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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 19:58
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Is that the spare pair next to the hare?
Si Amigo.Wink

I kind of like the answer "I dunno, the lost spectacles were his own affair." LOL
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 21:27
But does that story mean anything or is it just Anderson being a clown?

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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 21:31
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

But does that story mean anything or is it just Anderson being a clown?


I would tell you but then I'd have to kill you...
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 21:36
I still don't get Anderson. A Passion Play sounds WAY more like a parody of progressive rock than TAAB but he goes on about how TAAB is a parody and APP is the serious one. It's interesting listening to the Chateau Disaster tapes though. Those sessions start of silly but they're always a little sinister, but the more it goes on it gets almost oppressively dark and serious. I think his sense of humour started to emerge the more he did all this dark and horrible material (which led to the sarcastic tone on Warchild which was quite a facetious album) so if they hadn't had to re-record APP, maybe it wouldn't have had the hare story on it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 22:55
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

That formatting of the story layout is dreadful - watch for widows and orphans (trailing single word lines at the end of a paragraph) and justify the text to left and right edges, just like all the other "articles" on the newspaper page. Geek

Most glaring error is misspelling of Kangaroo.
Kangaru is actually the name of the Kangaroo who told the story, so no problem thereTongue
I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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darksideof View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 23:32
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

But does that story mean anything or is it just Anderson being a clown?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 23:35
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 23:35
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

But does that story mean anything or is it just Anderson being a clown?


In 1993, Ian compared The Play to the Rolling Stones' 'Satanic Majesties':
"... it's just not really appreciated at the time, a bit too contrived, a little bit too heavy-handed, but looking back on it with the passing of the years, you can be a little bit more generous in the way that you view it and the way you listen to it, and I guess that's how I feel about Passion Play. There are two thirds of it which are actually okay. It's just heavy going to play, which is why, I think, we very rarely play any bits of it.

"I think for me the problem with it, if there was a problem, was that the humour that was there on Thick As A Brick was not there on Passion Play. I think because a lot of the humour had been knocked out of us after a year of being away, touring, living in Switzerland, rehearsing, then recording in France, then finally coming back to England and starting all over again to rehearse and record virtually all-new material. That kind of took a lot of the humour out of it. I think, for me, looking back on it, that's the thing that's missing from Passion Play. It's a little bit too deadpan. It doesn't have that kind of slightly irreverent and humorous kind of little interludes or moments of light relief that would make it more listenable."

From 'The 25th Anniversary Review' (1993)
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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2010 at 23:36
How on earth can he say it's not irreverent or humourous with the GREAT FRIGGIN SARCASTIC PANTOMIME STORY IN THE MIDDLE?
Guy cannot judge his own work as proven further by the great tracks he continually leaves off albums.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 00:11

One of the commonest criticisms of 'A Passion Play' is that there's a childish, 'nonsense' piece inserted between Acts Two and Three, which bears no relation to the rest of The Play. In 1973 concerts, the band left the stage after Act Two and a filmed version of 'The Hare...' was shown; this is now available on the25th Anniversary video, reissued as the 'A New Day Yesterday' DVD.

So why was it included?

The usual explanation, generally accepted but unconfirmed, is that it reflects the structure of a genuine mediæval Passion Play. Such productions were (are) punctuated by comic interludes; relief from the deadly seriousness of the main play.
'behling57' suggests that the practice extends back to Classical Greece, and I'm aware of similar devices in Shakespeare, but such cases tend to be incorporated into the main plot. I think the key point about the interval of a Passion Play is that the comic piece need not relate to the main story at all. In the highly religious mediæval plays, the interludes were often secular, even bordering on pagan. This is reflected (presumably deliberately, though I have no confirmation) in the film shown at concerts, with a horned narrator, a maypole and other pagan imagery.

At the natural break in a LP recording (i.e. the point where the listener needs to turn the album over), and in the context of a stage play (reinforced by the album sleeve), a brief interval makes sense. On a more pragmatic level, the interval was presumably included in live performances to give the band a rest and toilet break!

The Lyrics

The full lyrics, accompanied by a transcript of how they fitted into the film, arehere.

In case there's still someone who's failed to spot the animal puns, here they are:
Bee wanted to help.... answer began...
... Owl had been ... scowling
Kangaroo... + ...their guru.. = "You can, guru,..."
Newt knew too much...

'The Hare...' is very reminiscent of A.A. Milne's 'Winnie the Pooh' stories, especially in featuring an owl, a kangaroo and a rabbit (not a hare). However, I feel Kangaroo was included primarily for the '...can, Guru,...' pun.

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'The Hare...' was developed into a children's book in 2002, by New York artist Michael Korb. His project is viewable here, though he does not yet have a print publisher - can you help?

Who is the Hare, anyway?

As usual, a potentially more 'profound' interpretation can be drawn from 'The Hare...'. Andy Jackson makes a persuasive argument for the identity of the metaphorical Hare: Jeffrey himself. "I see the story of the Hare is a kind of allegory of Jeffrey's youth as a highly-introverted potential artist at the beginning of his 'journey'." Jeffrey did wear glasses at school and occasionally afterwards, though that's probably not particularly relevant to the Hare's metaphorical spectacles.

The central premise of 'The Hare...' is that everyone believes Hare to be in crisis, lacking direction (he can't see where he's going), and unable to help himself. Yet at no point does Hare admit to being in any kind of trouble (or to anything...). He's excited, and only appears helpless in the opinions of others.

It's known from interviews that Jeffrey's parents frequently hassled him about his prospects for life after school. "I can't imagine Jeffrey being the kind of guy to openly argue, but rather chew it over in silence and - eventually - decide for himself." He had formulated some embryonic 'life plans', but chose not to explain himself to onlookers, family and friends.

Hare never speaks, but sits in the middle of a commotion concerning his fate, caused by others around him and somehow not actually involving Hare himself. He is 'ostensibly motionless', and mute, which "... brings to mind Jeffrey's comment that an old acquaintance of his described him as being 'like wallpaper' and 'highly eccentric' at the same time - a kind of blank, and yet containing a bizarre energy. Hare only appears to be doing nothing, but there's an almighty internal buzz going on: the workings of the imagination."

It could be argued that the stern, scowling Owl is a father figure, whereas Kangaroo, the other, more interventionist authority figure of the piece, associated with Owl throughout, could be a mother figure, arguing with Owl about what's best for Hare.

"... young Hare can't go with Owl, because he's nodded off in his armchair, he can't go with Kangaroo because he's too big for her pouch, i.e. he's not a child any more, and can't return to the womb. He has to make it alone."

I'm unsure how the allegory extends to Newt and Bee, or, for that matter, the optician. Andy proposes Bee as a friend of Hare; that's as good an interpretation as any. The point is that the others know nothing about spectacles i.e. they are ignorant of Hare's needs and personal priorities. Ultimately, that's his business (his own affair) - "it's his journey, and his 'story', after all. Again, imagine a 16-year-old's, "You just don't understand!" - his private, mute dismissal of everyone's 'tempting' ideas.

"Because, in the end, Hare can see perfectly well where he's heading" - he has a back-up plan.

Coincidentally, Meyers also proposes Owl as a father figure, but only in a sense that fits his spurious grand thesis (that Tull's material 1971-78 form one work): "The Owl is the wise one who hinders the imagination of the poet... the ancestral father. Hare is Jethro Tull questing for vision of spectacles. Kangaroo is the Muse.... This little story actually illustrates the anxiety [Ian] feels in wrestling with the giant dead of his cultural heritage.".
Considering the interval piece in isolation, this suggestion is typically flawed, not least because the actions of Owl and Kangaroo simply don't fit these characterisations.

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Leslie Miller acknowledges that the story of 'The Hare...' was indeed probably thrown in as a comic relief, but is also a fable, in the tradition of Aesop - a morality play with animals symbolising good/bad, foolish/wise, etc. The animals were very foolish to believe the ridiculous Hare. Moral: be wary of fools who are out to trick you, and be careful not to blow a minor issue out of proportion.

Michael Dawson interprets the piece as a restatement of the anti-clerical theme of 'My God' and 'Wind-Up'; the spectacles represent vision, in both a literal and a spiritual sense. Hare wisely rejects the conflicting advice of the various 'gurus' or religious leaders, realising that a clear vision is within himself all along, represented by the spare pair of spectacles. Personally, I regard this as a credible interpretation but unlikely to be that intended by the author; I'm unsure whether Jeffrey shared Ian's views of organised religion and would have particularly wished to address the subject.

The Narrator

The album liner notes credit John Evan with 'speech'. Many people have understandably taken this as indication that John narrated 'The Hare...'. However, having heard band members speak in interviews, it is clear that the true narrator was Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond, its author.
So why credit John? My theory!

A further source of confusion is the exaggerated Lancashire accent, not apparent in Jeffrey's interviews. This was an affectation, adding to the jokey atmosphere. For a more accurate reflection of Jeffrey's 'real' speaking voice in 1973, listen to 'No Rehearsal' on 'Nightcap' and the '20 Years...' box set - the ' seat in the circle... passage is spoken by Jeffrey and Ian.

The Author

Few people realise that Jeffrey was the author of 'The Hare...'; Andy suggests that the credit to Ian and John was solely for the music, which had already being played during the Thick As A Brick tour. Most probably, the story was written independently of The Play, possibly without any reference to those lyrics. As Ian said in a 1979 BBC interview:

"We decided to put it on film, which meant that we could all go off stage for a glass of beer and a cigarette while this thing showed. So what we did was to make a film: we wrote a little thing around Jeffrey's 'Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles'...."

It's only fair, therefore, to give the final word to Jeffrey; speaking to Dave Rees:

Rees:What about 'The Hare...': are you a natural storyteller/writer?
Jeffrey:Well, you can tell I'm not a natural storyteller by the way that I'm talking to you. It was described, probably correctly, as a bit of whimsy, which is okay, but I suppose it is very difficult to measure how much of that kind of material one should allow to creep in. Perhaps that was rather too much....
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Phideaux View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 00:19
Love you collages, Love The Hare, love Passion Play.  This is pure heaven!!!  APP was MY album as a kid.  It is total effing genius.  Everything about the performance, the album, the chateau tapes.  It's all the height of western civilization.  Thank you God that Ian lost his marbles and made this magnificent album. 

Now, bring on the collage!
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fuxi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 02:23
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Don't hate you man....not allowed to say so anyway, even if you made the PA homepage look crappy.. Looking forward to seeing it.Wink

ConfusedEmbarrassedWink thanks I hope you like it oooo Shocked maybe you won't ConfusedLOL  My collages are too crapyy for your taste!LOL


As long as you enjoy creating them and I think that the majority DO like them or even love them, that is most important.
I do enjoy looking at them but I don't love them. For what they are, they are very good. Hope that helps?Tongue

My, my, what a lot of bad vibes. Someone treats us to his creations and you just have to sneeze all over them. Those collages may not be perfect, but I sure do enjoy them!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 02:26
Originally posted by cronholm cronholm wrote:

Your collages are fine, I enjoy them. But I am going to hate on you a bit for digging up the most pointless, annoying moment in JTs history (well, untill they became sh*t in the 80's anyway) and making ... art out of it. I can't even listen to that album because I know that crap will clog up my speakers for a few minutes.  

More bad vibes. I admit there are a few dreary moments on APP (when it's just Ian and his guitar trying to get "lyrical") but there are wonderfully rocking moments too, and the band's playing is superb throughout!
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Ronnie Pilgrim View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 06:32
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

The album liner notes credit John Evan with 'speech'. Many people have understandably taken this as indication that John narrated 'The Hare...'. However, having heard band members speak in interviews, it is clear that the true narrator was Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond, its author.

So why credit John? 

John Evans has two speaking parts on the album:

1. "And your little sister's immaculate virginity..."

2. "This is the story of the hare who lost his spectacles (sniff)"

That's why.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 06:44
Originally posted by fuxi fuxi wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Don't hate you man....not allowed to say so anyway, even if you made the PA homepage look crappy.. Looking forward to seeing it.Wink

ConfusedEmbarrassedWink thanks I hope you like it oooo Shocked maybe you won't ConfusedLOL  My collages are too crapyy for your taste!LOL


As long as you enjoy creating them and I think that the majority DO like them or even love them, that is most important.
I do enjoy looking at them but I don't love them. For what they are, they are very good. Hope that helps?Tongue

My, my, what a lot of bad vibes. Someone treats us to his creations and you just have to sneeze all over them. Those collages may not be perfect, but I sure do enjoy them!

Does anyone see the irony here?
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 08:48
^Little steps at a time, let's start with seeing then move onto the complexities of irony later Wink
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darksideof View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 12:38
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by fuxi fuxi wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Don't hate you man....not allowed to say so anyway, even if you made the PA homepage look crappy.. Looking forward to seeing it.Wink

ConfusedEmbarrassedWink thanks I hope you like it oooo Shocked maybe you won't ConfusedLOL  My collages are too crapyy for your taste!LOL


As long as you enjoy creating them and I think that the majority DO like them or even love them, that is most important.
I do enjoy looking at them but I don't love them. For what they are, they are very good. Hope that helps?Tongue

My, my, what a lot of bad vibes. Someone treats us to his creations and you just have to sneeze all over them. Those collages may not be perfect, but I sure do enjoy them!

Does anyone see the irony here?
Irony?  to make fun of it ?  I am not sure, but  What can you do? well many things.
 I must be getting kind of famous because a handful full of people hate me collages and you can't be famous until people seriously hate you. LOL
Should I explain myself Should I express myself? Well,  Yes once again.
I can't please everyone.  like the frazeI heard somewhere  " what might be pure genius or art for might be pure sh*t to others" or something of that sort . you get my point I hope.
Just like a prog rock album or any art form not everyone is gonna embrace it and love it , but some will really hate and puke on it. like Yes' tales, Jethro Tull's A Passion Play, Black Sabbath's  Born Again to just mention a  few albums  that most fans of these bands ignored or hate.
I know for sure that the collages aren't perfect. I even like some more that others and I really like some area within the collages more than other areas  but calling perfect? never..and really is perfect in life? God? even God make mistake. His imperfection reviled  when HE created us.
I make this collages as tributes  of course!  and as pure love for the music , nothing else. Every time I start a new one  and this one my goal is have fun with it  and to try create  sort of "new Art "as some fans had called them,  as something that they had never seen  before. That is quiet a great encouragement and compliment to continue until eventually i will find that there is no fun in creating them. I am not getting rich or I am not hired by anyone to make them. this is just me having fun and hoping I can do for money, but that isn't happing right now! (well I had to admit that I had sold a couple of couples here and there but nothing crazy that I am laughing all the way down  to the bank)
I spend countless  and countless of hours and hours in creating these collages for nothing in return. I had even gone over 18 hours nonstop  and no sleep. A nice compliment is always welcome ( I always do anyway from 100 of  fans from around the world.) I  always highly appreciated it. seriously when I get them,. I even had received  email from  actual members of prog bands ( Dave Stewart Canterbury  prog scene keyboard player,  Hasse Fröberg from the Flower Kings) which made me feel so honor and appreciated to read their encouraging words.
So to finish this long expression. I not that bother with the "bad Vibe" thanks to all the great and joyful vibe that the collages brings to the forum and the Site every-time I finish a new one.. well thanks to that PA header is one of my collages. They might not be that horrendously ugly.Embarrassed
OH I almost forgot to mention! oh my!
I do make a couple of dollars here and there form my Gentle Giant Collage which is featured at the "official." Gentle Giant Website. it is available on a shirt
check it out and to all my fans I will appreciate your support.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 12:52
Originally posted by Phideaux Phideaux wrote:

Love you collages, Love The Hare, love Passion Play.  This is pure heaven!!!  APP was MY album as a kid.  It is total effing genius.  Everything about the performance, the album, the chateau tapes.  It's all the height of western civilization.  Thank you God that Ian lost his marbles and made this magnificent album. 

Now, bring on the collage!
 thank you  so much I must overlooked your comment as I was  trying to reply to  all the other ones.Embarrassed
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esky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 13:25
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Phideaux Phideaux wrote:

Love you collages, Love The Hare, love Passion Play.  This is pure heaven!!!  APP was MY album as a kid.  It is total effing genius.  Everything about the performance, the album, the chateau tapes.  It's all the height of western civilization.  Thank you God that Ian lost his marbles and made this magnificent album. 

Now, bring on the collage!
 thank you  so much I must overlooked your comment as I was  trying to reply to  all the other ones.Embarrassed
Oh, get on with the love fest already. And on second thought, what does the hare have to do with TAAB (outside of the one colleague of this forum who wrongly asserts that APP was TAAB 2). The collage is a desicration (forgive my spelling) of the artwork for TAAB. And as previously stated, those Chateau Tapes were crap. APP was special for me, too! Next time, be a little more inventive, huh?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2010 at 13:26
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Phideaux Phideaux wrote:

Love you collages, Love The Hare, love Passion Play.  This is pure heaven!!!  APP was MY album as a kid.  It is total effing genius.  Everything about the performance, the album, the chateau tapes.  It's all the height of western civilization.  Thank you God that Ian lost his marbles and made this magnificent album. 

Now, bring on the collage!
 thank you  so much I must overlooked your comment as I was  trying to reply to  all the other ones.Embarrassed
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