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Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:05 |
rushfan4 wrote:
Seeing them for the final tour in August...
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:11 |
Catcher10 wrote:
rushfan4 wrote:
Seeing them for the final tour in August... |
I've mentioned this numerous times before within the forums  but the first concert I ever attended was the Monsters of Rock tour in 1988, and the Scorpions were the 3rd of 5 bands to play. I don't remember all that much since it was so long ago, but I remember loving it at the time. Sadly, it is the only time that I have seen them. I'm really enjoying this new album and I might consider going to see them if my schedule permits it. I'll probably regret it if I don't go, especially since this is supposed to be their final tour.
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:25 |
^ I saw them in '82 1st time and '83 at the US Festival - Heavy Metal Sunday.....They completely stole the show...We left in the middle of the VH show along with about 150,000 others. Everyone you talked to was there to see the Scorps..I've seen them 5x total...this will be #6.
Happens to be the same night as Rush show in wife and I are driving to San Fran after the Scorps show to catch Rush there...a romantic prog rock and 80's metal week for us.. 
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:28 |
That is cool. Rush still haven't announced a Detroit area date yet. I am beginning to think that a road trip might have to become reality if I want to see them again this tour.
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:29 |
One of my fav Scorps albums...title track is wickedly cool
The Sleepwalker
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:06 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:09 |
Omni - Minus the Bear
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:09 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:12 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:21 |
Currently in the vehicle but not for much longer: 
Very good Muffins album. Random selection time. Well since I didn't load up a fresh set this morning I'm putting the whole CD collection into play. Unfortunately the first up is a Tori Amos Christmas/Winter album which I'm going to have to pass on. Spin the wheel again and it hit another fairly new one:  One of seven "Songs" albums. Great titles on this one:  |
MP3 Songs |
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Edited by Slartibartfast - May 11 2010 at 13:23
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:31 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 13:36 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:01 |
Help me I'm falling!
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:10 |
John Frusciante - The Empyrean
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:16 |
Continuing on with the big shuffle: 
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:26 |
Continue the prog discussion here: ...
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:27 |
The Sleepwalker
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 14:30 |
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 15:03 |
Trust me... TPE will click.   As for me, I'm taking my second listen to this album....
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Posted: May 11 2010 at 15:15 |
Was listening to:  Am now listening to:
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