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Interactive Poll: Sounds of Asia

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Poll Question: Which three are your favourites?
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Snicolette View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 13:03
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

What wonderful write-ups, Nickie! Reading your write-ups is one of the biggest highlights of the series for me. A sort of ghost story is the impression I get too from Osorezan. I think it draws heavily on Japanese folklore traditions, Japanese theater traditions, and it definitely makes me think of Oni, which are demon, troll, ogre like figures in Japanese mythology (oni are orkish). I probably should have warned about the screaming, especially at the beginning. As Barbarella says, "A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming."

Geinoh Yamashirogumi, which acts as a large collective, also did a live version of it for any who might be interested at some time perhaps, not now I suggest (as if over twenty minutes was not already enough for now):

While on the topic of GY, because I wanted to post this as well but decided to stick with the three (one being very long as is) from GY's Yamato Gensho:

Video removed for space

As for "Ash in the Rainbow", I love the whole album of the same name, and I love other things Haco. It is indeed a musical saw being played by the cellist Sakamoto Hiromichi (this time sticking with the traditional Japanese of using the surname first). As for "Egg's Dream", that's me turning to my love of soundtracks again. It's a beautiful modern classical sort of soundtrack. I felt that particular one would work well in its way with my other selections.

I did want to go all Japanese because Japan means so very much to me. I have had so many happy times. Kyoto in particular is very special to me.

Thank you, Greg.  I do enjoy listening through them all and love when people do have the time to comment, even one-liner's are good, although I tend to be on the wordy side.  I am pretty familiar with bowed saw music, Tom Scribner, in the little town of Santa Cruz, has a statue in his honour in a cenral downtown location (near the town clock) there.  He was a logger and learned while working in the logging camps, before he retired.  I was lucky to see him play and hear his stories about those past times.  His story, for any interested:

It is particularly meaningful when you have personal experience of an area and music so often is a link we can bring with us, wherever we go, as you mention in your memories of Japan.  I thoroughly enjoyed all three of these, although the screams were a bit unnerving!  I'm a jumpy person, lol.  

Edited by Snicolette - August 31 2021 at 13:06
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General Info & Question 

Hello everybody, 

So far we have 14 participants and in total there are 25 slots on the poll. I was wondering whether it would make sense to give you guys the chance to nominate more than just one song each?

2 participants have submitted just one song. I would nominate also only one in order to leave more space. Maybe, Lorenzo would also agree on nominating only one song considering that he suggested several songs by the same artist. This would allow the following option:

10 x 2 songs + 4 x 1 song = 24 songs / > Space left for one more song.

In case more people would show interest in participating, we could decide by lot who gets the ticket to nominate two songs. :P

What's your opinion?


Btw. On page one of the thread you have all the info about the current poll. I already added a link to a playlist with all the songs that have been suggested so far. The playlist with the nominated songs will be published when the time has come.

Edited by Mila-13 - August 31 2021 at 13:17
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 12:49
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

Greg: Geinoh Yamashirogumi “Osorezan” Well THAT woke me up! Didn’t even have the speakers turned up yet, lol. Scream then a drumroll, then some more drumming. Some very subdued keyboard notes, then some shivery gong sounds, an eerie wailing and a woman’s voice, maybe a ghost story? Some shaker type sounds and something indefinable, pretty spooky stuff going on, though. Washy sounds and shimmers, some electric guitar and odd voicings, this time male, fading in and out. Screechiness and wails, more to the fore. Some wah-wah type guitar sounds. More distressing sorts of noises, shrieks and clashy sounds. Single drum beat and some snare. Eerie female chorus, with now some sorts of horns or maybe organ? Becomes much more rhythmic with an angular electric guitar lead. Vocal choir enters the stage, with a few more wails and screaming.   Orc-ish sorts of sounds, is this a descent into Hell? Perhaps. Scream again, then subtle sounds start and the woman voice is back, very quietly singing with some ambient sounds around her. Interesting piece, I liked some of the really spooky parts a lot, definitely a journey. Haco + Sakamoto Hiromichi “Ash In The Rainbow” This one starts with some bowed saw-like (or theremin? Or whatever Japanese instrument makes that sound, don’t know the name) sound and some heavenly violin or cello with an equally heavenly female vocal. Mournful, melancholy sounding piece. I like it! Just gorgeous. She is joined with other voices and goes into a speaking part. An almost lullaby feel to this one. Ends a little abruptly. Yoshihiro Kanno “Egg's Dream” Choral and some shimmery strings, cascading all around each other. Very angelic in feel, yet also a bit discordant, so perhaps evoking outer space. Bits of deep bells here and there, then deep church type bells. Abrupt halt, then the angels return for just a moment (well several, actually).

What wonderful write-ups, Nickie! Reading your write-ups is one of the biggest highlights of the series for me. A sort of ghost story is the impression I get too from Osorezan. I think it draws heavily on Japanese folklore traditions, Japanese theater traditions, and it definitely makes me think of Oni, which are demon, troll, ogre like figures in Japanese mythology (oni are orkish). I probably should have warned about the screaming, especially at the beginning. As Barbarella says, "A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming."

Geinoh Yamashirogumi, which acts as a large collective, also did a live version of it for any who might be interested at some time perhaps, not now I suggest (as if over twenty minutes was not already enough for now):

While on the topic of GY, because I wanted to post this as well but decided to stick with the three (one being very long as is) from GY's Yamato Gensho:

As for "Ash in the Rainbow", I love the whole album of the same name, and I love other things Haco. It is indeed a musical saw being played by the cellist Sakamoto Hiromichi (this time sticking with the traditional Japanese of using the surname first). As for "Egg's Dream", that's me turning to my love of soundtracks again. It's a beautiful modern classical sort of soundtrack. I felt that particular one would work well in its way with my other selections.

I did want to go all Japanese because Japan means so very much to me. I have had so many happy times. Kyoto in particular is very special to me.

Edited by Logan - August 31 2021 at 12:52
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 11:57
Welcome to conducting one of these polls, Mila!  Here are my first thoughts on the first half of Page One, usually I split the first page, as it tends to be most active.

Mila:  “Asia Destination World Introduction to Asia,” just for info.  Great idea, since not everyone thinks of some countries being in, or partly in, Asia, I would think.  “Sounds and Colours of Asia”  Another info piece.  So many wonderful, diverse instruments, sounds and styles. 

Lorenzo:  Nice idea to use 3 by the same artist, actually.  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan “Mustt Mustt”  I actually know this piece, but not from this source.  Second husband played Middle Eastern and other related musics and their band did a version of this.  This one has some electric bass and drumbeats at the beginning with some repeated electric (guitar?) quietly plinking along underneath it all.  There is village-style call and response within the piece, as well as some sort of reedy sounding keyboard (accordion or the like?).  Already I know this poll will be terribly difficult for me!  Next up “Intoxicated,” by same.  Here, the piece begins with shimmery electric notes, very subdued, then some electronic whangs and shuffling, which begin to take shape rhythmically as it builds.  The vocalist enters quietly and quaveringly. There are some accordianesque or organ, I think, notes, that are added in under the vocalist, who begins a swifter bit of almost scatting (although they may be words, as I don’t know the language, despite being exposed to a lot).  And thirdly, “Crest”  beginning with plaintive electric guitar notes and a very melancholy vocal melody.  The instrumental parts actually remind me of some of Alan Stivell’s music, very unrelated, yet also shares some qualities.  It does become more pointed about halfway in, with the vocals becoming more strident and the band becoming more electric oriented and jazzy in feel, with a more western structure.  It evolves into a washy fadeout.

JD:  Kodo “Stomp”  Thundersounds at the start, then two Taiko (I believe this is Taiko) drummers perform a very stylish short piece, makes me think that you’re starting your selections off with a drumroll.  Harry Partch “Delision of the Fury: Act I: Sanctus: An Entra’cte”  Harry Partch famous for building his own instruments and such, a very creative individual.  This begins as lots of percussive bell sounds and some whangs for emphasis.  Hypnotic piece that rises and falls in intensity, there is an almost hurdy-gurdy-like sound that enters at just under 2 minutes and some deep resonant bells follow.  Some sort of strummed instrument prevails with some blaring type sounds over halfway in.  All falls back for some solo percussion, then an organ-type sound enters with the percussive elements continuing.  Large bells and buzzing sounds with a few crashes bring it all to the end.  Electronico Fantasticos “Live At Iron Island Festival”  As advertized, live performance with a bouncy electronic beat, which is joined in on with various insruments, some of which look handmade here, as well, including incorporating electric fans.  Female playing some sort of keyboard adds some vocalizing after a bit.  Not sure what she’s singing, but it sounds like kind of a complaint.  Ends in some whangling and an appreciative audience.  Very imaginative. 

Anders:  Dewa Alit & Gamelan Salukat “Dripping Water/Yeh Jgetel”  As stated earlier, I love Gamelan music, but darned if I could name any of it.  I’ve heard a fair amount in live settings, this looks to be a favourable listen from me.  Begins with some percussive beats on I think, some sort of pottery instruments, that sound almost electronic, as do the next additions that are deeper-sounding pan-like instruments.  The pace picks up and then slows again, it truly does sound like stylized dripping water.   There are added in some even deeper elements on other pan-like instruments and then there is also an instrument similar to marimba added in, with some occasional bell-like tones, not sure what made those.  Everyone ends in unison.  Very meditative. 

George:  Wahh World Fusion Band “Desire On Fire”  Sitar started this one out slowly, with it’s very signature sound.  A male singer, with some echo effects on his voice sings out.  The opening is very sensuous, as the title would indicate.  Bass and drums are added as the pace picks up and they go more into a jazz sort of mode, and sounds like guitar there as well.  Tablas switch the mode again and very decidedly electric guitar flaming lead (excellent!).  It moves into another more sensual, ecstatic mode with sitar lead and vocal scatting.  The scatting becomes more quick and almost rap-like, except I think what he is doing is the drumbeats, vocally. Fadeout to end.   Jonas Hellborg/Shawn Lane/ V. Umashankar/V. Selvaganesh/ V. Umamahesh “Anchor”  Here we start again with sort of a classical Indian sound by the vocal and tablas, but the bass and guitar quickly dispel that thought that you are about ready to go on a typical raga.  This is a nice foray (with hecka great bass!) into fusing jazz with Indian music, has a live feel to it.  There is some sort of effect or? Creating a violin-ish drone sound about a third in.  Pretty imaginative lead on effected guitar, or is it a synth (leaning more towards synth as it continues)?  Solo vocal scatting for a bit, sounds like 2 different vocalists, call and response style, for a good stretch, then in unison.  Full band kicks in again with lead vocal over.  Kyaw Kyaw Naing/Bang on the Can All-Stars “Sein Chit Tee A Mhat Ta Ya” This begins rapidly with flutes and percussion, bass as well, it sounds like.  Goes into a fast spirally section, then slows and builds, with fits and starts, moving on to another quick paced section.  Then some very oriental sounding back and forth with flutes, percussion and keyboards.  Pretty bell-like portion is up next, this is like a quick journey through oriental sounds, in a way.  Kyaw Kyaw Naing demo on pat waing: Fun to watch him playing these, thanks! Love that mizmar sounding high (reeded?) instrument, too.   Yoshida Brothers “Rising”    This promises to be very electric, yet also with traditional instruments, from the opening.  Becomes very rock ‘n’ roll-ish, yet also cinematic music.  Dfficult and precise pacing, quick electric lead punctuates the piece about halfway in, then back to the main western sort of theme.  Ends with a super-tight finish.

Greg:  Geinoh Yamashirogumi “Osorezan” Well THAT woke me up!  Didn’t even have the speakers turned up yet, lol.  Scream then a drumroll, then some more drumming.  Some very subdued keyboard notes, then some shivery gong sounds, an eerie wailing and a woman’s voice, maybe a ghost story?  Some shaker type sounds and something indefinable, pretty spooky stuff going on, though.  Washy sounds and shimmers, some electric guitar and odd voicings, this time male, fading in and out.  Screechiness and wails, more to the fore.  Some wah-wah type guitar sounds.  More distressing sorts of noises, shrieks and clashy sounds.  Single drum beat and some snare.  Eerie female chorus, with now some sorts of horns or maybe organ?  Becomes much more rhythmic with an angular electric guitar lead. Vocal choir enters the stage, with a few more wails and screaming.   Orc-ish sorts of sounds, is this a descent into Hell?  Perhaps.  Scream again, then subtle sounds start and the woman voice is back, very quietly singing with some ambient sounds around her.  Interesting piece, I liked some of the really spooky parts a lot, definitely a journey.  Haco + Sakamoto Hiromichi “Ash In The Rainbow”  This one starts with some bowed saw-like (or theremin? Or whatever Japanese instrument makes that sound, don’t know the name) sound and some heavenly violin or cello with an equally heavenly female vocal.  Mournful, melancholy sounding piece.  I like it! Just gorgeous. She is joined with other voices and goes into a speaking part. An almost lullaby feel to this one. Ends a little abruptly.  Yoshihiro Kanno “Egg's Dream”  Choral and some shimmery strings, cascading all around each other.  Very angelic in feel, yet also a bit discordant, so perhaps evoking outer space.  Bits of deep bells here and there, then deep church type bells. Abrupt halt, then the angels return for just a moment (well several, actually). 

Note:  This will be a very tough round, for me, so far, everyone has something that really caught my ear. 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mirakaze Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 00:34
I didn't want to contribute until I'd finished listening to the previous interactive poll playlist, but I'm excited about this one! I know PA additions are allowed but I'll exclude them from my own nominations since they would be exclusively Japanese otherwise and I do want to have a little variety, case in point:
Quite unsettling and yet quite heavenly too in its own way

(song title in the Latin script is "Taishō A")

Three very different pieces; I'm legitimately at a loss which one to submit.

Edited by Mirakaze - August 31 2021 at 00:37
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mila-13 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2021 at 14:23
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Atravan (prog-rock from Iran)

Lovebites (all female Japanese heavy/power metal band)

Casiopea (Japanese fusion)

Mono (post-rock from Japan and one of the best bands of the genre)

Skyharbor (Multi-national - India/UK, progressive metal)

I'm glad you joined the party, after all! Still waters run deep, as always. Wink

Edited by Mila-13 - August 30 2021 at 14:24
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And here are my suggestions:

Anandi Bhattacharya, In Between Us (India)

Some call her, the voice of modern India. Her father, Debashish is a slide guitar maestro and is the leader of her band

Kikuo ft. Hanatan, The Girl That Sells Misfortune (Japan)


Kikuo is a Japanese composer, writing predominantly music for video games. He frequently uses vocaloids.

This is also a composition that he originally wrote for a video game but here it is sung by a real singer, Hanatan.

Isfar Sarabski & Band, Novruz (Azerbaijan)

A highly talented Azerbaijani pianist and composer of the new generation whose concert I have attended

here, in Switzerland a few years ago.

Edited by Mila-13 - August 30 2021 at 14:11
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WOW .... I have to do some serious listening now!

That's a huge listing on 2 plus pages! Clap
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Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Mono (post-rock from Japan and one of the best bands of the genre)
Video removed for space

I'm glad someone put Mono up here.  Excellent post-rock band.  I was going to add them to mine, but I didn't want to put two post-rock bands up against each other on my own submissions.

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Osiris from Bahrain. They've released five albums of Neo-Prog, but the only album I'm familiar with is their self-titled debut album from 1982. Embarrassed
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2021 at 02:54
Atravan (prog-rock from Iran)

Lovebites (all female Japanese heavy/power metal band)

Casiopea (Japanese fusion)

Mono (post-rock from Japan and one of the best bands of the genre)

Skyharbor (Multi-national - India/UK, progressive metal)

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@ Cristi
I'm no expert either tbh. That was actually my primary motivation. This is a good opportunity to do something about it, isn't it? Welcome on board, I'm looking forward to your music choices! Beer

Edited by Mila-13 - August 29 2021 at 16:46
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 29 2021 at 16:28
Originally posted by Mila-13 Mila-13 wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Don't know much on this topic, I know prog, metal and fusion from Japan, but not much else. 
One of the best albums I've heard this year comes from Iran (of all places) - Atravan - The Grey Line. 

One of my favorite progressive metal bands in recent years - Skyharbour - consists of musicians from India and UK. 

I may post a song or I may not EmbarrassedErmm

C'mon, don't be shy! The archives are open in order to encourage people to participate. I have f.e. never heard of your suggested bands. It's exactly the best time to introduce them and also to get to know some new stuff by the way! Clap

I'm not shy, just admitting my lack of knowledge on the topic.

I will post some songs tomorrow. Smile
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mila-13 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 29 2021 at 16:24
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Don't know much on this topic, I know prog, metal and fusion from Japan, but not much else. 
One of the best albums I've heard this year comes from Iran (of all places) - Atravan - The Grey Line. 

One of my favorite progressive metal bands in recent years - Skyharbour - consists of musicians from India and UK. 

I may post a song or I may not EmbarrassedErmm

C'mon, don't be shy! The archives are open in order to encourage people to participate. I have f.e. never heard of your suggested bands. It's exactly the best time to introduce them and also to get to know some new stuff by the way! Clap

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^ His previous band Beyond Twilight are in the archives here. Though, you wouldn't like them, I guess. One of the moderately known prog metal bands. See my *only* review with this account (from my reviewer page), for their final album, if you're interested. Party
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^ Never heard of him before...

Edited by The Anders - August 29 2021 at 14:12
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Originally posted by The Anders The Anders wrote:

Originally posted by Shadowyzard Shadowyzard wrote:

Originally posted by The Anders The Anders wrote:

I knew a couple of songs by Altin Gün. Great band.
Oh you also mentioned that you know Dönence by Barış Manço.

I'm a fan of your (Denmark's) Ludvig Holberg. Also, I'm a massive fan of the Danish musician Finn Zierler. Do these count? Tongue

Finn Ziegler, but close Wink

Baba Zula is another Turkish band I really dig. Not to mention an artist like Gaye Su Akyol.

Nice! But, I really meant Finn Zierler, not Ziegler. Yet, I know of him too!

Here's Finn Zierler:

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Originally posted by Shadowyzard Shadowyzard wrote:

Originally posted by The Anders The Anders wrote:

I knew a couple of songs by Altin Gün. Great band.
Oh you also mentioned that you know Dönence by Barış Manço.

I'm a fan of your (Denmark's) Ludvig Holberg. Also, I'm a massive fan of the Danish musician Finn Zierler. Do these count? Tongue

Finn Ziegler, but close Wink

Baba Zula is another Turkish band I really dig. Not to mention an artist like Gaye Su Akyol.

Edited by The Anders - August 29 2021 at 13:59
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Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

@Özgür: Thanks for your comments; I thought you might be able to give us some more info on the originals and their artists - thanks for that. I quite like the funky, electronic reinterpretation by Altin Gün while keeping that clear folk tradition of the songs, quite an achievement I think. Glad to make you discover them (and I was actually quite confident that you would like them Wink).

Thank you, man. BTW, our legend Neşet Ertaş passed away. I'm mentioning this lest there's no popular English resource mentioning it. He'll live forever for us Turks, though. 

Edited by Shadowyzard - August 29 2021 at 12:42
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Shadowyzard Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 29 2021 at 12:22
Originally posted by The Anders The Anders wrote:

I knew a couple of songs by Altin Gün. Great band.
Oh you also mentioned that you know Dönence by Barış Manço.

I'm a fan of your (Denmark's) Ludvig Holberg. Also, I'm a massive fan of the Danish musician Finn Zierler. Do these count? Tongue
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