It's weird , I bumped into some Brazilians the other day and we discussed Brazilian music.. Not knowingly I had a couple of albums from Brazil.. One from
Gustavo Santiago( Animan!) and the other
Quaterna Requiem - Quasimodo.
I played the album Quasimodo again and loving it the first time and ended up buying all 5 albums, one being a live album. O Arquitteto is probably their best album along with Quasimodo. Both these albums give you that depth and brilliance in the music and never a dull moment. Velha Gravura follows these albums in terms of brilliance. A Mao Livre is probably their least favourite of mine but it's still a good album. Prog/Archives posters have rated these albums well and should be considered a very strong recommendation.
O Arquiteto(2012)...10/10
Velha Gravura(1990)...8/10
A Mao Livre(2003)...7/10
Strongly recommended indeed!........
Edited by noni - February 17 2017 at 17:45