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Topic: What do the people you know think of prog? Posted: June 10 2016 at 18:48 |
Your family, friends, anyone. Do they like it, dislike it, or just don't care about it? I played my sister a Genesis song once and she hated it, my mom and dad like some of it and dislike some too. Most of my friends refuse to give it a chance after I tell them the average length is 7 - 10 minutes. What about you?
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 19:00 |
They don't. Think of it, that is.
/actually that's not true. my dad is a fan of Genesis and the Jethros
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 19:36 |
Some are turned off by the length, but I've managed to make some people listen to ELP, Genesis, Yes etc. without complaining.
But the most outrageous comment came from my mother who said it was all the same thing, the rhythm doesn't change, it's a sequence that never changes. To which I was perplexed at how she could come to that conclusion but oh well.
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 20:09 |
Wherever I go, I try to interest people around me in the music of my favourite band, Triumvirat, but mostly, to no avail. At work I get funny looks kind of like "TriumvirWHAT?" Actually, they kid me a lot, with my obsession with the band. But in terms of actually listening to them or other prog? Most of them couldn't be bothered. My sisters don't take an interest; they are pretty mainstream in their music taste. Luckily, my best friend likes prog, and will listen to it with me. Not all is accessible to him, but he does like Triumvirat and Le Orme, for example. I have another friend who likes progressive music, but we don't listen to it together; he is too busy watching science fiction movies, series, etc. which is ok in itself, but limiting in terms of prog appreciation. My late father, who was from the generation that grew up on 1940s jazz, actually could get something out of progressive rock; my mother never heard it.
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 20:26 |
My nine year old daughter loves Prog and says it is the only music that matters. My wife has no choice but to listen while in the car and likes a good bit. My friends...I think they believe I must possess some cool intelligence to follow and talk of it as much as I do. Hell, I shall take that compliment. They can't understand how can listen to such long songs without losing focus and becoming bored. Not difficult at all really.
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 20:49 |
I was listening to Mike Oldfield (Incantations) and my mom said it sounded like church music, and then like Christmas music.
My sister when I was listening to The Endless River said Talking Hawking sounded like if it was Stephen Hawking talking  . Surprisingly she said she liked "Mood for a Day" when I was listening to Fragile.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper knowing all about the place
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Posted: June 10 2016 at 21:56 |
Mostly I would say people don't care. The best aproach I have found is, when I put music in the car, mainly if I get to give somone a ride, I ask what to put on, usully people will say whatever. Then I say weird stuff may come out of my random IPod, or heavy, or just difficult and they will go whatever. Then not so easily will they complain.
A little while ago some friend in FB shared an acoustic song from Aerosmith... I said it was nice, but I still liked better the original. So came the thing that it was rock and it was suposed to have a punch that was lost in the acoustic treatment. So I sugested I knew some bands that really could rock without electric guitar... to which she said it would be interesting to hear some. I sugested Led Zeppelin's "Babe, I'm gonna leave you"; Apocalyptica (which she said she already knew, and I guess liked to some extent); Corvus Corax (which was new to her and said she liked)... and from there I jumped to Van Der Graaf Generator (even though they are not really acoustic, they hardly have an electric guitar, and they rock with the sax)... the thing is she said she really liked it (I shared "The Sleepwalkers")... and said she found it kind of soft... I'm not really sure if she really heard it all or if she will ever listen to more of them, though. Still, it's fun how I went from an acoustic Aerosmith song to suggesting VDGG and not being told I was crazy.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 04:46 |
They haven't heard of it. It's not a popular style of music around these parts.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 04:52 |
It's always the length which makes it boring. But if you go back to the time when you got into prog, wasn't that exactly the thing you didn't really like? It took me quite some time to appreciate epics in full. And well, there are shorter prog songs, but they tend to be less proggy.
Edited by DDPascalDD - June 11 2016 at 04:52
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 05:18 |
My parents like some of it, my mom says "Nah, it's too complicated.", my dad likes some bands like Art Zoyd, Art Bears, Henry Cow, and some far out avant-garde stuff. My friends? They think I'm a snob, most of them at least. One of my better friends likes a bit of prog, being a black metal/industrial/post-rock fan.
Edited by ALotOfBottle - June 11 2016 at 05:19
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 06:53 |
People are conditioned to strict formats, recall 10 seconds removed from a Heep guitar to ensure a song gets played on the radio. Odd really, first rock and pop songs are truncated then we get the notion of extended (or more accurately the original unedited version) of something.
Reminds me of a most amusing moment ages ago when in a car with a new soon to be ex a while back. Shine On was played on "classic rock" radio. Good stuff. Part 1 only. ... Literally part 1. 1.30 seconds worth. Parts 2 - 5 (expected) were omitted.
Some people like records that are the same old thing over and over (ACDC) but hearing music that is supposed to be rock that does not conform to expectations makes people react negatively. It's not surprising as most folks like the safe and familiar. Actually I'm not too different from that mind set.
As for Genesis sounding the same all the time... Eh what? Actually I doubt many people know too much about harmony (look at the Latest Zeppelin law suit for a good laugh - it used to be a net joke on Metallica riffs years ago now its a reality.
People are defined by associated culture rather than music. Once, a long, long time ago for one weekend (this was really amazing and never replicated) I managed to whistle the instrumental break in One For The Vine all the time for that one weekend. A female flat mate remarked that was a nice bit of music. Well, very true although my whistling hardly does that diamond of a piece of music justice. Nonetheless I told her the origins and upon hearing whose music it was she said it was actually dreadful. Seriously.
Trouble is prog rock does not have a pop culture identity though associated acts do e.g. metal with a prog orientation - people will think metal - not prog rock. It was always a hard sell as the record companies knew. They had to rely on people listening to music on it's own. Appalling idea. No fashion, dance or even associated drugs by which to infer some street cred type thing. Sure some associate and indulge the usual illegal tobacco but you can get that idea with anything. Worse than punk as it meant music critics might have to know something.
Which reminds me. Why the negative reviews? The press had deadlines and had to absorb content, objectively analyze, disseminate etc. Faced with Lamb Tales, APP, BSS etc It may have meant not getting to the pub and a free round in time. Going to make Yes, Genesis ELP et al pay for that one!
Prog rock is for the classical rock outliers not pop culture identifiers.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 06:54 |
Too general a question because there's a whole spectrum of opinions ranging from ignorance (of the very existence of something called to prog) to indifference to passionate following thereof. For a sample of the last, my friend has a band, Rainburn (which I helped add to the website ha ha ha) and they played a gig in my city for the first time this last Thursday so common friends (all prog lovers to varying degrees) turned up to support him and click photos with the would-be prog legend.  And most of us are in our early thirties by the by (so not an old fogy thing).
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 07:37 |
Although my wife owned a few prog records (ELP, Marillion, Yes) even before I met her she is not a big fan of it. She bought above mentioned artists because of a specific song on the album, eg. ELP - Take a pebble. She has a much more mainstream taste than I do. My brother is a even bigger prog fan than I am and listens to stuff that is too much for me, like Sleepy Time Gorilla Museum, for example. My kids liked it when they where younger, but now they find it old fashioned. I played Devin Townsend in the car to a (female) work colleague and she loved it; but then she is also not that much into mainstream. She is mainly a goth fan. Another collegue once said my music reminds her of musicals. That made me truely worried
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 08:00 |
Over the years I have had a few boners, but in general, no one has ever really sat down and talked music with me. This place, is as close as I have gotten to actually share some music, and appreciate folks comments and experiences, however different they might be from mine.
But one time, when someone said to me he loved music and knew all the songs, after all he had 999 mp3's on his iPod, I immediately turned over my 3 books of CD's, each of which has a band with 3 or 4 LP's worth of songs in them, and it was only about 400 CD's ... (I take my collection from a band, put it on a CD and I can play it on the car) ... over 150 bands available in the car.
When the guy looked at it, and realized that he only knew "a few songs" he never talked music around me anymore, but his wife told me that he one day asked ... if the stuff I had, was really music!
I guess some folks confuse "song" with "music" and with "hit". I always think of "pop musik" as just a song, not serious music as one of our dearest friends would have said!
Or the best one around Guy Guden ... someone interrupting his show to say Golden Earring is not "rock'n'roll" ... and Guy having to say ... who cares, it's great music! Some folks seem to think that rock'n'roll is music and classical and anything else isn't!
How's that for weird?
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 08:28 |
I've always been very surprised by how receptive people have been to the prog I play for them. Maybe it's because most of my friends have some sort of musical training. The strangest reaction I've ever had to playing prog for someone was one of my friends back in the day, who was a girl who had basically only listened to top 40 hits. Her first exposure to prog was Tales From Topographic Oceans. Oddly enough, she loved it instantly.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 09:08 |
My dad is a big Pink Floyd fan, and my mom appreciates Focus, Mike Oldfield and some folky prog... So yeah, I grew up with good music!
I have a lot of friends who love progressive rock... Uhm... It's actually the other way around, I became friends with them because we have similar music taste.
My boyfriend and I are big prog fans, but he's a lot pickier than I am. I really appreciate all what he plays when we listen to music, but sadly some music which I adore aren't his taste. He's more of the old school prog, while I'm open for a lot of different (prog) genres.
Sadly I also lost some friends because they didn't understand my music taste... Well, actually my dedication to music. There are a lot of people out there who 'hear' music, but actually never listen, and don't have a special taste in it. I don't mind, but somehow they seemed to be 'annoyed' by my dedication. They also thing all what I do now (writing reviews, doing interviews, etc) is 'just a hobby', or worse, they even say that I should quit and need to find a real job (or jokingly sending hints that I need to find something else). Sadly I have no support from my parents either, while they actually got me into prog. They think I've ruined my seven years of education (I studied Microbiology and graduated in 2013) and that I 'need' a proper job in a laboratory, so I can earn 'proper' money... While I'm now happier than I've ever been by doing reviews, interviews and such.
I know, it's better to say that "our daughter works at a topnotch laboratory and earns big money" than "our daughter followed her dreams, enjoys what she does now every day but struggles hard financially", but I hope my parents would be proud of me someday...
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 09:35 |
My friends still love it, although most of us are enjoying many other kinds of music as well.
The younger set in the extended family doesn't pay it much attention. Music doesn't seem as important to them as it was to me, but the amount of young people I know is not a huge sample.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 10:29 |
moshkito wrote:
Over the years I have had a few boners
   97.8% of the human race doesn't even know what 'prog' is (even if they listen to it). In general, most people I knew didn't care for the prog I listened to with the exception of some Floyd and Zappa. One time I remember a buddy came to my place, I don't remember what I was playing, but he shakes his head and says to himself "Darryl and his weird music"  Another time I played Gong's "A Sprinkling Of Clouds" for some stoned teenagers and they loved it.
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 12:16 |
My sister likes some of it, Rush and Floyd I know she has albums of but for my tastes, recently she said she thought Genesis was fine, but Yes and Renaissance were weird. She'd probably hate Caravan, The Enid, or wow, she'd probably hate any neo prog. My friend who essentially only listens to hip hop always says when I tell him I'm not interested in that kind of music "but all you listen to is prog!" and I'm thinking to myself you're the one who's heard Abacab and assumes that's what prog is. Heh. And I've got a friend into prog, he likes a lot of the metal stuff but he digs Genesis and Renaissance and a lot of stuff like that. We share really obscure bands a lot.
Edited by fudgenuts64 - June 11 2016 at 12:18
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Posted: June 11 2016 at 12:42 |
I Love Genesis there a great band very different and the length of the songs make it all the more great cause they have class musicians and each person wants to ply there part like with steve Hackett guitar solo or tony banks on keys