Three Fates....
When i spoke about the good things about the US, I didn't mean the trumpeting of America's wonderful record of pitching in when things go wrong or the country's superiority at, apparently, everything.
I have many, many friends who work both for the IRC and IFRC as well as several other NGOs working in humanitarian not just in tsunami struck areas but all over the globe. These people come from all over the globe - the US, UK, Ireland, Afghanistan, Iceland, Japan wherever.
None of them counts the amount of aid flowing their way in terms of nationality of personnel or nationality of cash. They - Americans, South Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians - just get on with the job of helping people.
I may be wrong, but the inference from your post, seems yet again to be - America is the best at....
It's just this kind of thing that makes me so tired about the US. I absolutely love a whole helluva lot about the US and I was merely trying to point out some amusing things the US had given us - in response to the endless yank-bashing that had been going on. For a reply I get a sermonising article from an obviously right-wing US publication which just tells me about the triumph of US capitalism and undisguised cheerleading exercise for Doctors without Border (which I believe is also known as Medecins sans Frontiers to those who invented it).
All I wanted was Tom and Jerry.