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dropForge View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2004 at 22:58

Quote Tangerine Dream - Force Majuere uses backmasking.

LOL....Force Majeure is instrumental. Are you thinking of Cyclone? Even so, there's no such thing on it.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2004 at 23:14

Quote Also I have heard one from Rush during a live (that's right a live) production. The song was Anthem, which is based on Ann Rands work and forwards is pretty much the esccence of what satanism is all about. Guess what books Anton LeVay based the Satanic Bible- Ann Rand and "Might is Right."  Coincendence? you be the judge.

Anton LaVey (as it's correctly spelled) was a complete fraud of a human being. If you do a little research on him (not his so-called "religion," I mean him), you'll know that he plagariazed chunks of text from Might Is Right and Ayn Rand's Anthem because he was under deadline pressure to deliver his book to the publisher -- at the time, the publisher wanted to cash in on the "occult" craze sweeping metropolitan areas of the country, namely San Franciso, Los Angeles and New York. That's all it was about. Money. Yes, it's true about Sammy Davis, Jr. -- he was invited to join the so-called Church Of Satan, and did (eventually) return the paperwork and was given an honorary membership. But I chalk up activity such as this due to fads and liberal widespread use of drugs and alcohol, and boredom.

Oh: Rush never employed backwards-masking. Geddy, Neil and Alex were never into the occult. If anything, they're agnostics and atheists. You can't be really be one and claim belief in the supernatural. And it's well-documented that LaVey was a real jerk of a guy, who inflicted violence on people and animals alike. Apparently he was trying to compensate for something. Members of his family, notably his oldest daughter, denounced him and exposed him (he was never wealthy and lived a lot on handouts in his latter years).

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mikedevilsfan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 01:26

Here is the source you are quoting:

REALITY: The Satanic Bible was conceived as a commercial vehicle by paperback publisher Avon Books. Avon approached ASL for some kind of Satanic work to cash in on the Satanism & witchcraft fad of the late 1960s. Pressed for material to meet Avon's deadline, ASL resorted to plagiarism, assembling extracts from an obscure 1896 tract - Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard into a "Book of Satan" for the SB, and claiming its authorship by himself. [Ironically these MiR passages are the ones most frequently quoted by ASL disciples.] Another third of the SB consists of John Dee's "Enochian Keys", taken directly but again without attribution from Aleister Crowley's Equinox. The SB's "Nine Satanic Statements", one of the Church of Satan's central doctrines, is a paraphrase, again unacknowledged, of passages from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.- quotes from his daughter Zeena.

If you are going slam me for spelling at least give your own thoughts on the matter and don't plagiarize.


Oh: Rush never employed backwards-masking.

No one employs the kind of back masking were talking about. It's impossible, thats my point.

 Geddy, Neil and Alex were never into the occult. If anything, they're agnostics and atheists. You can't be really be one and claim belief in the supernatural.

Whether you claim to be on or not really isn't the issue. But the thoughts of Peart in particular are very self natured, and preditory,(at least some of it is) which is in line with what LaVey wrote and believed. Many members are involved in the Libertarian party as is Peart (though I don't think that makes you a Satanist).

And it's well-documented that LaVey was a real jerk of a guy, who inflicted violence on people and animals alike. Apparently he was trying to compensate for something. Members of his family, notably his oldest daughter, denounced him and exposed him (he was never wealthy and lived a lot on handouts in his latter years).

I'll buy that. Important to note though that his daughter moved to another Church of Satan (temple of Set) so in my book she is suspect as well.



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 04:06

Quote If you are going slam me for spelling at least give your own thoughts on the matter and don't plagiarize.

There is no need for you to take it personally. I wasn't "slamming" you. It's just that the surname Levay is much more common than LaVey, hence the common (unintentional) misspelling. It's not just you. And was I really plagiarizing? I typed that entire paragraph from memory -- I didn't open a second window with IE or anything.

Quote Whether you claim to be on or not really isn't the issue. But the thoughts of Peart in particular are very self natured, and preditory,(at least some of it is) which is in line with what LaVey wrote and believed. Many members are involved in the Libertarian party as is Peart (though I don't think that makes you a Satanist).

The lyrics that Peart initially wrote for Rush were edgier, in line with the rebellious nature of a young man bitter from a (failed) endeavor to make it on his own (which he tried to do, in London, before returning to Canada and taking a position in his father's business). At the time, Rush had gotten some exposure thanks to "Working Man," but the band wasn't in it yet for the long run. It would take the success of 2112 to truly cement the boys' future in music. If 2112  hadn't gone gold, Rush would've been dropped from the label. So things were still somewhat iffy for the band, and Neil. They weren't stars -- yet!

Quote I'll buy that. Important to note though that his daughter moved to another Church of Satan (temple of Set) so in my book she is suspect as well.

I didn't say she became a Christian. She simply turned on her pop because she got sick & tired of the ol' bastard.

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Rob The Plant View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 05:02
I've been playing around with this for days. I lack sleep and my internal clock is so messed up it feels like it's 2:00 in the afternoon, but it's 5:00am! I wish I could figure this out and go back to sleep. Everything is scaring me! I jsut sung the song myself and reversed it, and it came out clear, so that seems to back up the idea that it may be somewhat of a concrete intentional message.

I've listened to the song several times today, watched it sung on DVD, and everytime I just get more frustrated and frightened. One thing I have decided is that we have to look at more than jsut the message, but the meaning of the entire song, however there are many possibilities. There are  a lot of references to it being important to be immortalized, as opposed to continuing life. "Our Shadows taller than our souls"/ "to be a rock and not to roll". These stick out in my mind.

The Lyrics to this song are th eonly ones appearing in any Zeppelin albums, so they are obviously seen as important. maybe this helps, I'm sorry if I don't make any sense, which I probably don't, but I can't think anymore. Oh, and Merry Christmas.
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plodder View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 14:39
You need a hobby.
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Rob The Plant View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 14:51
I need a psychiatrist
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plodder View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 15:14
Just watching the Led Zep DVD.

I saw them at Knebworth. Jimmy page is awesome, no other word comes close.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 17:17
sing the supposed backwards message and see if you get the original lyrics when it's reversed. If I hear that it becomes at least slightly credible
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mikedevilsfan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 19:58

[QUOTE=Rob The Plant]I've been playing around with this for days. I lack sleep and my internal clock is so messed up it feels like it's 2:00 in the afternoon, but it's 5:00am! I wish I could figure this out and go back to sleep. Everything is scaring me! I jsut sung the song myself and reversed it, and it came out clear, so that seems to back up the idea that it may be somewhat of a concrete intentional message.

I've listened to the song several times today, watched it sung on DVD, and everytime I just get more frustrated and frightened. One thing I have decided is that we have to look at more than jsut the message, but the meaning of the entire song, however there are many possibilities. There are  a lot of references to it being important to be immortalized, as opposed to continuing life. "Our Shadows taller than our souls"/ "to be a rock and not to roll". These stick out in my mind.

The Lyrics to this song are th eonly ones appearing in any Zeppelin albums, so they are obviously seen as important. maybe this helps, I'm sorry if I don't make any sense, which I probably don't, but I can't think anymore. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

No your not crazy at all, and there is something to this. Most people dismiss backmasking as either a trick, or coincedence or a gimmick. This ignores any logical conclusions because its practically impossible for a human to do this.

As to your question about the lyrics, I can give you some info on the intended forward meaning from a Biblical perspective. I am not a theologian, but have studied the Bible quite a bit. I am a literary scholar (trying to be anyway) and am pursuing my PhD at them moment.

Probably the most imporatant statement in the song is "there is still time to change the road your on." which of course is not a biblical concept, espescially when you consider the phrase

Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on

This is a kind of hedionistic concept that is about as anti- Biblical as anything you will ever find. I personaly have had 4 friends die at age 17, 18, 24 and 30. And non of them had time to change their "path."

What is so amazing to me about this backwards masking is that their is a frontwards dialog that is answered by a backwards reply. For example "ohh it makes me wonder" becomes "there's no escaping it."

this was taken from the site: 6941534216362

What is written is not excactly what I heard to the right is waht I have always thought was said, but both are similar.

So here's to my Sweet Satan. ---- same
The other's little path        No other made a path
Would make me sad,        For it makes me sad
Whose power is faith.      Whose power is satan.
He'll give those with him 666.     all I heard was the 666
And all the evil fools,      I never heard any of the other 3 lines.
they know he made
us suffer sadly.

THis is an intersting interpretation though.

Another one bites the dust is another example. The chorus says  either
"its fun to smoke marijuana or start to smoke marajuana" i personally heard "start"

This stuff makes you think....


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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 20:15

Yes, it makes me think that you are stupid.

Why is it that a miraculous but malevolent entity can insinuate itsself into Led Zep songs but cant even come up with a coherent sentence?

For crying out loud!

Read this:

So here's to my sweet Satan, no other made a path.For it makes me sad, whose power is satan.666.Ermm

So this sophisticated entity came up with that crap. To what end?

To confuse and scare idiots like MDF and Rob The Plant (Wood and vegetable-kind of figures!)

Grow up!Dead



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mikedevilsfan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2004 at 21:51
[QUOTE=Reed Lover]

Yes, it makes me think that you are stupid.

Why is it that a miraculous but malevolent entity can insinuate itsself into Led Zep songs but cant even come up with a coherent sentence?

For crying out loud!

Read this:

So here's to my sweet Satan, no other made a path.For it makes me sad, whose power is satan.666.Ermm

So this sophisticated entity came up with that crap. To what end?

To confuse and scare idiots like MDF and Rob The Plant (Wood and vegetable-kind of figures!)

Grow up!Dead

This is not my invention reed. Musicologists and many others have studied this phenomenon. But since your dishing out insults, what kind of education do you have genius?



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Rob The Plant View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 00:14
seriously Reed Lover. Pretty quick to judge man. I don't see how you can simply dismiss all this evidence as nothing. You may disagree, but it's certainly quite a coincidence to have such an elaborate message work, and in the most abstract part of the song, perhaps a necessary adjustment?
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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 05:57

Originally posted by Rob The Plant Rob The Plant wrote:

seriously Reed Lover. Pretty quick to judge man. I don't see how you can simply dismiss all this evidence as nothing. You may disagree, but it's certainly quite a coincidence to have such an elaborate message work, and in the most abstract part of the song, perhaps a necessary adjustment?

Quick to judge?

Do you think you are the first person to discover this "phenomena"?
We are not talking recent news, you know.Try 20 odd years and counting!

Change your nom-de-plume to Rob The Plank?Wink


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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 06:01

This is not my invention reed. Musicologists and many others have studied this phenomenon. But since your dishing out insults, what kind of education do you have genius?



Well a basic education should give you the tools you need MDF.
I took my degree in American Literature.
Unfortunately we didnt cover fairy stories!
I am not suggesting that you are stupid for investigating this phenomena.You are stupid for giving it credence.IMHOWink

Edited by Reed Lover

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James Lee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 06:14

Maybe RL was a bit undiplomatic in his phrasing (LOL) but he's almost certainly correct. There is no cover-up, there is no occult or Satanic conspiracy, and while this subject is fodder for a bit of causal fun, no serious study of the phenomena is worthwhile (or being undertaken by anyone worth taking seriously).

The most likely effect of these backwards messages is to cause unfounded speculation- like this thread- not insinuate themselves into any unsuspecting listeners' subconscious. It seems to me that the mental health of the people who claim to be aware of this phenomena is more in question than that of anyone subjected to the 'hidden messages'.

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Dead Jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 06:55

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tuxon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 09:10

very well hidden I must say. Must be something very occult

uoy gnihctaw si natas

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I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Dead Jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 09:53
It sure is, but I canīt even find it myself...
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Pixel Pirate View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2004 at 10:07
What all this boils down to is something that has been a constant factor throughout human civilization: A lot of people are idiots. Anymore of this simpleminded,adolescent rubbish and I'm out of here! What's the next topic on the agenda,I wonder? Irrefutable evidence that the moonlanding was faked? Why not some new blurry photos of Nessie while we're at it?
Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.
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