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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 04:47
White Queen: I will eat the doughnut!
Black Queen: I will put on the tooooooooooooooooping!
Green Queen: I love doughnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts!
Purple Queen: I would rather eat a hambuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurger! 
Pink Queen with Yellow Spots:" You are all naaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzty!
All Queens in unison: We are most definitely naaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzty!!
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 05:11
Bright coloured queens are about as nasty as shaved beavers!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 05:26
But even nastier is the skin-coloured Queen Veronica.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 05:37

 Big collage of pieces in the song plays frenetically to psychedelic music!


The Minstrel:
The piper takes his fife
The looter takes his wife
The girl is young and cute
The piper plays his flute
The looter plays his loot

Choir: (all) KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! (men) Oh (all, with Eb major chord on church organ) KHAAAAAAA....AAAAAAAN!!!


Choir: Still recording it, still affording it, day and night 

Another Reporter: The police have the situation under control. Contrary to all expectations the wombats seem to be physically unable to defecate on the streets.

Another Reporter: It seems all the other reporters are dead so I'm the only one left

Another Reporter: I'm still alive actually. 

Another Another Reporter: This town ain't big enuff for the both of us. 

Chorus: big towns ain't big unuff! YEAH!


Everything changed, yet it still stayed the same.

Sunbury Junior Singers of the Salvation Army: It stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayed the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme!!!!!!!


Magma Voice: Köhntarkösz Attahk Ëmëhntëhtt-Ré

Irene Papas: I am, I am to come



(music rises to a crescendo as the finale continues....)

Edited by AtomicCrimsonRush - April 26 2010 at 05:38
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 05:40
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 05:51

(solo: mellotron with flugelhorn and harp)

Big collage of pieces in the song plays frenetically!


Choir: Ride to Freedom! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

Vompatti: I'm so full of kundalini it's flowing down my semprini!

And if he dares speak he will be thrown into it's stomach!

But you should dance on the fields like garden gnomes do when they're hungry!


Choir: Hungryyyyyyy!!!!


Their metabolism works like a charm!!!

Choir: and he uses the word "metabolism" a lot these daaaaaaays!!!

 (music gets faster as the finale continues....)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2010 at 15:03
(Sound of volcano erupting, accompanied by picnic table solo)
Surgeons: And the leg bone's connected to the knee bone...
Skin-Coloured Queen Veronica: Why can't all these wombats just leave us alone?
Surgeons: ...And the knee bone's connected to
The Minstrel: This song's gonna be really hard to sing.
Surgeon #36, AKA Khan: ...And the red thing's connected to my...wrist-watch.
Choir: Uh oh....
William Shatner (The patient being operated upon): KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--
(Shatner's scream is cut short by a sudden burst of static, followed by a shower curtain solo with melletron in the background.  The volume and tempo continue to build...)

Edited by Mr. Maestro - April 28 2010 at 15:35
"I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 04:00
Choir: and suddenly, there he was! Vompatti's doppelganger!

Vompatti's doppelganger:
I came out of a giant machine in the woods
kinda far away from here. There was a
doctor, some diet coke and lots of lightning.
Now I'm send on a mission to violently rape you. 

I feel kinda homesick here, but you don't care,
I am sure of that. The doctor probably misses
me too, as you must know we had a very intimate
relationship with vomiting and defecating. 

Now, I'm slowly twirling away
These words, they can dismay. 
Now it is time to play and you will decay!

What the f**k you foolish wombat I just noticed you kinda look like me
- Oh yeah, I'm your doppelganger, which might explain a thing or two. 
Now you get your ass over here and I shall cruelly teach you
You just shouldn't mess with me but I shall mess with you!
You just shouldn't mess with me but I shall mess with you!
You just shouldn't mess with me, but I shall mess with YOU!!!!!

Stay right there you whiny pig, don't you run away!
Oh wait a second, what'd I do?
I called you a whiny pig, which mean I'm one too!
That has made me much more angry
and I'll blame you for that!
Stay right there you whiny pig
- WTF?! There I said it again?!

You just shouldn't mess with me but I shall mess with you!

Stay there and don't move,
That's the best for both of us.
Stay there and don't move,
That's the best for both of us.
Stay there and don't move,
That's the best for both of us.
Stay there and don't move,
Why you're running away?!

Feel my breath in your neck.
It's foolish to run away.
Feel my breath in your neck.
It's foolish to run away. 
Feel my breath in your neck.
It's foolish to run away.
Feel my neck in your breath -LOLWUT?!
You're driving me insane!

You shouldn't mess with me, now I shall mess with you!

Stay right there you whiny pig, don't you run away!
Oh wait a second, what'd I do?
I called you a whiny pig, which mean I'm one too!
That has made me much more angry
and I'll blame you for that!
Stay right there you whiny pig

What did you do now, wombat?
You're driving me insane!
I am seem to slowly rot
Starting with my brain!
And you know what, whiny wombat?
It kind hurts, OK?
It's all f**king you're fault
that I'm flowing away. 

You're evil, that's what I tell you!
An evi, whiny wombat!
An evil, foolish wombat!
An evil, ugly wombat!
WITF?! There I did it again!
I can't seem to function properly
so I die with a gigantic explosion...

Choir: booooooooooooooooooooooooom yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Edited by The Sleepwalker - April 27 2010 at 04:00
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 04:21
British narrator: And so it happened that both of the wombats exploded, and their defecation and internal organs flew all over the place in miraculous arcs, leaving the ground covered in a smooth layer of blood, guts and diarrhea.

*pastoral guitar part*
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 04:33
Choir: the wombat's got an internal church organ!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 04:47
*internal church organ solo played by Rick Wakeman*
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someone_else View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 06:28
Planes cannot ascend into the sky
As long as myriads of wombat particles
Are hovering into the air
- It seems as if the Vompatnajökull has erupted...

Edited by someone_else - April 27 2010 at 06:39
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AtomicCrimsonRush View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:10

Robotic voices:

The Microscosmic god is a silly sod

he miniaturised his own world

now he rules a world of the invisible

the people are so small that they truly are not visible

Vompatti's Doppleganger:
the Microcosmic god is a sight to see

at night for all he ever does

is to fight the last of his invisible past

the Microcosmic god he built a wall

then he pulled it down

down unto to the ground

how can someone live

knowing that they

destroyed their own future

Atomic Killer:
the Microcosmic god is a ruler of

tiny worlds and men

he’s a ruler of

sea through sea and land

and it was his own fault

(what an epic LOL)


Edited by AtomicCrimsonRush - April 27 2010 at 10:12
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:18
Minstrel: i want to get off page 33eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Robot choir: he wants to get off page 33eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soprano Midgets: will he ever get off page 33eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Coloured Queen choir: I think he will eventually get off page 33eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:29
Random tramp:
Once every while I get out and seek the key 
I hope to find it somewhere in a bush but 
lost confidence cause I never seem to find it
Maybe it's the booze that makes me suffer from
serious headaches every day and falling from stairs
and falling from chairs and falling into ditches. 
I also suffer from visions you know,
I've seen the mermans murder Kennedy twice
Or trice, I can't recall, that's just pathetic don't you think?
I often rest underneath a bench but last night 
The place was full of vomit so I walked upon on girl
and she just slapped me with her purse
That f**king hurts.
Also I often have the problem of snot being 
Stuck in my beard when I sneeze and I haven't 
Cleaned my butt in a year or two or three or four. 
Again, I can't recall, is it the booze that's making 
me falling of stairs, falling of chair, falling 
-Hey, haven't I sang this tune before?
You know it's killing me...
I used to be a writer (or was it a painter? I can't recall you know)
But now I spend my days thinking about writing
all the stuff I see, like girls looking like transvestites 
and transvestites looking like girls or looking like men
and f**king weird mustaches and old men
doing weird stuff with their teeth. 
Yeah, I'm sure my time might come, but you know
It's not there yet. I used to be a writer, or 
- God damn, there I go again...
You see, I often slip, which hurts my ass 
an awful lot. I've always wanted to sing in a
terrible prog epic, but never got the chance
you know, though I might have done it once
but I can't recall. 
I don't eat a lot. Sometimes I steal some tomatoes
or potatoes or potato chips or sh*tloads of beer
but most of the time I am completely sober and 
I'm just living my life in the park chasing girls and
yelling weird sh*t no-one understands anyway. 
Sometimes I talk to aliens you know they're really
weird folks they don't have antennas like on TV
but instead they are furry and have big noses
kinda like wombats or just really weird looking
beaver-like creatures that probably live somewhere
on earth though you can't be sure you know.
Anyway, those aliens often talk with me about
the use of hair in soup which is said to be kinda
futile but I think it's amazing actually so do the 
aliens and they also often drink blood of various
kinds of animals like horses, sheep, bats, pigs,
ostriches and more but I'm not going to tell you
that cause it's my dirty little secret. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:31
You two have written more stuff in a few days than I have in several months. Cry
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:38
song within a song within a song within a song
(big collage of previous bits continued)


G. Gnome:

We've told you behave but still you forget to shave

your cruel looking forehead! WHAAAA!!!



Why'd you have to pick on me


G. Gnome:

Oh no, please my master wombat!

I will serve you all my life

But please my master wombat!

Don't suck me into the black hole that remains inside your left nostril

For I don't want to suffer in a beaver-like dimension

For all etenityyyyyyyYYYYYYY!!!!!!!


Magma Chorus: Malawëlëkaahm Fur Dihhël Kobaïa, Blüm Tendiwa Wohldünt Maem Dëwëlëss 


Burn the wombat!

Burn the rodent!

Burn the rodent and devour him!

Burn the wombat!



Fishmongers and gnomes they both hold their wheelbarrows

Just like J.G. Gnome and sweet Molly Malone


J. G. Gnome:
My mom was a gnome, and you’ll know who I am
when I’m selling England by the gram.


A Mouse is not to roam

A spouse is not to moan


And a couch is not a throne,

A chorus not a drone.


A dog must have a bone

A king must have a throne

a Rambo must have Stallone

A Secretary has a phone

A Hot rod must be blown

An ice cream has a cone





(instrumental break of a blonde clicking two bones together)




Court Jester:
And here’s a COLD TURKEY for the queen.


Magician: I have come to put a spell on your turkey!


(spell casting music) 


Choir: The Queen is not amuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuused!


Magician: I put a spell on the turkey . . . beeecaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuseeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeee's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiineeeeeeeee!


Black knight:

I will slay the turkey 

that's been ravaging your town. 

I will be your saviour

You will soon kneel down 

for me!



Robotic Voice:






(the finale continues)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:42
I'm so pathetic I can't even write a 6-page essay in which I'm supposed to compare Orwell's Animal Farm and Pink Floyd's Animals. Cry
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:50
Mormon tabernacle Choir: That sounds intrigung - leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet me heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 10:58
If you could quickly summarize the differences between Waters's dogs, pigs and sheep and those of Orwell, that would be nice.
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