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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:00
graphs, I make lots of graphs.

Edited by KoS - January 31 2011 at 02:01
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:01
Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

I'm not dark, the rest of the world is too light.

Now THAT is the attitude I like
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:10
I need more Opeth. Of their early (pre-MAYH) albums, which would be the best to get.

INB4 "All of them".
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:11


Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

lol, go for it Henners, I need some comedy.

Tara yawned and put an arm over her eyes, the sun bright. How long had she been asleep? She must have been really drunk. Probably was still pretty drunk- when she'd fallen asleep, the sun was high in the sky and it was still up there. Maybe late afternoon. She yawned again, smacking her lips. Her mouth was mighty dry, she was dehydrated- well, that's what happened when you drank a six pack of beer- no, more than that she remembered. Wow. And she was still drunk- she still felt woozy.

When she tried to roll over and sit up, she found that it was impossible. One of her arms wasn't moving at all even though she could still feel it, and her legs weren't moving either. She bent her legs at the knee and was totally baffled when they moved in that fashion. But what the hell- why couldn't she spread her legs? What the hell was going on with her legs?

Laying in the grass, she spent a few seconds freaking out and wondering if she had a stroke- was that why her body wasn't working right? But no, no- she didn't know all the symptoms of stroke, but she didn’t feel any pain other than a building hangover headache. She just couldn't make her legs or her arm work right. And now that she was calming down she could feel her whole body felt odd, strange.

She felt tight, constricted. As if someone had taken strips of cloth and wrapped them tightly around her whole body, starting at her feet and working up. It was hot and her skin felt funny. Her breasts were pushed up higher than usual. When she lay on her back they flopped off to the side at her armpits, lower down around her arms but right now they were resting higher on her ribcage, almost pushed up to her face. Just what the f**k was going on here?

“Take a deep breath,” she whispered to herself. “Just relax.” She slowed her breathing, closed her eyes. She took her free right arm and gently reached down to her lower body, touching herself. What she felt didn't match up with anything that made sense- her skin felt oddly rough. Not like sandpaper, just not quite smooth. And when she tried to feel between her legs, she couldn't! There was some sort of barrier, a membrane of some kind, that blocked her fingers. What in the name of God was going on?

She brought her fingers up her body, trailing the tips up her belly, the bump of her ribcage. And there it was, whatever ‘it’ was- a rim of some kind, a line, a lip, just above the crease of breast and chest. It ran from all the way over as far as she could reach on the left side and just as far on the right. She couldn't stretch her arm around her back, people just didn't bend that way, but there was no reason to assume the rim didn't run all the way around her. It was like she was in a tight sack of some kind, something that was restricting her where she was trapped in it.

Just then she felt the weirdest sensation- a soft, wet crawling motion that started at her toes. It worked it’s way gently up her feet and then her legs, a circular band around her that inched its way up her body. She felt it travel slickly up her waist until it hit the rim at her ribcage and felt the slick, tight wet sack around her move about one half inch up her back and her underboobs. About three seconds after that she was overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of dizziness and sickness as she realized what was happening.

“Holy f**k,” she whispered weakly. “That snake- it is eating me, it's swallowing me.” She was overwhelmed with such a sensation of horror that it totally eliminated any feelings of erotica she had felt about the situation before. It was sexy to think of the snake swallowing her alive when she knew it couldn't happen- now that it was happening, it was no longer sexy time.

She had another problem to deal with while she was thinking. Her breasts, while not the biggest in the world, were each twice as large as her head and hair by volume- already they were being pushed up and into her face. If the snake kept swallowing her, those massive boobs could suffocate her long before the snake got her into it’s stomach.

She closed her eyes to think for a minute and was almost trapped by her drunkenness- even though she felt panic from being swallowed whole and entire by an animal that wanted to digest her alive, she was still riding the tail end of a seven beer drunk. She almost fell asleep again as she lay there in despair, eyes closed and her face in the shadow of her quivering, soft breasts. She snapped her eyes open and almost started crying.

Suddenly, Tara remembered something that was sure to save her. She lifted her hand and looked at her fingernails. They weren't talons, she never wore her nails in inch long colored spikes on her fingers but she did have fingernails. Tight as this snake felt around her body as it swallowed her whole and entire, it’s skin or lip should probably cut very easily with her fingernails. She smiled to herself and lowered her hand, feeling for the best place to try her theory.

There were no loose parts of snake skin for her to lift and place between her nails but that didn't mean she had to give up. Tara took her thumbnail and middle fingernail and tried catching snakeskin at her groin, where her legs came together. Right in the cave of her crotch the snakeskin dipped inward but didn't actually touch her skin, a tight tent of stretched out snakeskin. And yet that was also a problem- the snakeskin was stretched tight as drum skin as well. She just couldn't catch enough skin to try and tear it with her nails.

All right then. She brought her hand up and worked on getting her thumbnail under the lip of the snake that was swallowing her whole and alive. Maybe she could rip it there. If she could just nick it she’d be able to tear the snake off her like it was made of paper. While she was working, the rim of swallowing snake worked it’s way up her body again and she snake lip worked it’s way another half inch up her back, pushing her boobs up further into her face. Right now it was like wearing an insane push up bra, but any further and her face and head would be totally covered with her boobs. Breathing would become highly problematic at that point.

However, pinch and pull and tear at the snake lip with her fingernails it just wouldn’t rip. The mouth of the snake was drawing her deeper and deeper into the throat of the snake, pushing more and more of her into stomach. Finally she was outright sobbing while she pulled at the mouth of the snake that was swallowing her whole and alive but nothing she did made a difference.

“If I wasn't so hammered,” she whispered to herself, pushing her left breast to one side, pulling the right to the other. The lips of the snake had pushed her breasts up past her chin, her cherry red nipples up at the level of her eyes. Damned things were bullet hard right now, both breasts strangely ultra sensitive at the moment. If she weren’t being swallowed whole, about to be digested alive, she could enjoy them, even suck on her nipples herself while mashing and kneading the warm, soft breasts. She did it all the time anyway.

The mouth of the snake that was swallowing her whole and entire was up to her left shoulder, pushing her right arm upward at an awkward angle. She was glad of the fact that she could use her arm still, but it did bring questions- would the snake start digesting her alive when the bulk of her body was in it’s stomach, because at that point her arm from the elbow to fingertips would still be unswallowed. Would it leave her arm simply undigested, letting it fall off and out of its mouth at some point? She couldn't imagine the snake having to swallow her entire arm as well- that was an unnecessary foot and a half it would have to stretch to swallow her entirely. And if it couldn't, would it just spit her out after not being to swallow her arm? Not that it would help her if that were the case- she would have suffocated in the airless sac of the snake stomach by that time.

Since there was no hope, no hope at all, maybe she could draw her arm into the throat of the snake. But, no- no matter what she did, she couldn't get her elbow past the rim of the snakes mouth. She was in the way- her body, her breasts pushed into her face, she couldn't get her elbow past her f**king tits to get her arm in! What was going to happen she didn't know but she was too scared to worry about it right now. She felt her panic grow as the mouth of the snake worked another half inch up her body. The circle of swallowing flesh worked it’s wet tight way up her nude body, until it reached the lips of the snake and she slid another half inch deeper down the snake’s throat, another half inch deeper into its stomach where she would be digested alive.

From above, Tara's predicament again looked surreal. The skin of the snake that had swallowed her so deeply through its wide stretched mouth, its tight wet throat, its great stretched sac of a stomach that held all of her body from the neck down, was almost transparent it was pulled so tight. Her breasts were large enough and the fit tight enough that they were pushed upward like two huge meat pillows, totally obscuring her head- even though her head from the neck up was outside the snake's mouth, all that could be seen were the lower halves of her breasts bursting from the mouth of the snake, nipples bullet hard and cherry red. From behind the two great breasts, enough of them unswallowed that they would have made two double D cup breasts for another woman, was her arm shoved outward, hand clutching and trying desperately to pull her to safety.

The skin of the snake looked as if Tara's nude body had been wrapped in cellophane and then the outer surface water-painted in pastel colors. Tight as another layer of skin against her own skin, the throat and stomach of the snake held her tightly from her neck to her toes. Neither of them knew how tenuous the grasp of the snake around her body, how tightly the snake was stretched to hold her in its stomach. She only knew that she was going to be digested alive, impossibly, by what used to be a snake that had been only seven inches long and half an inch wide, and the snake only knew that he had to risk his own life to eat this woman. He had to do the impossible so that he could digest this woman alive over a period of weeks before her death. He had to- she was that delicious. The taste of her [CENSORED] even now was a memory of sheer bliss, and having even half of those wonderful breasts inside his mouth was a slice of heaven. He wanted, he needed, to finish swallowing her whole and entire. He had to digest her alive.

And he knew that she wanted to be digested alive. From the moment she had said that yes, as a woman she was prey and that yes, he could swallow her whole and entire and digest her alive, that she was his. And that she was proud of him for eating her, proud of him for being able to swallow her and digest her alive. That she wanted to die in his stomach as he digested her over a period of at least two weeks.

For her part, she wanted nothing more than to escape this horror with her life. If she could escape this situation and maybe kill the snake for what he had done to her, that would be gravy. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to be eaten, and she certainly didn't want to be digested alive.

As the mouth of the snake crept up the back of her neck, oh so agonizingly slowly, shoving her breasts tightly against her face and making it so difficult to breathe past their soft masses, Tara had began screaming with each breath. Screaming in total terror and hoping beyond hope that someone could hear, could come and rescue her. Her voice was very loud in her ears but muffled very effectively by her breasts packed around her head. Even if there had been someone in her backyard with her to listen, they wouldn't have heard her five feet away. Her sheer animal fear momentarily reduced her to less than human, but she wouldn't have to worry about lost dignity. No one would ever know.

Before long, the rim of his mouth was past the top of her head, leaving only her breasts, nipples, and arm left to swallow away into his stomach. By this time, however, that was child's play to eat. With the bulk of Tara already in his stomach, still screaming in terror, this would be easy. And it was- slow careful swallows brought his lips over the sensitive nipples of her breasts and in minutes they too were in his throat, then his stomach. That left only her arm from the elbow down.

This was actually easier. Because it was just an arm and not an an entire nude to swallow into his hungry stomach, all he had to do was swallow. The pressure did the rest. Her arm bent at the elbow as he swallowed and while his lips and mouth were stretched out again as her arm bent awkwardly while he swallowed it down, that was nothing compared to having to get his mouth past her hips and ass, past those huge delicious tits. And then her hand was in his mouth as well- he continued his slow pulsing swallows and her arm continued bending downward and stretching back out again until her right arm was against her side, just like the left.

And then it was basically over! He huffed a gentle breath. That wonderful delicious nude woman with her wonderful pussy and beautiful tits was inside his stomach. He had done it. It didn't matter that he had been only seven inches long and half an inch wide- he had swallowed a nude woman whole and entire into his stomach, and now he was going to digest this beautiful meal alive. And still he was positive that she was proud of him, from her position there in his stomach. That she had known he could do it. That she had been hoping against hope that he could do it- he could swallow her whole and digest her alive. And he had done it.

It looked as if Tara were simply laying on her back in the grass of her backyard. Strangely, from the very top of her head, from her oddly mashed down head of hair, there was a tiny snake head, oddly life like. But from the very top of her head down to her toes, it appeared as if she were wrapped tightly in a single layer of thin cellophane, and that cellophane clung to her body as if it were a second skin. Her overly large breasts still jiggled on her chest as she breathed, nipples still hard and jutting straight out and begging to be [CENSORED]. Her clean shaven [CENSORED] still called out for [CENSORED]. Only lightly was the cellophane painted in pastels to show that it was in fact stretched out snake skin.

Her face was still contorted in terror and she did seem to be screaming but very little could be heard. Only her chest heaved as she screamed, eyes clenched shut.

Now that the snake had swallowed Tara whole and entire, movement was not just slow, it was basically impossible. He couldn't slither any more with a live nude woman in his belly. His body just didn't bend or turn with a woman in his stomach. He'd have to stay there and just digest her where they were, until she'd been digested down enough that he could slither away. That should take only about a week. This was a nice patch of lawn, secluded, and it got great sun- it'd been a great day the entire time he was swallowing this nude woman alive. And when she was digested down far enough, why then, he slither away to a place of greater safety where he could finish digesting her, still alive, in peace.

He closed his eyes and started to drift away into sleep. Tara was a big delicious meal, and he needed to get started on digesting her right away, keep her proud of him.

Tara's screams became audible when the stomach acids started to flow.

There's more if you want. But those have to be more heavily censored for bad words.

Edited by Henry Plainview - January 31 2011 at 02:12
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:12
Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

I need more Opeth. Of their early (pre-MAYH) albums, which would be the best to get.

INB4 "All of them".

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:13
Other than that, Orchid is basically delicious death-metal and Morningrise is more acoustic-y delicious metal. Both are pretty awesome, although I prefer Morningrise over all.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:15
Yeah both are awesome, naturally, but I prefer Orchid

Also has a pretty raw sound/feeling which I like a lot.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:15
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:


Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

lol, go for it Henners, I need some comedy.

Tara yawned and put an arm over her eyes, the sun bright. How long had she been asleep? She must have been really drunk. Probably was still pretty drunk- when she'd fallen asleep, the sun was high in the sky and it was still up there. Maybe late afternoon. She yawned again, smacking her lips. Her mouth was mighty dry, she was dehydrated- well, that's what happened when you drank a six pack of beer- no, more than that she remembered. Wow. And she was still drunk- she still felt woozy.

When she tried to roll over and sit up, she found that it was impossible. One of her arms wasn't moving at all even though she could still feel it, and her legs weren't moving either. She bent her legs at the knee and was totally baffled when they moved in that fashion. But what the hell- why couldn't she spread her legs? What the hell was going on with her legs?

Laying in the grass, she spent a few seconds freaking out and wondering if she had a stroke- was that why her body wasn't working right? But no, no- she didn't know all the symptoms of stroke, but she didn’t feel any pain other than a building hangover headache. She just couldn't make her legs or her arm work right. And now that she was calming down she could feel her whole body felt odd, strange.

She felt tight, constricted. As if someone had taken strips of cloth and wrapped them tightly around her whole body, starting at her feet and working up. It was hot and her skin felt funny. Her breasts were pushed up higher than usual. When she lay on her back they flopped off to the side at her armpits, lower down around her arms but right now they were resting higher on her ribcage, almost pushed up to her face. Just what the f**k was going on here?

“Take a deep breath,” she whispered to herself. “Just relax.” She slowed her breathing, closed her eyes. She took her free right arm and gently reached down to her lower body, touching herself. What she felt didn't match up with anything that made sense- her skin felt oddly rough. Not like sandpaper, just not quite smooth. And when she tried to feel between her legs, she couldn't! There was some sort of barrier, a membrane of some kind, that blocked her fingers. What in the name of God was going on?

She brought her fingers up her body, trailing the tips up her belly, the bump of her ribcage. And there it was, whatever ‘it’ was- a rim of some kind, a line, a lip, just above the crease of breast and chest. It ran from all the way over as far as she could reach on the left side and just as far on the right. She couldn't stretch her arm around her back, people just didn't bend that way, but there was no reason to assume the rim didn't run all the way around her. It was like she was in a tight sack of some kind, something that was restricting her where she was trapped in it.

Just then she felt the weirdest sensation- a soft, wet crawling motion that started at her toes. It worked it’s way gently up her feet and then her legs, a circular band around her that inched its way up her body. She felt it travel slickly up her waist until it hit the rim at her ribcage and felt the slick, tight wet sack around her move about one half inch up her back and her underboobs. About three seconds after that she was overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of dizziness and sickness as she realized what was happening.

“Holy f**k,” she whispered weakly. “That snake- it is eating me, it's swallowing me.” She was overwhelmed with such a sensation of horror that it totally eliminated any feelings of erotica she had felt about the situation before. It was sexy to think of the snake swallowing her alive when she knew it couldn't happen- now that it was happening, it was no longer sexy time.

She had another problem to deal with while she was thinking. Her breasts, while not the biggest in the world, were each twice as large as her head and hair by volume- already they were being pushed up and into her face. If the snake kept swallowing her, those massive boobs could suffocate her long before the snake got her into it’s stomach.

She closed her eyes to think for a minute and was almost trapped by her drunkenness- even though she felt panic from being swallowed whole and entire by an animal that wanted to digest her alive, she was still riding the tail end of a seven beer drunk. She almost fell asleep again as she lay there in despair, eyes closed and her face in the shadow of her quivering, soft breasts. She snapped her eyes open and almost started crying.

Suddenly, Tara remembered something that was sure to save her. She lifted her hand and looked at her fingernails. They weren't talons, she never wore her nails in inch long colored spikes on her fingers but she did have fingernails. Tight as this snake felt around her body as it swallowed her whole and entire, it’s skin or lip should probably cut very easily with her fingernails. She smiled to herself and lowered her hand, feeling for the best place to try her theory.

There were no loose parts of snake skin for her to lift and place between her nails but that didn't mean she had to give up. Tara took her thumbnail and middle fingernail and tried catching snakeskin at her groin, where her legs came together. Right in the cave of her crotch the snakeskin dipped inward but didn't actually touch her skin, a tight tent of stretched out snakeskin. And yet that was also a problem- the snakeskin was stretched tight as drum skin as well. She just couldn't catch enough skin to try and tear it with her nails.

All right then. She brought her hand up and worked on getting her thumbnail under the lip of the snake that was swallowing her whole and alive. Maybe she could rip it there. If she could just nick it she’d be able to tear the snake off her like it was made of paper. While she was working, the rim of swallowing snake worked it’s way up her body again and she snake lip worked it’s way another half inch up her back, pushing her boobs up further into her face. Right now it was like wearing an insane push up bra, but any further and her face and head would be totally covered with her boobs. Breathing would become highly problematic at that point.

However, pinch and pull and tear at the snake lip with her fingernails it just wouldn’t rip. The mouth of the snake was drawing her deeper and deeper into the throat of the snake, pushing more and more of her into stomach. Finally she was outright sobbing while she pulled at the mouth of the snake that was swallowing her whole and alive but nothing she did made a difference.

“If I wasn't so hammered,” she whispered to herself, pushing her left breast to one side, pulling the right to the other. The lips of the snake had pushed her breasts up past her chin, her cherry red nipples up at the level of her eyes. Damned things were bullet hard right now, both breasts strangely ultra sensitive at the moment. If she weren’t being swallowed whole, about to be digested alive, she could enjoy them, even suck on her nipples herself while mashing and kneading the warm, soft breasts. She did it all the time anyway.

The mouth of the snake that was swallowing her whole and entire was up to her left shoulder, pushing her right arm upward at an awkward angle. She was glad of the fact that she could use her arm still, but it did bring questions- would the snake start digesting her alive when the bulk of her body was in it’s stomach, because at that point her arm from the elbow to fingertips would still be unswallowed. Would it leave her arm simply undigested, letting it fall off and out of its mouth at some point? She couldn't imagine the snake having to swallow her entire arm as well- that was an unnecessary foot and a half it would have to stretch to swallow her entirely. And if it couldn't, would it just spit her out after not being to swallow her arm? Not that it would help her if that were the case- she would have suffocated in the airless sac of the snake stomach by that time.

Since there was no hope, no hope at all, maybe she could draw her arm into the throat of the snake. But, no- no matter what she did, she couldn't get her elbow past the rim of the snakes mouth. She was in the way- her body, her breasts pushed into her face, she couldn't get her elbow past her f**king tits to get her arm in! What was going to happen she didn't know but she was too scared to worry about it right now. She felt her panic grow as the mouth of the snake worked another half inch up her body. The circle of swallowing flesh worked it’s wet tight way up her nude body, until it reached the lips of the snake and she slid another half inch deeper down the snake’s throat, another half inch deeper into its stomach where she would be digested alive.

From above, Tara's predicament again looked surreal. The skin of the snake that had swallowed her so deeply through its wide stretched mouth, its tight wet throat, its great stretched sac of a stomach that held all of her body from the neck down, was almost transparent it was pulled so tight. Her breasts were large enough and the fit tight enough that they were pushed upward like two huge meat pillows, totally obscuring her head- even though her head from the neck up was outside the snake's mouth, all that could be seen were the lower halves of her breasts bursting from the mouth of the snake, nipples bullet hard and cherry red. From behind the two great breasts, enough of them unswallowed that they would have made two double D cup breasts for another woman, was her arm shoved outward, hand clutching and trying desperately to pull her to safety.

The skin of the snake looked as if Tara's nude body had been wrapped in cellophane and then the outer surface water-painted in pastel colors. Tight as another layer of skin against her own skin, the throat and stomach of the snake held her tightly from her neck to her toes. Neither of them knew how tenuous the grasp of the snake around her body, how tightly the snake was stretched to hold her in its stomach. She only knew that she was going to be digested alive, impossibly, by what used to be a snake that had been only seven inches long and half an inch wide, and the snake only knew that he had to risk his own life to eat this woman. He had to do the impossible so that he could digest this woman alive over a period of weeks before her death. He had to- she was that delicious. The taste of her [CENSORED] even now was a memory of sheer bliss, and having even half of those wonderful breasts inside his mouth was a slice of heaven. He wanted, he needed, to finish swallowing her whole and entire. He had to digest her alive.

And he knew that she wanted to be digested alive. From the moment she had said that yes, as a woman she was prey and that yes, he could swallow her whole and entire and digest her alive, that she was his. And that she was proud of him for eating her, proud of him for being able to swallow her and digest her alive. That she wanted to die in his stomach as he digested her over a period of at least two weeks.

For her part, she wanted nothing more than to escape this horror with her life. If she could escape this situation and maybe kill the snake for what he had done to her, that would be gravy. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to be eaten, and she certainly didn't want to be digested alive.

As the mouth of the snake crept up the back of her neck, oh so agonizingly slowly, shoving her breasts tightly against her face and making it so difficult to breathe past their soft masses, Tara had began screaming with each breath. Screaming in total terror and hoping beyond hope that someone could hear, could come and rescue her. Her voice was very loud in her ears but muffled very effectively by her breasts packed around her head. Even if there had been someone in her backyard with her to listen, they wouldn't have heard her five feet away. Her sheer animal fear momentarily reduced her to less than human, but she wouldn't have to worry about lost dignity. No one would ever know.

Before long, the rim of his mouth was past the top of her head, leaving only her breasts, nipples, and arm left to swallow away into his stomach. By this time, however, that was child's play to eat. With the bulk of Tara already in his stomach, still screaming in terror, this would be easy. And it was- slow careful swallows brought his lips over the sensitive nipples of her breasts and in minutes they too were in his throat, then his stomach. That left only her arm from the elbow down.

This was actually easier. Because it was just an arm and not an an entire nude to swallow into his hungry stomach, all he had to do was swallow. The pressure did the rest. Her arm bent at the elbow as he swallowed and while his lips and mouth were stretched out again as her arm bent awkwardly while he swallowed it down, that was nothing compared to having to get his mouth past her hips and ass, past those huge delicious tits. And then her hand was in his mouth as well- he continued his slow pulsing swallows and her arm continued bending downward and stretching back out again until her right arm was against her side, just like the left.

And then it was basically over! He huffed a gentle breath. That wonderful delicious nude woman with her wonderful pussy and beautiful tits was inside his stomach. He had done it. It didn't matter that he had been only seven inches long and half an inch wide- he had swallowed a nude woman whole and entire into his stomach, and now he was going to digest this beautiful meal alive. And still he was positive that she was proud of him, from her position there in his stomach. That she had known he could do it. That she had been hoping against hope that he could do it- he could swallow her whole and digest her alive. And he had done it.

It looked as if Tara were simply laying on her back in the grass of her backyard. Strangely, from the very top of her head, from her oddly mashed down head of hair, there was a tiny snake head, oddly life like. But from the very top of her head down to her toes, it appeared as if she were wrapped tightly in a single layer of thin cellophane, and that cellophane clung to her body as if it were a second skin. Her overly large breasts still jiggled on her chest as she breathed, nipples still hard and jutting straight out and begging to be [CENSORED]. Her clean shaven [CENSORED] still called out for [CENSORED]. Only lightly was the cellophane painted in pastels to show that it was in fact stretched out snake skin.

Her face was still contorted in terror and she did seem to be screaming but very little could be heard. Only her chest heaved as she screamed, eyes clenched shut.

Now that the snake had swallowed Tara whole and entire, movement was not just slow, it was basically impossible. He couldn't slither any more with a live nude woman in his belly. His body just didn't bend or turn with a woman in his stomach. He'd have to stay there and just digest her where they were, until she'd been digested down enough that he could slither away. That should take only about a week. This was a nice patch of lawn, secluded, and it got great sun- it'd been a great day the entire time he was swallowing this nude woman alive. And when she was digested down far enough, why then, he slither away to a place of greater safety where he could finish digesting her, still alive, in peace.

He closed his eyes and started to drift away into sleep. Tara was a big delicious meal, and he needed to get started on digesting her right away, keep her proud of him.

Tara's screams became audible when the stomach acids started to flow.

There's more if you want. But those have to be more heavily censored for bad words.

Early contender for Post Of The Year '11.

f**kdamn, it's tl;dr though.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:16
You... ah, missed a few words needing to be edited.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:17
Ben get Orchid K?

And Henry that was too long didn't even bother.
Just seeing it all is giving me a headache.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:18
It is long, I actually mostly read it because I felt compelled to correct some of the grammar/typos. I'm not sure why, but oh well. You don't need to read every word to get the gist of it. 

Well you quoted it so it's too late now.

JJ, tl;dr: erotic human eating snake fan-fiction

Edited by Henry Plainview - January 31 2011 at 02:19
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:20
That does sound good Henry but it's 3:20 am and it's not even willpower, my eyes can't take that much right now. 
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Any Colour You Like View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:21
I'm calling that POTY already.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:27
Ok gais, I'm off.

Henry, don't kill anyone, and the rest of you, play nice.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:37
Play nice? Im going to bed.

Joelsy ima finally try lucid dreaming again, for real this time.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:38
Lucid dreaming? 
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:39
Originally posted by irrelevant irrelevant wrote:

Lucid dreaming? 

Oh boy, do you now know of it?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:39
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by irrelevant irrelevant wrote:

Lucid dreaming? 

Oh boy, do you now know of it?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:44
Well a lucid dream is when you are dreaming, but aware of it.
happens naturally sometimes. I know I've had them but for the briefest of moments.
Usually I just wake up when I realize it.

Well you can kinda work on it and get to the point where you can lucid dream at will, and be full aware of it while still asleep. Eventually you can have control, to a degree, over your dreams.
Joel is crazy good at it, he can explain more/better.

If you want to go mad hippie, some try to get to the point where you have OBE's and go to the astral plane and crazy sh*t like that LOL
I just want to see if I can remember them vividly for now.

Edited by JJLehto - January 31 2011 at 02:45
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2011 at 02:44
Lucid dreaming is cool but I've never done it. Whenever I can tell it's a dream I always try to kill myself to wake up. A lot of the time by that point, though, I've lost control and I can't do it.   

Astral projection is derp, though. I hope Toby doesn't actually believe in that nonsense. 

Edited by Henry Plainview - January 31 2011 at 02:45
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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