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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 06:37
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Oh shallow youth, that you cannot do this, such a practical thing to grasp; that a baby could ask for nothing and gain insight without a dictionary for words to pluck in a night air crisp and bright with frost. In birth, words fail at a thousand convolutions, a possibility for noticing a mysticism of a child's brain to grow and bloom to adulthood in its normality.
I cannot understand how you wrot'd this but its ruddy cool by any standard so congratulations on winning d'priz' what it is or what it is not of course took its toll on munchkins with brown pants and long stockings.
T'was child's play - just look at Gadsby by Mr Wright and pick out words at random to form a paragraph that has validity.
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tamijo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 06:44
How silly, if you dont know how, you should not do a post, and if you do know how, why would you do a post.
So many words with that 1 (lol). got ĆŘĹ im my PC, KATAGANA, HIRAGANA and KANJI, but cant put in post,
may i will find, it is not a thing for my brain.         
Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 06:50
Hr is a scn from STAR WARS WITHOUT LTTR   __e_______ !

Evryon sounds rolling drunk! LOL

Luk bgins to rgain consciousnss.


BN: Rst asy, son, you'v had a busy day. You'r fortunat to b all in one pic.

LUK: Bn? Bn Knobi! Boy, am I glad to s you!

BN: Th Jundland wasts ar not to b travll lightly. Tll m young Luk, what brings you out this far?

LUK: Oh, this little droid! I think h's sarching for his formr mastr...I'v nvr sn such dvotion in a droid bfor...Uh, h claims to b th proprty of an Obi-Wan Knobi. Is h a rlative of yours? Do you know who h's talking about?


Bn pondrs this for a momnt, scratching his scruffy bard.


BN: Obi-Wan Knobi...Obi-Wan? Now that’s a nam I hav not hard in a long tim...a long tim.

LUK: I think my uncl knows him. H said h was dad.

BN: Oh, h's not dad, not...not yt.

LUK: You know him!

BN: Wll of course, I know him. H's m! I hav't gon by th nam of Obi-Wan sinc oh, bfor you wr born.

LUK: Wll, thn th droid dos blong to you.

BN: Don't sm to rmmbr vr owning a droid. Vry intrsting...


H suddnly looks up at th ovrhanging cliffs. Sandpopl can b hard in th distanc.


BN: I think w bttr gt indoors. Th Sandpopl ar asily startld but thy‘ll soon b back and in gratr numbrs.


Luk sits up and rubs his had. Artoo lts out a pathtic bp causing Luk to rmmbr somthing. H looks around.


LUK: S-Thrpio!


Littl Artoo stands at th edg of a larg sand pit and bgins to chattr away in lctronic whistls and bps. Luk and Bn stand ovr a vry dntd and tangld Thrpio lying half burid in th sand. On of his arms has brokn off.


THRPIO: Whr am I? I must hav takn a bad stp...

LUK: Can you stand? W'v got to gt out of hr bfor th Sandpopl rturn.

THRPIO: I don't think I can mak it. You go on, Mastr Luk. Thr's no sns in you risking yourslf on my account. I'm don for.


Artoo maks a bping sound.


LUK No, you'r not. What kind of talk is that?


BN: Quickly...thy'r on th mov.




LUK: No, my fathr didn't fight in th wars. H was a navigator on a spic frightr.

BN: That's what your uncl told you. H didn't hold with your fath's idals. Thought h should hav stayd hr and not gottn involvd.

LUK: You fought in th Clon Wars?

BN: Ys, I was onc a Jdi Knight th sam as your fathr.

LUK: I wish I'd known him.

BN: H was th bst star-pilot in th galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I undrstand you'v bcom quit a good pilot yourslf. And h was a good frind. Which rminds m... I hav somthing hr for you. Your fathr wantd you to hav this whn you wr old nough, but your uncl wouldn't allow it. H fard you might follow old Obi-Wan on som damnd-fool idalistic crusad lik your fathr did.

THRPIO: Sir, if you'll not b nding m, I'll clos down for awhil.

LUK: Sur, go ahad.


Bn hands Luk th sabr.


LUK: What is it?

BN: Your fathr‘s lightsabr. This is th wapon of a Jdi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blastr.


Luk pushs a button on th hand. A long bam shoots out about four ft and flickrs thr. Th light plays across th ciling. Luk twirls th sabr carfully as Bn spaks.


BN: An lgant wapon for a mor civilizd ag. For ovr a thousand gnrations th Jdi Knights wr th guardians of pac and justic in th Old Rpublic. Bfor th dark tims, bfor th mpir.


Luk hasn't ally bn listning. H shuts off th sabr.


LUK: How did my fathr di?

BN: A young Jdi namd Darth Vadr, who was a pupil of min until h turnd to vil, hlpd th mpir hunt down and dstroy th Jdi Knights. H btrayd and murdrd your fathr. Now th Jdi ar all but xtinct. Vadr was sducd by th dark sid of th Forc.

LUK: Th Forc?

BN: Wll, th Forc is what givs a Jdi his powr. It's an nrgy fild cratd by all living things. It surrounds us. It pntrats us. It binds th galaxy togthr.

Edited by AtomicCrimsonRush - December 11 2011 at 07:01
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 07:10
And now prsnting th fabulous Ys, unfortunatly a littl intoxicatd in this prformanc

Starship Troopr by YS from “Th Ys Album”


Sistr Blubird flying high abov,
Shin your wings forward to th sun.
Hid th myst'ris of lif on your way.
Though you'v sn thm, plas don't say a word.
What you don't know, I hav nvr hard.

Starship Troopr, go sailing on by,
Catch my soul, catch th vry night.
Hid th momnt from my agr ys.
Though you'v sn thm, plas don't tll a soul.
What you can't s, can't b vry whol.

Spak to m of summr, long wintrs longr than tim can rmmbr,
Stting up of othr roads, travl on in old accustomd ways.
I still rmmbr th talks by th watr, th proud sons and daughtrs that,
In th knowldg of th land, spok to m in swt accustomd ways.

Mothr lif, hold firmly on to m.
Catch my knowldg highr than th day.
Los as much as only you can show.
Though you'v sn thm, plas don't say a word.
What I don't know, I hav nvr shard.

II. Disillusion

Lonlinss is a pow'r that w possss to giv or tak away forvr.
All I know can b shown by your accptanc of th fact thr shown bfor you.
Tak what I say in a diff'rnt way and it's asy to s
that this is all confusion.
As I s a nw day in m, I can also show if you and you may follow.

Spak to m of summr, long wintrs longr than tim can rmmbr,
Stting up of othr roads, travl on in old accustomd ways.
I still rmmbr th talks by th watr, th proud sons and daughtrs that,
In th knowldg of th land, spok to m in swt accustomd ways.

III: Wurm (Instrumntal)

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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 07:19


Nd now th lttr A has bn hijckd!


Without e or a it is lmost unrecognizbl


nd now prsnting th fbulous Ys, unfortuntly  littl intoxictd in this prformnc



Strship Troopr by YS from “Th Ys lbum”


Sistr Blubird flying high bov,
Shin your wings forwrd to th sun.
Hid th myst'ris of lif on your wy.
Though you'v sn thm, pls don't sy  word.
Wht you don't know, I hv nvr hrd.

Strship Troopr, go siling on by,
Ctch my soul, ctch th vry night.
Hid th momnt from my gr ys.
Though you'v sn thm, pls don't tll  soul.
Wht you cn't s, cn't b vry whol.

Spk to m of summr, long wintrs longr thn tim cn rmmbr,
Stting up of othr rods, trvl on in old ccustomd wys.
I still rmmbr th tlks by th wtr, th proud sons nd dughtrs tht,
In th knowldg of th lnd, spok to m in swt ccustomd wys.

Mothr lif, hold firmly on to m.
Ctch my knowldg highr thn th dy.
Los s much s only you cn show.
Though you'v sn thm, pls don't sy  word.
Wht I don't know, I hv nvr shrd.

II. Disillusion

Lonlinss is  pow'r tht w possss to giv or tk wy forvr.
ll I know cn b shown by your ccptnc of th fct thr shown bfor you.
Tk wht I sy in  diff'rnt wy nd it's sy to s
tht this is ll confusion.
S I s nw dy in m, I cn lso show if you nd you my follow.

Spk to m of summr, long wintrs longr thn tim cn rmmbr,
Stting up of othr rods, trvl on in old ccustomd wys.
I still rmmbr th tlks by th wtr, th proud sons nd dughtrs tht,
In th knowldg of th lnd, spok to m in swt ccustomd wys.

III: Wurm (Instrumntl)
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 11:33
Oh, without   or     it's still no problm to b undrstood
You s? I don't vn hv t look for words.
You do undrstnd m, don't you?

 DIT: I forgot on
I mn I forgot 1 lttr in th shp of   fork without   hndl, you undrstnd?

Edited by Moogtron III - December 11 2011 at 11:35
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 11:45
y cn tp whl sntncs wtht vwls nd stll b ndrstd.
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refugee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 11:46
He say nothing is quite what it seems;
I say nothing is nothing
(Peter Hammill)
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zappaholic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 12:14

Col. Graham Chapman (RIP) says this is far too silly.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2011 at 18:36
^^^RIP Cry 
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abnormalist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 12 2011 at 20:26
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

^^^RIP Cry 

Or how to type "rest in peace" with no e Wink
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 13 2011 at 04:52
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