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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:25
Mike, on these scientific facts (I'll even use that word) you're tenaciously holding to words that don't reflect modern theory on the subject. Why?
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:19
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

@AmbianceMan: Sorry, but I will not answer any more of your posts ... each time I do, you come up with a more crazy response. Good luck with your fight against the theory of evolution, I know it is futile.Big smile
translation: unless you play on my court exclusively, I don't want to play.

Not really. It's about responding to arguments. People who post irrational or incoherent answers are simply impossible to reason with.
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:18
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

You're right, again a poor word used to describe the process. But the objective phenomenon we're all interested in is speciation, I think.
There is variety in the forms of life, both at one time, and across time.
That's the fact.
The question is why?

Evolution through natural selection. Speciation is simply used to describe the fact that when lifeforms evolve they at some point become genetically incompatible with their ancestors. Species are defined by genetic compatibility.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:14
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

@AmbianceMan: Sorry, but I will not answer any more of your posts ... each time I do, you come up with a more crazy response. Good luck with your fight against the theory of evolution, I know it is futile.Big smile
translation: unless you play on my court exclusively, I don't want to play.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:14
Hey dude, everything's cool as long as your posts at least make sense to you.Wacko
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:13
You're right, again a poor word used to describe the process. But the objective phenomenon we're all interested in is speciation, I think.
There is variety in the forms of life, both at one time, and across time.
That's the fact.
The question is why?
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:13
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

@AmbianceMan: Sorry, but I will not answer any more of your posts ... each time I do, you come up with a more crazy response. Good luck with your fight against the theory of evolution, I know it is futile.Big smile
Sorry, dude.  Just trying to show you that subjective evidence does not equal incorrect evidence.  Basic really.  Didn't think I would have to go into a dissertation to do it, though.
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Kestrel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:10
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Originally posted by Kestrel Kestrel wrote:

Science and religion may not be "mutually exclusive" but they will always be in conflict because they are two different ways of approaching much of the same questions. Saying science answers the hows and religion answers the whys is a false dichotomy of sorts to me.

Saying that religion answers the questions concerning the meaning of life presupposes that there is a meaning to life. I don't see why the question should be asked.

Evolution is BOTH a fact AND a theory. Just as with gravity. There are two distinct concepts.

Evolution is defined as "the change in allele frequencies in a population." That's the fact. We observe it in every known population. The THEORY explains why those changes occur. That is where natural selection, genetic drift, etc. come in play.
That's why I use the word "speciation." Speciation is a fact. Evolution is a somewhat poorly named theory.

Allele frequencies can change without speciation. Those are two different things. (Unless you are saying something else that I didn't pick up on.)
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:01
@AmbianceMan: Sorry, but I will not answer any more of your posts ... each time I do, you come up with a more crazy response. Good luck with your fight against the theory of evolution, I know it is futile.Big smile
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 16:00
Originally posted by Kestrel Kestrel wrote:

Science and religion may not be "mutually exclusive" but they will always be in conflict because they are two different ways of approaching much of the same questions. Saying science answers the hows and religion answers the whys is a false dichotomy of sorts to me.

Saying that religion answers the questions concerning the meaning of life presupposes that there is a meaning to life. I don't see why the question should be asked.

Evolution is BOTH a fact AND a theory. Just as with gravity. There are two distinct concepts.

Evolution is defined as "the change in allele frequencies in a population." That's the fact. We observe it in every known population. The THEORY explains why those changes occur. That is where natural selection, genetic drift, etc. come in play.
That's why I use the word "speciation." Speciation is a fact. Evolution is a somewhat poorly named theory.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 15:54
Originally posted by Kestrel Kestrel wrote:

Evolution is BOTH a fact AND a theory. Just as with gravity. There are two distinct concepts.

Well, no.  The results of gravity is a fact.  The only fact is, "what goes up must come down".  Why it does this is still a theory.  Same with evolution.  Yes we are here, fact.  Why? Theory.
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Kestrel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 15:50
Science and religion may not be "mutually exclusive" but they will always be in conflict because they are two different ways of approaching much of the same questions. Saying science answers the hows and religion answers the whys is a false dichotomy of sorts to me.

Saying that religion answers the questions concerning the meaning of life presupposes that there is a meaning to life. I don't see why the question should be asked.

Evolution is BOTH a fact AND a theory. Just as with gravity. There are two distinct concepts.

Evolution is defined as "the change in allele frequencies in a population." That's the fact. We observe it in every known population. The THEORY explains why those changes occur. That is where natural selection, genetic drift, etc. come in play.
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 15:42
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Not getting into the Global Warming argument, but where/what/how is it being exposed for what it is?  And more to the point - why do you believe the exposing to be true and not Global Warming data?
Have you seen the recent exposed emails from global warming scientists who were caught manipulating formulas and skewing data?  If not, the cover up is already in full swing.  Big news really.  It has to do with the data itself.  Same thing happened with global cooling, and it's going to happen again.  Follow the money trail.  And besides that, studies are coming out showing cooling trends and are being ignored.
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And the reverse happens too. Doesn't mean anything either way.
Much more rarely.
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Much of that is down to how much trust we have in you, or whether you have alteria motives for a) telling us you had seen it, or b) pretending you had seen it. Thing is with religion it is your first hand account of your convertion that has any meaning to no one other than yourself.
Agreed.  That's my point.  However, if my subjective data is correct, then it is not religion.  I personally don't think "religion" has much merit.  I cannot and would not try to convince you with subjective evidence.  All I can do is tell you about it and hope you go check it out for yourself.  I don't want anybody running around following idiot TV evangelists or snake charmers, or mormon cults.  That's why I say that faith is not blind.  I have my own subjective evidence that is as strong as any objective evidence.  But I can't convince you of anything personally, and I won't try to.  But having looked through the other lenses, science is interpreted differently based on evidence I have.  Same science, differing interpretations.

Edited by AmbianceMan - December 05 2009 at 15:51
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 15:30
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

Now we could go back to quivering over the word "theory", I won't do that. Suffice it to say that evolution is a theory like the theory of relativity, or quantum mechanics. The theory of relativity has not been proven either, it may be wrong ... but that's not keeping you from accepting that atoms can be split, and that this creates electricity for you to use in your flat, while reading this post and writing answers.
The atoms aren't split to make electricity.  Unless you call adding and removing electrons "splitting" which it is not.  Also, Gravity itself is just a theory.  Yes we see the results of it, and there is a "best" explanation.  Likewise, we can't deny that we are here, but the reasons why are still just a theory.

Originally posted by MrProgFreak MrProgFreak wrote:

If you understood evolution, you wouldn't call it a "doctrine", and you wouldn't know that any "faith" or "belief" is required to accept it.
I will simply disagree with you here, and so will science.  See, I can be on the same page with science.  A lot of the time as a matter of fact.  Ever hear the phrase "Scientists believe...."?  I have a lot, textbooks, discovery channel, Nova...etc. etc.  So yes scientists use a lot of belief.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

However, I definitely saw it. 

Originally posted by MrProgFreak MrProgFreak wrote:

Really? I should take your word for it?Wink

Well, apparently that went right over your head because you agreed with me and reiterated my point and thought that you had me on that one I guess.  The point was that NO, you shouldn't take my word for it, you should search for it yourself.  The only problem is that you have to put on the other set of lenses first, which would be extremely difficult, but not impossible, for you to do right now
Originally posted by MrProgFreak MrProgFreak wrote:

There's no such thing as subjective evidence. Either it's evidence, or it is subjective.
That wasn't why I said that.  Let's say that I beat up a squirrel and steal its walnut.  I eat the walnut.  Nobody sees me, I crap it out in the woods.  Two years later would there be any objective evidence that I roughed up a squirrel?  Absolutely not (in 99% of the cases, and let's pretend this is one of the 99.99+%).
The point is, it happened.  I know it happened.  It isn't scientifically verifiable, but it happened.  Sure you can use this concerning, the big bang, or whatever, but we're talking about subjective evidence here, not objective.  Just because something is subjective and not scientifically verifiable doesn't mean that it can be automatically discounted as "never have happened".  This is basic stuff that I am also applying to my subjective evidence.  I can't prove it to you, nor will I try, which is why I used scientific arguments at the outset.  All I am saying is that you are completely discounting my subjective evidence as never having happened.  You cannot prove that I have no evidence and I can not prove to you that I do.  But my subjective evidence is stronger to me than any other because it's actual experience.  I don't expect it to convince you.
I guess my question is, are you going to assume that everything I say is bogus and not worth listening to simply because I disagree with you?  I am beginning to think so because I am using basic reasoning here yet you disagree with me still.
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Barla View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:49
Just saw a Charles Darwin special on TV, what a big man he was! Definitely he's among the most important men in science's history. Clap

And of course, I'm an evolutionist, I've always wanted a rational explanation to all facts (no intent to offend creationists, it's just my opinion).
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:41

Geez Louise, there are no facts in science, only hypotheses that stood up or not.

Every theory or hypotheses or whatever is a series of concepts that attempt to allow the human creature to understand how some aspect of the Universe works.
Evidence can be objective or subjective. You can choose to reject subjective evidence, and the most stringent criteria do so. But the more control you exert, you run the risk of losing external validity. (Generalizability)
You can choose to exclusively use empirical data to decide which concepts you believe or disbelieve. But it is not the only available or even the only valid criteria for making those choices.
And again, ridiculing other's choices is ethically questionable at best and evil at worst.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:38
^ no problem, great minds think alike!Wink

BTW: It's nice to have someone arguing in favor of evolution who actually doesn't like Dawkins too much.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:32
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

So you admit to accepting the "best" explanation?  Then quit saying it's a fact and admit it's just a theory.
What do you mean by "it's just a theory?"
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

I really don't understand how you came up with how I "utterly fail to understand what evolution is".  I USED to believe in evolution.  I USED to not believe the bible, and I USED to not believe in God, much like you now.  But that was a long time ago.  I understand the THEORIES behind evolution quite well.  I was indoctrinated in the public school system and in college.  My education indicates that I should believe just as you do.  But things change and happen that have made me more aware and to see through these agendas for what they are.  Just like Global Warming is being exposed for what it is, yet people refuse to accept it because it doesn't fit their agenda.  This happens to a lot of people.  The lens you look at the world through determines a LOT.  I have looked through both sets and you have only seen through one. 
Not getting into the Global Warming argument, but where/what/how is it being exposed for what it is?
And more to the point - why do you believe the exposing to be true and not Global Warming data?
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Changes happen to people that prove to them the existence of a creator.  Rick Wakeman and Kerry Livgren for example.
And the reverse happens too. Doesn't mean anything either way.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Let's say I see something and I tell you about it.  You decide not to believe me because you didn't see it yourself.  However, I definitely saw it.  Does that mean it did not happen?  No.  It's much like that when searching for God.  Things happen that you see that you know are not coincidence, but you can't prove them to anyone else who didn't see them.  Meanwhile you just think I'm a nutcase making it all up for who knows what reason.
Much of that is down to how much trust we have in you, or whether you have alteria motives for a) telling us you had seen it, or b) pretending you had seen it. Thing is with religion it is your first hand account of your convertion that has any meaning to no one other than yourself.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

I have evidence for my side, plenty of it.  But it's subjective.  That doesn't mean that it did not happen.  It just means that you didn't see or experience it.  Now I've never spoken in tongues or snake handled or anything like that, but I'm not going to say that it doesn't happen.  It just means that it didn't happen to ME.
That doesn't mean you are unable to see it, it just means you haven't gone looking for it. 
I was a member of a church that was part of the charismatic movement for sometime - at the time I believed it, I don't now.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

You were not there when the "big bang" happened.  You don't know.  And most of the "evidence" you have seen has been filtered through others with a "belief system" that has caused much evidence to be skewed.  I think most people are duped. 
How are Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation measurements skewed exactly? Is it because its presence is explained by the Big-bang theory and not by creationist ideas?
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Evolution is the popular and sexy thing to believe in and most people aren't willing to go against the grain.  Just look at the poll. 
Tisk! You do realise that saying Prog fans are voting for what is popular is heresy. Tongue
/edit - sorry Mike, didn;t see your response

Edited by Dean - December 05 2009 at 14:54
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:27
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

So you admit to accepting the "best" explanation?  Then quit saying it's a fact and admit it's just a theory.

Now we could go back to quivering over the word "theory", I won't do that. Suffice it to say that evolution is a theory like the theory of relativity, or quantum mechanics. The theory of relativity has not been proven either, it may be wrong ... but that's not keeping you from accepting that atoms can be split, and that this creates electricity for you to use in your flat, while reading this post and writing answers.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

I really don't understand how you came up with how I "utterly fail to understand what evolution is".  I USED to believe in evolution.  I USED to not believe the bible, and I USED to not believe in God, much like you now.  But that was a long time ago.  I understand the THEORIES behind evolution quite well.  I was indoctrinated in the public school system and in college.  My education indicates that I should believe just as you do.  But things change and happen that have made me more aware and to see through these agendas for what they are.  Just like Global Warming is being exposed for what it is, yet people refuse to accept it because it doesn't fit their agenda.  This happens to a lot of people.  The lens you look at the world through determines a LOT.  I have looked through both sets and you have only seen through one.

If you understood evolution, you wouldn't call it a "doctrine", and you wouldn't know that any "faith" or "belief" is required to accept it.
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Changes happen to people that prove to them the existence of a creator.  Rick Wakeman and Kerry Livgren for example.
Let's say I see something and I tell you about it.  You decide not to believe me because you didn't see it yourself.  However, I definitely saw it. 

Really? I should take your word for it?Wink

Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Does that mean it did not happen?  No.  It's much like that when searching for God.  Things happen that you see that you know are not coincidence, but you can't prove them to anyone else who didn't see them.  Meanwhile you just think I'm a nutcase making it all up for who knows what reason.
I have evidence for my side, plenty of it.  But it's subjective.

There's no such thing as subjective evidence. Either it's evidence, or it is subjective.

Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

That doesn't mean that it did not happen.  It just means that you didn't see or experience it.  Now I've never spoken in tongues or snake handled or anything like that, but I'm not going to say that it doesn't happen.  It just means that it didn't happen to ME.
That doesn't mean you are unable to see it, it just means you haven't gone looking for it. 
You were not there when the "big bang" happened.  You don't know.  And most of the "evidence" you have seen has been filtered through others with a "belief system" that has caused much evidence to be skewed.  I think most people are duped. 
Evolution is the popular and sexy thing to believe in and most people aren't willing to go against the grain.  Just look at the poll. 

The big bang happened, you can see it in the form of electromagnetic background radiation. How can this background radiation be "skewed"? Unless you don't believe in the entire concept of electromagnetic radiation ...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2009 at 14:02
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

^ you're not allowed to demand evidence, and evidence to the contrary is being ignored ... that's one of the concepts of religion (and, by analogy, of Intelligent Design / Creationism).
Making that analogy is wrong on so many levels.  It's kind of like you grab two different things (i.e. Religion and a Concept) and throw them together and say it's some kind of equation.
I despise religion yet believe in a creator.  In my world, evolutionists are the ones practicing religion.  Now we have "Dawkinists" too who somehow feel validated that there is a high profile work discounting God that they can latch onto.  No intention to, but I'm sure that will ignite a few flames.
However, I agree not to call your belief in evolution a religion as long as you don't call my belief in what the bible says a religion.


You won't get any flames from me ... my only complaint about the post is that you completely and utterly fail to understand what evolution is, and how scientists arrive at the conclusion that it's the best explanation of how we all came to be.
So you admit to accepting the "best" explanation?  Then quit saying it's a fact and admit it's just a theory.
I really don't understand how you came up with how I "utterly fail to understand what evolution is".  I USED to believe in evolution.  I USED to not believe the bible, and I USED to not believe in God, much like you now.  But that was a long time ago.  I understand the THEORIES behind evolution quite well.  I was indoctrinated in the public school system and in college.  My education indicates that I should believe just as you do.  But things change and happen that have made me more aware and to see through these agendas for what they are.  Just like Global Warming is being exposed for what it is, yet people refuse to accept it because it doesn't fit their agenda.  This happens to a lot of people.  The lens you look at the world through determines a LOT.  I have looked through both sets and you have only seen through one. 
Changes happen to people that prove to them the existence of a creator.  Rick Wakeman and Kerry Livgren for example.
Let's say I see something and I tell you about it.  You decide not to believe me because you didn't see it yourself.  However, I definitely saw it.  Does that mean it did not happen?  No.  It's much like that when searching for God.  Things happen that you see that you know are not coincidence, but you can't prove them to anyone else who didn't see them.  Meanwhile you just think I'm a nutcase making it all up for who knows what reason.
I have evidence for my side, plenty of it.  But it's subjective.  That doesn't mean that it did not happen.  It just means that you didn't see or experience it.  Now I've never spoken in tongues or snake handled or anything like that, but I'm not going to say that it doesn't happen.  It just means that it didn't happen to ME.
That doesn't mean you are unable to see it, it just means you haven't gone looking for it. 
You were not there when the "big bang" happened.  You don't know.  And most of the "evidence" you have seen has been filtered through others with a "belief system" that has caused much evidence to be skewed.  I think most people are duped. 
Evolution is the popular and sexy thing to believe in and most people aren't willing to go against the grain.  Just look at the poll. 

Edited by AmbianceMan - December 05 2009 at 14:03
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