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Topic: North Korea Posted: September 05 2017 at 18:15 |
I took cock waving. If this ding dong actually tried something serious the Americans would stop it. I think that after 9/11 they're not going to stand for any more sh*t.
Edited by Kepler62 - September 05 2017 at 18:15
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Posted: September 05 2017 at 13:51 |
hah... you know the world according to Trump has really gone off the rails when Steven Bannon and Vlad Putin are the adults in the room.
Putin: "Saddam Hussein rejected the production of weapons of mass destruction, but even under that pretense, he was destroyed and members of his family were killed, the country was demolished and Saddam Hussein was hanged. Everyone knows that and everyone in North Korea knows that"
does Trump? One would hope... they ain't giving them up under any cirumstances... economic sanctions? pffff..
Putin: "Imposing any kind of sanctions would be "useless and ineffective. Kim would rather starve his people than see his regime overthrown. They will eat grass but they will not turn away from the path that will provide for their security"
in line with Bannon's correct thinking that there is no military solution that doesn't kill hundreds of thousands, even millions including more Americans than we lost in all our conflicts since ww2 combined.... and also lead to global economic disaster and you can see who the adults are in the room.
And again ... Kim Jung Un is not unstable or wacky.. he is just playing the hand he was dealt as any world leader would.. leverage is completely in his court... 4 aces.... how much will Trump's emotional and mental instabilities allow him to lose this.. admit it that is as it is clear we have already gracefullly... or at all. They have their nukes and ain't giving them up willingly. That is the scary part... one can only hope the Generals have a leash on him, even as I've posted... pulling a Nixon on him. Wouldn't be surprised if decades down the road we find that the Joint Chiefs have taken direct control of our nuclear weapons away from Trump.
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Posted: September 05 2017 at 11:44 |
Blacksword wrote:
HackettFan wrote:
It seems to me Kim is seeking a war. All his actions and rhetoric since the election of Trump have been unmotivated to the best of my knowledge. I can't figure anything on the US side that brought any of this on. North Korea wasn't ever on Trump's radar screen prior to taking office to the best of my knowledge. Does anyone know of anything North Korea had cause to fear from a Trump Presidency prior to taking office? Even Trump's harsh rhetoric has been merely responsive and tit for tat. None of it was diplomatically wise like everything else Trump puts into words, but it was all response to prior unmotivated North Korean action, as far as I can tell. Nothing has been initiated on the US side other regular annual military drills with allies. If anybody knows otherwise, let me know. I'd like to know. I understand that a North Korean myth they tell their military is that prosperity will come once they've defeated the U.S. That doesn't sound much like they're going to settle down once they have their nukes. Unfortunately I think harsh economic sanctions are simply going to strengthen that myth and the resolve of NK and Kim Jong Un to take everything the whole way. I'm more pessimistic than those who think Kim's got or is getting nukes, and has therefore attained what he has aimed for. I think it goes beyond that. I'm very happy to be persuaded otherwise, though.
I think it unlikely he is seeking war, unless he is actually insane, but there's no actual evidence of that.
If he does want war, it would be presumably because he is banking on China and Russia getting involved and wiping out all the enemies of NK; a kind of "If we're going down, we'll make sure everyone else goes down with us" approach, but I think it more likely he just wants to be left alone, and after observing what happened to Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein he probably believes the best way to ensure he is left alone is to have nuclear weapons. They didn't and look what happened. | I don't think he wants to be left alone. I think he wants South Korea. And I think he wants war reparations from the US. I don't think there's any diplomatic solution to this crisis other than to pay North Korea reparations or aid. Being left alone gains North Korea nothing. They're economy and standard of living is a shambles. Kim has banked on nukes getting him something. He was already left alone. The status quo will not feed anyone. The status quo will breed nothing but discontent in his own country. I think you're right about learning something from Gaddafi. The unrest that unseated Gaddafi came from the inside. What he wants is for us to feed his people while he builds nukes.
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Posted: September 05 2017 at 03:42 |
HackettFan wrote:
It seems to me Kim is seeking a war. All his actions and rhetoric since the election of Trump have been unmotivated to the best of my knowledge. I can't figure anything on the US side that brought any of this on. North Korea wasn't ever on Trump's radar screen prior to taking office to the best of my knowledge. Does anyone know of anything North Korea had cause to fear from a Trump Presidency prior to taking office? Even Trump's harsh rhetoric has been merely responsive and tit for tat. None of it was diplomatically wise like everything else Trump puts into words, but it was all response to prior unmotivated North Korean action, as far as I can tell. Nothing has been initiated on the US side other regular annual military drills with allies. If anybody knows otherwise, let me know. I'd like to know. I understand that a North Korean myth they tell their military is that prosperity will come once they've defeated the U.S. That doesn't sound much like they're going to settle down once they have their nukes. Unfortunately I think harsh economic sanctions are simply going to strengthen that myth and the resolve of NK and Kim Jong Un to take everything the whole way. I'm more pessimistic than those who think Kim's got or is getting nukes, and has therefore attained what he has aimed for. I think it goes beyond that. I'm very happy to be persuaded otherwise, though.
| I think it unlikely he is seeking war, unless he is actually insane, but there's no actual evidence of that. If he does want war, it would be presumably because he is banking on China and Russia getting involved and wiping out all the enemies of NK; a kind of "If we're going down, we'll make sure everyone else goes down with us" approach, but I think it more likely he just wants to be left alone, and after observing what happened to Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein he probably believes the best way to ensure he is left alone is to have nuclear weapons. They didn't and look what happened.
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Posted: September 04 2017 at 16:35 |
Maybe his hairdo!!!!..........
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Posted: September 04 2017 at 15:58 |
It seems to me Kim is seeking a war. All his actions and rhetoric since the election of Trump have been unmotivated to the best of my knowledge. I can't figure anything on the US side that brought any of this on. North Korea wasn't ever on Trump's radar screen prior to taking office to the best of my knowledge. Does anyone know of anything North Korea had cause to fear from a Trump Presidency prior to taking office? Even Trump's harsh rhetoric has been merely responsive and tit for tat. None of it was diplomatically wise like everything else Trump puts into words, but it was all response to prior unmotivated North Korean action, as far as I can tell. Nothing has been initiated on the US side other regular annual military drills with allies. If anybody knows otherwise, let me know. I'd like to know. I understand that a North Korean myth they tell their military is that prosperity will come once they've defeated the U.S. That doesn't sound much like they're going to settle down once they have their nukes. Unfortunately I think harsh economic sanctions are simply going to strengthen that myth and the resolve of NK and Kim Jong Un to take everything the whole way. I'm more pessimistic than those who think Kim's got or is getting nukes, and has therefore attained what he has aimed for. I think it goes beyond that. I'm very happy to be persuaded otherwise, though.
Edited by HackettFan - September 04 2017 at 16:01
A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
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Posted: September 04 2017 at 06:16 |
The T wrote:
There are no options except accept, in the long run, NK as a nuclear state. That's it. Kim Jong Un will have achieved his only real goal (staying in power, he's no insane lunatic as commonly believed). He's not after world conquest or ideology spread (how can you spread Juche to non-Koreans anyway). The US will have to accept it and just keep vigilant. | I was inclined to agree, but since NK have now allegedly tested a H Bomb which can possibly be mounted on an ICBM, AND are said to be planning more tests, I'm not convinced that Trump won't act. It depends how far NK push the envelope. If they test fire a missile in the Pacific ever closer to Guaum or worse still within 500 miles of Hawaii, then I'm almost certain Trump is going t go into a tail spin, and carpet bomb them down to the last man. That's when the trouble will actually start...
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Posted: August 31 2017 at 07:41 |
There are no options except accept, in the long run, NK as a nuclear state. That's it. Kim Jong Un will have achieved his only real goal (staying in power, he's no insane lunatic as commonly believed). He's not after world conquest or ideology spread (how can you spread Juche to non-Koreans anyway). The US will have to accept it and just keep vigilant.
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Posted: August 30 2017 at 22:00 |
Blacksword wrote:
What do you reckon...
With the FBI sniffing around the Whitehouse is Trump merely seeking to distract the media and public from his alleged shenanegans re; Russian engageent prior to the election, or is he seriously seeking a war to cock his leg, and mark out his territory in the history books with an actual war? |
the Afghan Trump 180 gives us faith... those that have more faith in Kin Jung Ill than we do Trump to not capriciously kill hundreds of thousands... millions. Kim is playing the game, and nukes are a politcal weapon, it is Trump that is the wild card and unstable capricious one.
Though we can't come out officially and say it for obvious reasons (though the North Koreans know it as well as we do).. they won, they got their nuclear program and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it now. After Iraq and Libya.. no WAY they give it up .... Bannon was dead on... there is no military solution that doesn't kill millions. The adults will reign Trump in. They did with Afghanistan... at least in this one area.. we can sleep at night and know that Trump at least listens and heeds the Generals.
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Posted: August 30 2017 at 05:53 |
Sean Trane wrote:
just two trisomic 31 (yup, the beat easily the Tr21) idiots trying to have the bigger dick and piss the furthest... It's blow over... (as soon as Trump is gone) At worse, China will organize a coup in NK. (with our blessing or at least post-approval)
Blacksword wrote:
Absolutely. What could possibly go wrong?
Syria's going really well. NATO have moved their chess pieces into place in the Baltics. The Doomsday clock is at 2.5 mins to midnight, and the Russians are lookign on thinking "What the actual f**k?!" and there's a senile clown in the Whitehouse as desperate to cling on to power as Kim Jong Un.
Things can only get better. | mmmhh!!!... I can see DT actually saying "f**k this Prez sh*t". He doesn't sound like he's interested in a second term
| Possibily not, but I'm sure he'll want some kind of legacy, and the first president to actually deal with NK could be an atractive legacy for him. In atempting to 'deal' with NK, Bill Clinton actually nudged them further down the road to developing nuclear weapons, when he sold them a reactor, albeit a type from which the nuclear byproducts couldn't be used direcly for weapons grade material. Bush did nothing at all. Obama held a few more 'cock waving' military drills with the south, but Trump could be the one that actually pushes the button!
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Posted: August 22 2017 at 03:30 |
just two trisomic 31 (yup, the beat easily the Tr21) idiots trying to have the bigger dick and piss the furthest... It's blow over... (as soon as Trump is gone) At worse, China will organize a coup in NK. (with our blessing or at least post-approval)
Blacksword wrote:
Absolutely. What could possibly go wrong?
Syria's going really well. NATO have moved their chess pieces into place in the Baltics. The Doomsday clock is at 2.5 mins to midnight, and the Russians are lookign on thinking "What the actual f**k?!" and there's a senile clown in the Whitehouse as desperate to cling on to power as Kim Jong Un.
Things can only get better. | mmmhh!!!... I can see DT actually saying "f**k this Prez sh*t". He doesn't sound like he's interested in a second term
Edited by Sean Trane - August 22 2017 at 03:35
The Dark Elf
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Posted: August 21 2017 at 12:42 |
I am of the belief that Kim Jong-un is all bluster and loves shiny things, like any fat adolescent who would not normally be able to get a date. Would it really behoove this tin-horn dictator to be annihilated by atom bombs? He ramps up the rhetoric in order to get attention, and in lulls between he shoots his relatives and disobedient generals with field cannon.
Edited by The Dark Elf - August 21 2017 at 12:42
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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Posted: August 21 2017 at 02:49 |
US & SK holding drills this week, with the obvious intention of making things worse. Trump really needs this war to hang on to power. Nothing seems to rally the US electorate around their presidents than a good round of righteous carpet bombing.
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Posted: August 21 2017 at 01:32 |
More c**k waving in both directions
Literally it. NK has been doing this for...well decades. In a way they are the OG Trump. They are the masters of madman negotiations: act like a total crazed drunken loon at a bar, waving a broken bottle at people are forced to deal with you so you calm down. Except in this case everyone knows it so it's "Sigh...OK OK stop shooting missiles off what do you want NK?"
Difference is now, they have met their American counterpart. So the show is really off the rails. Nothing will happen. Even Bannon said so, much to the chagrin of the great leader.
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 13:31 |
No idea what N Korea is going to do but it's another indication of just how screwed up Trump is when it comes to dealing with real world situations.
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 11:41 |
Trump smash!
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 10:00 |
No doubt in my mind, the f**ker wants to use it.
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 09:53 |
Absolutely. What could possibly go wrong? Syria's going really well. NATO have moved their chess pieces into place in the Baltics. The Doomsday clock is at 2.5 mins to midnight, and the Russians are lookign on thinking "What the actual f**k?!" and there's a senile clown in the Whitehouse as desperate to cling on to power as Kim Jong Un. Things can only get better.
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 09:47 |
Voted it will settle down. The Anglo-American "power" bloc is on the way out however. But because we've been so nice to the rest of the world things might go well. Right?...
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Posted: August 11 2017 at 09:36 |
What do you reckon...
With the FBI sniffing around the Whitehouse is Trump merely seeking to distract the media and public from his alleged shenanegans re; Russian engageent prior to the election, or is he seriously seeking a war to cock his leg, and mark out his territory in the history books with an actual war?
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