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Conor Fynes View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: What Makes A Good Review?
    Posted: January 20 2010 at 22:11
Those who know me and are familiar with my work here know that I have written quite a few reviews, a few of which ('Black Clouds and Silver Linings,' 'Fear Of A Blank Planet,' 'Relayer,') that I'm really proud of... While modifying and adding onto some of my Dream Theater reviews, I was wondering...
What makes a good review?
How can a review leave an impression on the reader, and even sway the reader's opinion?
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 20 2010 at 23:27
that's a good question-- I guess if you can identify what it is about an album that distinguishes it, either good or bad, you're on the right track   

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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2010 at 00:23
Originally posted by Conor Fynes Conor Fynes wrote:

Those who know me and are familiar with my work here know that I have written quite a few reviews, a few of which ('Black Clouds and Silver Linings,' 'Fear Of A Blank Planet,' 'Relayer,') that I'm really proud of... While modifying and adding onto some of my Dream Theater reviews, I was wondering...
What makes a good review?
How can a review leave an impression on the reader, and even sway the reader's opinion?

I don't believe you could ever change someone's opinion of an album or artist  just by what you write. All you can hope to accomplish with a positive review, is to encourage a reader to seek out and hear either a band or an album they have not heard before. For negative reviews, you can only warn the reader what to expect.

Very often I read remarks on the forums such as:

I only read reviews by people whose musical opinion I trust
(Pin a rosette to that critter's head: Prize Breed - Self fulfilling prophecy)

A common pool of limitations and prejudices doesn't lessen those limitations or surmount those prejudices.
(It's like having a nominated driver to chauffeur you through areas of Progland you could reach on foot - and let's face it, some us clearly need the exercise Wink)

Edited by ExittheLemming - January 21 2010 at 00:32
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progkidjoel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2010 at 02:43
Justifying why you like/don't like an album, which I think you do pretty well.

The things I look for are:
- Length: I usually like to read reviews around the 500-1000 word mark, just for more info, although a brief review which is well written can provide the same quality.
- Justification: If a reviewer actually tells me why they gave an album a 3 star rating. I'm actually quite poor at doing 3 star reviews, although its really handy when a review really justifies its stance.
- How the review recommends the album (not sure how to phrase that differently.) IE, if a reviewer says the album would be great for someone who enjoys prog metal and doesn't mind growls about an Opeth album. That really helps a reader know if they'll personally like that album, by comparing it to some other albums. It's not necessary, but I like it because I think it makes it easier to decide whether or whether not I will probably like the album.

Just my two cents!
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 05:29

1)I'll try to read some of yours more in detail (of course I read some of them on main page, but nothing so targeted only to you yet) Conor. You're a good reviewer and prolific one too, which is deadly combination. And it's only good thing that you care about your writing style. 

2) - This review seems as an example of very good review. Maybe it's just me, but I like it.

3)I have my own style, which means shorter revs than normal 500+ words. My reviews are more like 200-400 words. Because you know, everyone's writing long reviews, so I try to write shorter (but not extremely short, this I must say that I'm trying to have them at least 200 words long).

I realized that there is a lot of people who actually LIKE SHORT reviews. Since I've began seriously write (so let's say in July), so since July till now, January 2010, maybe 60-70 people wrote to me that they like my review (not reviews, but one particular review I wrote).

This seems like appropriate section to talk about it, I don't know if others had this too, but I'm very glad for it and WANT TO THANK to everyone who liked/like my reviews.

Honestly, I wonder if others are honored by this too. For example me, when I like certain review, I wrote by

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the reviewer, few kind words and mostly also topic to talk about. I don't do this often, only when I like review. Of course, most of the times, I miss the review, so it's not because I don't like it, I just don't see it.

And one more thought of mine. I wondered, if there are reasons to make topic, or even section on forum about Reviewing. Sometimes I think it's worth. And recently, there are threads about these topics, topics connected with reviewing.

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 05:31

<forum error message>

Edited by Marty McFly - January 22 2010 at 05:32
There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 06:32
Reviews are subjective, whatever some people may say to make it look otherwise. I know I am more likely to give a low rating to an album belonging to a genre of music I don't like. However, I have also learned to approach every album I review with an open mind, and change my opinion after a few more in-depth listening sessions (which I need if I want to write a decent review).

As regards the issue of length, I do like both long and short reviews, though I tend not to be too keen on those who exceed the 1,000-word mark (and 1,000 words is already quite long). My first reviews were more on the short side, now they've become longer,and hopefully more informative. However, length does not always equal good content, and I believe a good reviewer should know when to stop in order to avoid circling around the issue.
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 06:53

Yep, as Windhawk once said (and I repeat it over and over, because it's such a wise saying, such truthful and yet, many, too many (music business, music critic, mostly from magazines) are trying to give us their THOUGHTS like they are FACTS).

Even for example length of CD, 50:43 minutes isn't fact, because some may say that seconds without actual music shouldn't be counted, so we have 50:14 instead. Both are facts, depends on your point of view. What I'm trying to said that I agree with you Raff.

And one more to my short review point of view - you know why these people liked my reviews ? Because they haven't time to read these long ones. Not saying that my reviews are good. Full of facts, long years of experience, but I'm trying to do my best.

And who's not here :-)

By the way, I've read Black Clouds review of yours and have to confirm my previous suspicion, this particular one is very good.

Every one of us have these "best" reviews by our consideration. Even I.

And I know that there are some people who does not like my writing style and I say: OK, you can't please everyone. 

However, sometimes I doubt what I've just wrote, because once I submitted a review  and someome replied: OK, nice story you have here, but .... umm. ... where's the music ? So I added some words about music. I simply was so taken by the music that I forgot to tell readers about music itself.

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 07:00
Marty, I never reviewed Black Clouds - I haven't even heard the whole albumWink!
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clarke2001 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 12:02
I always read all reviews already posted for a particular album when I want to submit one. If there are many of them I at least glance at them quickly.

And those reviews are affecting my own, always. They won't affect my opinion or rating, but I'm always trying to say something new, interesting, that has not been mentioned yet - even if it's only a tiny anecdote about musicians while in the studio, or some silly observation/comparison.

I wrote some good reviews and some bad reviews, but I'm always sticking to that rule. In fact, I don't have any other rules: I might right from a perspective of a prog web site, from a broader perspective, sometimes being more analytical, sometime emotional, often contradictory. I'm rarely coherent nor I don't want to be. I may start with a long intro, then about personal impressions and a short  impromptu of actual music, but skipping an actual analysis - I'm never balancing things in my reviews, not because I'm lazy and off the steam halfway through, it's because I like it that way.

I would like to do a review in a form of a poem or a short drama. One day, perhaps.

Edited by clarke2001 - January 22 2010 at 12:03
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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2010 at 12:09
Read Tszirmay's reviews some time.  I am so in awe of how the man finds his own poetic way of describing sound. 
Other good writers offer a mix of objectivity and subjectivity, along with some history and period context. 
And oh yeah, lots of practice.  Take your time.  It's not a race.  One good review is much more appreciated than 10 quickies. 

Edited by Finnforest - January 22 2010 at 12:10
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 24 2010 at 14:20

Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Marty, I never reviewed Black Clouds - I haven't even heard the whole albumWink!

Um, I sadly put more replies in one post, it was targeted on Conor.

Moris, I'm doing basically the same thing. And I too dream about doing review in poem style. I actually added story elements into my reviews few times (mostly when I didn't know what to write)

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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Fieldofsorrow View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 04 2010 at 13:50
I really enjoy an analytical approach, and trying to uncover why musical ideas work well. I know that trying to dissect tracks with huge amounts of detail isn't everyone's cup of tea, but to me it helps give an insight into the musician's craft. Examining how the components of a piece of music enhance its emotive capacity really allows for justifying a rating, like Joel was talking about. But for me, an detailed, sensitive and well written review will prove to be highly enjoyable any day of the week. This goes for reviews discussing albums that I already know very well, and there are even instances when I enjoy reading a review that rips to shreds a work that I love.
Groovy teenage rock with mild prog tendencies:
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Vibrationbaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 04 2010 at 15:10
Anybody ever read the Book Of Seth on Julian Cope's Head Heritage website? Don't know if they are really reviews but some of it is pretty wacked out funny hippie sh*t  and I often laugh out loud. His Guru Guru UFO review gave me a good laugh when I first read it. Hilarious.
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Bonnek View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 12 2010 at 07:55

I suffer a bit from fact-disorder, especially if I start naming band members.
Whenever I do so, I can be sure to get a PM within 15 minutes telling me that person X or Y that I mentioned never even played in the band I was reviewing Big smile

As to what makes a good review, I like fluent language, motivated opinions (both subjective and objective ones) and an occasional bit of fun and wit.
I prefer reviewers who cover multiple genres and who do full or almost complete discographies, as I want to know how an album is seen compared to the other output from a particular band.
I guess this preference has turned me into quite an obsessive reviewer myself Confused

Edited by Bonnek - March 12 2010 at 07:57
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