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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 14:37
I thought long and hard about the review, and I gave the CD plenty of undivided attention before I got my thoughts together, ready to express my opinion on this latest output from four VERY talented musicians!
However, I couldn't let the paucity of subject matter (conveyed by Morse's insistent preaching like a prog version of Billy Graham!) go.
There is only so many times that the "Healer", "Dreamer" , "Conceiver" can be mentioned ad-nauseum before it subtracts from the musical experience surely? Like I said - we had 78 minutes of the "Whirlwind" and Morse has encapsulated the Ills that have dogged mankind in the past few years, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, fiscal breakdown, greed and the destruction of the planet we live on - that's OK and he is entitled to suggest that reading an edited & cobbled together 4th century fiction book is the answer to man's problems. However, the same content is continued in the entirety of the new CD and it's tiresome!
Musically - as tight as you would expect from such talented musicians, Lyrically lazy. I rest my case.
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Second Life Syndrome View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Second Life Syndrome Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 15:11
While it is his opinion, he does ride the line of being downright abusive.  Gallifrey called Stolt a hack, and PA had a meltdown.  This guy attacks those with different beliefs, and almost no one cares.  I mean, I totally disagreed with the lyrics on RPWL's new album, and I gave reason why.  But I didn't call them names, and I didn't purposefully misrepresent their beliefs.  Shame on this guy for his lack of professionalism.  And, I've never heard Transatlantic either.
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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 15:16
Originally posted by Second Life Syndrome Second Life Syndrome wrote:

<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;">While it is his opinion, he does ride the line of being downright abusive.  Gallifrey called Stolt a hack, and PA had a meltdown.  This guy attacks those with different beliefs, and almost no one cares.  I mean, I totally disagreed with the lyrics on RPWL's new album, and I gave reason why.  But I didn't call them names, and I didn't purposefully misrepresent their beliefs.  Shame on this guy for his lack of professionalism.  And, I've never heard Transatlantic either.</span>

I have not misrepresented his beliefs nor I have called him names? I have attacked his faith (questioned to be precise), but not his freedom to have faith if he so chooses! I could ask him if he believes in Thor or Odin or Mars, and he would say NO.....oh the irony....
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zumacraig View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote zumacraig Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 15:47
this thread is astounding.  no wonder most ratings on this site are inflated.  abusive?  really?  reality is, Barney, is that you can't mess with god, capitalism or the sacred prog cows here at progarchives.  fascism prevails, i'm afraid.  almost time to line up SecondLifeSyndrome.  
Stardust we are.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 15:58
playing the "fascism" card so early in the debate? how droll.
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 16:22
The last Transatlantic review that spurred on a heated debate in here taught me a thing or two. The most important being that (some) reviews often say much more about the author than they do about the actual release. This review is no different. I can see why people of a Christian belief would take offence, but then again being offended is not a dangerous disease - it doesn't hurt you, and you're are fully entitled to being just that: offended. 
Hell I am offended when I see people rating Tangerine Dream's Alpha Centauri with 1 star........but that's that. I get offended when people don't get the visceral beauty of the electronic genre and write about it in some review like they know all there is to it, and then proceed to bash it with absolutely no knowledge about it whatsoever. That's fine though....they are not me, and I will probably wake up tomorrow with both my arms in the right place even if I am offended. 
The fact that Barney thinks less of Christianity shouldn't matter to people who have no doubt about it's virtues. It is his opinion and not yours after all. Had he not written it tongue-in-cheek, I would've looked at this matter altogether differently. 

Edited by Guldbamsen - February 07 2014 at 16:33
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 17:12
The review is there for all to see, and yes, it's a reflection of my response to the aural stimulus that this CD provides, no more no less.
I REALLY am disappointed that the CD is just (lyrically wise) more of the same from a bunch of musicians who are definitely capable of producing better! And, for the record, I think that ALL religions do far more damage to the people that follow the dogma than those people, like myself who refuses to live their life by the supposed edicts of some tin-pot tyrannical sky-fairy (when in-fact those edicts are in fact man-made and are usually designed to denigrate and persecute those born with XX chromosomes!)
The absurdity of all man-made religion is a disgrace to a species that defines itself as "self aware"....
"He's not the messiah, He's just a very naughty boy"......
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ExittheLemming Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 20:44
Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

The review is there for all to see, and yes, it's a reflection of my response to the aural stimulus that this CD provides, no more no less.
I REALLY am disappointed that the CD is just (lyrically wise) more of the same from a bunch of musicians who are definitely capable of producing better! And, for the record, I think that ALL religions do far more damage to the people that follow the dogma than those people, like myself who refuses to live their life by the supposed edicts of some tin-pot tyrannical sky-fairy (when in-fact those edicts are in fact man-made and are usually designed to denigrate and persecute those born with XX chromosomes!)
The absurdity of all man-made religion is a disgrace to a species that defines itself as "self aware"....
"He's not the messiah, He's just a very naughty boy"......

I don't have a problem with your reasoning but just indulge me if you will by answering the following question:

If Kaleidoscope had been recorded by an RPI band and you didn't understand a word of written or spoken Italian, would your review have been a positive one and would your lack of understanding of the lyrics have impinged on your enjoyment of the music?

I'm just curious about that strange discrepancy we can sometime experience between loving the messenger but loathing the message etc
. I have had serious misgivings about some of the lyrics of my favorite artists and although I would question these in a review, I'm not sure I would necessarily mark them down for it (the music would have to suck also for me to do that) Should the 'aural stimulus' (to use your expression) be the focus of our reviews on this site and the artist's textual agenda left to other more specialized sites?

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Second Life Syndrome View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Second Life Syndrome Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 22:16
Perhaps I took his tongue-in-cheek style for abusiveness.  That could be.  I suspect, though, that the former is a disguise for the later.  I don't really care all that much, really.  It doesn't affect me.  However, I look on there and see someone for whom I feel sadness.  To have that much animosity for God to the point where you feel you have to attack him at every turn is just something that saddens me, not angers me.  You are entitled to your opinion, though.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ivan_Melgar_M Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 23:13
Originally posted by Second Life Syndrome Second Life Syndrome wrote:

Perhaps I took his tongue-in-cheek style for abusiveness.  That could be.  I suspect, though, that the former is a disguise for the later.  I don't really care all that much, really.  It doesn't affect me.  However, I look on there and see someone for whom I feel sadness.  To have that much animosity for God to the point where you feel you have to attack him at every turn is just something that saddens me, not angers me.  You are entitled to your opinion, though.

God and everybody here know i don't like Neil Morse, his fanatic literal interpretation and bigotry against everybody who thinks different to him makes me sick, and I wrote it IN THE FORUM

That's why I never reviewed a Neal Morse album, because I think his musical evangelism is almost a religious jingle created to indoctrinate with subliminal tactics (I would do the same with any band that uses music to sell a belief, even if Catholic), so it would be an automatic one star and that would be unfair because the music has some moments.

My problem with Transatlantic is different, I find their music bland, so i avoid them also. I started to write a review and was my dislike was to obvious, so never posted it.

But I don' like atheist bigotry either, there seems to be a need to attack and dismiss all of us who believe in God, I wrote in the Atheist thread and was asked to avoid it, that they needed a place to rant about religion...I ask the same, lets leave the reviews bigotry  free.

This site is becoming less and friendly for those of us who believe,. we're treated as idiots, delusional, etc.


Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - February 07 2014 at 23:16
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octopus-4 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote octopus-4 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 07 2014 at 23:43
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:


This site is becoming less and friendly for those of us who believe,. we're treated as idiots, delusional, etc.

I don't think so. Unhappy

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 02:27
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

But I don' like atheist bigotry either, there seems to be a need to attack and dismiss all of us who believe in God, I wrote in the Atheist thread and was asked to avoid it, that they needed a place to rant about religion...
That's BS btw.
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aapatsos View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote aapatsos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 03:04
I don't find the review abusive, indeed the author is stating his opinion, but I don't think a review is the best place to attack or question religious (or non-religious) beliefs, there is plenty of space in the forum to do that.

Am I interested to know your opinion about a certain belief in a Transatlantic review? Certainly not.
Am I interested to know if you find the lyrics cheesy and un-inspired? Indeed I am. So there is a bit of a difference of how this is approached.

Overall I don't find the review anything special, but knowing Neal Morse's style I may have had a similar opinion about the lyrics too... At the end of the day, everyone has got his one opinion and this is respected here.
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Tom Ozric View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tom Ozric Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 03:43
....well, we all need some light now......
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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 04:13
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

The review is there for all to see, and yes, it's a
reflection of my response to the aural stimulus that this CD provides,
no more no less.
I REALLY am disappointed that the CD is just (lyrically wise) more
of the same from a bunch of musicians who are definitely capable of
producing better! And, for the record, I think that ALL religions do far
more damage to the people that follow the dogma than those people, like
myself who refuses to live their life by the supposed edicts of some
tin-pot tyrannical sky-fairy (when in-fact those edicts are in fact
man-made and are usually designed to denigrate and persecute those born
with XX chromosomes!)
The absurdity of all man-made religion is a disgrace to a species that defines itself as "self aware"....
"He's not the messiah, He's just a very naughty boy"......
I don't have a problem with your reasoning but just indulge me if you will by answering the following question:If Kaleidoscope had
been recorded by an RPI band and you didn't understand a word of
written or spoken Italian, would your review have been a positive one
and would your lack of understanding of the lyrics have impinged on your
enjoyment of the music? I'm just curious about that strange
discrepancy we can sometime experience between loving the messenger but
loathing the message etc
. I have had serious misgivings about some of the lyrics of my favorite artists and although I would question these in a review, I'm not sure I would necessarily mark them down for it (the music would have to suck also for me to do that) Should the 'aural stimulus' (to use your expression) be the focus of our reviews on this site and the artist's textual agenda left to other more specialized sites?

I am intelligent enough to interpret most European languages to get the basic drift even if the language is, German, Italian, French, Spanish or Greek ! - I have a basic grasp of all these languages that I have collected like a sort of language general knowledge !!
The gripe that I was trying to convey in my review is (after the whirlwind) - the new CD has EXACTLY the same theme, it's like Genesis, following SEBTP with another set of songs based on English culture but with slight differences like "The Battle of the New Forest".....THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN SLATED !!!
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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 04:22
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Second Life Syndrome Second Life Syndrome wrote:

Perhaps I took his tongue-in-cheek style for abusiveness.  That could be.  I suspect, though, that the former is a disguise for the later.  I don't really care all that much, really.  It doesn't affect me.  However, I look on there and see someone for whom I feel sadness.  To have that much animosity for God to the point where you feel you have to attack him at every turn is just something that saddens me, not angers me.  You are entitled to your opinion, though.

God and everybody here know i don't like Neil Morse, his fanatic literal interpretation and bigotry against everybody who thinks different to him makes me sick, and I wrote it IN THE FORUM
That's why I never reviewed a Neal Morse album, because I think his musical evangelism is almost a religious jingle created to indoctrinate with subliminal tactics (I would do the same with any band that uses music to sell a belief, even if Catholic), so it would be an automatic one star and that would be unfair because the music has some moments.
My problem with Transatlantic is different, I find their music bland, so i avoid them also. I started to write a review and was my dislike was to obvious, so never posted it.
But I don' like atheist bigotry either, there seems to be a need to attack and dismiss all of us who believe in God, I wrote in the Atheist thread and was asked to avoid it, that they needed a place to rant about religion...I ask the same, lets leave the reviews bigotry  free.
This site is becoming less and friendly for those of us who believe,. we're treated as idiots, delusional, etc.

I am not a bigot, the man next door to me can believe that the true saviour of man is a small slug called Arnold! It does me no harm, and his belief is as valid as any of the religions that expect faith without question!! However, all religions require in-group sheep mentality and out-group mistrust and hatred. According to one religion their deity (and master of the universe) requires that you don't eat pork and you have to have your foreskin removed?? another requires that your wife has to show only her eyes to other men....Ludicrous, and until more people start to question the traditional the more likely that mankind shall destroy himself with one last great attempt to send us all to the imaginary paradise (or the opposite for the out group).
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ExittheLemming Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 04:56
Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

The review is there for all to see, and yes, it's a
reflection of my response to the aural stimulus that this CD provides,
no more no less.
I REALLY am disappointed that the CD is just (lyrically wise) more
of the same from a bunch of musicians who are definitely capable of
producing better! And, for the record, I think that ALL religions do far
more damage to the people that follow the dogma than those people, like
myself who refuses to live their life by the supposed edicts of some
tin-pot tyrannical sky-fairy (when in-fact those edicts are in fact
man-made and are usually designed to denigrate and persecute those born
with XX chromosomes!)
The absurdity of all man-made religion is a disgrace to a species that defines itself as "self aware"....
"He's not the messiah, He's just a very naughty boy"......
I don't have a problem with your reasoning but just indulge me if you will by answering the following question:If Kaleidoscope had
been recorded by an RPI band and you didn't understand a word of
written or spoken Italian, would your review have been a positive one
and would your lack of understanding of the lyrics have impinged on your
enjoyment of the music? I'm just curious about that strange
discrepancy we can sometime experience between loving the messenger but
loathing the message etc
. I have had serious misgivings about some of the lyrics of my favorite artists and although I would question these in a review, I'm not sure I would necessarily mark them down for it (the music would have to suck also for me to do that) Should the 'aural stimulus' (to use your expression) be the focus of our reviews on this site and the artist's textual agenda left to other more specialized sites?

I am intelligent enough to interpret most European languages to get the basic drift even if the language is, German, Italian, French, Spanish or Greek ! - I have a basic grasp of all these languages that I have collected like a sort of language general knowledge !!
The gripe that I was trying to convey in my review is (after the whirlwind) - the new CD has EXACTLY the same theme, it's like Genesis, following SEBTP with another set of songs based on English culture but with slight differences like "The Battle of the New Forest".....THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN SLATED !!!

No-one is questioning your intelligence, but such defensiveness makes me think you are either evading the question or I have posed it poorly:
In the (unlikely) event of an album being recorded with lyrics you don't understand but with music that you like, would the lack of textual insight make you mark down the album or even cause you not to review it at all?

BTW if Genesis had followed up SEBTP with music as good but with lyrical themes that maybe repeated themselves, it would have still sold in sufficient shedloads to provide Floyd's DSOTM with some credible competition. Lyrics really don't make or break music in any genre (I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing but just an inescapable fact of consumer/market driven life)

BTW do you research the producers of instrumental music to ensure they don't embrace political or religious views you find morally repugnant? If I told you that Stravinsky never bathed and liked to boil frogs in a can until their eyes popped out, would you still listen to his symphonies?

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lazland View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote lazland Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 05:18
Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Second Life Syndrome Second Life Syndrome wrote:

Perhaps I took his tongue-in-cheek style for abusiveness.  That could be.  I suspect, though, that the former is a disguise for the later.  I don't really care all that much, really.  It doesn't affect me.  However, I look on there and see someone for whom I feel sadness.  To have that much animosity for God to the point where you feel you have to attack him at every turn is just something that saddens me, not angers me.  You are entitled to your opinion, though.

God and everybody here know i don't like Neil Morse, his fanatic literal interpretation and bigotry against everybody who thinks different to him makes me sick, and I wrote it IN THE FORUM
That's why I never reviewed a Neal Morse album, because I think his musical evangelism is almost a religious jingle created to indoctrinate with subliminal tactics (I would do the same with any band that uses music to sell a belief, even if Catholic), so it would be an automatic one star and that would be unfair because the music has some moments.
My problem with Transatlantic is different, I find their music bland, so i avoid them also. I started to write a review and was my dislike was to obvious, so never posted it.
But I don' like atheist bigotry either, there seems to be a need to attack and dismiss all of us who believe in God, I wrote in the Atheist thread and was asked to avoid it, that they needed a place to rant about religion...I ask the same, lets leave the reviews bigotry  free.
This site is becoming less and friendly for those of us who believe,. we're treated as idiots, delusional, etc.

I am not a bigot, the man next door to me can believe that the true saviour of man is a small slug called Arnold! 

I, for one, would like to meet this man.

Arnold the Slug......a great proposition for the New Age MessiahApprove
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 05:21
I feel that whatever, Stravinski did to frogs (hypothetically) is irrelevant. All I am saying that the repetition of themes based on Morse's born again Christianity are becoming boring. For many people the cheesy lyrics of "The Count of Tuscany" make it less enjoyable to listen to. Any track revelling in sexual torture of children and women wouldn't be acceptable to me and I wouldn't listen regardless of the brilliance of the music. I personally like Yes lyrics because they are very esoteric and more of words put in to match the music rather than trying to spell out a dogma. TA's latest effort has suffered by the paucity of lyrical themes (that is my opinion) if some people are up-lifted by it's themes we jolly good luck to them and enjoy!!

Edited by M27Barney - February 08 2014 at 05:21
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote M27Barney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 08 2014 at 05:26
Lazland, I listened to Edison's children the other day, I was impressed by what I heard - unfortunately the listening session was cut short due to unforeseen circumstances - but I will get around to listening - and I think that it may get a better review than the latest TA
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