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Prog Band you tried to get in to , but can't.

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Dellinger View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dellinger Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 14 2019 at 13:53
Gentle Giant after Octopus (or actually, almost besides their first two albums).
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jeffro Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2019 at 06:41
Originally posted by BarryGlibb BarryGlibb wrote:

I do give a flying f***. If a band is derivative, then I will not enjoy the music. Pretty simple really.

I truly can't wrap my brain around that. Anything derivative is unenjoyable to you? Does that apply beyond music? 
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Originally posted by ForestFriend ForestFriend wrote:

Originally posted by Jeffro Jeffro wrote:

I really don't give a flying fornicate whether a band lacks soul or is derivative. What matters most is do I like the music. Is it pleasing to my ears. Do I connect with it or does it effect me in some emotional way. 

I don't get why some people dismiss bands for reasons that go beyond, and have nothing at all to do with, the enjoyment of the music. I can't imagine hearing a song that I like but then dismissing it because it lacks soul. Confused

I suppose if someone says a band "lacks soul", it could be their way of saying they can't connect emotionally with the music. Granted, I've noticed a trend (especially amongst musicians, most likely jealous ones) for people to dismiss anything on the basis of it being too fast or complex, which I think is stupid. There's more to emotion than a slow blues.

I do agree about the derivative comment... It seems on here, as soon as a band uses a Mellotron and a Hammond organ they're retro prog. But it's fine if they're using heavy distorted guitars because no prog band has ever done that before...

I don't know. It sounds all very elitist to me and just an excuse to look down your nose at things you disdain because... elitism.  [haughty] Oh no, I can't enjoy that song, it's derivative! Harumph! Harumph! [/haughty] Perhaps that doesn't apply to BarryGlibb. However, it absolutely does apply to some here

What? Elitism on a prog music message board? The Devil you say!!  Wink

Edited by Jeffro - November 15 2019 at 06:53
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2019 at 07:53
What is derivative and what isnt? To dimiss every symphonic prog realease after 1977 as derivative is ludicrous. People are mistaking INFLUENCE for DERIVATION in these arguments...surely...
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2019 at 08:29
Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

What is derivative and what isnt? To dimiss every symphonic prog realease after 1977 as derivative is ludicrous. People are mistaking INFLUENCE for DERIVATION in these arguments...surely...
It really doesn't matter to me whether an album is considered "derivative" or not. All that matters to me is whether I like it or not. Smile
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moshkito View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote moshkito Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2019 at 00:43
Originally posted by Jeffro Jeffro wrote:

Originally posted by BarryGlibb BarryGlibb wrote:

I do give a flying f***. If a band is derivative, then I will not enjoy the music. Pretty simple really.

I truly can't wrap my brain around that. Anything derivative is unenjoyable to you? Does that apply beyond music? 

The comment is crazy, in my book ... so he can't possibly enjoy any music, because ALL symphonic stuff, that most "progressive" music ... IS ... is derivative of the early days of Mozart, and others ... so we're talking almost 400 years ... I would think that Barry guy has been doping too much and has not heard a lot of music at all to comment like that ... since he only likes 5 hits and 4 bands, is my take!



PS: Not to be mean, but sometimes I really would like to delete some comments! They just don't make any sense AS STATED!
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote I prophesy disaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2019 at 03:31
Originally posted by Jeffro Jeffro wrote:

Originally posted by BarryGlibb BarryGlibb wrote:

I do give a flying f***. If a band is derivative, then I will not enjoy the music. Pretty simple really.
I truly can't wrap my brain around that. Anything derivative is unenjoyable to you? Does that apply beyond music? 
I can sort of understand why one might not be able to enjoy "derivative" music. When listening to such music, one recognises music from other albums, and this produces an actually physical sensation that one has no control over. Whether or not this physical sensation feels good or bad determines whether or not the music is enjoyable, and there is no choice about that unless one tries to push through the pain in an effort to lessen it.
No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote I prophesy disaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2019 at 03:44
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by Jeffro Jeffro wrote:

Originally posted by BarryGlibb BarryGlibb wrote:

I do give a flying f***. If a band is derivative, then I will not enjoy the music. Pretty simple really.
I truly can't wrap my brain around that. Anything derivative is unenjoyable to you? Does that apply beyond music? 
The comment is crazy, in my book ... so he can't possibly enjoy any music, because ALL symphonic stuff, that most "progressive" music ... IS ... is derivative of the early days of Mozart, and others ... so we're talking almost 400 years
I think that in order to recognise some other music while listening to some music, that other music has to be familiar to the listener, and this is something that is dependent upon the listener. For example, when I listen to Discipline - Unfolded Like Staircase, there is a part that reminds me of Sylvan - Posthumous Silence, even though Sylvan - Posthumous Silence was released after Discipline - Unfolded Like Staircase. But I became familiar with Sylvan - Posthumous Silence before Discipline - Unfolded Like Staircase, so in my mind that is the sequence of events. Thus, all symphonic prog might be derivative of Mozart, but unless the listener is familiar with Mozart, then it won't be heard as derivative of Mozart.

Edited by I prophesy disaster - November 16 2019 at 04:12
No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.
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YESESIS View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote YESESIS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2019 at 21:26
Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
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Mortte View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mortte Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2019 at 23:02
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
If I remember correct, I have recommended "You" to you. If you find it too calm album, then you can try "Camembert Electrique".

To me Gentle Giant is the only band from classic prog bands that I just canīt get into at all. I have tried many times. Not a big fan of ELP too, but they have some really great songs. Also I donīt like much new prog, specially heavy prog is not my piece of cake (canīt stand Dream Theater, only band I like is Opeth).
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2019 at 23:39
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
If I remember correct, I have recommended "You" to you. If you find it too calm album, then you can try "Camembert Electrique".

To me Gentle Giant is the only band from classic prog bands that I just canīt get into at all. I have tried many times. Not a big fan of ELP too, but they have some really great songs. Also I donīt like much new prog, specially heavy prog is not my piece of cake (canīt stand Dream Theater, only band I like is Opeth).

Gong's You is my favourite, plus the rest of the Radio Gnome Invisible albums, Angel's Egg and Flying Teapot. I like Angel's Egg about as much as You. I;m guessing you would have tried You as that's one of the most acclaimed albums. These are the tracks that made me fall big-time for Gong:

You can be quite calm, I love this:

Then crazier and more energetic, like this:

Always best to listen to albums from start to finish though.

As for Gentle Giant, Mortte, I guess you've tried their early albums. My favourite is Acquiring the Taste.

As for Dream Theater, I quite like "Ytse Jam" off the debut since it reminds me of Spinal Tap's "Rock 'n Roll Creation", but that's about it. I'm not a big one for heavy prog or metal, although there are classic heavy prog bands that I do like very much.

It's been a long time since I tried to get into a band but couldn't, but I had some difficulty with Can when I started with it some time before I joined this site. I grew to love Can after getting Soundtracks, and then grew to appreciate more albums. And Thinking Plague back then... I really didn't like In Extremis, but then I got the Early Plague Years compilation and loved that. I can't think of any that I really tried to get into that I didn't find at least a level of success.

I rarely try to get into albums, and I try not to judge bands without hearing a fair amount of material across albums if the band has much material, and without researching the discography. I can usually tell if any album is likely to interest me early on. Sometimes it needs little time and space for the moment when I'm in the right mode. I can think of quite a few albums that I grew to love that didn't do very much for me at first (maybe cause I was in the wrong mode or particularly into another style at the time). I do like to try to give band's a fair ear even if it's not really my thing (sometimes down the road it has been my thing), and again, I try not to judge a band harshly based on too limited listening. Quite a few times I've seen people express utter disdain for acts without much exploration or based on first impressions, and then later on after exploring more music by the act their tune was changed. Id rather feel knowledgeable enough to make value-judgments (even if those judgments are just based on my taste which says nothing about the objective quality of the music).
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mortte Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2019 at 23:47
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
If I remember correct, I have recommended "You" to you. If you find it too calm album, then you can try "Camembert Electrique".

To me Gentle Giant is the only band from classic prog bands that I just canīt get into at all. I have tried many times. Not a big fan of ELP too, but they have some really great songs. Also I donīt like much new prog, specially heavy prog is not my piece of cake (canīt stand Dream Theater, only band I like is Opeth).

Gong's You is my favourite, plus the rest of the Radio Gnome Invisible albums, Angel's Egg and Flying Teapot. I like Angel's Egg about as much as You. I;m guessing you would have tried You as that's one of the most acclaimed albums. These are the tracks that made me fall big-time for Gong:

You can be quite calm, I love this:

Then crazier and more energetic, like this:

Always best to listen to albums from start to finish though.

As for Gentle Giant, Mortte, I guess you've tried their early albums. My favourite is Acquiring the Taste.

As for Dream Theater, I quite like "Ytse Jam" off the debut since it reminds me of Spinal Tap's "Rock 'n Roll Creation", but that's about it. I'm not a big one for heavy prog or metal, although there are classic heavy prog bands that I do like very much.

It's been a long time since I tried to get into a band but couldn't, but I had some difficulty with Can when I started with it some time before I joined this site. I grew to love Can after getting Soundtracks, and then grew to appreciate more albums. And Thinking Plague back then... I really didn't like In Extremis, but then I got the Early Plague Years compilation and loved that. I can't think of any that I really tried to get into that I didn't find at least a level of success.

I rarely try to get into albums, and I try not to judge bands without hearing a fair amount of material across albums if the band has much material, and without researching the discography. I can usually tell if any album is likely to interest me early on. Sometimes it needs little time and space for the moment when I'm in the right mode. I can think of quite a few albums that I grew to love that didn't do very much for me at first (maybe cause I was in the wrong mode or particularly into another style at the time). I do like to try to give band's a fair ear even if it's not really my thing (sometimes down the road it has been my thing), and again, I try not to judge a band harshly based on too limited listening. Quite a few times I've seen people express utter disdain for acts without much exploration or based on first impressions, and then later on after exploring more music by the act their tune was changed. Id rather feel knowledgeable enough to make value-judgments (even if those judgments are just based on my taste which says nothing about the objective quality of the music).
I really love the whole Radio Gnome-trilogy, also Flying Teapot! Yes, I have tried four first Gentle albums, only song that I like is Wreck. Also I have listened music so long, that I can tell quite soon, will I like some music. But I tried Gentle Giant many times, because many here say it would open me more listenings. No it didnīt.

Can Soundtracks is my big favourite with Tago Mago.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2019 at 00:02
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
If I remember correct, I have recommended "You" to you. If you find it too calm album, then you can try "Camembert Electrique".

To me Gentle Giant is the only band from classic prog bands that I just canīt get into at all. I have tried many times. Not a big fan of ELP too, but they have some really great songs. Also I donīt like much new prog, specially heavy prog is not my piece of cake (canīt stand Dream Theater, only band I like is Opeth).

Gong's You is my favourite, plus the rest of the Radio Gnome Invisible albums, Angel's Egg and Flying Teapot. I like Angel's Egg about as much as You. I;m guessing you would have tried You as that's one of the most acclaimed albums. These are the tracks that made me fall big-time for Gong:

You can be quite calm, I love this:

Then crazier and more energetic, like this:

Always best to listen to albums from start to finish though.

As for Gentle Giant, Mortte, I guess you've tried their early albums. My favourite is Acquiring the Taste.

As for Dream Theater, I quite like "Ytse Jam" off the debut since it reminds me of Spinal Tap's "Rock 'n Roll Creation", but that's about it. I'm not a big one for heavy prog or metal, although there are classic heavy prog bands that I do like very much.

It's been a long time since I tried to get into a band but couldn't, but I had some difficulty with Can when I started with it some time before I joined this site. I grew to love Can after getting Soundtracks, and then grew to appreciate more albums. And Thinking Plague back then... I really didn't like In Extremis, but then I got the Early Plague Years compilation and loved that. I can't think of any that I really tried to get into that I didn't find at least a level of success.

I rarely try to get into albums, and I try not to judge bands without hearing a fair amount of material across albums if the band has much material, and without researching the discography. I can usually tell if any album is likely to interest me early on. Sometimes it needs little time and space for the moment when I'm in the right mode. I can think of quite a few albums that I grew to love that didn't do very much for me at first (maybe cause I was in the wrong mode or particularly into another style at the time). I do like to try to give band's a fair ear even if it's not really my thing (sometimes down the road it has been my thing), and again, I try not to judge a band harshly based on too limited listening. Quite a few times I've seen people express utter disdain for acts without much exploration or based on first impressions, and then later on after exploring more music by the act their tune was changed. Id rather feel knowledgeable enough to make value-judgments (even if those judgments are just based on my taste which says nothing about the objective quality of the music).
I really love the whole Radio Gnome-trilogy, also Flying Teapot! Yes, I have tried four first Gentle albums, only song that I like is Wreck. Also I have listened music so long, that I can tell quite soon, will I like some music. But I tried Gentle Giant many times, because many here say it would open me more listenings. No it didnīt.

Can Soundtracks is my big favourite with Tago Mago.

Yep, that and Tago Mago are my Can faves too. As for Gentle Giant, my favourite off Acquiring the Taste probably is "The Moon is Down". I also love "Pantagruel's Nativity" and "The House, the Street, the Room". Least favourite may be "Plain Truth". I used to adore GG, but then I got totally sick of the band. I can happily listen to various GG music now, but it's not something I readily return to. It's a band that for years I put in the "I used to love, and now I don't anymore category." Unlike say VdGG and Magma, and Gong, which I discovered at the same time and remained interested in. I still like GG considerably, but it doesn't strike me as nearly as great as I once thought (but then I was a major fanboy at one time, overplayed it, and discovered a lot more music after that).
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote YESESIS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2019 at 19:10
Mercy, I liked both of those samples a lot! Could be that I was very wrong about this band lol. Anyway thank you both for suggesting You. Mortte, from Gentle Giant I might suggest the Power and the Glory. It tends to get slammed on here but I really enjoy it and I think it's certainly one of their more accessible albums. From ELP it's this.. If you can't get into the bombastic keyboard playing by Emerson then I can't help you lol.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote YESESIS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2019 at 21:58
^ Ok I just listen to You all the way through twice lol. Good stuff, I also really like the track 'A Sprinkling of Clouds' 'A Perfect Mystery' is good too but short. Right now listening to Soundtracks by Can, 'Tango Whiskeyman' is cool has kind of a 60's vibey kind of vibe. Good stuff all around man.

Edit: 'Don't Turn the Light on, Leave Me Alone' is pretty groovy too. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mortte Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2019 at 23:15
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Gong is one I've had trouble with in the past. Does any know a good place to start with them?
If I remember correct, I have recommended "You" to you. If you find it too calm album, then you can try "Camembert Electrique".

To me Gentle Giant is the only band from classic prog bands that I just canīt get into at all. I have tried many times. Not a big fan of ELP too, but they have some really great songs. Also I donīt like much new prog, specially heavy prog is not my piece of cake (canīt stand Dream Theater, only band I like is Opeth).

Gong's You is my favourite, plus the rest of the Radio Gnome Invisible albums, Angel's Egg and Flying Teapot. I like Angel's Egg about as much as You. I;m guessing you would have tried You as that's one of the most acclaimed albums. These are the tracks that made me fall big-time for Gong:

You can be quite calm, I love this:

Then crazier and more energetic, like this:

Always best to listen to albums from start to finish though.

As for Gentle Giant, Mortte, I guess you've tried their early albums. My favourite is Acquiring the Taste.

As for Dream Theater, I quite like "Ytse Jam" off the debut since it reminds me of Spinal Tap's "Rock 'n Roll Creation", but that's about it. I'm not a big one for heavy prog or metal, although there are classic heavy prog bands that I do like very much.

It's been a long time since I tried to get into a band but couldn't, but I had some difficulty with Can when I started with it some time before I joined this site. I grew to love Can after getting Soundtracks, and then grew to appreciate more albums. And Thinking Plague back then... I really didn't like In Extremis, but then I got the Early Plague Years compilation and loved that. I can't think of any that I really tried to get into that I didn't find at least a level of success.

I rarely try to get into albums, and I try not to judge bands without hearing a fair amount of material across albums if the band has much material, and without researching the discography. I can usually tell if any album is likely to interest me early on. Sometimes it needs little time and space for the moment when I'm in the right mode. I can think of quite a few albums that I grew to love that didn't do very much for me at first (maybe cause I was in the wrong mode or particularly into another style at the time). I do like to try to give band's a fair ear even if it's not really my thing (sometimes down the road it has been my thing), and again, I try not to judge a band harshly based on too limited listening. Quite a few times I've seen people express utter disdain for acts without much exploration or based on first impressions, and then later on after exploring more music by the act their tune was changed. Id rather feel knowledgeable enough to make value-judgments (even if those judgments are just based on my taste which says nothing about the objective quality of the music).
I really love the whole Radio Gnome-trilogy, also Flying Teapot! Yes, I have tried four first Gentle albums, only song that I like is Wreck. Also I have listened music so long, that I can tell quite soon, will I like some music. But I tried Gentle Giant many times, because many here say it would open me more listenings. No it didnīt.

Can Soundtracks is my big favourite with Tago Mago.

Yep, that and Tago Mago are my Can faves too. As for Gentle Giant, my favourite off Acquiring the Taste probably is "The Moon is Down". I also love "Pantagruel's Nativity" and "The House, the Street, the Room". Least favourite may be "Plain Truth". I used to adore GG, but then I got totally sick of the band. I can happily listen to various GG music now, but it's not something I readily return to. It's a band that for years I put in the "I used to love, and now I don't anymore category." Unlike say VdGG and Magma, and Gong, which I discovered at the same time and remained interested in. I still like GG considerably, but it doesn't strike me as nearly as great as I once thought (but then I was a major fanboy at one time, overplayed it, and discovered a lot more music after that).
VdGG used to be me a band, that took really long time to get into. I listened Pawn Heart many time through the years, until I finally started to like it and after that I started to listen their other albums. Itīs not still my favourite prog band, but anyway really like it, also wait their concert in May too! Have to say their latest albums are almost as good as the seventies albums.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mortte Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2019 at 23:23
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

^ Ok I just listen to You all the way through twice lol. Good stuff, I also really like the track 'A Sprinkling of Clouds' 'A Perfect Mystery' is good too but short. Right now listening to Soundtracks by Can, 'Tango Whiskeyman' is cool has kind of a 60's vibey kind of vibe. Good stuff all around man.

Edit: 'Don't Turn the Light on, Leave Me Alone' is pretty groovy too. 
Great you have gone into Can, I believe you will have great times with them, I still listen their albums every now and then, because I have started listen them more somewhere 2000`s ( before that I used to have only Monster Movie in the cassette). Mostly listened albums Iīve recommended earlier. Also, if you want to listen some more Gong, listen those other Radio Gnome-albums, theyīre all great!

I donīt believe I will waste my time anymore with GG, I have tried it so many times, itīs just not my band. And about ELP, Jerusalem in BSS is absolutely fabulous, but in Karn Evil there are parts I would like to throw Emerson with something, if he were in a same room playing.Dead

But of course itīs just a joke, I am not violent person at all. Anyway really donīt like some of Emersonīs stuff. He was better with Nice just playing hammond.

Edited by Mortte - December 24 2019 at 23:27
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote YESESIS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2019 at 19:05
^ Well I love ELP and GG but if you don't then.. oh well it is what it is, we all like what we like.

Hey! I just listened to Angels Egg all the way through. That was good! I liked it better than You, definitely. The only track on the whole thing that I didn't care for was 'Selene' and I was jammin' out big time to 'I Never Glid Before' Wow, I'm a little blown away by that album actually. Wasn't expecting it to be that good and that's for sure. What a pleasant surprise!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2019 at 19:40
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

^ Well I love ELP and GG but if you don't then.. oh well it is what it is, we all like what we like.

Hey! I just listened to Angels Egg all the way through. That was good! I liked it better than You, definitely. The only track on the whole thing that I didn't care for was 'Selene' and I was jammin' out big time to 'I Never Glid Before' Wow, I'm a little blown away by that album actually. Wasn't expecting it to be that good and that's for sure. What a pleasant surprise!

I haven't heard those albums in a long time but I remember YOU being quite a bit better than angels egg. To my recollection AE was mostly just really short pieces stitched together and nothing really earthshattering. YOU on the other hand had some great stuff including music that became the blueprint for the entire catalog of Ozric Tentacles. A pretty mindblowing album imo.

Edited by AFlowerKingCrimson - December 25 2019 at 19:41
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote YESESIS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2019 at 20:11
Just listened to Flying Teapot all the way through. I really liked it but not quite as much as the other two. Definitely a fun album. Tracks like 'The Pot Head Pixies' and 'Zero the Hero and the Witches Spell' I really enjoyed. You two were right, all three of those albums are very good indeed. I really like this band! 
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