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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 03 2011 at 14:29

Now it's the turn of "Boccadasse", the third track from Il Tempio delle Clessidre's album...

Boccadasse is an ancient maritime village near Genova, town home of the band. Look at the pic below.

So, let’s start… remember what I said before … it remains valid... I'm not the best translator around here ...
Embarrassedeh eh heheh so, please, be kind ... aha hah ah

IL TEMPIO DELLE CLESSIDRE                                                          THE TEMPLE OF HOURGLASSES

BOCCADASSE                                                                                      BOCCADASSE


Si accende ad un tratto il mattino,                              All at once lights up the morning,

fresca la brezza si inonda di pallido sole,                   fresh breeze is filled with pale sun,

ti invita a distendere il petto                                         invites you to stretch your chest

e schiarire la voce.                                                      and to clear your throat.


Nel puro silenzio minuscule case e sentieri                In pure silence tiny houses and paths

offrono dolci carezze di caldi colori                             offer sweet caresses of warm colours

e il viso si specchia sul loro sorriso.                            and face is mirrored in their smile.


Scorre, solca il mare la vela intorno a te                      Flows, around you, the sail on the sea

la sua scia dipinge l’anima.                                           its wake paints the soul.


La pioggia che scende sul mare                                  The rain falling on the sea

tende l’orecchio al grido dei bianchi gabbiani,              keeps an ear to the shouts of white gulls,

attendono ormai l’indomani i tuoi pescatori                  your fishermen wait for the day after

ed ogni sera la piccolo spiaggia raccolta                     and each evening the small, tiny beach

accoglie chi cerca cornice alle sue riflessioni              welcomes who search for a setting to his thinking

e confida ad amici frammenti di vita.                            and who entrusts to friends his own fragments of life.


Scorre, solca il mare la vela intorno a te                       Flows, around you, the sail on the sea

la sua scia dipinge l’anima.                                            its wake paints the soul.

e rincorre i ricordi il mio cuore verso te,                        and my heart chases memories of you,

simmetria che ho dentro l’anima.                                  symmetry I have inside my soul.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2011 at 09:45

"Le Due Metà di una Notte", fourth track from Il Tempio delle Clessidre's album… romantic lyrics as in Boccadasse… would you have said it? eh ehehehLOL



LE DUE META' DI UNA NOTTE                            THE TWO HALVES OF A NIGHT


Scendi, sera, e porta qui il tuo silenzio,             Come down, evening, bring here your silence,

lembi di tramonto, schegge di opale,                 strips of sunset, chips of opal,

lei mi attrae verso sé col dolce profumo,           she pulls me to her within sweet perfume,

indugia accanto a me e così mi confonde,        stays beside me and then confuses me,

porta via la realtà.                                                    brings away the reality.


Un passo, vieni avanti, sfiorami                           A step, come closer, touch me lightly,

danza insieme a me, accarezzami,                     dance with me, caress me,

tieni le tue mani sui miei occhi                             keep your hands on my eyes

mentre i sensi scivolano via.                                 while senses fade away.


Ora la magia perpetua l’incanto                            Now magic perpetuates the enchantment

di ogni momento scritto negli occhi,                     of every moment written in the eyes,

trema il cuore dentro me, è un azzurro oblio       my heart trembles, it’s an azure oblivion

di sfumata aurora e così mi sorprende,               of soft dawn and so it surprises me,

ridipinge la realtà.                                                     re-paints the reality.


Andiamo, corri forte, seguimi,                                 Let’s go, run fast, follow me,

non aver paura, fidati,                                               don’t be afraid, believe (in me),

brilliamo come stelle siderali                                  we shine like sidereal stars

e aspettiamo il sole, vita mia.                                  and let’s wait for the sun, my life.

Edited by Andrea Cortese - January 05 2011 at 08:01
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2011 at 12:40
Thanks for taking the trouble Andrea. It makes interesting reading.
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2011 at 17:48
Thank you Paul.

My aim is translating in an acceptable way... it's a "training"... you know, I will be (or so I should) in California the next july so I hope to refine my primitive english... or is it only a "self-confidence thing"?....  well, I only have to wait until july ehe he he hEmbarrassed

Add to that the fact that I really like the record and that I wanted to do useful thing to my neighbours and fellow proglovers...Tongue

Edited by Andrea Cortese - January 06 2011 at 17:48
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2011 at 04:03
I'm sure your translation is fine Andrea. One thing I've noticed over the years is when languages are translated literally word for word  they don't always make the same sense they probably did in their original form and require a bit of tweaking to pull them into shape.
Maybe this contributes to why us RPI lovers think the bands should sing in Italian which comes across as much more poetic.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2011 at 04:39
Vault Pick: From a time when there wasn't a lot of great prog about......
 Dopo Linfinito by NUOVA ERA album cover Studio Album, 1989
3.69 | 17 ratings

Dopo L'infinito
Nuova Era Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by ZowieZiggy
Prog Reviewer

4 stars This sort of albums are exactly conform to my expectations. Symphonic prog at its best!

It is full of pastoral and beautiful passages, very melodic and moving. Vocals are also very sweet (although this work is mostly instrumental) and are fully in-line with the intimate music which is played during the whole of this very good album.

Two long songs, divided into shorter parts are the treat. There are hardly furious moments in here: it is almost all enchantment although some more upbeat music is experienced while the fourth part of the title track is being played. ''Dentro L'Ignoto'' is one of the longest section and shows the dexterity of their guitar player and a more aggressive band as usual. But that's fine, since this epic might have been too uniform otherwise.

The closing part ''Rassegnezione'' is another charming short piece. The only point that is missing in this epic, is probably a higher sense of unity. There are no recurrent theme which could relate the different parts.

This album is strongly dominated by Walter Pini (their mentor really) who is in charge of the keys department. While these are wonderfully combined with the smooth voice from Ivan Pini during ''Ai Margini Dell'Olimpo'' it really provokes a great and emotional feeling. A highlight.

Just like there was a more upbeat part in the first epic, the second one also holds a more bombastic section: ''Miraggio Cosmico'' is a keyboards feast: great synthesizers, some sort of a tribute to Banks and Wakeman. Some ''Watcher'' sounds just before an extremely passionate guitar break (Steve, where are you?). This part of ''Pianeta Transparente'' is the most vibrant one from this whole album.

Needless to say that this work scores pretty high in my ears. This album holds everything a lover of the Italian genre is waiting for. The closing section from the second epic is there to confirm. Four stars.

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2011 at 05:27
Originally posted by Nightfly Nightfly wrote:

I'm sure your translation is fine Andrea. One thing I've noticed over the years is when languages are translated literally word for word  they don't always make the same sense they probably did in their original form and require a bit of tweaking to pull them into shape.
Maybe this contributes to why us RPI lovers think the bands should sing in Italian which comes across as much more poetic.

Paul, feel free to point the weaker parts (I will thank you for that, 'cause I'd like to improve, if it's possible)... it happened two or three times that litteral translation didn't sound to me very good and so I tried to use other words... on the other hand, I'm sure that an english band would have written the same lyrics in completely different way.
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2011 at 13:36
70s RPI cover band doing some great live stuff, check out this Semiramis cutThumbs Up
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Todd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2011 at 01:29
Hey, this looks like a great new album on Black Widow!!
Castles, Wings, Stories and Dreams (feat. Nuova Idea)
Lots of names on this one, besides Nuova Idea, such as Mauro Pagani and Joe Vescovi.  Another one to look forward to!  Samples are on eMusic.  I'll be putting this on the top of my list!
"I have seen the broken sky turn blue."

My Gnosis Ratings

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2011 at 18:21
^I was just playing Clowns today and loving it.  Todd, do you know if the Japan mini sounds much better than the Mellow issue?
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 08 2011 at 21:45
Originally posted by Todd Todd wrote:

Hey, this looks like a great new album on Black Widow!!
Castles, Wings, Stories and Dreams (feat. Nuova Idea)
Lots of names on this one, besides Nuova Idea, such as Mauro Pagani and Joe Vescovi.  Another one to look forward to!  Samples are on eMusic.  I'll be putting this on the top of my list!

Holy cow, sounds pretty tasty....Big smile

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 10 2011 at 19:18

 Il gioco del silenzio by NICHELODEON album cover Studio Album, 2010

Il gioco del silenzio
Nichelodeon RIO/Avant-Prog

Review by Music By Mail

4 stars In 2007, appearing from nowhere, a voice suddenly invaded the Italian musical scene and materialized on a first self produced CD. A name began to be whispered on lips, even outside Italy: Nichelodeon! We are now in 2010 and a second album is released, this time on a well known and appreciated Italian label, Lizard Records. Aren't we facing a true success story? What is the secret behind this raising appeal and who the f... are Nichelodeon? Well, though being a collective affair, Nichelodeon is still the organised and haunted chaos of Claudio Milano and it is really a project centered on voice, Claudio's voice and the chameleon-like use he makes of it. For those still unfamiliar with him, here's a short recapitulation: with a warm and precise tone, Milano masters the change of registers and within a second is able to go from a deep whispering to a high falsetto shouting, all this effortless! And like a vocal spider, he then threads his musical web around this voice; the mesh patiently built reaches many corners: avant garde, atonality, plenty of piano clusters, electric guitars fed with a prog-rock spirit, folk hints, shadows of tango, Italian popular street music, modern 20th century classical music, noise. All this was already firmly shaped on the first album! What happened between the first and the second is not unlike what happens with wine: the colours get more dense, the taste has more depth and the aromas get more suble. Milano succeeds in bringing in new ways of using his voice, not necessarily upfront in the mix but with a precise thinking of where it has to be placed and how it must function; evil laughes rhythmically shaped in the bacground (track 4), tapping on his cheeks as a beat box (track 9), vocal drone sounding like if it was produced by a bass or cello, coupled to a sustained el guitar, etc... The music of Nichelodeon is a music of contrasts, hugely fractal and extremely conscious of the control of dynamics; Claudio Milano wants to surprise you at any moment and all the time! If a sweet melody is sung at the start of a tune, be sure of the following: 1) small noisy instruments will creep in the background and try to destabilize your audio confort 2) the sweetness will morph in wildness and agony will try to triumph before being abruptly thrown out by a street music played by an accordion or some dance drone paced by a clarinet or .... you choose .... contrasts! 3) Claudio's voice will NEVER stay the same place ... his vocal chords function like a yo-yo!

And to be honest, so much pounding requires really really much from you, the listener! I'm wondering if *rest* is a banned word in Claudio's world; he's always watching you, ready to attack, slowly, loudly, atonally, with fear in mind! This brings me to the last point: voice is connected to words and Claudio's lyrics are STRONG, disturbing, wanting to have you think about things! There are all translated in English in the gracious booklet coming along with the CD and headed (front and back cover) with great paintings.

So now, it's up to you: are you ready for intelligent madness?

Edited by Finnforest - January 10 2011 at 19:19
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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fabiogremo View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

Now it's the turn of "Boccadasse", the third track from Il Tempio delle Clessidre's album...

Boccadasse is an ancient maritime village near Genova, town home of the band. Look at the pic below.

So, let’s start… remember what I said before … it remains valid... I'm not the best translator around here ...
Embarrassedeh eh heheh so, please, be kind ... aha hah ah


Hello Andrea,
I happened to find this page visiting the forum and I really would like to thank you very much for this effort, this is a beautiful idea and a nice way to read again the lyrics. We had the desire to do the translations, but time is always too short... Anyway you're doing a great work!
All the band wishes to give you our warmest regards.

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 13 2011 at 16:24

Thanks Fabio!!!!!!!Tongue I'm really honoured to read your post here!!!!!! ... congratulations for the great work to you and to all the band!!!

At first I wasn't so sure to post the lyrics' translation ... but then I realized (well... I didn't need to realize it... I already knew it eh eh eh eh ) that the beauty of italian music (prog) lies in the musicality of the spoken-sung-words and in the lyrics themselves.

Edited by Andrea Cortese - January 13 2011 at 16:24
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2011 at 21:47
Vault Pick

So many of us talk about sound in our reviews....Andrea here goes into the lyrical themes of one of RPI's classics.  Bravo!

 Darwin! by BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO album cover Studio Album, 1972

Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by andrea
Prog Reviewer

5 stars If I had to give someone an advice about the best starting point to explore Italian progressive rock it would be 'Darwin!'! It is one of the best known concept albums of the Italian progressive scene of the early seventies. It wasn't conceived as a scientific treatise but as a poetical parable to explain our evolution as men, the upright man is a metaphor for dignity, for the overcoming of stupidity... The album was released in 1972, a few months after the excellent eponymous debut one with a line up featuring Vittorio Nocenzi (organ, harpsichord, synthesizer), Gianni Nocenzi (piano), Marcello Todaro (electric and acoustic guitar), Renato D'Angelo (bass, contrabass), Pier Luigi Calderoni (drums, cymbals) and Francesco Di Giacomo (vocals). On account of the recording techniques of that period the sound quality wasn't flawless and almost thirty years after, in 1991, the band felt the need to re-record both their first two albums with up to date technologies and slightly different arrangements. The result was impeccable but I have to say that I still prefer the freshness and emotional intensity of the original album.

The opener 'L'evoluzione' (The evolution) is a long and complex track that sets the right atmosphere. It begins softly, the music is evocative and dreamy while soaring vocals seem to invite you to close your eyes and to try, try hard to think to the genesis of the universe in a different way... No great Gods but just cellules, fibres, heat and energy blended together to give birth to the Creation. Mother Earth is spinning inside a cloud, she wants a baby and she's going to have him, son of Earth and Electricity! 'Grey layers of lava and coral / Wet and colourless skies / Here the World is breathing...'. Then rhythm goes up while primordial life blossoms in an unexpected way... 'The sea vomits shapeless creatures pushed out in clots on putrid shores / The land hosts the muddy herds that pass crawling on their likes / And the time will change the flabby bodies into forms that are able to survive...'. The music flows away like lava from a volcano, there's room for drum solos and organ rides while 'free sounds stir acoustic spirals of virgin air...'. When rhythm calms down it's time for reflection and for a new awareness. Observing an ancient skull you realize that Adam can't exist and that just seven days are not enough to create. Adam is dead by now and with him the genesis as told in the Bible... The new awareness leads to a delicate classical inspired piano and organ passage and to the poetical image of a new light... 'High, a halcyon squeaks making arabesques over the gorses and the sea / Now the sun knows whom to warm...'.

'La conquista della posizione eretta' (The conquest of the upright position) is another long track featuring many changes of rhythm and atmosphere. It begins with a wild ride on a frenzy rhythm... Try to imagine a wild ape-like man running among rocks and rushes following the smells of other beasts, the footsteps of his preys, roaring and screaming. Then suddenly music calms down. The apeman realizes that he can see nothing but his path and in him rises the wish to see more and far beyond the trees. He tries to stand up... 'I try and fall and then I try again / I can stand upright just for a while / The scream resounds all along the vault / It goes up to the volcanoes and then I stand watching / My eyes drink flights and jumps, my forests and my likes... Now I can look straight, far over there where the air touches the sea...'.

'Danza dei grandi rettili' (Dance of the big reptiles) is a wonderful instrumental where classical influences are perfectly blended with jazzier passages. Bass lines underline the slow and heavy paces of dinosaurs walking on earth, surrounded by a wild nature. Well, after Steven Spielberg's film 'Jurassic Park' it shouldn't be so difficult to get a picture of what music is about!

'Cento mani e cento occhi' (A hundred hands and a hundred eyes) is about the need to socialize and join forces to fight for a common goal. It starts in a frenzy way while lyrics depict some hunters running after their preys. A solitary ape-like man observes the hunters wondering whether he should to get closer or to run away. Suddenly rhythm calms down and after a new rise of tension the solitary ape-like man get in touch with the hunters. One of them gives him his pray and he's surprised... 'On your spear you offer me some meat that I didn't obtain with my strength / What kind of action is this!'. For him this behaviour doesn't fit a strong being but the hunter backed by his companions answers: 'Our strength is in a hundred hands / And a hundred eyes watch out for us / You are alone! / If you want you can go now, or stay here and join us...'. Here Francesco Di Giacomo's vocals contrast with Vittorio Nocenzi's then backed by a powerful choir. The contrast underlines the clash between the instinct of freedom and the need of socialization. 'From a herd to a moving tribe, from a village to a city / People breathing at the same rhythm / Men closed inside boxes of stone where you can't hear the wind...'. Well, even if the need of socialization prevails the instinct to run away looking for freedom will remain...

'750.000 anni fa... l'amore?' (750,000 years ago... love?) is an amazing piano driven ballad about the discovery of feelings. Love is far more than instinct to breed, it can stir powerful emotions. Lyrics describe a shy ape-like man observing a beautiful woman with her tribe. Emotions and desires rise... 'I hold my breath / If you see me you will run away... If you really were mine / I would dress your breast in water drops / Then under your feet I would spread veils of wind and leaves / Bright body with large flanks / I'd take you in the green fields and I would dance / I would dance with you under the moon...'. But the ape-like man can't move and can't speak, he's aware of his ugly look and fears that the woman could refuse him running away...

'Miserere alla storia' (Miserere to the History) is a complex track featuring a mysterious atmosphere and an Oriental flavour leading you to the roots of history, to Babel and to ancient Egypt... 'Glory to Babel, let the sphinx keep on laughing for millennia / Let's build in the sky up to Syrius / Let horses frothing on the Milky Way...'. Recitative vocals seem to draw a mocking and disquieting prophecy about the destiny of Man... 'How long will live your intellect, if behind you the human race is disappearing?'.

Last track 'Ed ora io domando tempo al tempo ed egli mi risponde... non ne ho!' (And now I ask time to the Time and he answers me... I haven't got it!) is about time passing by. Men are like puppets hanging on the eternal and heavy wheel of time that keeps on spinning... You can hear the wheel creaking and squeaking, munching lives and smashing bones, breaking wills and desires, slow and inexorable like an old and gloomy Waltz... 'Oh, gigantic wheel why do you make me think / If later in your spinning you will restrain my mind... It goes, it keeps on going / The wheel never miss a beat and goes on and on...'.

Well, a great album...

Edited by Finnforest - January 15 2011 at 21:47
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote akajazzman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 16 2011 at 02:29
I would ask that anyone who hasn't reviewed D.F.A.s "4th" to please do so.  It needs more votes.
I'd also point out that if you're reading this, then you have an appreciation for Italian Prog, which means you already LOVE 4th, or you haven't heard it.  Because there's no middle ground for a lover of Italian Prog.    Of all the dozens of Prog albums put out in the last ten years, I personally think that 4th is the best Prog album since Genesis' Lamb Lies Down.  Its that great.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 16 2011 at 07:52
Rick, it is a monster album...  I agree more people should check it out and then review it.  There are lots of great fusion bands from Italy, Bella Band is another you might enjoy.  Smile
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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This album is in my intray and I have been listening to it. I also hope to publish an interview with D.F.A any day now. 
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Hey thanks for the tip on Bella Band, I'll check them out.
Torodd!  A DFA interview!  Very cool.   Can't wait.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 16 2011 at 12:42
Originally posted by akajazzman akajazzman wrote:

I would ask that anyone who hasn't reviewed D.F.A.s "4th" to please do so.  It needs more votes.
I'd also point out that if you're reading this, then you have an appreciation for Italian Prog, which means you already LOVE 4th, or you haven't heard it.  Because there's no middle ground for a lover of Italian Prog.    Of all the dozens of Prog albums put out in the last ten years, I personally think that 4th is the best Prog album since Genesis' Lamb Lies Down.  Its that great.

Well, I still haven't got it!!

4th is so highly praised (not only on this site) that it'll be an inevitable purchase.

Edited by Andrea Cortese - January 16 2011 at 16:12
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