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Topic ClosedWas prog actually popular in the 70s??

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proggman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 00:43
Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

And in the 80's, there was no Hair Metal.
In the seventies, There was no Hard Rock.
In the sixties, there was no Rock N' Roll.
In the fifties, there was no Jazz.
In the fourties, there was no Swing (or was that fifties?)
In the 30s, whatever there was then, that was even slightly rockin', it didn't happen.

My other drastic opinion would be that no music existed before 1980, considering the large quantity of lame hard rock bands in the 70s, and the lack thereof of any music of the "Heavy" nature before 1970, however, that opinion is one that gets you the WRONG PLACES in a forum, especially a Prog Forum, so that was not the opinion I elected to joking state, mostly because it's surprisingly accurate, and just may get mistaken for my actual attitude.
These two would be my drastic opinions.
My actual opinion?
Well, lets just say before 1980, it gets pretty sparse in the territory of me liking it.
However, that, of course, does not mean music created before 1980 is not "Real", but it does mean that it is UNBEARABLE and probably should be eradicated from the earth. At least, to me Wink
In retrospect: Close to the Edge would be the sole exception that comes to mind for my "1980" rule of thumb, coming in at a measly 1972!
I mean, it is Prog and all, but that doesn't mean it can't still be good!
However, lets face it, in all honestly, even Judas Priest's 1978 Hell Bent For Leather was, at times, pretty lame.
I mean, sure, maybe it's actually pretty good, if you ignore the fact that "Delivering The Goods" is the best track, and that it seems like a early, lamer version of "Breaking the Law", with an annoying sexual theme, but lets face it, anything that came out before 1980 just didn't really have the quality standards that things did by at least 1984.
Consider the quantities of awesome things coming out by 1985!
Stryper's "Soldiers Under Command" (1985), Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force's "Marching Out" (1985), even Tony Carey's "Some Tough City" (1984), even if it was a little on the softer side.
Try to think of that many awesome albums before 1980.
For me, it's impossible.
As much as I want to say they aren't there, I'm sure there are some ultra-awesome Prog masterpieces, at least in some opinions, that came out before 1980.
But I guess what I'm saying is, for me, right now, thinking of anything all that great before 1980 (before 1981, really), is impossible.
Feel free to slam me with a bucketload of Prog albums that go over my head.

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uduwudu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 01:32
Originally posted by proggman proggman wrote:


But I guess what I'm saying is, for me, right now, thinking of anything all that great before 1980 (before 1981, really), is impossible.


The crucial word here is "thinking". The second crucial term is "for me". This is important because this makes the above close to an opinion, which is ok. It is not just an opinion once the "me" bit is absent. Then it becomes a judgment which requires objective justification. I always look forward to this on  a music site.

Well, anyway, if you attempt thought (now, or later) the bucket load will happen...  actually the bucket loads happen whether you, or I or anyone thinks, or not.

There are times I wonder what prog - or even normal - music listeners (such as we are) expect.  Wink
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Chris S View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 01:38
^'s all an illusion anyways. To each their own individual reality. For those of us around in the 70's this StaaViinsZ comments reveal so muchYing Yang
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 03:05
Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Nope. Song-length is not a dictum of Prog. Power Metal is Power Metal, Prog Metal is Prog Metal. I've seen Gamma Ray live and they are Power Metal.

Okay, first of all, it's incredibly awesome that you've actually seen Gamma Ray live.
Once I get past the silver haze that fills my eyes after hearing that a woman (?) saw Gamma Ray, which basically totally rips my judgment and makes me think you're the most beautiful thing in the world, I actually have a few comments.
Indeed I am the most beautiful thing in the world and I can easily imagine that having been on this earth 40 years longer than you I have seen and heard more bands than you have. I'm sure I can even name-drop a fair number of metal bands you've never heard, not that I'd ever indulge in such tawdry oneupmanship, for that would be tedious. But let's face it, given the total number of metal bands in the world it is physically impossible to have heard all of them.
Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Well, NO, Song-Length is NOT a "Dictum" of Prog.
But would you be willing to admit that a 9 minute track with at least 2 mood changes could be SLIGHTLY PROGRESSIVELY INFLUENCED-- without actually being Prog?
Why put dictum in irony-quotes? It is a perfectly valid use of the word: there is no formal pronouncement from an authoritative source that song-length is a characteristic of Progressive Rock (or Metal).

But No, I would not be willing to admit that any long song with mood changes (!?!?) is even remotely progressively influenced, that is simply not what Prog is, nor is it an indication of influence.

Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

So you're a reptile. Your deductive logic is impeccable.

Okay, so maybe I'm in the club of weird avatars-- but I was never compelled to stick a woman avatar in front of all my posts-- I mean, this is the face that goes with all your posts, it affects everything from the way people look at you to how they react to your comments. If I don't want people looking at me like I'm a girl-- why would I make my avatar a picture of one?
Do you think that David is a pear? Teo is a dog? Silverpot is a tree? Iain is a small rodent?

If you were slightly more knowledgeable on 80s music you may have recognised the lady in my avatar, if you were more savy on Progressive Rock you may even know her relationship to Prog. I have used several images of females as my avatar, none of them were me.
Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Also, though, on another note, if you are a woman, then why is your name "Dean", and why didn't you name yourself, at least for the forum, something like "Floriana" or "Jeanell181"?
These are the things that confuse me.
btw - you have responded to a female in this thread, (clue: she isn't me either).
Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Originally posted by StaaViinsZ StaaViinsZ wrote:

Can I get a... A-OKAY WITH ME?

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:


Oh, come on, I been trying to get a "A-Okay", a "Alright", maybe even a "AWWWW", but nobody does it.
It's like sticking your hand out there for a Fist Bump and getting denied... You just sit there staring sad-faced at the other person, and it irrevocably scars your mood for the next 10 minutes.

Edited by Dean - March 07 2014 at 03:07
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chopper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 06:44
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

If you were slightly more knowledgeable on 80s music you may have recognised the lady in my avatar, if you were more savy on Progressive Rock you may even know her relationship to Prog. I have used several images of females as my avatar, none of them were me.
You mean you're not actually Toyah?
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 07:10
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

If you were slightly more knowledgeable on 80s music you may have recognised the lady in my avatar, if you were more savy on Progressive Rock you may even know her relationship to Prog. I have used several images of females as my avatar, none of them were me.
You mean you're not actually Toyah?
It appears not, and as I recall remonstrating at the tv when she said the name of Roald Dahl's famous book was Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory when she appeared on Pointless Cenobites Celebrities, I don't think we are in any way connected. LOL
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Triceratopsoil View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 07:46
Dean isn't a girl's name?  I've been living a lie.
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 08:19
Bugger. There was me about to post a completely spurious response about how Dean, being a software engineer, chose this avatar because of his admiration for the person who invented the LISP programming language. Another flimsy gag opportunity bites the dust Ouch
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 08:24
If you put Dean's and ExittheLemming's avatars together you realize it all makes sense: a lady covering her ears, a rodent. 
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Polymorphia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 09:20
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:


LOL Where are you getting these emoticons?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 13:51
Originally posted by Polymorphia Polymorphia wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:


LOL Where are you getting these emoticons?
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StaaViinsZ View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 15:08
Originally posted by uduwudo uduwudo wrote:

The crucial word here is "thinking". The second crucial term is "for me". This is important because this makes the above close to an opinion, which is ok. It is not just an opinion once the "me" bit is absent. Then it becomes a judgment which requires objective justification. I always look forward to this on  a music site.

Well, anyway, if you attempt thought (now, or later) the bucket load will happen...  actually the bucket loads happen whether you, or I or anyone thinks, or not.

There are times I wonder what prog - or even normal - music listeners (such as we are) expect.

As much I really wanted to say that no good music exists before the 80's, I knew that, by some definitions, there IS good music that came out in the years of 1970-1979. I just couldn't bring myself to call out everything that people may like before 1980 as crap, even though, believe me, I wanted to.

    It's a strange cycle of close-mindedness. I like nothing but Metal, and sub-genres thereof, really, so my natural instinct is to say everything else is lousy. However, just because I DON'T LIKE IT doesn't mean it's lousy.
The only real DEFINITION of lousy music would be something that was played wrong or out-of-tune, by a "Bad musician" (Meaning un-practiced or un-skillful, in the "cannot play" severity). So therefor, no music really is "Bad" music, it is all simply appealing to different people.

I grew up with a Dad that said:

"All music is good music; I just like some more than others."

However, when he was my age, there are stories about him picking on his younger sister that loved Disco, something like this:

"Hey, guess what, to go to the collage football game, we're all gonna bring DISCO records"


 "Know why?"


"So we can BURN 'EM!"

So, all of this leads to a strange complex in my mind, where I want to be close-minded yet somehow can't fully bring myself to deny other music as being good, just not good to me.

Plus, the older I get, the more music I like.

And, as much as I try to block it out (And I do, believe me), and I don't WANT to like it, I can't help but semi-enjoy a little Country or Disco now and then when other people play it. I want to say I HATE it, but lets be honest, those weird funky bouncy Disco tunes can only be denied what they aren't; but what they are is a bouncy, fun, catchy tune.

I'm not saying recommend me Disco records or Country artists-- PLEASE DO NOT-- but I am saying that when other people play them, if I was willing to try to like them, they aren't THAT BAD.
The only negative impact is coming from the mental block inside my head.

That said, though, I truly do enjoy most types of Metal and have no problems whatsoever with that.

So you see, as much as I may not WANT to like them-- as much as I want some music to produce a very negative impact upon my brain-- sometimes, it's all me, not the music. And as much as I can have my own opinion and deny other forms of music besides what I like, lets face it, the only music that it really bad music, is music played by a 3-year-old on a out-of-tune acoustic guitar. And maybe Avant Garde. Some of that trash can get pretty chaotic.
But of course Avant Garde still has structure-- but I certainly can't see why it would sound PLEASANT to anyone.

But if ask me what I like-- I will say that I HATE DISCO & COUNTRY.

Originally posted by Chris S Chris S wrote:'s all an illusion anyways. To each their own individual reality. For those of us around in the 70's this StaaViinsZ comments reveal so muchYing Yang

^It's odd how much sense the above quoted comment makes without actually making sense.
But what does it reveal exactly? That People have different musical "Realities" or Perspectives, especially if they're born after 1995? Can't help but feeling like Chris S has perplexed us all with his Yin-Yang cryptic knowledge. Well, maybe mostly me, but still...
Oddly enough, "Mr. S." seems to have known that his comment was cryptic, with his actual use of the Yin-Yang symbol, which further adds to the oddness of his post.


Edited by StaaViinsZ - March 07 2014 at 15:13
"Let us scream like Tom Mallicoat, and whisper like Geoff Tate, for the difference between the two is nigh."
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 16:57
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akamaisondufromage View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 17:06
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Polymorphia Polymorphia wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

<font face="Arial, sans-serif"><span style="line-height: normal; : rgb248, 248, 252;"></span>
LOL Where are you getting these emoticons?


How much? How Much? I want one, I want one!
Help me I'm falling!
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 17:11
Stavikinky: can we please get back on topic - that is if you're finished with trying to impress us with your witty banter?
Truth be told, I have never seen anyone on here using so many words to express.....erm....yeah that's kind of the point really.
There is a thread title for a reason. This is not open mic night.
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StaaViinsZ View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2014 at 21:03
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Stavikinky: can we please get back on topic - that is if you're finished with trying to impress us with your witty banter?
Truth be told, I have never seen anyone on here using so many words to express.....erm....yeah that's kind of the point really.
There is a thread title for a reason. This is not open mic night.

But so many people are still talking, Mom...

Well, I'll consider it, but do me a favor, if we're going to just cease everything off topic all at once, transfer all of the posts relevant to mine along with mine to a thread of it's own, so that this conversation, if there is one, can finish itself properly.

So this means it is witty-- just bantery?

Edited by StaaViinsZ - March 07 2014 at 21:05
"Let us scream like Tom Mallicoat, and whisper like Geoff Tate, for the difference between the two is nigh."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 08 2014 at 10:47
This interview with Steven Wilson REALLY address the prog/70s questions
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Gryphon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 08 2014 at 21:04
yes, of course, prog was popular in the 70s. that's when prog really happened and took off.

Edited by Gryphon - March 08 2014 at 21:05
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2014 at 06:37
Originally posted by Polymorphia Polymorphia wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:


LOL Where are you getting these emoticons?
We found them.
Found them? In Mercia? Emoticons are tropical!

Edited by Stool Man - March 09 2014 at 06:38
rotten hound of the burnie crew
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2014 at 23:19

1976: YES plays JFK Stadium to an audience of 100,000.

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