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Komandant Shamal View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2015 at 04:18
Originally posted by The Dark Elf The Dark Elf wrote:

Hey Steve, just wanted to thank you for the Mostly Autumn suggestion a while back. I liked it so much I added it to my top ten in the Collab AOTY vote:
1. IQ - The Road of Bones
2. Stever Rothery - The Ghosts of Pripyat
3. Agusa - Högtid
4. Dream the Electric Sheep - Heretics
5. Atomic Ape - Swarm
6. Mostly Autumn - Dressed in Voices
7. Tim Bowness - Abandoned Dancehall Dreams
8. The Merlin Bird - Chapter and Verse
9. Pink Floyd - The Endless River
10. My Brother the Wind - Once There Was a Time When Time and Space Were One
It is amazing how much sublime stuff one would miss if not tuned in to a forum such as this. Keep on with your excellent blog, sir!
Amazing list, sir! My favorite is Mostly Autumn - Dressed In Voices.
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yam yam View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2015 at 05:38
Originally posted by progbethyname progbethyname wrote:

I'm sure eventually While Heaven Wept will have their own spot rightfully here on PA soon.
They are a blessing in the modern Prog metal world. A thankful discovery for myself. 
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Anyhow, While Heaven Wept are Prog metal, pure and simple. I, too, am astounded that they are not here. Have they been suggested? There are moments of utter beautiful melody, soaring keyboards, pounding rhythm, screaming guitars, a suitably 'eavy, and strong, vocalist, all this in a dramatic setting which screams to me to be included on this site.
They were evaluated back in 2009 (I'm guessing after the release of 'Vast Oceans Lachrymose') and  unfortunately rejected:

While Heaven Wept

But there have been two albums since, so they could be given another shot. Nobody has actully suggested them in the forum though, as far as I can tell. The first evaluation must have been initiated via the cz.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2015 at 14:48
^ thanks, David. A huge source of knowledge, as ever.

Actually, I really would like While Heaven Wept to get another shot at an add. Also, Luna Rossa, as we discussed a little while back here. Both are, IMO, genuine cases for reevaluation, not annoying repetitious cases such as dear old Buckethead and Priest, whose endless repeat suggestions seem to get on more than a few collab's nerves.

I think both should be here. I would also like to do a couple of reviews!

So, the million dollar question. Is this done via the New Acts Suggestions thread, or via the collab zone for acts previously rejected? I know this is shockingly ignorant from a former team collab, but I genuinely do not know how we ask teams to take a second look    

Anybody got an answer?

The blog will be back in the next few days to report on the Damian listening fest.
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yam yam View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2015 at 16:41
Either method could be used Steve, but since neither has actually had a dedicated thread posted for them in the New Suggestions forum up to yet, I will do the honours for both bands once my shifts for the week at work are over. That will be on Tuesday. Smile
There will also be a suggestion posted for the wonderful Cloud Atlas, featuring ex-Mostly Autumn, Breathing Space and Stolen Earth vocalist Heidi Widdop. This is a fine Crossover Prog album if you haven't heard it yet. Head over to, and give yourself a treat! Big smile
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lazland View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2015 at 15:14
Originally posted by yam yam yam yam wrote:

Either method could be used Steve, but since neither has actually had a dedicated thread posted for them in the New Suggestions forum up to yet, I will do the honours for both bands once my shifts for the week at work are over. That will be on Tuesday. Smile
There will also be a suggestion posted for the wonderful Cloud Atlas, featuring ex-Mostly Autumn, Breathing Space and Stolen Earth vocalist Heidi Widdop. This is a fine Crossover Prog album if you haven't heard it yet. Head over to, and give yourself a treat! Big smile

Cheers, David. I am grateful to you for doing the suggestions. You always were better than I at such things!

I will put Cloud Atlas on tomorrow lunchtime. As you will see from the post below, a Wilson fest has been had the past couple of days.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2015 at 15:15
So, I have listened, and now I report. I must confess that before this thread started, I was rather unaware of Damian Wilson. Of course, I had heard of Threshold, and may even have heard them a couple of times, but the connection was unknown to me.

I firstly listened to I Am Anonymous by Headspace. Soldier, the recommended track by Nicholas, is a lovely track, moving & rich. The rest? Good heavy Prog, but nothing standout, although moments of Daddy f**king Loves You had me tapping away. So, Headspace will probably not trouble the Lazland pockets.

Then I moved onto That's Why We Came by Threshold. This is a hugely superior slab of heavy Prog, great stuff. I may well get March of Progress, the album from whence it came, which had me deeply impressed on the journey home tonight.

I have heard Clive Nolan's Alchemy before, albeit a little while ago. I really must revisit it, although, disappointingly, I couldn't get it on Spotify this evening.

Then, I Thought The World Was Listening. Disciple, the first track on this album, I have mentioned before as being a beautiful piece of music, but, tonight, I put on the whole hog. The album is a 2011 retrospective of Wilson's solo work, and is simply superb. This is precisely the type of intelligent, soulful, musically precise stuff that I adore, although quite a long away from the likes of Threshold! I can see why he isn't on the site as a solo artist, because much of this is probably not "rock" enough to pass an evaluation (although, personally, I believe that acoustic and stripped down Prog should be here). It is, though, great stuff, and I have ordered the album tonight.

There we go. Thanks Nicholas👏 Getting great new music is just why we are here, and this is simply so moving, I had to get it. I would also mention just how fantastically diverse Wilson is.

I mentioned Spotify before. I put the IPad app back on at the weekend, having deleted it some time ago when the adverts were getting on my pips. I never did get around to subscribing, mainly because of stories I kept seeing here and elsewhere about the pittance artists get for each listen.

I did go through a digital download phase a few years back, but swiftly went back to buying hard copy cd's only. I like to own music, and I am rather old fashioned in that I like to be able to hold what I own.

In the last couple of years, my only streaming has been done on Progstreaming site, which I have always found to be a great site, and has spawned more than a few purchases. And this is how I propose to use Spotify. The Damian Wilson related tracks suggested have been played on Spotify, and I am listening to the retrospective solo album on there now. This listen has prompted me to buy, so the artist will now get his deserved royalties for making music that moves me and brings me pleasure. I am aware that many prefer to simply listen, and not buy, but, surely, even if a percentage only buy the cd, it will have been worth it for the artist? What do you all think?

Anyhow, I have a funny feeling that when I have finished my outstanding reviews in the next week, I will be exploring both PA and Spotify to expand and explore my newly found enthusiasm for modern Heavy Prog. It was about time I moved away from Rush and found out what else was there😛
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2015 at 15:25
What a coincidence, as I just received Dave Bainbridge's Celestial Fire album, and promptly reviewed it yesterday. It features Damian Wilson as lead vocalist and he does a masterful job with material that is somewhat more gentle than his usual gig with Threshold (which  have recently got into also!). Steve, this is right down your alley, me thinks......Let me know what you think should you decide to follow my advice.  
I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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lazland View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2015 at 15:34
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

What a coincidence, as I just received Dave Bainbridge's Celestial Fire album, and promptly reviewed it yesterday. It features Damian Wilson as lead vocalist and he does a masterful job with material that is somewhat more gentle than his usual gig with Threshold (which  have recently got into also!). Steve, this is right down your alley, me thinks......Let me know what you think should you decide to follow my advice.  

Thanks Thomas. I saw your review, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time I got a cd based on one of your sets of words!

Mr Bainbridge added to the listening list.

Edited by lazland - February 10 2015 at 15:35
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Cristi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 11 2015 at 00:35
I still say you Landmarq a chance; Damian was on their first three albums - 1992 - Solitary Witness, 1993 - Infinity parade and 1995 - The Vision Pit.

here's one of my favorite songs by them

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yam yam View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 11 2015 at 06:28
Originally posted by yam yam yam yam wrote:

There will also be a suggestion posted for the wonderful Cloud Atlas, featuring ex-Mostly Autumn, Breathing Space and Stolen Earth vocalist Heidi Widdop. This is a fine Crossover Prog album if you haven't heard it yet. Head over to, and give yourself a treat! Big smile
LOL - I never got to suggest them...!! Svetonio must have spotted the album on bandcamp and sent a pm to Kev that they were a good fit for Crossover. Svetonio also added the band to progfreak just two days ago, and all credit to the team - they've cleared Cloud Atlas already!
Edit: To Hell with it...!! I put a thread in the New Suggestions forum anyway so that more folks can get to know this excellent band: Evil Smile

Edited by yam yam - February 11 2015 at 07:08
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progbethyname View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 11 2015 at 18:10
Steve! My good man.

Thank you once again for such a wonderful, thorough and meaningful response to your last 3 above posts. I certainly care to share my thoughts on all of what you've meantioned and thoughtfully have done.   

First of all. To the aforementioned, Wilson. I'm so glad that it appears you got the most out of 'I am A Soldier' and even decided to venture deeper by spinning the entire 'Headspace' album. Yes, Daddy f'ing loves you is a superior example by just how wonderful modern Prog metal can sound. I cannot begin to describe my level of enjoyment that I am received from listening to the "I am Anonymous' album. It has certainly hit me in a good way. Also, just a quick rec. "Out There" is an album by Rick Wakeman that features Wilson on lead Vocals and I think you might find Wilson's voice quite tasteful and to contrast a keyboard driven sound very well. :)

Secondly. CDs v.s MP3 downloading. Oh boy.   
I have spent a lot of time and research into the art and science behind sound recording and of course many variables come into play (depending on your music sources) but it is in my opinion that CDS, with their sound quality at a standard uncompressed format (16/44.1) hold the most weight sound quality wise!
Unfortunately we live right now in a digital epidemic whereby most people are sacrificing sound quality for just udder convenience.
Taking a downloaded mp3 say directly off I tunes and throwing that onto either your mobile phone or other portable music devices is absolute rubbish! It is horribly compressed audio whereby the sound is bloated and bright in the wrong areas so you have no chance in hell hearing what or how the artist originally wanted you (the listener) to hear that album. The highs, mids and lows are so unrefined and imbalanced it actually sickens me. Worst of all, most people especially on the go are using sh*tty-little ears buds and directly pairing those buds to their portable music devices. Yuk.
However, in the incredible world of audio technology is at an all time high, but known by so few that it is actually archaic.   . DIGITAL ANALOGUE CONVERTERS (DAC's) and PORTABLE HEADPHONE AMPLIFIERS are wonderful pieces of audio equipment that can pair well with *some* downloaded music formats and they are FLAC ALAC, and WAV which are uncompressed lossless audio codecs that will sound great if you have the rights sources; hence the DAC.   . Therefore, this can negate the purchases of CDS, but for really doing things right in the audio world and for ethereal listening experiences, top quality audio gear and systems respond best with CDS or vinyl records. I can only say this, keep buying CDS! We are huge music appreciators and I find having something tangible is top drawer both for aesthetics and in my situation given what kind of audio equipment I have, sound quality as well.

Lastly. While heaven Wept was reviewed and rejected???!! I can only do and say this.

I kid! I'm not gonna point fingers and play the blame game, but clearly WHW are a progressive act and a very good one at that. I will say to you master laz, thank you. Thank you for looking into this matter more thoroughly because I would really love to see WHW belong where they rightfully belong.
I think "Team Metal" here on PA should have a nice listen to their latest album "Suspended at Aphelion" (2014).
A dazzling display of Prog metal might and sophistication.

Anyhow, I leave you with a question. Since you started out with a "metal sound' is it possible that true love for metal could be revived with in you? If so, allow me to join you on the adventure. It would be my pleasure to share some 'fresh' acts with you with in the prog metal genre cause I feel it's kind of my bag!   

I hope you will do the same for me with in the modernized symphonic Prog world (NEO).
I know you are an expert in the field.

Talk soon.

And thanks to you YAMI YAMS.
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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lazland View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 12 2015 at 14:45
^ Thanks, Nicholas. I agree with all you say regarding physical copy sound.

When you mentioned Wakeman's Out There, I dug out the cd, which, I confess, I haven't put on for a while. Sure enough, it was Mr Wilson on vocals. The wife and I went to see the Maestro and The English Rock Ensemble in Swansea on the subsequent tour, but Ashley Holt had returned to the fold for this, there being some kind of contractual issue with Wilson. I confess, I had forgotten, and this album is certainly one of Rick's better later efforts.

I am always happy to do some exploring, so more of the old 'eavy stuff would be more than welcome, thank you😀

As far as other recommendations from all quarters go, I have Cloud Atlas on via Bandcamp as I write this post. Not bad at all, actually, and certainly worthy of our attention. Well produced and performed.

As for Landmarq, I will have a real good listen again here, because it has been a fair while since I heard them.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2015 at 04:35
The blog this time around spans a few days. I write this on a train at Carmarthen station awaiting departure on a miserable, wet, Sunday morning. I am going to Lincoln on a work seminar, and the train journey will take nine hours. Yep, nine hours. It would be quicker for me to fly to New York. Sometimes I wonder whether we are living in a third world country.

Anyhow, This week, I listened to Dave Bainbridge, Veil of Gossamer, which was given the Thomas five star treatment about ten years ago. I listened to it in Spotify one evening on the bus home, and it is rather a special album, full of melody and folky delights. It has been added to the "to buy"list.

On Thursday evening, I put on Progstreaming, and Cailyn's Voyager. I remembered Ivan's review of this album, and it is spot on. A very enjoyable album, full to bursting with talent. I believe she is also a PA member, so a great thumbs up! The guitar work is especially magnificent. I might well have to get this, as well!

Owing to a visit to the doctor a few months ago, when a check up blood test revealed higher levels of enzymes than should be in the liver test, said doctor advised Mr Laz to watch his alcohol intake a bit more. Hence, I now have a two day a week break, and only have a couple of pints on a Saturday night, whereas before it would be a five pint and scotch night.

Well, last night, I decided to have a bit of a blowout, so, naturally, the music had to follow. It was, in truth, a "traditional" Lazland music night, with absolutely nothing particularly adventurous, just stuff I really like.

Old Red Eyes and 36D. The Beautiful South. My best man, Nashy, and I saw this lot a few times. We started listening to Heaton when he was in The Housemartins. I was going to have a Heaton evening, but Nashy's death is still a little bit too raw for that, and, anyway, the Prog had to go on.

The playlist was:

Beautiful. Marillion
Red & Larks Tongues in Aspic II (live). King Crimson
We All Need Some Light. Transatlantic
This Strange Engine (live). Marillion
Sky Above The Rain. Marillion
Turn It On Again. Genesis
Harvest of Souls. IQ
Start the Sound. Panic Room
Flowers in my Hair. Luna Rossa
Ain't Nobody But Me, Two of Us, From Now On, The Logical Song, It's Raining Again, Don't Leave Me Now, Free As A Bird. Supertramp
Passengers. Mostly Autumn

Not a bad list, even if I say so myself.

Lastly, on this week's segment, the great news that PA Crossover team have unanimously voted to add Luna Rossa to the database, which is fantastic. I will now have the honour of contacting the band for a biography, and I will ask if they are willing to do an interview for us as well.

See you all soon.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2015 at 17:17
Lazland has been on the road with work all week, and Prog has not featured at all until a relaxing Friday evening at home. Actually, I like a bit of a break every now and then from the music, because I come back fresh.

Anyhow, I have continued my exploration of heavier Prog stuff I am not particularly familiar with, and, believe it, or not, listened for the first time to Swedish outfit, Anekdoten, and an album extremely highly regarded on this site, From Within. Regular followers of the Laz listening tastes will know that I am a huge fan of all things melodic and symphonic Proggy Swedish.

There are somewhat obvious similarities here with King Crimson (especially Hole, with its Starless type slow burning guitars and Mellotron burst at the close. Did Fripp sue?). However, it is, to these ears, original enough to stand up well on its own, and I enjoyed this a great deal. I thought Groundbound was a real highlight, extremely dark and pulsating.

My understanding is that they are recording new material, so I will keep an eye out for this.

At the same time as I listened to this, I ordered my first cd purchase of original 2015 material, this being Steven Wilson's new one which is out on Monday. I cannot wait to hear this, and my second purchase, Sylvan's new album, Home. Sylvan are a band I have interviewed for PA, and I think they are marvellous, so some great stuff ordered, and to look forward to👍

Actually, Home is on the Amazon auto-rip thingy, so I get to listen to it before the cd arrives next week.

So, it is on now. It has, thus far, attracted only one collab review, a very well written and honest review from my good friend, Aapatsos, whose opinion I respect tremendously. It gained a two star rating only.

I will have to listen a number of times before I set my "official" review thoughts down, but, on first listen, I love it. Sylvan are a band who have the ability to trigger virtually every single set of emotions in the entire human range within me. Listening to Shapes Out Of Clouds now, I can feel the goosebumps starting to rise. I am a huge fan of the band, and, on this first listen, they have, once again, delivered the goods.

This, of course, leads to a common theme in this blog of mine - the sheer joy and thrill of listening to new music. At 50 years of age, it gives me as much pleasure as it did when I was 13.

Talking of which, my son, who is 13 now, told me tonight that he had been listening to Logical Song by Supertramp a lot. This was, he declared, a damned sight better than the "crap" modern version that is out now. In addition, he stated, Sledgehammer is nowhere near as bad as the "snobs" thought it was..........Laz puts on his Spike the Dog mask.........."That's My Boy!"😀

It is still Friday night as I write this, and I see that the BBC website has announced the sad passing of Leonard Nimoy, he of Mr Spock fame at the age of 83. I have started a thread on the forum giving my thoughts on this. Suffice on this blog to record that a huge part of my life has now passed into the next stage of life's eternal journey, walking amongst the stars he so brilliantly journeyed as an actor in this mortal coil. Instead of being depressed, I am trying my best to hold on to these thoughts, that our journey only just begins here in earth, and who knows what excitement and adventure will await us in the next stage? Klingons for tea, anyone? Live long, and prosper.........

From this, it seemed ever so strangely natural to listen to the gorgeous orchestral version of the seminal Marillion The Great Escape/The last Of You/Falling From The Moon, the denouement of a young lady's life. This was followed by the lovely instrumental passage of Winter Trees, and, then, to lighten the mood somewhat, The Uninvited Guest live.

Time for bed, Zebedee.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 28 2015 at 17:29
Doing two blog posts intwo nights is probably getting greedy, and pushing the patience of even the most loyal reader. However, this is Saturday night, my usual haunt on this blog, as last night was a very rare Friday post. On Friday, I am usually drinking with friends in town.

Anyhow, after I posted last night's fun, the wife and I relaxed with some late TV after kicking the boy upstairs to bed. I got to choose, and I chose Guitar Heroes at the BBC. I was anticipating from this a bit of Purple, Sabbath, and, well, you know the kind of stuff. What I actually got was......

Rolling Stones. Brown Sugar
David Bowie. Starman. By God, I had forgotten how good this was.
Michael Chapman. Wellington The Skelington. I had forgotten this full stop!😀
Hornslips. Dearg Doom. As Whispering Bob surely said.....Mmmmmmm. Cool.....
UPP. Down in the Dark, feat Jeff Beck.

The wife called a halt to proceedings at this stage. Can't think why.....

And so to the delight of life known as Saturday night. First on was an Alan Parsons Project compilation as a tribute to the great Chris Rainbow, who passed away this week. This was followed by Carly Simon Greatest Hits Live album. I just love this woman's voice and work.

And, so, we moved into the familiar track shifting mode, and the playlist tonight went something like this;

Rolling Stones. Angie.

Moody Blues. Go Now. Blues, man, from working class Midlands prior to anyone hearing of anything approaching psychedelic or progressive. This is one of my favourite tracks of all time, so a huge glass to the great Denny Laine. He's only four years younger than my Dad. Blimey.......

Eurythmics. I Saved The World Today. One of the finest pop rock singles of all time.

All followed by a You Tube compilation, which went something like this;

Alice Cooper. How You Gonna See Me Now. From his finest LP.

Levellers. Until The End. Their best later track, full of passion and vitriol.

Rick Wakeman. The Prisoner. The Maestro and his piano, telling the tale of The Birdman of Alcatraz, with his usual panache and emotion.

Blackmore's Night. Play, Minstrel Play. Hey.....Anderson doesn't play flute on any old sh*t, you know! I have loved Ritchie for years, and this is my favourite from his whole repertoire.

Jon & Vangelis. I Hear You Now. I have been sad for so long that these two had a falling out, because their music has given me so much pleasure over the years. This is the hit single from the first album, and features Jon at his most loving and spiritual. In other words, at his best.

Porcupine Tree. Lazarus. The track that all of the planet needs to hear to remind themselves that genius walks amongst us. This is utterly powerful and emotional, and I adore it.

Levellers. Hope Street. As regular readers of this blog will know, a favourite of Laz which gets regular AirPlay. Brighton's finest at their finest, the greatest grungy, folky, punky, track of all time, and, for those familiar with Brighton, ridiculously accurate in its portrayal.

Lindsay Buckingham. Bleed To Love Her. It has appeared on a Fleetwood Mac live album, but the original is better. This man oozes talent and feeling.

Marillion. Lavender. Fish. Rothery with a double necked guitar, playing that solo. My yoof. All you need to know, really😄

Marillion. The Great Escape.......My favourite piece of music ever, full stop. It's why I play it so often, it really epitomises all that is best about progressive rock. This is from the original Brave short film, which featured an incredible female lead.

Mike Oldfield. Man In The Rain. From the third TB opus, this is something I picked up from some German award show, a great piece of music.

Mostly Autumn. Shrinking Violet. The finest track from the early MA period, the lovely Heather putting all into what is clearly a very emotional experience. It was, as well, the moment listening to it the first time I realised just what a special talent Bryan Josh is.

Peter Gabriel. I Grieve. Peter playing live on the Larry King show from his studio in Bath. This is an incredible track, and I really do wish the great man would release just one more album of original material. He really is rather good at it, you know.......

Procol Harum. A Salty Dog Live. Gary on top form.

Rick Wakeman. The incredible solo piece from the ABWH tour. See those digits move!

And, to finish off, Gabriel performing Biko live at an Amnesty concert. When I was a college student in early 1981, this track, for us, epitomised decency and the struggle against oppression and unfairness in society.

Not a bad night's music, this on top of a great afternoon's rugby, when both Italy and Wales had very well deserved away victories. Onto Dublin tomorrow for the championship showdown between Ireland and England.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2015 at 12:54
^^ Absolute sheer awesome blogs Steve. You capture in great detail your love and passion for quality music.

Definitely living long and prospering you are....and will. :)
Just watch the booze ok. Lol. ;)

I was delighted to read about your transition into a bit of a heavier sound. Anekdotan is a great place to start because they are quite balanced. Anyway, have you heard of Jonas Renske's Katatonia band/project?

I have a lovely acoustic, string, paino and soft melodic vocal album for you that shows an unbelievably different side to the Katatonia machine. The album is DETHRONED & UNCROWNED.
The sound this album carries , I know,will be right up your alley.
I think a track like "LEECH" will really put a smile on your face just on the sheer merits o the way this track has been built. Also, since you are centering some listening experiences to a more heavier ground, I think maybe a band like OPETH may not rub you the wrong way. I will give you just a few tracks to SPOTIFY. ;)


if you care to hear the heavy heavy side of OPETH I think looking no further than BLACKWATER PARK. Run through the entire album. It's masterful. Warning. Some death growls apparent, but done right! ;)

Anyhow Steve. Your playlists are lovely. Glad to see/hear ya playing some Supertramp. I also have an appreciation for the Eurythmics. Back when pop music had a lovely sophisticated approach musical instrument diversity. Tears for fears and New Order are others I can add to the list. ;)

Lastly. Glad you've taken a shine the Dave Bainbridge album. Wilson can elevate any material he works with to all time highs. He is in my humble opinion, a master vocalist. I've explored a lot of music in the prog world and I feel he may be that of the top male lead vocalists in the world.

Oh and those BBC sessions you've been watching sound amazing. I'd love to APP do any tribute for a band, even if if it is the late Chris Rainbow. ;)

Once again. Live long and proper. Certainly Mr. Spock will always be remembered by yours truly.

Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2015 at 12:57
Meant to say "prosper" but proper is good too! ;)
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2015 at 14:40
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

What a coincidence, as I just received Dave Bainbridge's Celestial Fire album, and promptly reviewed it yesterday. It features Damian Wilson as lead vocalist and he does a masterful job with material that is somewhat more gentle than his usual gig with Threshold (which  have recently got into also!). Steve, this is right down your alley, me thinks......Let me know what you think should you decide to follow my advice.  

Thanks Thomas. I saw your review, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time I got a cd based on one of your sets of words!

Mr Bainbridge added to the listening list.

You Lazland you, you are a rascal (pinching of the cheek lightly).  I am now hooked solidly on Harvest , just as good a reco as Dressed in Voices by Mostly Autumn, so back at you for your comment about buying recommendations. ClapClapClap

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2015 at 15:12
^^ thanks Nicholas. I will give Opeth another go. It has been a long, long time since I played them, and I do not have particularly good memories. However, I will go back and report at the end of the week.

Anekdoten are certainly a band I will be going back to. As will Katatonia, who are a very good band I should be far more familiar with.

Right now, though, the new Steven Wilson album is on the Lazland headphones for the first spin. The man is a genius. This is a very good piece of work which I am sure will get even better after a few listens.

Greatness does not come around too often. And we should cherish it when it does.

Edited by lazland - March 03 2015 at 15:13
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 03 2015 at 15:14
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

What a coincidence, as I just received Dave Bainbridge's Celestial Fire album, and promptly reviewed it yesterday. It features Damian Wilson as lead vocalist and he does a masterful job with material that is somewhat more gentle than his usual gig with Threshold (which  have recently got into also!). Steve, this is right down your alley, me thinks......Let me know what you think should you decide to follow my advice.  

Thanks Thomas. I saw your review, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time I got a cd based on one of your sets of words!

Mr Bainbridge added to the listening list.

<p ="Msonormal">You Lazland you, you are a rascal (pinching of the cheek
lightly).  I am now hooked solidly on
Harvest , just as good a reco as Dressed in Voices by Mostly Autumn, so back at
you for your comment about buying recommendations. ClapClapClap<o:p></o:p>

Glad you are enjoying, Thomas. Harvest are a very special band indeed.
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