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Posted: December 24 2008 at 10:47 |
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
I don't believe Buddah is a divinity, but I wouldn't do anything to offend those who believe in him.
I agree. However, while I wouldn't purposely offend someone, I also wouldn't disguise my views if asked about them or rearrange my life in the interest of preempting offense.
DO WHAT YOU WANT is the first step to anarchism...
If you use "anarchism" to mean chaos, then, yes, I think that's true. But anarchism, the political theory, has nothing to do with these ideas (polite circles call it "left" or "social" libertarianism).
...there's a limit, your right ends where the right of another person starts, that's whay I am against this kind of lyrics as I'm against Christian Rock doing subliminal evangelism.
Again, while I think it's somewhat puerile to write lyrics with the sole purpose to offend (and there are those who do this), I also believe it is kinderspiel to maintain that one has the right to not be offended. People have different views, beliefs, lifestyles, etc. that may be in conflict with my own; but those differences generally don't infringe on my freedom to pursue those ends.
You may believe ior not that Christ is the son of God, but if you don't, you are not allowed to insult him...
Certainly, you're allowed to insult Him. It may be offensive or sophomoric to do so, but you still have the right to such speech.
...because that makes you an arrogant who believes his truth is more important than the one of the rest of the world.
Well, I'd agree that it's in bad taste to disparage important religious figures, at least in the presence of those that accept the importance of those figures. But while it might make someone obnoxious, it doesn't necessarily imply that they're arrogant.
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Posted: December 24 2008 at 13:12 |
WinterLight wrote:
I also wouldn't disguise my views if asked about them or rearrange my life in the interest of preempting offense.
That's called diplomacy and civilization, sometimes you should stop saying something you want to do or say something you wish to say top prevent offenses.
If you use "anarchism" to mean chaos, then, yes, I think that's true. But anarchism, the political theory, has nothing to do with these ideas (polite circles call it "left" or "social" libertarianism).
That's what I'm saying, not talking about the complex political-phiolosophic ideology, but to chaos.
Again, while I think it's somewhat puerile to write lyrics with the sole purpose to offend (and there are those who do this), I also believe it is kinderspiel to maintain that one has the right to not be offended. People have different views, beliefs, lifestyles, etc. that may be in conflict with my own; but those differences generally don't infringe on my freedom to pursue those ends.
Nobody asks you to avoid thinking, but I won't pass by a Sinagogue (My fiancee is Jewish, that's why I give the example) or Mormon Temple (I live in front of one and it's a nightmare) to insult them,
Certainly, you're allowed to insult Him. It may be offensive or sophomoric to do so, but you still have the right to such speech.
Then you must be ready to receive an insult as reply and this could degenerate in a fight......Holy wars have started by similar acts.
Well, I'd agree that it's in bad taste to disparage important religious figures, at least in the presence of those that accept the importance of those figures.
I don't know, before I went to Israel, I talked with a Grand Theologist (R.P Francesco Interdonatto), a very wise man, and he told me to pray in the great Sinagogue and the Mosque as well as in the Holy Tomb Church, because all of them are God.
Surely he would never praise Allah or Jehova in the way the Jewish or Moslem people do, but it was a way to prove our respect for them.
But while it might make someone obnoxious, it doesn't necessarily imply that they're arrogant.
There's a bit of arrogance in trying to force people to believe like you.
Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - December 24 2008 at 20:23
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Posted: December 24 2008 at 13:51 |
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
That's cvalled diplomacy and civilizztion, sometimes you should stop saying something you want to do or say something you wish to say top prevent offenses.
I agree completely. My point is that it shouldn't be a legal matter. Maybe you don't intend this meaning, but your use of the term "right" implies otherwise.
Then you must be ready to receive an insult as reply and this could degenerate in a fight......Holy wars have started by similar acts.
Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.
I don't know, before I went to Israel, I talked with a Grand Theologist (R.P Francesco Interdonatto), a very wise man, and he told me to pray in the great Sinagogue and the Mosque as well as in the Holy Tomb Church, because all of them are God.
Surely he would never praise Allah or Jehova in the way the Jewish or Moslem people do, but it was a way to prove our respect for them.
Actually, Yahweh and Allah are the same deity. I'm all for "when in Rome" but ultimately I value my own principles over maybe, possibly, accidentally offending someone.
There's a bit of arrogance in trying to force people to believe like you.
In fact, there's quite a bit of arrogance in forcing people to adopt one's own beliefs. But isn't requiring that others not offend me similarly self-important?
Edited by WinterLight - December 24 2008 at 13:52
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Posted: December 24 2008 at 16:05 |
I'm not the biggest fan of christian lyrics because I'm an athiest.
that's why, they annoy me. I've got not problem with christians, but i just avoid listening to songs with lyrics about god, like a christian who avoids music about how there is no god.
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 12:06 |
I'll only address this post by Ivan as it was on response to one of mine. What Winterlight and Ivan argued about later is of course another story (very interesting at that).
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
The T wrote:
[QUOTE=DavetheSlave]Hello explodingjosh!!!!! Happy now!! !!
You know - I am remembering Dave Mustaine's recent controversy when he refused to take Megadeth to a concert because Rotting Christ were appearing. Why on earth would someone call a band that?!! Because they WANT TO. Open your mind a little bit and make a strong effort to try to understand the fact that Christ for some people is NOT the savior and son of nobody, especially since for some people therer is NO GOD. Also, you have to at least know a little bit about history and about the human kind to understand how people use COUNTER-culture elements for many reasons... Black metal exists because some people liked the music and the satanic imagery and nihilism and isolation... (actually, ironically, it was truly born in Norway, land of cold and isolation...). That's why. Mr Mustaine, thans god, satan or whomever, is not the wise measuring tool that educated people use to decide what's right and what's wrong. ONLY YOU DO IT FOR YOURSELF>
I don't believe Buddah is a divinity, but I wouldn't do anything to offend those who believe in him. Why? I understand the need for peaceful co-existence of people. But I think singing about opposite things doesn't mean being offensive. Especially considering that those who may be offended DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE MUSIC. It's music. Those who like it will buy it, thopse who don't like it won't. And those who buy it only to protest against it are the ones who are trying to censor free speech.
DO WHAT YOU WANT is the first step to anarchism, there's a limit, your right ends where the right of another person starts, that's whay I am against this kind of lyrics as I'm against Christian Rock doing subliminal evangelism. No. I on the other hand think both the christian artists and the opposite side have the same right to record whatever they want. For centuries Christianity has had the exclusive right to promote THEIR world view. It's time to allow others to do it, no matter how insane that world-view may be. Other's people right can only be affected by ACTION, not by THOUGHT. At least in my book.
You may believe ior not that Christ is the son of God, but if you don't, you are not allowed to insult him, because that makes you an arrogant who believes his truth is more important than the one of the rest of the world. Why? Again, I personally think Christ was NOT the son of god and at the same time I think he WAS probably the greatest human being there has ever been. Many artists don't agree with you or with me. But he was just ANOTHER person. He can be addressed. Of course, when you insult him you may be indirectly insulting the beliefs of millions... but read carefully... BELIEFS... Just BELIEFS... I think religious beliefs shouldn't be so highly regarded, that's where you and I will disagree Ivan.
Another thing - why are so mant Death and Black metal bands named after occult demons? READ. Because they WANT TO. Because not everybody beliefs WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
And that peple with those dark names, believe me, sometimes they're so much nicer and good people than some of the ones that are ready to cast the first stone when the words of christianity ar not immediately revered....
You are evading the question T, they may be very nice persons, but that's not what you were asked....Even worst, why should a nice person use the name of something that represents evil? COUNTERCULTURE IVAN. I know you know this. Reaction. Even shock in some cases. It represents the OPPOSITE of what's "good". This is also a SOCIAL issue. TRANSGRESSION. And, for some, (la Vey satanists) it doesn't represent evil but a complete freedom of the self... Of course that can be interpreted as evil as it's individualism at its purest but that's a point of view. What's evil for you may be good fr me and viceversa. There are some standards which all of us have to follow, those are LAWS created for a harmonic co-existence. Usually, if yu read, La Vey Satanists (which I don't agree with in LOTS of things) have an strict observance of the law as one of their ideals. And many satanic artists follow this train of thought. Others didn't, they burned churches and even killed people... They're in jail. The system worked. The LAW system worked. It was not their lyrics but their ACTIONS.
Have you ever thought that the target audience of this bands are kids, you and me know this is business in most cases, this guys say crap they won't believe in just because it's profitable, but is all this violence good for kids? No. Kids AREN't the target audience, unless in "kids" you include post-teenagers (15 and up) and young adults... You think they don't believe the crap they say? Obviously, we're not talking about the same people here. Anyway, it's the PARENTS fault if the "kids" are too-free to enjoy whatever is thrown at them.
I'm ready to criticize them as I'm ready to criticize evangelist bands. Oh I'm more than ready for that too. 
Iván Teo
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 13:42 |
The T wrote:
Why? I understand the need for peaceful co-existence of people. But I think singing about opposite things doesn't mean being offensive. Especially considering that those who may be offended DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE MUSIC. It's music. Those who like it will buy it, thopse who don't like it won't. And those who buy it only to protest against it are the ones who are trying to censor free speech.
Singing the opposite thing is not wrong, it's free expression (Even when I'm against any form of evangelistic attempts in popular music), but saying for example Budahh is a   is offensive, and that's what some bands do making mockery of our beliefs.
No. I on the other hand think both the christian artists and the opposite side have the same right to record whatever they want. For centuries Christianity has had the exclusive right to promote THEIR world view. It's time to allow others to do it, no matter how insane that world-view may be. Other's people right can only be affected by ACTION, not by THOUGHT. At least in my book.
Free thought is one thing, but freedom to attack is not, you can ebven be sued for diffamation if something is a lie.
Why? Again, I personally think Christ was NOT the son of god and at the same time I think he WAS probably the greatest human being there has ever been. Many artists don't agree with you or with me. But he was just ANOTHER person. He can be addressed. Of course, when you insult him you may be indirectly insulting the beliefs of millions... but read carefully... BELIEFS... Just BELIEFS... I think religious beliefs shouldn't be so highly regarded, that's where you and I will disagree Ivan.
FOR YOU....But for some people religious beliefs aere the center of their lifes, and they deserve the same respect, it's funny, if you make a song saying something about homosexuals, probably you would be harrassed by everybody, and I'll be one of them, because even when I'm not a homosexual or accept this behaviour totally, I believe they deserve all repect from us...But if you attack Christ who is for many of us the son of God, Hey nobody gives a damn..
COUNTERCULTURE IVAN. I know you know this. Reaction. Even shock in some cases. It represents the OPPOSITE of what's "good". This is also a SOCIAL issue. TRANSGRESSION. And, for some, (la Vey satanists) it doesn't represent evil but a complete freedom of the self... Of course that can be interpreted as evil as it's individualism at its purest but that's a point of view. What's evil for you may be good fr me and viceversa. There are some standards which all of us have to follow, those are LAWS created for a harmonic co-existence. Usually, if yu read, La Vey Satanists (which I don't agree with in LOTS of things) have an strict observance of the law as one of their ideals. And many satanic artists follow this train of thought. Others didn't, they burned churches and even killed people... They're in jail. The system worked. The LAW system worked. It was not their lyrics but their ACTIONS.
Oh please, satanism sells, it's all business in most of the cases.
No. Kids AREN't the target audience, unless in "kids" you include post-teenagers (15 and up) and young adults... You think they don't believe the crap they say? Obviously, we're not talking about the same people here. Anyway, it's the PARENTS fault if the "kids" are too-free to enjoy whatever is thrown at them.
If parents control their kids, they are accused of being over protective, if they are left alone, they are guilty of everything, it's a paradox, parents are in a no win position.
Kids go to school where this albums are played, in the street with their friends, parents can't control kids 24/7
BTW: 15 to 19 are teenagers also, and please, a lot of pre-15 kids also buy that music.
.Oh I'm more than ready for that too. 
So you are ready to criticize evangelism but not satanism in music?
Isn't that to be partial?
Isn't it more honest to be against both?
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 13:59 |
Yeah, but should people just restrict themselves to not singing about Satan or evil or stuff like that? I'm sure that there is a right context in which that would be good on an artistic level, even though I wouldn't necessarily agree with them.
However, the only Satanic lyrics I hear are in the Death and Black Metal music I listen to, and I rarely look up the lyrics to their music, because it doesn't seem like they have much important to say. I just like the music, lyrics come second most of the time.
EDIT: Whoops, I guess the pages are getting switched around now, I was responding to the first post, which I thought was the last. 
Don't let me interrupt this argument.
Edited by topofsm - December 26 2008 at 14:02
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 14:19 |
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
The T wrote:
Why? I understand the need for peaceful co-existence of people. But I think singing about opposite things doesn't mean being offensive. Especially considering that those who may be offended DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE MUSIC. It's music. Those who like it will buy it, thopse who don't like it won't. And those who buy it only to protest against it are the ones who are trying to censor free speech.
Singing the opposite thing is not wrong, it's free expression (Even when I'm against any form of evangelistic attempts in popular music), but saying for example Budahh is a   is offensive, and that's what some bands do making mockery of our beliefs. Again, I side here with the opinion that speech must be free and that you're entitled NOT to buy this kind of thing. If you're a budhist and you buy something that says "Budah is a then the shame lies in you for being masochist 
No. I on the other hand think both the christian artists and the opposite side have the same right to record whatever they want. For centuries Christianity has had the exclusive right to promote THEIR world view. It's time to allow others to do it, no matter how insane that world-view may be. Other's people right can only be affected by ACTION, not by THOUGHT. At least in my book.
Free thought is one thing, but freedom to attack is not, you can ebven be sued for diffamation if something is a lie. Freedom to attack is not... You say someone can be sued for diffamation... Who will sue? Christ? Budah? Satan? They're either dead or just imaginary.
Why? Again, I personally think Christ was NOT the son of god and at the same time I think he WAS probably the greatest human being there has ever been. Many artists don't agree with you or with me. But he was just ANOTHER person. He can be addressed. Of course, when you insult him you may be indirectly insulting the beliefs of millions... but read carefully... BELIEFS... Just BELIEFS... I think religious beliefs shouldn't be so highly regarded, that's where you and I will disagree Ivan.
FOR YOU....But for some people religious beliefs aere the center of their lifes, and they deserve the same respect, it's funny, if you make a song saying something about homosexuals, probably you would be harrassed by everybody, and I'll be one of them, because even when I'm not a homosexual or accept this behaviour totally, I believe they deserve all repect from us...But if you attack Christ who is for many of us the son of God, Hey nobody gives a damn.. No... for ages, people have been obligated to pay utmost respect to Christianity mostly. Now the arrival of freedom of speech makes it the right of people to say what they please, as long as ACTIONS don't hurt other people. I insist, if you don't like hearing negative words about your faith, DON'T BUY.
COUNTERCULTURE IVAN. I know you know this. Reaction. Even shock in some cases. It represents the OPPOSITE of what's "good". This is also a SOCIAL issue. TRANSGRESSION. And, for some, (la Vey satanists) it doesn't represent evil but a complete freedom of the self... Of course that can be interpreted as evil as it's individualism at its purest but that's a point of view. What's evil for you may be good fr me and viceversa. There are some standards which all of us have to follow, those are LAWS created for a harmonic co-existence. Usually, if yu read, La Vey Satanists (which I don't agree with in LOTS of things) have an strict observance of the law as one of their ideals. And many satanic artists follow this train of thought. Others didn't, they burned churches and even killed people... They're in jail. The system worked. The LAW system worked. It was not their lyrics but their ACTIONS.
Oh please, satanism sells, it's all business in most of the cases. That is correct but not so much in the extreme metal world. I reccomend "Extreme Metal, music and culture on the edge" by Keith Hann-Harris, a sociological approach to the subject NOT by a fan but by a PHD researcher. I reccomend other literature in the subject. I know you are not interested on this Ivan but then it's normal you don't know some facts. It's business in many cases, but not in all. (yes, that may be disturbing but that's how it is).
No. Kids AREN't the target audience, unless in "kids" you include post-teenagers (15 and up) and young adults... You think they don't believe the crap they say? Obviously, we're not talking about the same people here. Anyway, it's the PARENTS fault if the "kids" are too-free to enjoy whatever is thrown at them.
If parents control their kids, they are accused of being over protective, if they are left alone, they are guilty of everything, it's a paradox, parents are in a no win position. That's correct. That's why parenthood is very difficult. But many people do their best. How come I, who like extreme metal and some "satanist" groups, haven't killed nobody and I actually have never even gotten into a fistfight with nobody? How come most people who listen to some of this music use it mostly in cathartic ways? Not everybody turns into an agressor. (i digress, I know...)
Kids go to school where this albums are played, in the street with their friends, parents can't control kids 24/7
BTW: 15 to 19 are teenagers also, and please, a lot of pre-15 kids also buy that music. You're right. And that's not so good because THOSE people can be influenced. But again, it's not the band's fault.
.Oh I'm more than ready for that too. 
So you are ready to criticize evangelism but not satanism in music?
Isn't that to be partial?
Isn't it more honest to be against both?
That's correct. But in this case I have to play a (quite literal) Devil's Advocate. I think both have the right to express their beliefs. For centuries, Christianity had that exclusive rights. Nowadays even ridiculous religions are emerging free of chains. And the dark side has a right to be expressed, too.
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 14:54 |
The T wrote:
Again, I side here with the opinion that speech must be free and that you're entitled NOT to buy this kind of thing. If you're a budhist and you buy something that says "Budah is a then the shame lies in you for being masochist 
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I believe in respect fopr everybody.
Freedom to attack is not... You say someone can be sued for diffamation... Who will sue? Christ? Budah? Satan? They're either dead or just imaginary.
Clearly you are not the lawyer, a church can sue you, or simply give you a Fatwa that is worst than being sued.
No... for ages, people have been obligated to pay utmost respect to Christianity mostly. Now the arrival of freedom of speech makes it the right of people to say what they please, as long as ACTIONS don't hurt other people. I insist, if you don't like hearing negative words about your faith, DON'T BUY.
But there must be a warning also.
That is correct but not so much in the extreme metal world. I reccomend "Extreme Metal, music and culture on the edge" by Keith Hann-Harris, a sociological approach to the subject NOT by a fan but by a PHD researcher. I reccomend other literature in the subject. I know you are not interested on this Ivan but then it's normal you don't know some facts. It's business in many cases, but not in all. (yes, that may be disturbing but that's how it is).
It's funny, in University I had a friend who is an extreme metal fan, he uses upside crosess, etc, but he wears them in Church beccause he's a faithful Catholic.
That's correct. That's why parenthood is very difficult. But many people do their best. How come I, who like extreme metal and some "satanist" groups, haven't killed nobody and I actually have never even gotten into a fistfight with nobody? How come most people who listen to some of this music use it mostly in cathartic ways? Not everybody turns into an agressor. (i digress, I know...)
Not everybody, but even a small percentage is wrong.
You're right. And that's not so good because THOSE people can be influenced. But again, it's not the band's fault.
Then who is, this is like saying I didn't kill the man, the bullet was. 
That's correct. But in this case I have to play a (quite literal) Devil's Advocate. I think both have the right to express their beliefs. For centuries, Christianity had that exclusive rights. Nowadays even ridiculous religions are emerging free of chains. And the dark side has a right to be expressed, too.
Yes they have, but I believe it's wrong to use music for that, and I say it for both sides.
Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - December 27 2008 at 11:02
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 16:05 |
Lyrics are secondary to everything musical in my world.
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Posted: December 26 2008 at 18:30 |
Avantgardehead wrote:
Lyrics are secondary to everything musical in my world. |
I tend to strongly agree with this.
Actually, I while I defend all kind of lyrics, I have to say what I enjoy in, say, Black Metal, is mostly the music... as unbelievable as that may sound to non-extreme ears... 
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Posted: December 27 2008 at 09:29 |
You know at the beginning of this thread it didn't but after all that multi-colored text, I'm not so sure.
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
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Posted: December 28 2008 at 12:54 |
Under hypnosis you will recite every word of a track back to a hypnotist. You don't think that you hear the lyrics but you do!!!! Scientists now admit that subliminal advertising and persuasions work!!!!
There aren't any bands out there who would dare to insult Allah or Mohammed because of the repercussions! - why insult Christianity through music then?? Because it's allowed??
Why is it that lyrics can't be about trees, mountains, nature, love, in fact whatever subject except those that would or could offend?? Don't Bands realise that by alienating a group of people they cut out a significant market??? Or is it more dangerous than that in fact - do they want to cut out market segments because of actual belief.
Many Satanic Bands will tell you - and it's been quoted many times that their audience is their Church and the Service is the music!!!! Read the many many quotes to that end!!! - they can be found on the Net quite easily.
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Posted: December 28 2008 at 13:47 |
DavetheSlave wrote:
Under hypnosis you will recite every word of a track back to a hypnotist. You don't think that you hear the lyrics but you do!!!! Scientists now admit that subliminal advertising and persuasions work!!!!
I think that the consensus is that hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis (this, of course, underscores my previous remarks). Moreover, the nature of hypnosis remains a matter of scientific controversy; thus, one should take care in applying any such results to an argument.
There aren't any bands out there who would dare to insult Allah or Mohammed because of the repercussions! - why insult Christianity through music then?? Because it's allowed??
Certain sectors of the Muslim community do respond with violence to perceived offenses against their religion: a reaction that doesn't appear to be predominant (presently, at least) in Christendom. Perhaps this isn't so much due to Judeo-Christian ethics but rather the Western value of free expression.
Why is it that lyrics can't be about trees, mountains, nature, love, in fact whatever subject except those that would or could offend??
Risking presumption, I must say it seems that it's not a matter of lyrics which offend the beliefs of others but rather your beliefs. (As an aside, not a few "satanic" black metal bands do, in fact, write about nature, etc.)
Don't Bands realise that by alienating a group of people they cut out a significant market???
Irrelevant, quite frankly, especially in view of the fact that this is a prog forum.
Many Satanic Bands will tell you - and it's been quoted many times that their audience is their Church and the Service is the music!!!! Read the many many quotes to that end!!! - they can be found on the Net quite easily.
To be honest, I don't believe it; at the very least, you'll have to provide references for me. But let's suppose that what you claim is true, i.e. the intended audience of "many Satanic bands" is "their Church and the Service is the music." Since you're not ostensibly a member of their Church (nor are those who would likely be offended), why should you be concerned?
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Posted: December 28 2008 at 18:39 |
DavetheSlave wrote:
Under hypnosis you will recite every word of a track back to a hypnotist. You don't think that you hear the lyrics but you do!!!! Scientists now admit that subliminal advertising and persuasions work!!!!
They (I mean supposed "hypnotists" have tried that with me a few times... always failed. I don't believe in hypnosis but actually as WL said self-induced hypnosis.
There aren't any bands out there who would dare to insult Allah or Mohammed because of the repercussions! - why insult Christianity through music then?? Because it's allowed??
As WL said, because if, say, a Norwegian band decided to attack allah or the other guy, a fatwa would be issued and there would be 4 less norwegian people on the planet, courtesy of the always-ready-to-defend-freedom jihadists. I have to give it to christians: at least they don't get too violent about "heresy" any more... (though if we go back a few centuries....)
Why is it that lyrics can't be about trees, mountains, nature, love, in fact whatever subject except those that would or could offend??
Well, on one hand, there ARE lyrics about trees and nature (even in norwegian black metal). Two, sometimes musicians that belong to a transgressive countercultural movement the "transgression" part is better realized attacking something that is supposedly "the established good"... really, what trnasgression would there be in attacking the mountains?
Don't Bands realise that by alienating a group of people they cut out a significant market??? I really don't think those bands are really trying to make into the Billboard Top 100. Many Satanic Bands will tell you - and it's been quoted many times that their audience is their Church and the Service is the music!!!! Read the many many quotes to that end!!! - they can be found on the Net quite easily. Quite a ridiculous idea, I've never heard of it. And anyway, what is the problem???  |
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Posted: December 28 2008 at 19:07 |
I don't worry about lyrical content. I definitely disapprove of lyrics that condone violence and hate, but those type of lyrics are usually attached to music that totally blows, so everything works out.
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Posted: December 28 2008 at 20:30 |
DavetheSlave wrote:
Under hypnosis you will recite every word of a track back to a hypnotist. You don't think that you hear the lyrics but you do!!!! Scientists now admit that subliminal advertising and persuasions work!!!! |
Documentation? Hypnosis is unreliable, unrepeatable and cannot be used on everyone - and from what I've read even the most susceptible subjects do not have 100% recall.
DavetheSlave wrote:
There aren't any bands out there who would dare to insult Allah or Mohammed because of the repercussions! - why insult Christianity through music then?? Because it's allowed?? |
The other reason is because they have no reason to, attacking Islam has no benefit to them. They are not attacking god because the don't believe in the existance of a god, they are attacking the organised religions and the State of the country they live in - not of a distant land.
DavetheSlave wrote:
Why is it that lyrics can't be about trees, mountains, nature, love, in fact whatever subject except those that would or could offend?? Don't Bands realise that by alienating a group of people they cut out a significant market??? Or is it more dangerous than that in fact - do they want to cut out market segments because of actual belief. |
They have no interest in selling to those kinds of people- if they did they would be in Abba tribute bands - surely if they were so adept at hidding suibversive subliminal messages into songs they'd be putting them into mass-market songs like Dancing Queen... then perhaps they already have
"You're a teaser, you turn them on Leave them burning and then youre gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do Your'e in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen"
DavetheSlave wrote:
Many Satanic Bands will tell you - and it's been quoted many times that their audience is their Church and the Service is the music!!!! Read the many many quotes to that end!!! - they can be found on the Net quite easily. |
Nope, I've looked and cannot find a single quote. Please, PM me some links.
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Posted: December 29 2008 at 09:45 |
Dean wrote:
Documentation? Hypnosis is unreliable, unrepeatable and cannot be used on everyone - and from what I've read even the most susceptible subjects do not have 100% recall. |
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
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Posted: December 29 2008 at 09:46 |
Hey Dean - I don't advocate this because it is a little closed in its arguments - but here's a link. Pretty eye opening stuff though!! I could give you many links.
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Posted: December 29 2008 at 10:00 |
A little closed  that's an understatement my friend.