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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote toroddfuglesteg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 24 2010 at 14:51

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.

...... Regarding the new year; anyone here have the email or contact details for Nuovo Era ? I am very interested in doing an interview with them. VERY interested. 

EDIT: This has now been sorted out by the PA member sorcerer kermesClap

Edited by toroddfuglesteg - December 24 2010 at 15:11
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 25 2010 at 07:56
Vault Picks - three recent reviews

 Aria by SORRENTI, ALAN album cover Studio Album, 1972
Alan Sorrenti Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Dark Nazgul

5 stars A breath of fresh Aria

Before taking the path of commercial success with songs like "Figli delle stelle" and "Tu sei l'unica donna per me", Alan Sorrenti wrote prog music. Have you ever listed to "Figli delle stelle"? If you are not italian, as I am, I think not. Well, I don't want to judge but ?. ehm? I don't like this song very much 'cause it's nothing more or less than 70's disco / 80's pop or something.

So imagine my surprise when I learned that Alan Sorrenti had to his credit a couple of prog album! And now imagine my surprise when hearing "Aria" the first time I realized it was a very good album. And when, at the second hearing, I thought that the title track suite was a masterpiece. Today I listened to this record probably at least thirty times and I can safely say that Aria is my favorite suite of Italian prog with Banco's "Il Giardino del Mago".

A delicate guitar arpeggio introduces "Aria", the suite of nearly 20 minutes which is the highlight of the record. The voice of Sorrenti is soft initially but soon, when the music becomes more frantic, it turns and becomes rougher, and more intense and dramatic tones emerge suddendly, in a style very close to Peter Hammill. Acoustic moments alternated instrumental crescendo with typically Mediterranean percussion style and great demonstrations of virtuosity of Jean Luc Ponty on the violin. Note that the keyboards do not have large space in favor of other instruments much closer to latin tradition. The lyrics seem to be related to a mental trip, a dream or something, until the final part of the song, where is a sudden return to reality: "Attraverso i vetri della mia stanza io guardo fuori, e fuori piove / e nelle gocce sospese alla ringhiera vedo le perle della tua corona / Aria, in ogni angolo della mia stanza io ti sto cercando / Aria, sull'asfalto bagnato della mia strada io ti sto inseguendo e tu ti stai sciogliendo / Aria, io sento che ti sto perdendo" ("Through the windows of my room I look outside and outside it's raining / In drops hanging from the railing I see the gems of your crown / Air, in every corner of my room I'm looking for you / Air, on the wet om my street I'm chasing you and you're melting / Air, I feel that I'm losing you").

The second track, "Vorrei Incontrarti" is a delicate acoustic ballad, much more simple and melodic, very relaxing and beautiful. The final two song are more complex: "La Mia Mente", with a lot of piano and mellotron parts, reminds me the Hammill style quite clearly and so well the final track "Un Fiume Tranquillo", that stands out for its large use of wind instruments. In conclusion a great album that will appeal to fans of ethnic and folk prog, maybe a little less to fans of symphonic prog and other groups of the 70's italian scene, too much oriented towards a music dominated by keyboards.

A masterpiece of italian prog: 4,5 stars but.....yes, after many hearing (and you need a lot of hearing to understand this work), I think 5 stars.

P.S. For VDGG fans only: If you want to hear the "italian answer to Peter".... what are you waiting for?

 Clowns by NUOVA IDEA album cover Studio Album, 1973
Nuova Idea Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Mellotron Storm
Prog Reviewer

4 stars "Clowns" is a classic RPI album from 1973 and the final studio album from the band.For most the vocals will be the "make" or "break" factor.Yes his voice has character but it's not for everyone.Instrumentally there's no question that this band was abundantly talented. "Clessidra" opens with some atmosphere as dissonant horns then a beat arrives.A full sound follows.Guitar to the fore before 2 minutes then it settles with vocals before picking back up quickly.This is great ! The organ is prominent here too. "Un'isola" opens with reserved vocals and this has such a classic RPI sound to it.It kicks in before 1 1/2 minutes but the tempo continues to shift back and forth until before 2 1/2 minutes when it kicks in with vocals.It settles back before 7 1/2 minutes as reserved vocals return as that intro sound is reprised.So good. "Il Giardino Dei Sogni" is the first track where the vocals get theatrical and therefore difficult to digest.It's building and then we get contrasts between the mellow and more powerful sections.Some nice guitar 2 1/2 minutes in.Great sound before 4 1/2 minutes with the vocals and organ standing out. "Clown" opens with organ,bass and drums as we get a good solid sound.The piano replaces the organ.The vocals before 1 1/2 minutes are passionate.Guitar to the fore after 3 minutes.A calm 6 minutes in then it builds.Strings too.Sax and a jazzy vibe take over 7 1/2 minutes in then it kicks in after 8 1/2 minutes.Vocals after 9 minutes with guitar. "Una Vita Nuova" is pastoral with fragile vocals to start.The vocals stop as piano and a fuller sound arrive before 3 minutes.Horns 5 minutes in to end it. I was surprised at how good this was,i'd heard about the vocals and so was prepared but like i said earlier i would describe them as having character and they're entertaining as well.Excellent album !

 Il fiume by ORME, LE album cover Studio Album, 1996
Il fiume
Le Orme Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by kenethlevine
Special Collaborator Prog-Folk Team

4 stars During their 1970s heyday, LE ORME was known to include a mellow, romantic, more acoustic based song as the second track, which contrasted well with a typically bombastic intro piece. If you ever wondered what a LE ORME album would sound like if it was more devoted to this style, then "Il Fiume" provides the answer, and I think it's the one you asked for.

This comeback album spotlights the powerful yet sensitive, almost classical voice of Aldo Tagliapietro and the riparian symbolism of the lyrical themes while leaving opportunities for the instrumentalists to shine. No better is this captured than on the sitar-enhanced "Madre Mia' and the fluid "Prima D'Acqua" respectively. The group's melodic instincts are fully expressed throughout, with other highlights of note being "Lungo Il Fiume", "Il Vecchio" and "Grande Acqua". These combine placid and more demonstrative passages effortlessly. For instrumental fireworks, it doesn't get better than the main theme, repeated several times but most forcefully on the closer, the final of the two title tracks. I had actually heard this as the intro to Le Orme's brilliant Progfest 1997 performance. "Chiesa D'Asfalto" is the only cut that is really in the vein of straightforward rock, and an inferior model at that.

For those who enjoy their RPI tilted towards lush ballads without loss of that "larger than life" significance, I recommend a float down this river with no particular destination in mind,

Edited by Finnforest - December 25 2010 at 07:57
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2010 at 16:02
I'm late for the greetings... ehe hehe hEmbarrassed

... so trying to repair...: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!!Hug
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American Khatru View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote American Khatru Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2010 at 17:43
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

I'm late for the greetings... ehe hehe hEmbarrassed

... so trying to repair...: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!!Hug
Thanks Andrea, right back at you, and all you other RPI lovers!!!   Hug

Why must my spell-checker continually underline the word "prog"?

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Todd View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Todd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 27 2010 at 15:16
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.

...... Regarding the new year; anyone here have the email or contact details for Nuovo Era ? I am very interested in doing an interview with them. VERY interested. 

EDIT: This has now been sorted out by the PA member sorcerer kermesClap

I look forward to it, Torodd.  I should have the new album in hand in a short time.
"I have seen the broken sky turn blue."

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 27 2010 at 19:11
Vault Pick:  A very interesting work from a musician with a bright future. 

 Debris by MONNI, LORENZO album cover Studio Album, 2008

Lorenzo Monni Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Finnforest
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / RPI Specialist

4 stars Eclectic, modern musical impressionism

Lorenzo Monni was born in Cagliari in 1986 and is a multi-instrumentalist and composer of modern sound. He is still in college at the moment and already has released his third album of original material . He studied classical music for years but eventually switched to the guitar and the quest to create completely original forms of sound. This, his second album, is a great example of that ambition and a fine recording. Monni seems to be looking to blend post-rock and electronic music with some classical influence, ambient, and a dose of avant-garde experimentalism. While firmly rooted in the modern some older RPI artists come to mind when trying to describe Monni, who is a true musical chameleon. Micky had mentioned Battiato, and I would add Rocchi for his works like "Essenza" mixed with later electronic work, and Basso for his classically infused 2nd album. Mappe Nootiche comes to mind for their colorful ambient soundscapes. I think one could also mention Steven Wilson the solo artist. "Debris" is more abstract than "Insurgentes" but there are some style similarities at times. The solo work of Fripp and Belew may also be influences, this album reminds me of "Desire Caught by the Tail."

The tracks are richly developed pieces covering a variety of moods, almost always with luxurious melodies and only occasionally dissonant. The backgrounds are constructed with keyboards and simulated orchestrations, or, droning guitars and programmed (but good) drumming. Leading work is primarily the work of Monni's guitar and he is a gifted guitarist. He uses his guitar for painting colors and emotions, sometimes in rhythmic patterns, and occasionally will peel off some very nice solos. The tracks will then be dressed by all manner of sound effects, acoustic guitar, hand percussion, and sampled choir, operatic vocal, strings, and there's a bit of what sounds like church organ on one track. If it sounds to you like all of this could add up to one of those messy albums with lots of sound but little heart, think again. While the album takes a while to fully absorb it's clear he has a talent for making it accessible to people who may not be huge fans of impressionistic music. Monni is a gifted sound architect with a promising future.

Do take the time to check out his music, available in several format from his website.

Edited by Finnforest - December 27 2010 at 19:11
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Photo of an RPI band in gig.

Try to guess who withoug clicking on the photo. 

This as a small festive competition among yourself.

Edit: I am sitting on some RPI band photos which I may use in a competition on New Years Eve just to awaken your brain cells and make them productive again after they have been sent to sleep by too much fat and alcohol.....

1. price will be a spaghetti tree I got in the Provence region and it's entire 2011 spaghetti harvest 

Edited by toroddfuglesteg - December 28 2010 at 04:10
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 28 2010 at 11:36
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Todd View Drop Down
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That's my guess, too.  They're the only band I know of that does live soundtracks. 
"I have seen the broken sky turn blue."

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 29 2010 at 08:04
Yes, it must be RanestRane doing their latest project The Shinning perhaps.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote m2thek Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 30 2010 at 23:37
Could somebody give me the gist of Il Tempio delle Clessidre? It sounds like he's singing about something really interesting, but I don't think there are any lyrics online to translate.
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toroddfuglesteg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote toroddfuglesteg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 11:47

Me too would like to find a translation........ 

But let me use this as a bad, very bad excuse to post a   f a n t a s t i c  song from that album. Listen, marvel and just fall down on the floor in joy. Enough said.


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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andrea Cortese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 12:03

...sooner or later one of the italians here will post both lyrics and translation... probably fellow andrea is already working on it... ehe he h eh
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote American Khatru Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 13:06
I can't translate for you.  But I asked myself why that band name looked familiar.  Finally looked at some of my RPI albums.  Ah, ... the closing section of MUSEO ROSENBACH's great track Zarathustra is named "Il Tempio delle Clessidre". 

A little Babel Fish later, and a trip to my Oxford Italian mini-dictionary: the phrase means "The Temple of the Hourglasses" (far as I know, "delle" is plural, but maybe some other rule of grammar should be in play - forgive my ignorance).  Nice.  I wonder if they named themselves for the classic act's song-section, or if it's a phrase that appears elsewhere in Italian culture (a poem perhaps?), or if this is just some kind of coincidence.

You probably already figured all that out.  But as far as a translation of more than that, sorry, no can do m2thek.

Why must my spell-checker continually underline the word "prog"?

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote American Khatru Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 13:07
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Me too would like to find a translation........ 

But let me use this as a bad, very bad excuse to post a   f a n t a s t i c  song from that album. Listen, marvel and just fall down on the floor in joy. Enough said.


Wow, just got off the floor.  Mmmmmmmm that's good prog.  I love this thread!

Why must my spell-checker continually underline the word "prog"?

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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 13:20
I am certain Andrea P will get into song meanings when he reviews, he always provides that insight for we English speakers.

If you can't wait though, just find the band on Myspace or Facebook, they are a very kind bunch of folks who will be happy to answer questions I'm sure.  Smile
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 15:05
Nice review IvanClap

 A.D. 2010 - La buona novella (Opera apocrifa da La buona novella di Fabrizio De Andrč) by PREMIATA FORNERIA MARCONI album cover Studio Album, 2010
A.D. 2010 - La buona novella (Opera apocrifa da La buona novella di Fabrizio De Andrč)
Premiata Forneria Marconi Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Ivan_Melgar_M
Special Collaborator Symphonic Prog Specialist

5 stars Strong candidate for the best album of 2010

A few months ago I found about the release of "2010 AD - La Buona Novella", a Prog Opera by PFM based in the conceptual album composed by Fabrizio de Andre in 1970 and performed by him and PFM. "La Buona Novella" a musical version of an apocryphal Gospel which confers the same importance to the Divine and human nature of Christ, reason why it was not well received in a Catholic country as Italy.

In 2010, Premiata Formería Marconi hasn't only resurrected the album to make a cover version of it, but make a new release, modifying all the arrangements and adding complete songs and new sections to the tracks, for this reason is a new album completely different to the original.

As we know, PFM had to face two problems, the legendary keyboardist "Flavio Premoli" had to leave the band due for health reasons that go back to 2005, but his place is covered by "Gianluca Tagliavini" (who has been playing with the band since 2006), and does an excellent job.

The second problem I find relies in the vocals, "Franz di Cioccio" takes the lead and strangely not even "Franco Mussida" sings, and being that Franz range is very raspy, becomes an acquired taste, but after a few minutes the listener gets used being that "Di Cioccio" puts the soul in all his performances.

"2010 AD" begins with "Universo e Terra" (Universe and Earth), a very elaborate prelude written by PFM not only to introduce the listener into the concept, but also to recreate the sound of 1970 (The Hammond organ is delightful), with Franco Mussida making an amazing work in the guitars.

"L'infanzia di Maria" (The Childhood of Mary) is an incredibly beautiful song where "Lucio Fabbri) gives a fantastic violin performance that blends perfectly with the nostalgic lyrics sung by "Di Cioccio", a strong beginning with an extra section added by PFM called "La Tentazioni" (The Temptation), written by PFM.

"Il Ritorno di Giuseppe" (Joseph's Return) is much more dramatic than the previous song, even when they don't loose their fascination for a strong melody, again PFM adds a new section called "Il Respiro del Deserto (The breath of the Desert) to the already excellent original work.

"Il Sogno di Maria" (Mary's Dream) surprised me, because I expected a more oneiric and dreamy song, but instead the band presents a folksy tune based in "Di Cioccio's" vocals and the acoustic guitars by "Mussida" and apparently by "Fabbri".

"Ave Maria" is a chance for "Franco Mussida" to demonstrate his skills with the electric guitar, well supported by "Di Cioccio" and Patrick Djivas" in the drums and bass. Again PFM gives priority to the melody rather than to complexity, but this doesn't affect the Prog nature of the album and track. PF adds a new section called "Aria per Maria" (Aria for Mary).

"Maria Nella Bottega di un Falegname" (Mary in a Carpenter's Workshop) is simply fantastic, the instrumental sections with flute, violin percussion and synthesizers are simply breathtaking, the most elaborate track of the album at this point. Again "Mussida, Djivas and Di Cioccio" ad a new section to "De Andre's" work called "Rumori di Bottega" (Rumours from a Workshop).

"Via de la Croce" (The Route of the Cross) starts with a narration supposedly made by Pontius Pilate and when the singing section starts seems that at last "Franco Mussida" has taken the lead vocals (not sure though) and of course we can expect an absolutely dramatic song due to the nature of the lyrics. Again PFM added a new section called " Scintille di Pena" (Sparks of Sadness).

"Tre Madri" (Three Mothers) is a very sad song that reflects the pain of the mother of a crucified son, the arrangements are just perfect mixing Blues based Rock with some Classical and Italian ethnic influences, the touch of the crying violin by "Fabbri" are heartbreaking. As usual PFM added a new section called "Canto delle Madri" (Chant of the Mother), amazingly beautiful and radical changes around the fourth minute with a killer drumming and violin.

"Laudate Hominem" (Praise to the Man) is a song that Fabrizio de Andre made from his perspective of Christ as the first revolutionary, to honour his human essence. PFM decided to close the album with an incredibly complex and elaborate song and added a new section called "Oda all'Uomo" (Ode to the Man) wit specially radical arrangements.

After reading the previous review I can't do anything else than respectfully disagree, in my opinion 2010 AD - La Buona Novella" is a perfect masterpiece, well composed and with even better arrangements than the original album by "Fabrizio de Andre", I would be dishonest with myself if I didn't rated this magnificent album with less than five solid stars.

Edited by Finnforest - December 31 2010 at 15:06
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Originally posted by American Khatru American Khatru wrote:

I can't translate for you.  But I asked myself why that band name looked familiar.  Finally looked at some of my RPI albums.  Ah, ... the closing section of MUSEO ROSENBACH's great track Zarathustra is named "Il Tempio delle Clessidre". 

A little Babel Fish later, and a trip to my Oxford Italian mini-dictionary: the phrase means "The Temple of the Hourglasses" (far as I know, "delle" is plural, but maybe some other rule of grammar should be in play - forgive my ignorance).  Nice.  I wonder if they named themselves for the classic act's song-section, or if it's a phrase that appears elsewhere in Italian culture (a poem perhaps?), or if this is just some kind of coincidence.

You probably already figured all that out.  But as far as a translation of more than that, sorry, no can do m2thek.
Yeah, I've already translated the song titles, but thanks =)
The singer of ITDC is the same from Museo Resenbach, but I don't know why they picked that exact track for their name.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 31 2010 at 16:26
M2, please note there is an interview with this band in our interview section.  It may not get into translation, but you might enjoy it anyway.  Smile
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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I read it a couple days ago =)
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