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Prog in unexpected public places.

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silverpot View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote silverpot Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2011 at 19:11
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Ozric can be pretty popular in a lot of indie circles. I know several ppl that aren't into prog that are huge fans.

True, but this particular store normally plays Hip Hop, so I was pleasantly surprised. LOL
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Zombywoof View Drop Down
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I once heard Tull's "Teacher" at a local restaurant.

Some poor soul probably got fired for that one.
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Dancing Lemming View Drop Down
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I've heard lots of Yes (particularly Yes Album and Fragile era) being played at stores, gas stations and comercials as well as Kansas and Pink Floyd of course. I'd be happy if I ever heard anything from TCotCK or Red by King Crimson being played though.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote twosteves Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 27 2011 at 18:22
My sister and brother in law thru me a big outdoor birthday party with like 50 people--there was good party music and everyone was drunk and dancing and having fun---my brother in law---knowing I'm a Yes freak suddenly puts on CTTE for me---well--the party came to grinding halt in this public place as the bird sounds came flooding on the dance floor---LOL---I had to run over and change the music back before everyone went homeLOL
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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TODDLER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 27 2011 at 20:07
Originally posted by twosteves twosteves wrote:

My sister and brother in law thru me a big outdoor birthday party with like 50 people--there was good party music and everyone was drunk and dancing and having fun---my brother in law---knowing I'm a Yes freak suddenly puts on CTTE for me---well--the party came to grinding halt in this public place as the bird sounds came flooding on the dance floor---LOL---I had to run over and change the music back before everyone went homeLOL
Go back to 1975 when disco, Top 40, Glitter Rock, Mainstream Rock and most of all Progressive Rock was being played 6 nughts a week in clubs. When a DJ played C.T.T.E. everyone in that club identified with those bird sounds. Most people then....knew it was YES and they wanted to hear it. They also were in the club spending money on drinks because they desired to hear a cover band like SIRE play C.T.T.E. The places on the strips were mobbed. They were populated with young people who had all the YES albums in their collection. What a difference between then and now huh?
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Yea, tbh, I don't wanna hear prog at a party. Because if the music is interesting, I wanna stop and just listen to it. Although it would be hilarious if someone put on something really long and epic like The Whirlwind or Light of Day, Day of Darkness
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terryl View Drop Down
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i've got three experiences.

Opporsite to my office is an evening bar that usually plays either standard pop music or some kind of trance. One evening last year, i was working a tad overtime and when i came out, PT's Time Flies was playing loudly. It's the radio edited version though.

Another instance. I was traveling to an touristy island off the east coast of Thailand. A band was playing some sort of Thai folk rock music, when all of a sudden they just plays Owner of a Lonely Heart right in the solo section. 

Last, i was working in a radio station in Bangkok. This place plays usual commercial stuff like Take That and N'Sync, you know your typical boyz or girlie bands. Then from time to time one of the DJs smuggle some crazy stuff into the studio like DT's Another Day and Queensryche's Bridge, for example. She was one of my favourite DJs there.

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First time that I ever heard VDGG, and really what began my conscious forays into prog, was when I heard Killer on the radio. I'd been into Pink Floyd and Yes and such before that, but I didn't know that the unifying force in my musical quest was PROG. One of those things where I can even remember where I was, probably one of the most significant moments in the progression of my musical tastes.
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desistindo View Drop Down
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I once listen to Phil Collins´ You´ll be in my heart... In a specialized prog store!!  LOL

That was awkward.
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criticdrummer94 View Drop Down
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I remember when the K-Mart was still open down the street from my house and once i was there for I don't remember but The Camera Eye started playing and I stayed to just hear it and was singing along to it. I must have looked like a douche doing that

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rushfan4 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2011 at 09:24
I was at the Toronto Zoo yesterday and I saw a guy pushing a stroller with a kid in it, and he was wearing a Progressive Nation tour t-shirt.
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2011 at 09:43
I saw the Science Fiction movie Children of Men here the other day and was thoroughly surprised to hear In the Court of the Crimson King at the very start of the flick. 
Got me listening to the album again - still not a big fan of Epitaph and Moonchild though...

A while ago - I visited an old-school music store, and the guy behind the counter was playing Faust´s debut! It was great - especially because the store was chuck full of teenagers set out to buy some Chemical Romance and EelsLOL
He got extremely excited, when I told him about my musical tastes and the fact that I´d had that specific album for a couple of years. 
Kudos to him for scaring the sh*t out of our nation´s youth. 
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Apart from the occasional "Owner of a Lonely Heart", "Dust in the Wind" or most of Pink Floyd's hits in a variety of radios and stores, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the upcoming show "The Kennedys" on Fox Life backed by "In the Court of the Crimson King". Thumbs Up
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rushfan4 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 01 2011 at 13:17
When I walked into the gym this morning they were playing Rush's Closer to the Heart, and the following song was Onwer of A Lonely Heart.   They were playing Bon Jovi when I left though, so....
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gen77c View Drop Down
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On TV here in Mexico I remember a local political party had a nightly segment on TV and it began with  the intro of  Dream Theater's "Take The Time" from Images and Words, I always thought that was really weird.

Also there's this guy, Jose Ramon Fernandez who had two tv shows about sports.  The theme song for the one on weekdays was the ELP version of  "Fanfare for the Common Man" and the one on sundays had "Touch and Go" by Emerson, Lake & Powell. I guess he was a fan.

When I worked at a local music store, part of a big chain. I always managed to sneak in some prog in the store's speakers early in the day when there were not a lot of clients, the rest of the day I had to play the latest pop hits.
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I heard 'Breakfast in America' by Supertramp in a random radio station. 'Baby' by Justin Bieber followed this song Wacko.
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purplesnake View Drop Down
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Well I'm 15 so last year in grade 9, we had to do this project for french where we had to pick a song (that was french) and make a presentation about it, at first i picked The Strands of the Future by Pulsar but this kid in my group said it hurt his ears :( so i didnt want to argue we went along with some sh*tty song but then at presentations time.. My friend, from a different group, had chosen Harmonium! and I was barely familiar with Prog at that time but they played Harmonium (the song) and after our teacher was like what genre is this (cuz we had to record it on our sheets) and I was like "Prog rock!" And they were like "I think its Folk".

I feel like there are lots of people out there who dont know anything about music, but there are many others who could understand and come to like prog if they were seen to it. I'm lucky, I used to listed to just classic rock and stuff, but fortunately alice cooper played Yes and Rush from time to time (on the radio) and with some internet searching I soon got into prog. Now I can't listen to anything else!
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2011 at 20:19
Originally posted by purplesnake purplesnake wrote:

Well I'm 15 so last year in grade 9, we had to do this project for french where we had to pick a song (that was french) and make a presentation about it, at first i picked The Strands of the Future by Pulsar but this kid in my group said it hurt his ears :( so i didnt want to argue we went along with some sh*tty song but then at presentations time.. My friend, from a different group, had chosen Harmonium! and I was barely familiar with Prog at that time but they played Harmonium (the song) and after our teacher was like what genre is this (cuz we had to record it on our sheets) and I was like "Prog rock!" And they were like "I think its Folk".

I feel like there are lots of people out there who dont know anything about music, but there are many others who could understand and come to like prog if they were seen to it. I'm lucky, I used to listed to just classic rock and stuff, but fortunately alice cooper played Yes and Rush from time to time (on the radio) and with some internet searching I soon got into prog. Now I can't listen to anything else!

You should feel blessed by the fact that the world of music and wonders opened up to you at such a young age. Just beware not to fall in the trap, that some proggers do - when they think they´ve suddenly reached some form of higher moral ground - just by listening to a certain type of music. One should always remember that out there in the big wide world, - there´s probably somebody just like you - getting the same kinds of goosebumps, just over Lady Gaga. 

I loooooove Strands of the Future by the wayBig smile
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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purplesnake View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote purplesnake Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 03 2011 at 01:42
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by purplesnake purplesnake wrote:

Well I'm 15 so last year in grade 9, we had to do this project for french where we had to pick a song (that was french) and make a presentation about it, at first i picked The Strands of the Future by Pulsar but this kid in my group said it hurt his ears :( so i didnt want to argue we went along with some sh*tty song but then at presentations time.. My friend, from a different group, had chosen Harmonium! and I was barely familiar with Prog at that time but they played Harmonium (the song) and after our teacher was like what genre is this (cuz we had to record it on our sheets) and I was like "Prog rock!" And they were like "I think its Folk".I feel like there are lots of people out there who dont know anything about music, but there are many others who could understand and come to like prog if they were seen to it. I'm lucky, I used to listed to just classic rock and stuff, but fortunately alice cooper played Yes and Rush from time to time (on the radio) and with some internet searching I soon got into prog. Now I can't listen to anything else!

You should feel blessed by the fact that the world of music and wonders opened up to you at such a young age. Just beware not to fall in the trap, that some proggers do - when they think they´ve suddenly reached some form of higher moral ground - just by listening to a certain type of music. One should always remember
that out there in the big wide world, - there´s probably somebody just like you - getting the same kinds of goosebumps, just over Lady Gaga. 
I loooooove Strands of the Future by the wayBig smile

Thanks for the advice, yeah... Music is really hard to explain. The thing is almost everyone I know listens to stuff like lady gaga, and it's so difficult for me to not get angry. But now with people who I like as people who don't understand much about music I just try to change the subject when it comes up. But that's kind of hard to do when the subject is what controls my life (I play guitar, bass, piano, and flute and comepose/write music). But I think when I get into sticky situations I will always think back and remember your post.

And yeah, strands of the future is absolutely beautiful...
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 03 2011 at 15:29
Originally posted by purplesnake purplesnake wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by purplesnake purplesnake wrote:

Well I'm 15 so last year in grade 9, we had to do this project for french where we had to pick a song (that was french) and make a presentation about it, at first i picked The Strands of the Future by Pulsar but this kid in my group said it hurt his ears :( so i didnt want to argue we went along with some sh*tty song but then at presentations time.. My friend, from a different group, had chosen Harmonium! and I was barely familiar with Prog at that time but they played Harmonium (the song) and after our teacher was like what genre is this (cuz we had to record it on our sheets) and I was like "Prog rock!" And they were like "I think its Folk".I feel like there are lots of people out there who dont know anything about music, but there are many others who could understand and come to like prog if they were seen to it. I'm lucky, I used to listed to just classic rock and stuff, but fortunately alice cooper played Yes and Rush from time to time (on the radio) and with some internet searching I soon got into prog. Now I can't listen to anything else!

You should feel blessed by the fact that the world of music and wonders opened up to you at such a young age. Just beware not to fall in the trap, that some proggers do - when they think they´ve suddenly reached some form of higher moral ground - just by listening to a certain type of music. One should always remember
that out there in the big wide world, - there´s probably somebody just like you - getting the same kinds of goosebumps, just over Lady Gaga. 
I loooooove Strands of the Future by the wayBig smile

Thanks for the advice, yeah... Music is really hard to explain. The thing is almost everyone I know listens to stuff like lady gaga, and it's so difficult for me to not get angry. But now with people who I like as people who don't understand much about music I just try to change the subject when it comes up. But that's kind of hard to do when the subject is what controls my life (I play guitar, bass, piano, and flute and comepose/write music). But I think when I get into sticky situations I will always think back and remember your post.

And yeah, strands of the future is absolutely beautiful...

I know exactly what you mean. The thing is, when your music starts moving you on a personal level, it suddenly gets very difficult talking to people, who generally just follow the radio and just use it as background atmosphere - maybe the occasional dance. But maybe they find those same "mind revolutions" but in books, paintings nature - or their loved ones. You just gotta believe they "get it " too - we just so happen to do it through music that´s it reallySmile
Just keep playing music doing your thing - PA is always open, so you´ll always have somebody to talk to about music, and how stupid the rest of the world is for not getting itLOL 
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