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Davesax1965 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 03:36
Someone I knew spent some time working in a (UK) army hospital. "Section 8 cases", ie the loony ward. 

One bloke seemed quite normal until he couldn't resist telling you about his pet theory to extract all the Earth's oil and thus solve the energy crisis. 

It was quite simple, you just attached four giant jet engines at the equator and spun the Earth faster, centrifugal force would force all the oil to the surface.........

... yes, whilst crushing everything on Earth, causing huge tidal waves and earthquakes.... plus it didn't seem very practical, to anyone but him, of course. 

Nonetheless, he, er, quite enthusiastically told everyone he met about it, morning, noon and night. "The keeper of secret knowledge which was going to make him fabulously rich. 

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Hugh Manatee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 03:40

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

The term conspiracy theory is meant to shut down logical discussion. 

If you are suggesting that the term "conspiracy theory" is somehow a conspiracy itself, I don't agree. 

Rather than shut down logical discussion, conspiracy theories seem to be designed to foster argument.

Conspiracy theories are a big money spinner for social network platforms and as such some of these platforms do all they can to promote these theories. Click bait at its most pernicious, only seeming to take a stance when the platform is used as a call to action, and even then only after the fact. 

There is always uncertainty and it is times of high  uncertainty such as we are living through now that conspiracy theories have a particular attraction with the help not only of the social media platforms but through conspiracy entreprenuers. Conspiracy theory entrepreneurs such as Ike and Jones, who don't mind stirring the pot for their own financial benifit.

Discussion is fine, however discussions with someone deep into conspiracy theory usually end up being a one way conversation. Conspiracy theorists do love an echo chamber.

Edited by Hugh Manatee - December 24 2021 at 09:56
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 09:23

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

The term conspiracy theory is meant to shut down logical discussion. 

Isn't that what a true conspiracy theorist would say....?
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 10:27
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

^ Who sent the alleged "death threats" ?

... and more recently Dr Andreas Noak, top carbon specialist of all of Germany who was warning about the elector-conductivity of graphene oxide in the jabs which is causing oxygen depletion through calcium ionization disruptions in tandem with high energy frequencies. He happened to be transmitting a live YouTube video explaining all of this while he was raided by the police and MURDERED. No theory here. Witnessed on livestream.
I saw that video. Extremely sad and disturbing.

I thought that was debunked, any footage is from an unrelated raid a year earlier.  His partner said heart attack.

Disinfo campaigns by alphabet agencies are amazingly well funded. It behooves one to do substantial research from myriad angles before coming to any conclusion. Unfortunately the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 LEGALIZED propaganda for the US to use against its own citizens. It was already legal to do so against the rest of the world. Noak stated before his murder that if he ended up dead that it would be a hit job.
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 17:32
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

. did not know the guy died. I don't care when the raid happened. Breaking into a guys home and arresting him for what he was scary. 

Governments, world over are scaring folks because of Omnicron, and it is not killing anybody. How many people have died of Omnicron? Or should I say with Omnicron. The CDC Website admits that 95% of people die of Covid had comoridities. Go check out the CDC website. Things like brain tumors, failing kidneys, massive strokes.  Plus the average death age is 80 years-old.  The CDC does not count old-age as a comorbidity.  I guess that's a conspiracy theory too.  The term conspiracy theory is meant to shut down logical discussion.

And that's the point isn't it:  you're not as concerned about facts as you are impression, suggestion, inference, and a lack of curiosity about reality, or what is known as 'true facts', e.g. Mount Rushmore is in S. Dakota or that Elvis sold a lot of records.

If this guy was assassinated by German Police (an unlikely premise to start, it's not 1939), don't you think I and many others would very much want to know that ?   That some of us are actually interested in the truth regardless of where it leads and if a European nation is killing doctors,  that information might be.. oh, I don't know.. good to have ?   Especially for other democracies that might find that alarming ?

Do you believe governments have in their possession artifacts and technologies made by non-Earth civilizations?   If true, would that be good to know about or better to not know about ?

It's not what the truth is, it's making sure you have it or are doing everything possible to have it before you start spouting half-informed and reactionary claptrap which doesn't help anyone or any thing.

Edited by Atavachron - December 24 2021 at 20:24
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Hugh Manatee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 22:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

It's not what the truth is, it's making sure you have it or are doing everything possible to have it before you start spouting half-informed and reactionary claptrap which doesn't help anyone or any thing.

Unfortunately this can be more difficult than it sounds, the Internet only seving to exacerbate the problem.

A quick google search for Dr. Noak brings up site after site of hysterical posts using inflammatory language supporting the "murder" theory, with nary a dissenting or opposing opinion to be found (the echo chamber in full force). Whether this is because the story hasn't quite entered the mainstream or because opposing opinions are simply being overwhelmed by the passion of those advocating this theory, is difficult to assertain at the moment. After all, it is passion rather than logic that fuels and drives most conspiracy theories and logic can appear very weak in the face of passion.

What does seem apparent to me is that the internet, which was intended in large part as a way to diseminate information, has instead given a soapbox for the loudest idiots to spread misinformation.

Edited by Hugh Manatee - December 24 2021 at 23:08
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 23:21
No sh*t.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Jacob Schoolcraft View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2021 at 23:45
When a wealthy organization is suspected of plotting or influencing a murder to happen it is often considered a conspiracy theory. This term is awkward and is applied to theories about a crime that is based on circumstantial evidence. This usually involves police investigation into a theory that can be true but cannot be physically proven. .....................        ......................................................................................................................................................................................................It's complicated because a police investigation can in fact involve pursuing several leads prior to solving a case. The obvious evidence left behind can sometimes lead to an innocent person's conviction and certain murder cases historically are set up by the murderer to be deceitful by placing the blame on someone else and typically known as framework.,..............           ..........                                                            ....................................................................In cases where a murder is thought to be a ritualistic killing the aforementioned patterns are common to occur. One particular ritual killing took place at Menantico in June 1971 and several individuals who were interrogated , acquitted or convicted were residents in my hometown Vineland, New Jersey. In high school many kids in my age group were paranoid about a dangerous cult called the "Menantico Cult". The rumors began when kids in my age group went camping there , returning to school and privately sharing their experience with friends completely out of fear. Some people in the past have stated that the "Menantico Cult Killing " was a introduction to the Satanic Panic scare of the 80s. It isn't. There's no need to make that comparison. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A typical weekend camping expedition at Menantico was telling. It usually began after you settled in around the fire. It began with the sound of sing-song chanting, eventually developing into a chant which transformed the sound into screaming. You could not tell in which direction the sound traveled from because of the improbable acoustics at Menantico. Then you would hear the sound of people pounding on drums which actually turned out to be 55 gallon oil barrels. There were other incidents where friends were hiding behind trees watching them. They had unusual sex parties. They dressed in robes and they wore masks out of horror films. This was very creepy. In school they were respected for being exceptional students and most adults did not have any suspicious nature about them whatsoever. We all knew something was dreadfully wrong with them and their ability to hide it was even more scary. This mostly occurred and was discussed between us in 1970. In June of 71' one of the cult members asked his 2 closest friends to tie and bound his hands and feet and push him into "Clear Pond" at Menantico so he could die violently and return as a captain to rule over 40 leagues of demons.,................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Instead of rising from the dead..he drowned and his 2 friends were charged with murder. One of the victim's friends told Charles Pangburn, chief of the Millville Police that the victim belonged to a Satan worshippers sect. At first the police thought it was a very isolated situation but after they searched the Menantico area and the victim's room they had a different idea. Somewhere Pangburn had information or an idea that many people had witnessed the victim's death. An unusually large group of people. After the victim's 2 friends were incarcerated Pangburn spent 2 years interrogating wealthy individuals belonging to a sect . He interrogated members of Lilith Sinclair's group and a church in Vineland because he suspected these people practiced "Duo Worship ". God in the day, Satan in the night. They were suspects in the murder and accused of being behind it. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................They had revolted against the Church Of Satan and formed their own sect in 1970 and traveled to the East coast of the U.S. Two years later the Temple Of Set was formed. Charles Pangburn interrogated several wealthy individuals over a 2 year period and unable to prove they were physically there to witness the young man's sacrifice. In the end , the 2 boys were charged with the crime and the theory of a large group was set aside. In the summer of 71' between 80 to 90 teenage devil worshippers in Vineland were converted to Christianity and they all met in Landis Park to give their testimonies. Interestingly they belonged to different Satan cults in Vineland and claimed they did not know the victim or the Menantico cult. A Christian community moved to Vineland and when I returned to school in the Fall of 71' they were following us when we walked home from school. They were persistent in convincing us that there was a dangerous cult in Vineland practicing rituals on people. We were already aware of this , but they insisted on walking us home and protecting us. They were everywhere it seemed. They were "Born Again " Christians and they were fixated on digging for information that they felt we were refusing to divulge. It was almost as if they were in on the investigation. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The N.Y. Times , Miami Times, the Vineland Times Journal made it more apparent to everyone that this was a Satan cult killing and that drugs were involved as if that means anything to the people that witnessed these lunatics at Menantico dancing around fires, pounding on oil barrels and wearing robes and masks. There is no scientific proof of demons or the supernatural, but people have hid and watched these groups from a safe distance. They were sadistic individuals and upsetting to the locals. Although I find it rather disappointing that it cannot be proven. Just because you can't prove it doesn't mean it's not true. The difficulty in the victim's case revolves around the historical fact that his sacrifice was directly tied in with Christian demons. In his belief that his self-sacrifice would engender the protection/aid of Christian demons. His references are part of a Judeo-Christian concept derived from medieval theologians. The use of human sacrifice is older than recorded history and the use of such a sacrifice to gain power can be found in the Bog Burials. Also in the James G. Frazier classic "The Golden Bough" .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................In the film "Menantico Blues" the Menantico cult killing is discussed. The first 10 minutes of the film covers the ritual killing and the kind of occult practice that existed in Vineland. The actors imitate the voices of the typical family living in Menantico. The voices are that of mountain people and quite silly and even annoying. Eventually it is brought to the viewers attention that a wealthy organization was behind the ritual and matching up to the story that many of us heard in our youth. even though the film is silly much of what is said is true imo...but it cannot be proven . The film is on You Tube and is free. It's the first time the story has been covered aside from people from my generation that sighted the cult long ago and have finally shared what they witnessed at Menantico. ,...............................................................................................        ............I actually do not know what to think about this. It was another lifetime. It felt real, but the newspaper wasn't totally accurate.

Edited by Jacob Schoolcraft - December 25 2021 at 00:01
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 00:24
^ Way too much information.

It's not that conspiracies don't exist, it's that one must base the belief of a conspiracy on verifiable evidence rather than suspicion.   An example: We know Oswald had to be directly involved in the JFK shooting because he fled the Book Depository, went home, grabbed a pistol and slipped into a movie theater without paying.   That's not the behavior of an innocent man.   At the same time we know at least one other gun than Oswald's rifle was fired during the assassination because highly credible witnesses ~ cops, off-duty soldiers, veterans, journalists and at least one congressman ~ clearly smelled and saw gunsmoke hanging in Dealy Plaza which was impossible if there was just one rifle shooting six floors above the ground inside a building.

Whew... sorry for the JFK rant, but you see the point.   Those are the only two pieces of absolutely solid, undeniable facts in the JFK case.   It's been fifty-eight years and we still don't know what happened, but if we ever do it has to be with correct information based on firm, scientifically verified evidence.

Edited by Atavachron - December 25 2021 at 01:05
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Hugh Manatee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 00:45

Cults That Never Were: The Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare (SRAS)


The satanic ritual abuse scare was a moral panic that began in the 1980’s in North America and lasted throughout much of the 1990’s. It was fueled by claims of Satan worship made up of several components:

  • Child and sexual abuse

  • Human ritual sacrifice
  • Teenage abduction rumors
  • Animal Mutilation
  • Claims of actual Satanists (The Church of Satan and Temple of Set)
  • Heavy metal rock and horrorcore music
  • Violent and fantasy games

During its time, the SRAS led to many criminal investigations based on little or no evidence of an actual occurrence of satanic activity or any criminal activity whatsoever...


The Creation of the Satanic Cult

With allegations of so many “evil” acts throughout the country, they all became attributed to a hypothetical “satanic cult.” All of these rumors merged in order to form one elaborate story. The social condition that emerged in the 1980’s produced an environment for these very different rumors to create one plausible story about an underground Satanic Cult that was operating secretly throughout the nation. Through media involvement and growing panic among concerned citizens, the “Satanic cult panic” grew into a North American pandemic. Several criminal charges were brought upon those accused of involvement in satanic cult activity, provoking national media coverage with a salacious position. By the mid-1990’s, skepticism grew concerning the realities of these allegations, and the rumors were eventually proven false.


Edited by Hugh Manatee - December 25 2021 at 00:46
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
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Hugh Manatee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 00:55
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

It's not that conspiracies don't exist, ...

 ...Those are the only two pieces of absolutely solid, undeniable facts in the JFK case.   It's been fifty-eight years and we still don't know what happened, but if we ever do it has to be with correct information based on firm, scientifically verified evidence.

This is a problem that the US Government has helped create itself, with such things as the MKUltra experiments, the revelations of the Pentegon Papers and the secrecy that still surrounds the murder of JFK.

The mere fact that the US Government demonstrates a proclivity towards secrecy only serves to add legitimacy to the craziest theories,

Edited by Hugh Manatee - December 25 2021 at 00:58
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Mirakaze View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 02:53
Why would the German or Austrian government single out this one person as a target for raiding and murdering out of the hundreds of hack scientists who spout Covid misinformation on a daily basis without obstruction? Makes zero sense to me.
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 03:55

- Dear Conspirationiçst friends, times are dim.
- Yes all our theories have been proven false

- this is yet another conspiration.

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 05:42
Originally posted by Hugh Manatee Hugh Manatee wrote:

Cults That Never Were: The Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare (SRAS)


The satanic ritual abuse scare was a moral panic that began in the 1980’s in North America and lasted throughout much of the 1990’s. It was fueled by claims of Satan worship made up of several components:

  • Child and sexual abuse

  • Human ritual sacrifice
  • Teenage abduction rumors
  • Animal Mutilation
  • Claims of actual Satanists (The Church of Satan and Temple of Set)
  • Heavy metal rock and horrorcore music
  • Violent and fantasy games

During its time, the SRAS led to many criminal investigations based on little or no evidence of an actual occurrence of satanic activity or any criminal activity whatsoever...


The Creation of the Satanic Cult

With allegations of so many “evil” acts throughout the country, they all became attributed to a hypothetical “satanic cult.” All of these rumors merged in order to form one elaborate story. The social condition that emerged in the 1980’s produced an environment for these very different rumors to create one plausible story about an underground Satanic Cult that was operating secretly throughout the nation. Through media involvement and growing panic among concerned citizens, the “Satanic cult panic” grew into a North American pandemic. Several criminal charges were brought upon those accused of involvement in satanic cult activity, provoking national media coverage with a salacious position. By the mid-1990’s, skepticism grew concerning the realities of these allegations, and the rumors were eventually proven false.


The real stumbling block to uncovering satanic cults is that 'satanism' can only be defined as everyone else's religion but your own....
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MortSahlFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 06:25
I think the CIA creates 90% of the most ludicrous "conspiracies" to discredit all the ones that are pointed to them.. It's funny that when the government admits to certain things (sometimes by FOIA requests, such as the Gulf of Tonkin lie), it's still considered "tin-foil hat" (another stupid phrase when someone has nothing else to say)... OR, people who need the confirmation from those who lie repeatedly (NYT, for example).

"The Communist Party has a membership of 4,000, 3,000 of whom are FBI agents" - Mort Sahl
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Hugh Manatee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 07:49
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

The real stumbling block to uncovering satanic cults is that 'satanism' can only be defined as everyone else's religion but your own....

It has grown beyond religion to encompass anyone who holds opposing political views and even socio-economic factors.

It is easy for someone whose life isn't as succesful as they think it should be to blame some malevolent force, rather than take responsibility for their own life.

And "blood libel" is so popular amongst conspiracy fantasists.
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moshkito View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 07:54

I'm looking up the Goon Anthology for any new conspiracies. We already got the one about shooting 100 penguins with one bullet, and the tea brigade in the island ... not to mention the climbing of the snow mountains from the inside ... but so far, there aren't any new ones to think of!

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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 08:28
Originally posted by Hugh Manatee Hugh Manatee wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

It's not what the truth is, it's making sure you have it or are doing everything possible to have it before you start spouting half-informed and reactionary claptrap which doesn't help anyone or any thing.

Unfortunately this can be more difficult than it sounds, the Internet only seving to exacerbate the problem.

A quick google search for Dr. Noak brings up site after site of hysterical posts using inflammatory language supporting the "murder" theory, with nary a dissenting or opposing opinion to be found (the echo chamber in full force). Whether this is because the story hasn't quite entered the mainstream or because opposing opinions are simply being overwhelmed by the passion of those advocating this theory, is difficult to assertain at the moment. After all, it is passion rather than logic that fuels and drives most conspiracy theories and logic can appear very weak in the face of passion.

What does seem apparent to me is that the internet, which was intended in large part as a way to diseminate information, has instead given a soapbox for the loudest idiots to spread misinformation.

His wife has supposedly stated that he was murdered. Of course none of us really know the exact truth but we should at least keep the possibility on the work table rather than just brushing it off as theory.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 08:35
Originally posted by Mirakaze Mirakaze wrote:

Why would the German or Austrian government single out this one person as a target for raiding and murdering out of the hundreds of hack scientists who spout Covid misinformation on a daily basis without obstruction? Makes zero sense to me.

Because he was the top carbon specialist in all of Germany. He had the smoking gun that graphene oxide and chemical derivatives were acting as nano-razor blades. His legal actions and expert testimony would certainly have brought down the entire government. Unless you connect many dots it will not make any sense.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2021 at 11:22
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Mirakaze Mirakaze wrote:

Why would the German or Austrian government single out this one person as a target for raiding and murdering out of the hundreds of hack scientists who spout Covid misinformation on a daily basis without obstruction? Makes zero sense to me.
Because he was the top carbon specialist in all of Germany. He had the smoking gun that graphene oxide and chemical derivatives were acting as nano-razor blades. His legal actions and expert testimony would certainly have brought down the entire government. Unless you connect many dots it will not make any sense.
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

the elector-conductivity of graphene oxide in the jabs which is causing oxygen depletion through calcium ionization disruptions in tandem with high energy frequencies
is where the ridiculousness of the conspiracy theory lies. Most people don't know chemistry and therefore would probably not recognise the above as technobabble. And if one has a predilection towards conspiracy theories, then one is likely to be bamboozled by it.

No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.
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