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Posted: April 12 2024 at 04:27
^ I like how it totally escaped you that I already presented sufficient information to make my case. You're not the one to decide how much information I need to present, and neither of us decides what it takes for anyone viewing this conversation to be convinced. If to you me calling you a troll is slander, then I guess we're even based on what has happened in this thread and others.
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Posted: April 12 2024 at 03:37
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
^ thanks for completing the troll cycle. Good boy!
Just like Hugues, any truth deniers when challenged to produce facts for their arguments resort to name calling and slander. Any means possible are utilized in their efforts to protect their false narratives and opinions. And they are the sole threat to democracies. Thank you for being a wonderful example of that. You and your kind have made my case.
Edited by SteveG - April 12 2024 at 03:40
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Posted: April 12 2024 at 03:07
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
^ Sure. Like a typical troll you demand detailed examples, only to dismiss them when given - we've been there before. Not taking the bait. Please proceed directly to claiming victory.
So, when challenged after making a statement that you couldn't back up, you claim I'm a troll? You're just another with opinions without facts and shouldn't be in any discussions. What a wuss.
Edited by SteveG - April 12 2024 at 03:08
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Posted: April 12 2024 at 02:02
^ Sure. Like a typical troll you demand detailed examples, only to dismiss them when given - we've been there before. Not taking the bait. Please proceed directly to claiming victory.
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Posted: April 12 2024 at 00:02
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
^ The democratic party is drifting towards an Orwellian totalitarian dystopy, and Biden is not in charge. Sounds like a threat to democracy to me.
Michael you made a broad statement saying that the Democratic party is heading toward an Orwellian dystopia. I tried to meet you halfway and asked for examples of your claim. Without that, we're right back where we started 5 pages ago.
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 23:48
Hugh Manatee wrote:
SteveG wrote:
Hugh Manatee wrote:
There is a difference between cynicism, scepticism, critical thinking and being a contrarian. In a democracy all are given an equal right to express their opinion.
Words are important. We use words to help define the reality we perceive; and so the battle for control of the meaning of words becomes ever more important and heated until it gets to the point where words lose their meaning altogether and nothing really means anything, until you can make it all mean whatever you want it to mean.
Everyone free to live in their own chosen reality.
Ah democracy.
I can't help help but thinking that this thread veers to a bit too much in either semantics or philosophical discussions regarding the language we use to define our feelings on this subject. It need not be so complicated as most is readily comprehensible by the public at large. In other words, most know what a lie is. It is the acceptance or denial of that lie that is the ultimate problem and threat to democracy.
<span style="color: rgba0, 0, 0, 0.9; font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, MacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", "Fira Sans", Ubuntu, Oxygen, "Oxygen Sans", Cantarell, "Droid Sans", "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">"At its core, truth is the state of being in agreement with fact or reality, while a lie is a false statement made with the intent to deceive. However, the concept of what constitutes a "fact" or "reality" can vary depending on one's perspective, and the morality of lying can depend on the context in which it occurs."</span>
Semantics is the point. It is used to twist and support a preferred version of reality. How can democracy truly be successful when everyone gets to choose their own version of reality?
There seems to be a fundamental conflict at play that prevents democracy from succeeding and for me has a lot to do with who controls the narrative.
But this what is what happens when focusing on semantics or philosophical arguments. That article doesn't say that people can no longer tell the truth from the myriad of lies that they tell during the day. And some for good reasons such as spareing someone's feelings or lying to the cop that pulled them over for speeding. They know damn well that they're lying and what the truth is. And as such, they also know when they're hearing one. That article states no reason for believing misinformation, which is simply this: the denial of facts based on bias or self serving motives.
Edited by SteveG - April 12 2024 at 00:06
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 21:27
SteveG wrote:
Hugh Manatee wrote:
There is a difference between cynicism, scepticism, critical thinking and being a contrarian. In a democracy all are given an equal right to express their opinion.
Words are important. We use words to help define the reality we perceive; and so the battle for control of the meaning of words becomes ever more important and heated until it gets to the point where words lose their meaning altogether and nothing really means anything, until you can make it all mean whatever you want it to mean.
Everyone free to live in their own chosen reality.
Ah democracy.
I can't help help but thinking that this thread veers to a bit too much in either semantics or philosophical discussions regarding the language we use to define our feelings on this subject. It need not be so complicated as most is readily comprehensible by the public at large. In other words, most know what a lie is. It is the acceptance or denial of that lie that is the ultimate problem and threat to democracy.
"At its core, truth is the state of being in agreement with fact or reality, while a lie is a false statement made with the intent to deceive. However, the concept of what constitutes a "fact" or "reality" can vary depending on one's perspective, and the morality of lying can depend on the context in which it occurs."
Semantics is the point. It is used to twist and support a preferred version of reality. How can democracy truly be successful when everyone gets to choose their own version of reality?
There seems to be a fundamental conflict at play that prevents democracy from succeeding and for me has a lot to do with who controls the narrative.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of uncertain seas
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 15:26
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
^ The democratic party is drifting towards an Orwellian totalitarian dystopy, and Biden is not in charge. Sounds like a threat to democracy to me.
I am concerned about possible restrictions to free speech with the democrats. And that's another threat that could come back to bite us in the future. If you see other threats, then I'm all ears.
Edited by SteveG - April 11 2024 at 15:56
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 15:01
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
Some people just can't understand that just because you don't like Putin doesn't automatically mean that you're a fan of Zelensky - or the West in general. It's the "us vs them" mentality again, there's only two camps - the good vs. the bad. The second you criticise "the good guys", it is immediately assumed that you're one of "the bad guys", so you must love Putin, you probably like Trump, you're surely a bigot in general and most likely a Nazi. When you criticise Biden you MUST be a Trumpist, there's simply no other way.
Reminds me of good old totalitarian socialism/communism, where "the party" is always right. We're almost there in the West ... we've come a long way in the last 20 years. I remember that in the 90s it was not a big problem to be critical of the (current) government. Nowadays, and especially since the pandemic, you better support "the current thing" ... or else.
Yes, I get what you're saying, but in the context of this thread, which is about a threat to democracy, it's hard to criticize Biden on those grounds. If this was a general discussion about politics, I could give you a long list of all the things that I don't like about Biden or the Democratic party. I think he's doing a terrible job, but as I said, this thread is confined to the possibility of democracy teetering. Not high food prices. Or aid to Israel, etc.
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 14:17
Steve, you're not even ashamed of showing how much of a troll you are
you are really a major league (t)witty (or so you think) twàt.
Respect dude!!
Over & out, idiot, I've got a life to live.
Better get yourself one.
Edited by Sean Trane - April 11 2024 at 14:19
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 14:15
Some people just can't understand that just because you don't like Putin doesn't automatically mean that you're a fan of Zelensky - or the West in general. It's the "us vs them" mentality again, there's only two camps - the good vs. the bad. The second you criticise "the good guys", it is immediately assumed that you're one of "the bad guys", so you must love Putin, you probably like Trump, you're surely a bigot in general and most likely a Nazi. When you criticise Biden you MUST be a Trumpist, there's simply no other way.
Reminds me of good old totalitarian socialism/communism, where "the party" is always right. We're almost there in the West ... we've come a long way in the last 20 years. I remember that in the 90s it was not a big problem to be critical of the (current) government. Nowadays, and especially since the pandemic, you better support "the current thing" ... or else.
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 13:34
Oh Hugues, you're priceless. I would have been happy to have been banned from any website that held you in any kind of regard, but sadly it was not to be. I stated a rational post about lies being believed as the real threat to democracy and that set you off as it hit home with you. So instead of presenting an argument, you trolled about my signature. I responded with my reasons for it and that pissed you off even more. So you went on a babyish tirade. So I called you what you are. An ass. If you think that the words of a fool like you, and a delusional one at that, would bother me. You're sadly mistaken. And all said without your juvenile use of emojis.
I shall await your further tantrums and will respond in kind. As soon as I stop laughing. Best regards, your old pal Steve.
Edited by SteveG - April 11 2024 at 14:12
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Posted: April 11 2024 at 13:20
SteveG wrote:
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
SteveG wrote:
It's good to see that some things never change. You're still an ass who should confine himself to his right wing, anti Nato, Pro Putin and Ukraine bashing propaganda sites. At least they enjoy your lack of wit, having little of it themselves.
Insults - the tell-tale sign of trolls.
Don't make too much of it. Hugues and I have a years old love/hate relationship. I'll get over it and so will he.
We"ve never had anything resembling love over the years.
I only had pity for you when you were miserable in Prog Ears after being banned here for being a troll over the political threads. You were not doing good over there either, despite the facts that politics (and religious) threads are forbidden there. And upon your own demand, I paved the way for your return here, upon your promise that you'd stay away of those politics topics, which you kept for a grand total of three months (maybe four).
Even PP has observed his own promise to stay clear of the politics threads on PA after a warning.
As for your portayal of me, it's totally pityful:
I hate Putin as much as you do, but your feeble brains can't seem to understand that I pinpoint our own's side's shortcoming and bad actions resulting in the current mess. So the only thing you've got +/- right is that Ido think NATO has become toxic in the last 30 years, but it was invaluable during the cold war.
Anyone here knows that I'm a left-winger (socialist if you wish), so you calling me on the opposite side of the spectrum is plain idiotic
It's a bit if I portayed you as a pro-BoJo/Brexit & Trump/isolationist supporter without actually knowing it.
SteveG wrote:
MikeEnRegalia wrote:
Sure - it’s just always nice when trolls act so predictably. Makes my day
Well, that deep state joke really pissed him off. My god. I had no idea he'd go so ballistic.
Yeah, "ballistic", right!!!
Just because I got a life outside PA/PE and had to attend real life for a couple of hours.
You're more a fan of a deepfakes, really.
You did say you were here to annoy people, but yor skeeter stings couldn't even make a dent into my shell of my indifference. I was only pointing out how stupid (oxymoronic and yet redundant) your comment was with such a signature just below what you thought is a deep thought.
you're nothing but a and a .
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
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