot, you have all the more time to focus on what you want out of this place. Just don't look for reviewer status by pissing people off.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 06:56
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

I'm sorry I'm being vague.  I don't really want to go to all the places that this particular situation happened and copy quotes and usernames and send them all to you, so you're just going to have to trust me on this: at one point I decided something had to be done about the fact that some Prog Metal albums were being rated low on the charts.  So I went to some other forums I am on (Prog Power forum, Seventh Wonder forum, Dream Theater forum) and a bunch of band's Facebook pages and posted asking people to think about coming on here and rating their favorite albums.  In every case, at least one person replied along the lines of "oh, I know that site well and I don't like hanging out there - bunch of snobs."  Perception?  Yes.  Far from true?  Maybe.  But it's a perception, and I can say I've definitely seen things around here that have made me feel the same way.
I could comment on this more, but I have said enough on this issue in the threads you created relating to this subject. Suffice to say I believe your perception of how things are around here is based upon (proven) inaccurate assumptions and speaking from a position of not knowing. For example I recall you firmly believed that reviews had to be no more than 100 words to be published here, even when the evidence on the Front Page and all the Album pages clearly showed reviews of considerably more than 100 words.
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

MMA is new, yes.  MMA doesn't have a lot of people on it, and will probably change, and I'll probably hate when that happens because it probably WILL get meaner around there. 
I sincerely (and genuinely) hope that MMA does pick-up (I don't think we can call a site that is a year old "new" any more) - unfortunately there are no slow-burners in webland and the competition in generic Metal appreciation sites is far greater than in something as escoteric as Progressive Rock simply because the prospective audience is so much larger. Unfortunately after an encouraging start the permanent membership of the MMA took a big dip withn the first three months and that hasn't recovered yet. As I said, I sincerely hope it does, and I would have loved to have been a part of that myself (as a Gothic Metal specialist perhaps) but time-restraints and commitments here and in my personal life precluded that.
I don't think that it will get meaner, what you would see is more varying opinion, much of it you may not like, and since metallers tend to be (gah! crass generalisation coming up, but I am a member of the metal fraternity myself so it's fair and valid) a bit more vocal than the fluffy hippies that frequent this site it will be more robust (the scrapping of the autocensor at MMA [which I was partly responsible for] allows that).
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

But so far it seems like people on MMA are much more respectful, they don't care to go around the sub genres they don't like and go give out a bunch of 1 stars, and they don't go into the forum BOASTING about how their 5 star ratings are rare and everyone should be like them. 
...yeah, it's good that they don't have people giving low ratings to *cough*post metal*cough* bands for not being metal enough, I wish we had that. Tongue
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

It seems like people there are more proud of the music they ARE giving 5 stars to, and spend more time talking about that, and leave the stuff they don't like alone.  It makes the site feel a lot more positive, and I love it.  Yup, it's probably gonna change when more people come online.  But I am going to enjoy things the way they are right now.
People tend to review the albums they really like first and will give high ratings to those albums, I know I did for the few reviews I wrote, that's fair and understandable. There is also a far narrower demographic on MMA (and that's part of the reason why an old metaller like myself doesn't feel that comfortable there) so you will find that people will tend to think alike. If it can attract a wider range of people (and to survive I think it must) then I guess that will change.

Edited by Dean - June 08 2012 at 07:04
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Andy Webb View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andy Webb Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 08:08
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Maybe it's time PA made me a collaborator. 
Good luck. I was told "Prog Reviewer" status came about "more or less automatically" after a certain number of reviews...doesn't seem to be the case....
Collaborator and Prog reviewer are two different things. I write reviews too randomly to be a PR. But I'm always willing to help make the site better by updating album/band pages, etc.

You could try bugging Ian (Snow Dog) to try to become a member of the Erros and Omissions team to update albums and such, but don't forget that I can't even update band pages. Tongue

Not sure we need another member right now but if you are keen PM me. I can talk it out with the team, but we normally onlylike to recruit from current Collabs. So it would need the Admin Ok after we approve and if they had no objections...your in!Big smile

BTW...I haven't noticed you regularly reporting errors.

Vacancies exist in other areas, there is no upper limit on team size - Band Submissions could probably do with some help and maybe one of the Genre teams could consider Mike as a possible member (JR/F for example).

I hadn't thought of JR/F. That might not be such a bad idea, given that he's a collab at JMA and all.
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Gerinski View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gerinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 13:43
Geoff you're very welcome here (from my side at least) but you have to understand and accept that this is not a prog-metal site, it's an all-encompassing prog site (and as you surely know "all-encompassing prog" right now means a huge diversity of musical styles.
There's a lot of people here who like different music than you do, and quite a few who do not like prog-metal at all (not my personal case BTW).
You should not question their tastes (=album ratings, reviews etc), you have to accept them, this is the demographics of PA, full stop. If you feel pissed off because some great prog-metal album is not appreciated by a significant share of the PA members.... too bad, accept it or stick to prog-metal sites.
Some of my favourite albums are not even in PA at all, so what?  I feel a bit sorry that other proggers do not have access to them in PA so they may never get to know them, but at the end of the day it's what it is. PA is a huge universe and we are allowed to enjoy that part of it we like. Those parts of it we do not like, or those things we like which do not form part of the PA universe, ok they are out of scope, that should be no problem for anybody.

Edited by Gerinski - June 08 2012 at 13:53
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Failcore Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 13:46
Everyone gets butthurt so easily around here. I do not know why tensions run so high here, but I think it's part of the reason we don't have more members. For the sake of the community, we should probably bicker less. Just my $0.02
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lazland View Drop Down
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^ You will never stop bickering on any internet forum. Sad fact, but a fact it is.

As to the general thrust of Geoff's points, all of us start off by reviewing our "much loved" albums, or bands. I started off with Marillion, then went to Yes & Genesis, before I started to realise that perhaps people get a little bit tired of seeing the umpteenth SEBTP review etc.

The site is here to introduce people to music, sometimes out of their comfort zone, and, by and large, it does an excellent job.

About five star reviews. I do not give them rarely because I am a snob. I give them rarely because too many somewhat devalues the meaning of the word masterpiece. Same with one star reviews. A terrible album, with no redeeming features whatsoever, is also a rarity.

I had done 100 reviews before I got the PR status, and I e-mailed an admin to ask what the criteria was. I was promoted because people felt that my reviews were up to the required standard, and that they added value to the site. I have been very lucky in that a host of artists now contact me to review their music, and I have feedback from them all. I can say with utmost honesty that all of them appreciate an honest opinion, not merely faint praise made in the hope of goodwill or continued freebies. A good review is an honest review, and that is the top & bottom of it.

Geoff, you do not write badly, but your own admission that you "bump up" ratings does you or the site no credit. Be selective in what you review and objective in how you rate. Go outside of your metal comfort zone, and you will find a bit more appreciation.

MMA is, BTW, not a good comparator to this site. That site would kill for the number of members and collaborators we have on this site. 
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HolyMoly View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote HolyMoly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 14:07
Personally, if I see someone who uses too many 1's or 5's, I'm just less inclined to take them seriously.  Like the boy who cried wolf.  Even if you really love/hate those albums, it makes sense from a credibility standpoint to mix it up a bit.  Take a step back, and consider the album's worth on the whole spectrum of what you consider progressive rock.  I don't think that someone who rates their first 10 or 20 albums as 5's is necessarily abusing the system, particularly if they back it up with a reasoned review.  But people tend to trust some reviewers more than others, and if you want to be perceived as a "trusted" reviewer, it makes sense to try and at least appear as objective and even-handed as you can.

Edited by HolyMoly - June 08 2012 at 14:14
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dtguitarfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 15:09
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

but you have to understand and accept that this is not a prog-metal site

This is not the first time I've heard this phrase, and it seems that it is a reminder some people love to make, but you know what?  You're wrong.  Listen: I am NOT a death metal fan.  I like my metal to be a little lack of a better term, sophisticated.  But you will never ever see me telling someone over on MMA that "this is not a death metal site."  Don't like Death Metal...but the fans who do can be pretty cool people, and if they want to come onto MMA and go on about how Death Metal is the greatest form of music, more power to them.  And while they're at it, I'll throw in a suggestion or two for something proggy, try to bring them over to side I guess.  The reminders that this site is not a prog metal site are part of the reason, I think, that the feeling of being unwelcome has come upon some people, including myself at times.

Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Geoff, you do not write badly, but your own admission that you "bump up" ratings does you or the site no credit.
Ok, let's clear this up - that was an unfortunate choice of words.  I am SORRY.  I did not mean it the way it came out, I was trying to make a little light humor and failed badly.  The point I was TRYING to make had to do with all the people in that thread boasting on and on about how their 5 star ratings were so rare - I was trying to lay out some reasons why I don't think it's a carnal sin to give out more than a handful of 5 star ratings.  Because guess what - albums are getting 5 stars all over the place!  If I truly love an album, so much that I'll drive hundreds of miles and spend hundreds of dollars to see this band because of that album, I want that band to get some attention, and it ain't gonna happen by giving out a 3.  Plain and simple.  And yes, when I start to think "eh...should I not go with my first instinct....should I take my rating down a notch because other people might not agree with me...", one of the things that does help me to be sure that I am ready to give out a 5 is remembering other albums I've seen get multitudes of 5's that I did NOT agree with.  No, just because something I think deserves a 3, or 2, or even a 1 is in the first place on the yearly list does not mean everything I halfheartedly like is getting a 5 - take my Dream Theater ratings as proof of that (I pointed out that some of their albums got 4's and 3's from me).  Is that one cleared up?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote darkshade Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 15:10
Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Andy Webb Andy Webb wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Maybe it's time PA made me a collaborator. 
Good luck. I was told "Prog Reviewer" status came about "more or less automatically" after a certain number of reviews...doesn't seem to be the case....
Collaborator and Prog reviewer are two different things. I write reviews too randomly to be a PR. But I'm always willing to help make the site better by updating album/band pages, etc.

You could try bugging Ian (Snow Dog) to try to become a member of the Erros and Omissions team to update albums and such, but don't forget that I can't even update band pages. Tongue

Not sure we need another member right now but if you are keen PM me. I can talk it out with the team, but we normally onlylike to recruit from current Collabs. So it would need the Admin Ok after we approve and if they had no objections...your in!Big smile

BTW...I haven't noticed you regularly reporting errors.

Vacancies exist in other areas, there is no upper limit on team size - Band Submissions could probably do with some help and maybe one of the Genre teams could consider Mike as a possible member (JR/F for example).

I hadn't thought of JR/F. That might not be such a bad idea, given that he's a collab at JMA and all.

I could do JR/F, I'd love it in fact. Errors and Omissions is fine (or both Smile) But wherever you need help, I can do it.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 17:12
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

but you have to understand and accept that this is not a prog-metal site

This is not the first time I've heard this phrase, and it seems that it is a reminder some people love to make, but you know what?  You're wrong.  Listen: I am NOT a death metal fan.  I like my metal to be a little lack of a better term, sophisticated.  But you will never ever see me telling someone over on MMA that "this is not a death metal site."  Don't like Death Metal...but the fans who do can be pretty cool people, and if they want to come onto MMA and go on about how Death Metal is the greatest form of music, more power to them.  And while they're at it, I'll throw in a suggestion or two for something proggy, try to bring them over to side I guess.  The reminders that this site is not a prog metal site are part of the reason, I think, that the feeling of being unwelcome has come upon some people, including myself at times.
I sense you have missed the point there Geoff by quite some margin. This is nothing like having Death Metal on a Metal site.
Imagine that MMA had a Neo Folk category - it's related to Metal but it's not really Metal because it's Folk - that's how some people see Prog Metal here - it's related to Rock but it's not really Rock because it's Metal... the "prog" part is actually irrelevant.
In my experience people feel unwelcome here because they make themselves unwelcome. I've never seen anyone here harass you because you like Metal just as no one has ever harassed me for liking Metal.
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Failcore Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 17:19
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

but you have to understand and accept that this is not a prog-metal site

This is not the first time I've heard this phrase, and it seems that it is a reminder some people love to make, but you know what?  You're wrong.  Listen: I am NOT a death metal fan.  I like my metal to be a little lack of a better term, sophisticated.  But you will never ever see me telling someone over on MMA that "this is not a death metal site."  Don't like Death Metal...but the fans who do can be pretty cool people, and if they want to come onto MMA and go on about how Death Metal is the greatest form of music, more power to them.  And while they're at it, I'll throw in a suggestion or two for something proggy, try to bring them over to side I guess.  The reminders that this site is not a prog metal site are part of the reason, I think, that the feeling of being unwelcome has come upon some people, including myself at times.
I sense you have missed the point there Geoff by quite some margin. This is nothing like having Death Metal on a Metal site.
Imagine that MMA had a Neo Folk category - it's related to Metal but it's not really Metal because it's Folk - that's how some people see Prog Metal here - it's related to Rock but it's not really Rock because it's Metal... the "prog" part is actually irrelevant.
In my experience people feel unwelcome here because they make themselves unwelcome. I've never seen anyone here harass you because you like Metal just as no one has ever harassed me for liking Metal.
Lol, Walter much?
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 17:21
Originally posted by Failcore Failcore wrote:

Lol, Walter much?
Ah, poor Walter - he hated everything that was made in his lifetime, regardless of what genre it was.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Failcore Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 17:22
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Failcore Failcore wrote:

Lol, Walter much?
Ah, poor Walter - he hated everything that was made in his lifetime, regardless of what genre it was.
A man of infinite jest.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote darkshade Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 17:45
Walter has kind of become legend around here, almost cult-status. I do miss his antics.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Epignosis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2012 at 18:35
Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:

Walter has kind of become legend around here, almost cult-status. I do miss his antics.

I must confess, I don't believe I tired of his schtick.

That said, review what you want to review.  But don't complain about others who review differently than you do unless they violate our guidelines.  If they do, then report them. 

Edited by Epignosis - June 08 2012 at 18:36
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