micky wrote:
looks like I got off easy.... they just offended my senses of good
taste and musical restraint... that coming from an ELP fanatic 
(btw Doc.... there is no crying in prog)
Well, I wouldn't have let myself be stolen by DT, that's for sure! Remember that pic of Petrucci with the red shock of hair? *feels utterly sick*
Seriously, though, I know there are people around the Web who find the whole subgenre thing ridiculous. I recently had a run-in with some people on an Italian forum who were criticising our system, bashing especially the definition of "eclectic" - which, in case you didn't know, is a creation of my own sick mind.

Personally, I think categorising is necessary when you have to deal with a huge amount of material spanning over 40 years and the five continents, and showing an equally enormous amount of musical divergence. However, subgenres seem to have become a fixation with some members here, so I would advise caution in order to avoid becoming the laughingstock of the prog community, and therefore losing credibility for good.