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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 05:03
Choir: Kiss the girl, thats right kiss the girl
Findlay: not on the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipssssssssssssssssssss
Ghost of Elvis: uh huh, not on the hucka hucka burning lips baby baby, thankyaverymuch
Choir: Kiss the girl, thats right kiss the girl but not on the lipsssssssssss
Simone Simons: Kiss her on the cheek, but dont take a week
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 05:08
But as wombats a small creature, and the angel is quite tall,
he'll kiss her feet and be her caged pet forever!
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 05:11
But oh, the sorrow, oh the woe,
for the angel is a creature is of the heavens
and the wombat belongs to the dirty ground below!

Edited by Vompatti - June 04 2010 at 05:11
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 05:13
Chorus: woeeeeeeewoeeeeeeeoeeeeeeewoeeeeeee oh, woeeeeewoeeeeowoeeeee ohohohhowoeeewoewoewoeeeeeee woeeeeeee woewoeeee oooooohohohohwoewoewoewoe!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 05:15
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:15

Third prog song epic


Whew! Its been another 20ish pages since the last song so time to call this one to an end so we can begin another on our penultimate album. So far:





Track 3 "One Month To Live"



 thx to all the mad contributers on this 3rd  track especially the usual suspects, Vompatti, The Sleepwalker and RoeDent, someone_else, refugee, BlowinFree, and a bit of stuff from Conor Fynes, CPicard, among others...


This again  took a heck of a long time to paste here so enjoy this psychedelic epic that is impossible to record..... I edited a lot of chit chat as it was tiring but al the good stuff is here, I believe.

Again if anyone wants to record this as an actual song- er.......... good luck!

I take no responsibiltiy for the insanity contained therein.. and I had to censor a bit as it was getting wude again, but oh well here it is – enjoy!!!.


Here goes as it was written on this thread <ahem>

This song featured a ton of poetry and lengthy song satires of VDGG, and featured some excellent little rhyming verses and I think was easier to read as a result. Have fun reading it or singing it...








Third prog song epic




Track 3


"One Month To Live"



If I had one month to live

I would give all I can give

to the one I love the most

the shed beneath the lamp post


Scribbling through the last verses
I knew the end would soon
Reading through my past verses
I know I am a loon.
I mean; I know I am a loon-
I mean; I know I am a loon-


Choir: He knows he is a looooooooooooooooon-

Little boy with a red balloon: eeeeeeeeee!


(bombastic flute solo and then Miles Davis' trumpet and Coltrane's sax blast into a huge instrumental)


Purple Gnome:

feed the wombat to the seabeast.

we shall make that monster feast. 

The wombat is a dirty scumbag.

And I bet he looks like an old hag. 


R. Waters: You f**ked up old hag, ha ha charade you are!

D Gilmour: We're just two lost souls swimming in a sewer hole

year after year

running over the same old fox and hound

what have we found

an ordinary sound

the same old sneer

wish you were a beer! 


The sleepwalker shakes his limbs and is loose!
But though he is a stalker he can make no abuse
Nor can he sing a blues for his muse
before he rises again!

[Hell, that was deep


Klaatu: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!







Beatles sample)

Now it's time to say goodnight
Goodnight, sle (cuts off)

(alarm bells from Pink Floyd's Time)


1st Man: We are the hollow men.
2nd man: No, we’re not. We are the yellow men.
3rd man: What?! I thought we were the mellow men.
4th man: You’re all wrong. We are the shallow men.

(A bang and a whimper)

Woman: Men … (sigh)

[EDIT: My brother added this line:]

That’s why you look so sallow, men!

Heater Panel :

Too late, with my balance gone,

all these VIP members,

(Congratulations, mr. refugee!)

I'm falling, falling

back to where I began...



As many prog stereotypes as you can fit into a 3-minute instrumental section in 15/8 time)

Rock Singer
Progressive rock is a complex thing
Only an elite few can sing
With a boom bam bing barnstorming
15/8 time guitar solo ringing
Through your ears and your fears
And your cheers and your tears
Steer clear of the jeers
And listen to the progressive rock

VIP Member:
I’m the Voracious Insatiable Progger,
the Voluntarily Impotent Potentate,
the Venomous Illiterate Plumber,
according to a Variety of Independant Potters.

Gnome-like figurines and wombat police

eating from your cake as if it's a pie. 

They are the turds in your toilet;

the vomit underneath you sofa!

They will not back off, even if you say 'Berlin"

(though few of them will).


Like wompires hiding in your closet

here he comes again, sucking on your toes. 

He's a big-nosed furry rodent

following you every day. 

I bet he'll stop if I kick him kinda hard

- but I've tried so many times, 

but he still follows me to school,

to the bar,

to the grocery store,

and to the toilet!

He justs sits there and watches me,

with his seeking eye, thirsty for blood. 

And then when you don't expect it...

he rips off your shoes, and sucks

on your toes!

He also farts every now and then 

and I often reply saying "yuck". 


We're on page 42!


Choir: Forty-Two!  Forty-Two!  That's twenty-one times two!


look at yourself!
- is it worth it?
- do you think I've failed?
- why are men like that?
- find him and ask.
- have you done something wrong?
- go visit his office.
- he cannot escape like that.
- I have looked for him.
- he has quit.
- I called him today.
- call me after you've heard this.
- I kept calling.


I'm just an ordinary man

ravaging my neighbor's garden;

stamping flowers, cracking twigs,

dropping turds, scaring the children.

But deep in my heart I know

I shouldn't,

deep in my heart I know...

Telephone tapped!

Oh no, now they are after me!

I'll pack my bags and leave this 

silly and crazy town. 

Nevermore shall I return to here...

Nevermore shall I harass my neighbors...

Nevermore shall I clean my butt with 

toilet paper, only leaves from now on!


(kazoo solo)



"Aaaw, VompattI!" said the wombat girl, and she sucked him into her nose. 

It was nice and warm inside her nose so Vompatti decided to remain there for the next 15 years.

He left a whiny, bearded wombat. 

choir:  He left a whiny, bearded wombat behind and remained there for the next 15 years.

Choir:  Oh, wait nooooo! He left a whiny, bearded wombat after those 15 years. Excuse us for the small but pathetic mistaaaaake. 

Why do I suddenly feel like scratching my arms and legs until they bleed? 

Choir: Because yoiu haven't washed yourself for 15 years and your arms and legs start to iiiiiitch?

That's probably it lol!!! 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:16

Part(henon) II: The Frivolous Mouse

The constipation of this song
is far from right; it’s simply wrong.
Although they tried to kill the thread,
the bats and brats are gone and dead.
Let’s dance a merry dance instead
and sing about the frivolous mouse
who hit the cheese pie with her spouse!

Cat Choir:

The dancing couple gives the thread another spin

and bring some cheesiness right in

The usage of our teeth and claws we will suspend

To save this story from a cruel untimely end.


"That's my throne", he said

and he took all of the fish. 

Never in the history of man

had a gnome got such a suntan. 

Creeping in your garden, 

he plays with cats, perhaps even wombats,

he eats the bugs and snails!

Ravaging your garden when the sun goes down

innocently looking when you notice and probably frown.

And when you turn your back at him, 

he'll drop his pants but remains unseen!


The Levellers:

Blood, sweat and tears really don't matter

Just the things that you do in this garden


A frippant and frivolous mouse she was
as she roamed the meternal sea
in search of a brutiful spouse, she was
as umphatic and gree as could be

War with the dragon

Lay our swords to rest

War with the dragon

Now our souls are blessed


Oh let this moon unfold its silver wings

Take the light unto our holy rings

devestation of the earth

crowd the face of our worth


everytime i see her i want to go

down into the valley raging below


Anger is a choice

and now its found a voice

Anger is a choice

And now I have two boys


T’was deep, t’was deep
Now I’ll put on my glengarry
and go off to sleep.

Part IV (just a guess that is): Gnome (From Godbluff):


Stub gnomes in the distance,

whining ‘cross the blasted moor

against the horizon.

Fickle promises of treaty,

bearded harbingers of war, fungal orisons. 

Turn around in your gown, this mad place,

these gnomes perverting the once pretty landscape

until its meaning is forgotten.

Beards mask their evil face, skin stretched and sallow,

headlong into the chilling night, pointy hats control the gallows.


Feet against the grasslands,

fingers scrabbling at the cock,

craving affection.

‘Sanctuary!” croaks a voice,

Shot the bolt through its hat, crumbled the peace;

now the echoes of all silent apathy

fade in the whining. 

What a gnome would do such thing? Take him to the gallows.

Feed him feces of other gnomes, how swiftly will he vomit. 


“Compassion” he pleads, 

as though they kept it in a box - 

that’s full of midget-warthogs. 

I’d like to help you somehow,

but I’m in the self-same spot,

says another foolish traitor.

We are all like the bum, on his knees;

crapping against the walls of all eternity

amidst the foolish crowd.

How long it seems, how straight the eagle flies, how straight into the tunnel.

How long the flight is - why is this passage so narrow?

How strange its body feels, surrounded by these feces. 


Club Sandwich in the distance,
waiters cross the parquet floor,
ignoring my question.
Fickle promises of eating,
while I try my luck once more, futile digestion.
Food gets cold, that is sure. This mad place,
my urge is getting worse from fruitless food-chase.
I guess my order is forgotten.
What a crawl! This lazy dope,
this stupid armadillo,
— all day long to the chilling night,
he’s resting on his PILLOOOOOOOW!!!

[Angry sax]

How slow the time seems,
I want to pay my bill now.
We know where the waiter is,
he’s resting on his PILLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:17

A Plague of LightLunch Eaters


Still waiting for my flavour

I tear the chicken limb from limb

I am a prophet who is

going to eat his folooweeeeeeeeeeeeeer


I sit alone and hungry

awaiting this one meal

now I am eating bread and

I am about to eat the veeeeeeeeeal


i am a man who can smell bread

I move to the fridge and

begin to spreaaaaaaaaaaaad




I prophesy a fast and then I count the calories....
I dine but, dining, dying,
I know that I am almost obese.
On the table lies an empty plate, my chicken to the bone
I only have blunt knives, I only have the bluntest spooooooooooooooon....


I've been the eater, and the seal of spread
lingers in the butter that is on my bread.
When you see the skeletons of a lifeless thin body I know
You'll begin to wonder if the diet you are on is working at all
and solemnly connected to the


No time now for nutrition
you must eat all junk food
The walls of your stomach are awaiting
and if I weigh I'll crack the scales.
So I only think on how my weight has gained,
looking at my reflection, myself to blaaaaaaaaaaame

Anyway, I'm much too heavy to stand
and, as the scales are thrown away
into the trash can, I turn on the fan....
...and find that I am overweight...


'More veal, More veal!' overweight man screamed
and opened the fridge to find,
bread, jam, butter, milk, chicken drumsticks...
no steaks until I die:
the chocolate ice cream in the freezer
iceblocks, condensed tins
only intent on consuming what you’ve got.

I crawl away on the dusty floor till I cower to the stairs and then l fall;

(someone finish this) 


My soul is being rent in two!
My mouth has been glued shut with glue!
My eardrums shattered by the sound
Of bison falling to the ground!

Off in the distance I can see
A hundred million manatees
That swarm around like butterflies
And blast away into the skies!

I'm getting hungry, too, you know
I haven't got nowheres to go
I'll sit around and watch it snow
But I still got nowheres to go

(Sudden lull in the music, out of which bursts a fiery sax accompanied by a pair of mandolins playing a ferocious mixture of conflicting melodies in 5/8 time.  The drums and bass play in 33/16.)

I don't want to see one hand in the freezer
But meat will drag me deep
One more haggard OBESE MAN...
I can see the dieticians coming, but I know I'm just an eater;
Do I eat or do I abstain? Which choice is the best for me?



“Hey, hey” gnome fridgemen scream and jump out of the fridge,

not breaking through my munching squeaks -no breaks until I die.

The gnomes now scratch on my belly fat,

the hollowed faces and mindless grins,

are only intend on taking away all my food.


I crawl the wall till steepness ends in the vertical fall;

the gnomes now shriek and leave my bleak -no food left for me now.

Those gnomes whine in the heart of mine,

their cruel thievery leave my thoughts so dark

and parallel my now empty fridge...

No parasailing gnome to blame,

they’re all gone in the night.



Food’s End (Dineline)/Wee Snack Now
Roast beef drifting sideways, I am pulled over the ridge
I feel you around me, you are the fridge.
Knives slice the venison where the fat stands out too stark;
I feel I am starving, I could eat a snark.


The beaver lives inside me; yes, I can feel him chew.

Sometimes he builds a dam in the quiet of my bowels;

but then my feces can’t really get outside,

this constipation gives me a nasty pain inside. 

Yes, the beaver lives. 


Beelzebub lives inside me, I can feel the flies;

their presence is itchy and disturbs the peace in my mind

and their germs enter wounds that I forgot. 

They open them and make me feel

sick, more than ever before

while Beelzebub lives. 


Climb into a tree?

Where do I find kelp?

In the sea of pee?

Should I look somewhere else?


But, stalked by crazy oysters I find kelp in seas of doom

and Death’s throws his cloak into the corner of my room

and reveals his doom - 

but, still inside the sea I see a prankster in the kelp

and suddenly an oyster starts acting like a goof

in this strange spoof. 


Garden gnomes, live inside me and often I can’t recall their names;

they are a tad dissapinted; well, I hope they won’t explode. 

I’m just a man, and pirates, parasailers, all are these,

aliens, harlequins, drugged athletes in war and peace

as long as man lives...


I’m just a man, and truckers, wombats, all are these:

transvestites, potbellied pigs, mad dentists.




Won’t you please, please kelp me!

he recoooooooooooooooooooooooorded iiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Some call me WOMBAT others have me PATTI

Some name me PIRATE... I am unborn. 

Some speak of me in anagrams,

some grieve upon my wart...

the ones who give me beverages

I grant soft-porn. 

My words are 

‘Fool’, ‘lolwut’, ‘wtf’ and ‘k’;

My home is in Atlantis and Finland. 

My name is locked in silence,

sometimes it’s whispered out of spite,

I shy away,

my introverted kindness,

there is no place for fright. 

Will you please come to me

and love me for one more night?

Some see me whining, others have me dull;

bum and mason - I am ALL. 

Some swear they never 

see me quoting myself...

at the moment of the post see them fall!

Some die as they see me urinating,

defecating and vomiting:

troublesome constipation is my pall. 

My faces is robed in choclate,

sometimes it’s cleaned in the bath,

dead writer’s fool,

they are so weak and fragile,

and I like them to play with me.

Will you now crawl to me

and love me for one more day?

Some wish me empty others have me full,

some seek for my hands - I’m a GNOME.

Some look for me in gardens,

some trace me in the woods,

my mathematic plunders:

are no good.

I chronicle my poems,

my stories and my lull,

my pirate voice shall progress

- it is done.

My soul is cast is potato chips

yet unrevealed in open bag.

Sometimes I cry with the appropriate emoticon

and all ease is mine.

Will you not run for me

and love me for on more life, fool?!


Poor gnomes,
with their souls forever trapped
in clay or whatever stuff
they make garden gnomes
out of . . .


Yeah! They just aren't what they seen! I bet they actually are gnomes in odd coats as well!

When Alfred Jarry drew an owl it looked like a vase! When Alfred Jarry drew a vase it looked like an owl! 

I wandered lonely as a gnome
That stands tall at the back of the garden,
When all at once I saw a colony,
An army, of atomic super ants;
In the nest, beneath the sticks,
Urinating and carrying various small objects in the breeze.

Choir: The epic title track in particular is full of frightening dissonance, coming in the form of creepy violin playing, reverberated shouts of angst, and intense improvisation!

Squuuuuuuuueeeeeeze my lemon!

Alan Rolls his Royce again.
That’s kha-true, but what’s the blend?
It makes sense if it’s Drum White.
Jon, I think you’re right.

Like a gnome without its hat

creeps the wombat

over the streets of the city

and we all pity

his flattened-turd-shaped nose.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:18


I have a pet.
He’s as cute as they get.

With antennae and wings
he’s so sweet when he sings.

He turned up in my doorway
in a bold I-want-more-way,

and this long-jumping tramp
is in love with my lamp

One of the cross beams has gone out askew on the treadle!

I made a bet that couldn’t fail:
I lost my head but won a tail.

I saw a hammer without a nail

i met a lady without a snail

i saw a sky without a whale

and an ocean without a trail



Wyatt: "now, hang on a minute..."  


Kleptomaniac people stole my beer
One more snail in your coffee dear
No more porter for at least two thousand years

Hackett: I will not waste my solo on that one.

Dead as a dalek

Dalek: Exterminate!

Dr: Run!

davros: You will tell meeeeeeeeeeeee


(synthesizers strike up Dr Who theme)


Choir: The doctor in the Tardis

3 dimensions

he travels in time

evil intentions


the Master chases

Amy hangs on

Master races


Fripp: what a dumb song!


Baritone soloist: I agree!

Choir: We agreeee...that this is a duuummmbbb.......

*kazoo solo*



Choir: Where's the P?


LaBrie: Running down my leg!


Choir: hahahahahahaha


Santa: hohohohohoho


Santana: heheheheheheheeeeeeeeeee!




Saturn: i am revolving!


Saturnia: and you are revolting!


I've only just realized some of you have actually recorded it!

Well done guys! We made it into the progosphere!

And what a fine recording it is! 

Oh absolutely! Well done! 

Choir: For recoooorrrrding it!

Of course I agree,
but what about me?

I prefer the recording of refugee,

as I think Vompatti was about to pee

when he recorded his part

so he had to cough and giggle 

and the pirate mask fell off and 

revealed the wimp at heart


WTF, I'm no wimp
you must be a fool to think
such ridiculous thing
such ridiculous thing!



Vompatti is right.
Willie’s the wimp,
Vompatti’s the pimp.

And besides, I don't giggle on the recording at all. 

Vompatti's a pimp?

No! Vompatti's a gimp! 

...or a sausage!



Ornamental lacework
Lazy ornamental lacework

Choir: better one gnome in the garden, than two gnomes on the couch! 

Better one gnome in the boudoir than a dozen slaughtered on the bathroom floor

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:19

A Tribute To Vompatti - Tunnelvision


This morning I went to the toilet

having a stomachache

I dropped my pants and sat down

for about 20 minutes 

flows of diarrhea 

and solid chunks 

of feces came out

leaving a burned feeling. 

I bet it was the outside

that appeared so temping 

but in the end it was just

a plunge into the toilet

and the final minutes

of their pathetic lives

before being flushed 

down to hell, 

with its demonic rats

and cats - 

no, not cats. 



Still going strong


Choir Yes they are still going stroooooooooooong


LaBrie: Phantasmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagoria!:

Choir:  Phantasmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagoria!

daleks :  Phantasmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagoria! Exteeeeeeeeeeeeeerminaaaaaaaaaaate!

Supreme dalek:  Exteeeeeeeeeeeeeerminaaaaaaaaaaate!

Dalek Sek: Exteeeeeeeeeeeeeerminaaaaaaaaaaate!

Dalek Prog: Exteeeeeeeeeeeeeerminaaaaaaaaaaate!@ ^%$%#$%@$#@!*&^*&%&^%&^$^%#$@#$%@



Choir: I wonder what that final purple line sounds like!

We will sooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuund very weeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrddddddddddddddd

liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllliiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn sssppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccceeeee.


Choir: the faceless watcher, he makes me uneasy... 

OMG OMG that line was soooooooooo cheesy!

Choir: yet it's better than anything you ever wrote!

Choir: He has no problem with that OH NO he has no probleeeeemm....with that!

Magma chant:

He points his ears

he has no fears

no souvenirs

of XXXX beers

no bandoliers

or conveniers

or massive steers

to sell my wares


Vander: hey wares doesnt rhyme

annoying girl  : it does with my accent


Choir: accent, fax sent, back rent, accident

Female: Laxative, faxative, backs are if, accideve

Male: moron, four on, pour on, store on

Choir: (high pitch) blazing, amazing, phasing, grazing


goes up an octave


Choir: accent, fax sent, back rent, accident

Female: Laxative, faxative, backs are if, accideve

Male: moron, four on, pour on, store on

Choir: (high pitch) blazing, amazing, phasing, grazing


 goes up higher

Choir: accent, fax sent, back rent, accident

Female: Laxative, faxative, backs are if, accideve

Male: moron, four on, pour on, store on

Choir: (high pitch) blazing, amazing, phasing, grazing


goes up ridiculoously high!



Choir: accent, fax sent, back rent, accident

Female: Laxative, faxative, backs are if, accideve

Male: moron, four on, pour on, store on

Choir: (high pitch) blazing, amazing, phasing, graziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing


*Everything goes quiet suddenly, sheep sounds are heard*

Solo voice: ....on the grass, the seven sheep are marching
Toward the rising sun in the east
Where, upon their arrival, they will feast
On some wildebeest

The wildebeest steps to the microphone: MOOOOOUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR MMOOOOOOOOURRREER

Cud chewer: Munch MOoonONONch MPPODHNC MONDNDNDN MUchchchchnchhcnchch


Annoying girl: My wildebeest is made of yeast

I had a feast and wind needs to be released


Huge fart is heard


Now I have been released

I can feast on my wildebeast

As east is east at least

I have been teased

with the greater of ease

those daring young men

in their flyyyyyyyyyyyying maaaaaaaaaaaaachiiiiiiiiiiiines 


so when we use our mind and take a step out of time

we can do anything

that we want to do


with our handy dandy note book!


sue me


The Trial of AtomicCrimsonRush

(2-minute instrumental prelude)

Rock singer: All rise for judge...

So how do you plead?

Not guilty.


Hysterical woman:
Go repay your fines!

We all know what you’ve done,
the finale has begun.

[Snoring sounds: The defendant is resting.]

Sleeep...sleeeeep...for tomorrow ye shall wake and be found...

ACR: i admit the deed!


Attorney: what deed?

ACR: THE deed!

Prosecutor: THE deed?

ACR: Yes, THE deed!

Prosecutor: THE deed, huh? The one where you stole a perfectly good verse from a perfectly annoying childrens TV show?

ACR: Yeah that!

Prosecutor: M'lud note exhibit A



Prosecutor: er yeah,  exhibit A



Judge: Let us seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, exhibit AAAAAAAAAAAAA!


Prosecutor: read it to the jury so all can be awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

Judge: (reading) so when we use our mind and take a step out of time

we can do anything

that we want to do


with our handy dandy note book!


You jerk! Thats from a TV show!


ACR: I know that.

Prosecutor: Which one?


Prosecutor: Which one?


Prosecutor: THAT one?


Prosecutor: I KNow that one?


Judge: Shuttup!

Jury: SORRY!


Judge: Minute-guy, are you recording this?

Minute-guy: I'm recording it!

Jury: OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!! If he records it again, I'll kill him!!!

Black Minutes of Memorial Sand?

I've always thought of you

as a fragile little gnome

in my home where a condom

devours the mosquitos and flies

and a moonman laughs about it

with his shriek he cracks the walls

and leaves me without any protection

of the cold wind that feels like a ice cube

jumping out of a glass of other little ice cubes

and a man wearing a raincoat and a yellow hat

tells the children to stay aware of the bogeyman

that roams the silent streets at night and yells words

......................................oh.................yeah..................oh...................yeah!!!...!!....!!.........!! "hey", "yo" and lines like "why did you eat my chocolate?!"


Eurovision guy: and here is the contestant for Finland, Viktor Vompatti, with his song "WTF IMMA PYRAT LOL!". 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:23

Excuse me, but I have to kill the sorceress now.

The sorceress moves towards the wombat with an evil glint i her eye and releases a barrage of lightning from her fingers. The wombat reels back in pain


The sorceress laughs and sings:


"You foooooooooool,

I am more power-fooooooool

than yoooooooooooooou


I am the sorceress of destruction

I am your muuuuuuuuuuuse

and I am amuuuuuused


Actually she was actually a nice sorceress, it was just that her body was possessed by an evil sorceress.


Sorceress: I am still nasteeeeeeeeeeee

cos i am poseeeeeeeeeeessed

by an evil socereeeeeeeeeeeesss

thats why i am nasteeeeeeeeeeee





She's not possessed now (I even played cards with her) but she might be possessed again if I don't stop the evil sorceress.

stop blocking my creativity!



ACR: Klaatu!

Klaatu: Yes boss

ACR: get Gort to blow this guy away!

Klaatu: yes sir........ Gort!



Klaatu: can u please zap this Vompatti dude, pretty please ...



Klaatu: OK, with cherries on top!


AvatarOK. VOMPATTI!!!!!!!!!!!


 Avatar wHAY U WNAT???!!






AvataroH BLASt IT Iall, NOt AgaIN







You did not deserve it. 

And here are the results from the Bungarian jury:
0 points to everyone, except for …
12 points to Viktor Vompatti!


Choir: Trout Mask Replica has got a lot of negative revieeeeews on this site! 


[In the background we hear an out-of-tune female voice singing about satellites in Schwartzwald Cockney.]

Choir: I was surprised that Germany won as usually eastern European countries win for certain reasoooooons!


Choir w/ flanger effect; UHH OHH




I'll only eat your head arms and legs then, and maybe the tip of your nose

Very well, but I must warn you: the tip of my nose is full of snot. 

Snot makes a good seasoning!

But if even snot has become tasteless, with what will it be seasoned?


Of our discotheque!

With an earthquake!

Is that all you've got to say? 

And a big cake!

And a sharp, sharp rake! 

For Eurovision winners' sake!


And no-one eeeeeelse!

This is our quest.

This is her breast!

Is this a test?!

The west is the best! Ride the snake . . .

Or the cornflake - 

take a break


Oh, this ache!
Who can make
it stop?!

Maybe your humble smile

and awkward giggle

makes the sea lion 

eat the sea antelope. 


I was a bum in San Francisco but once managed to go to a symphony concert along with the well-dressed people.


The audience was made up of wombats!

choir: The audience was made up of dead wombats!

(Lengthy instrumental funeral march)

Wombat zombies rising from the graves!

Wombat zombies crawling from their caves!

Wombat zombies walking along naves!

Wombat zombies whipping all their slaves!

Wombat zombies urinating on their slaves and defecating in their shoes!

There stands an angel in the corner, and she's smiling to the wombat zombie. 

But in the opposite corner there's a devil, and he's got a nasty grin on his face!

And the the archangel Gabriel looks at this beast and whispers




Who will the wombat zombie cuddle, who will he kiss? 

I'll cuddle anything that moves!

Choir: Kiss the girl, thats right kiss the girl


Findlay: not on the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipssssssssssssssssssss


Ghost of Elvis: uh huh, not on the hucka hucka burning lips baby baby, thankyaverymuch


Choir: Kiss the girl, thats right kiss the girl but not on the lipsssssssssss


Simone Simons: Kiss her on the cheek, but dont take a week


But as wombats a small creature, and the angel is quite tall,

he'll kiss her feet and be her caged pet forever!


But oh, the sorrow, oh the woe,
for the angel is a creature is of the heavens
and the wombat belongs to the dirty ground below!

Chorus: woeeeeeeewoeeeeeeeoeeeeeeewoeeeeeee oh, woeeeeewoeeeeowoeeeee ohohohhowoeeewoewoewoeeeeeee woeeeeeee woewoeeee oooooohohohohwoewoewoewoe!!

Oh, woe is me!




Edited by AtomicCrimsonRush - June 04 2010 at 06:32
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:25
Man that took a long time to post

Next song:

Third prog song epic






Track 3 "One Month To Live"






Part I: Hearts and Titanics

Gabriel: Will this madness ever end?

Will my dog become my friend?

Will my robot give me joy?

Will my darling computer go

There are no words to express my love

It all comes from above

Do I dream of wintery snow

Walking under mistletoe...   

How deep it goes, my heart will go on

Celine: That’s my line, that’s my song

Gabriel: So what? We are stealing it now!

Wyatt: Yeah go away, stupid cow.......

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someone_else View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:31
European choir: 
It's rather warm and sunny here
On the Northern Hemisphere
All thoughts of mistletoe and snow
Can just evaporate right now.
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:37
The Rainbow Queens begin the chant that builds to a huge crescendo
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elation
evaporation, desperation, my frustration is elaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 06:57
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

I edited a lot of chit chat as it was tiring but al the good stuff is here, I believe.

The chit chat is the good stuff. Stern Smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 07:09
An uncomfortable silence as my nose starts to itch
the sneeze won't come - itch, be gone!
but it won't fade away.
Perhaps I'll stay here like a goldfish in a bowl
or an elephant in a kennel
it's the only way. 

Edited by The Sleepwalker - June 04 2010 at 07:09
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 07:31
Narrator: The sleepwalker is unable to stop the madness, which continues...

(Prog metal version of Benny Hill theme song)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 07:31
An itch? An ITCH?! Have you got the FLU?!?!?!??!
Cause I've got it too. Unhappy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 07:44
Not the flu, it's just a cold
snot now fills the emptiness
of my nostrils.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 04 2010 at 07:51
Like it fills
the emptiness
of my rugged
wombat soul.
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