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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:57
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

There now exist species that can do both which solves your problem.

No it doesn't.  Confused

There is no "reason" (bad choice of word, I know, but I'm going with it) for organisms to evolve sexual reproductive organs, at least not one I can discern.  That we have asexual organisms that flourish today makes me wonder why two different sexes evolved.  It certainly isn't a more efficient way of reproducing, nor is it safer, nor does it help to ensure the survival of a species against the environment or predators.

Then organisms, according to evolution as I understand it, would also have to evolve sex traits that would attract them to the opposite sex for breeding to happen.

If this didn't happen overnight, at what point did it happen, and how?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:48
There now exist species that can do both which solves your problem. Actually they've been around along time.
Even bacteria pass genetic material back and forth.

Edited by Negoba - December 04 2009 at 16:00
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:44
Originally posted by Kestrel Kestrel wrote:

Whoa, a lot has happened since I last posted.

Epignosis, I find the way you interpret the Bible interesting. It's certainly not completely literal, but not entirely allegorical either. It makes me think of some kind of originalism when it comes to interpreting the US Constitution, although I don't know if that analogy is entirely accurate. I actually don't think it is one I've encountered before and if I have, the person didn't really make it explicit (the generic cherry-picking Christian). 

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

And no offense to Dean or some of you others- I genuinely appreciate the time you took to respond- but I am not convinced by any of the explanations given with respect to the phenomenon of two genders.  Two extremely complex reproductive systems developing simultaneously over millions of years, and yet still functioning enough to keep the species viably reproducing is just too much for me to accept.  I'm sorry.

I have honestly never heard this before two days ago when my friend said he encountered someone giving the same argument as you. Normally claims I see against evolution revolve around the complexity of the eye, brain, bacterial flagellum, etc. 

Have you done any research on this yourself? It's definitely a complex question - sexual reproduction can have a lot of mechanisms involved. So what problem do you see in it... Is it the fact that sexes exist at all and sex determination? Ovaries/testes? Penis/vagina or cloaca? All of it?

Yeah, my biology professor spent a week harping on the complexity of the eye and how it though a Christian in the room asked.  He also repeated lectures more than once (by that, I mean he gave them more than twice), and spent about two weeks telling us how the great flood never happened.

He spit a lot when he spoke too.  Pinch

So it's probably reasonable to say I just had a bad biology professor, but man, did he have an axe to grind!

So regarding genders...I preface this again by saying I am not as well-versed in evolutionary biology, and while others have attempted to answer my question, all of the answers were a bit too technical and far-fetched for me. 

It would just seem that asexual reproduction would be the most efficient- an organism wouldn't require a partner to mate and produce viable offspring.  Obviously it isn't a problem, because we still have organisms that reproduce asexually today, and they exist in vast, vast numbers.

Yet "somehow," some of these organisms began developing female sexual organs while some began developing male organs (or both at the same time, maybe).  At what point would organisms gain the ability to reproduce sexually?  It would have to be at the same time or before it lost its ability to reproduce asexually, or else the species would die out.  And once the organisms could reproduce sexually, at what point in the evolutionary process did all of the parts work together to produce viable offspring?  I mean, not only would the organisms have to also evolve the instinct to mate, but the mechanics of sexual reproduction and gestation are extremely intricate- if a part of the uterus hadn't evolved sufficiently, for example, the offspring might not ever be viable.
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:38
What makes that book good specifically as a resource for information on evolution?
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:35
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

I'm wondering how you answered the poll itself, based on what you've stated you do and don't believe.
I guessed option 3 but I honestly don't know.

Oh I see.

I didn't vote. None of the poll choices work for me (not the pollmaker's fault).  I've heard arguments for all sides listed but I really haven't made up my mind.

You should really read Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth. In it he explains evolution so well ...

Edited by Mr ProgFreak - December 04 2009 at 16:33
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Mr ProgFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 15:30
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

^ you're not allowed to demand evidence, and evidence to the contrary is being ignored ... that's one of the concepts of religion (and, by analogy, of Intelligent Design / Creationism).
Making that analogy is wrong on so many levels.  It's kind of like you grab two different things (i.e. Religion and a Concept) and throw them together and say it's some kind of equation.
I despise religion yet believe in a creator.  In my world, evolutionists are the ones practicing religion.  Now we have "Dawkinists" too who somehow feel validated that there is a high profile work discounting God that they can latch onto.  No intention to, but I'm sure that will ignite a few flames.
However, I agree not to call your belief in evolution a religion as long as you don't call my belief in what the bible says a religion.

You won't get any flames from me ... my only complaint about the post is that you completely and utterly fail to understand what evolution is, and how scientists arrive at the conclusion that it's the best explanation of how we all came to be.
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Kestrel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 14:55
Whoa, a lot has happened since I last posted.

Epignosis, I find the way you interpret the Bible interesting. It's certainly not completely literal, but not entirely allegorical either. It makes me think of some kind of originalism when it comes to interpreting the US Constitution, although I don't know if that analogy is entirely accurate. I actually don't think it is one I've encountered before and if I have, the person didn't really make it explicit (the generic cherry-picking Christian). 

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

And no offense to Dean or some of you others- I genuinely appreciate the time you took to respond- but I am not convinced by any of the explanations given with respect to the phenomenon of two genders.  Two extremely complex reproductive systems developing simultaneously over millions of years, and yet still functioning enough to keep the species viably reproducing is just too much for me to accept.  I'm sorry.

I have honestly never heard this before two days ago when my friend said he encountered someone giving the same argument as you. Normally claims I see against evolution revolve around the complexity of the eye, brain, bacterial flagellum, etc. 

Have you done any research on this yourself? It's definitely a complex question - sexual reproduction can have a lot of mechanisms involved. So what problem do you see in it... Is it the fact that sexes exist at all and sex determination? Ovaries/testes? Penis/vagina or cloaca? All of it?
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 12:00
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I don't believe in Satan, I do believe that: The Devil does not exist and never did, Azazel is figment, Meririm is a fiction, Ba'al'zebub is a myth, Lucifer isn't real and wasn't made from light, Apollyon/Abbadon is an invention, Unicorns never lived, Dragons never breathed fire, Hell is a myth, Giants never walked the land(the Nephilim were probably Neanderthals) and that serpents and goats are just animals.
Don't do that to me!! You leave me image-less! OuchOuchLOLLOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 11:49
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Quote If we discount the impractical explanations (sunken sandbars, frozen lake, turtles or other water animals as stepping stones etc) then all that remains is the evidence of two biased witnesses (out of a possible 12), the secondhand (hearsay?) account by someone who wasn't there (Mark) and no corroborating independent witnesses. Also the two eye-witness accounts of Matthew and John differ by one significant point - only Matthew mentions that Peter got out of the boat and walked a few steps before sinking, John doesn't think that worthy of mention. Also, Luke fails to report the event at all, yet he writes about the miracle of the previous day (which they all agree on).
Not sure I see a problem here.  Most of what we read and understand to be true is EXACTLY the same as this.  A history book, for example, is full of events from long ago, written by people who weren't there.   And how are you going to have any corroborating witnesses in the middle of a sea during a storm, except for the disciples?   Maybe he talked to several of them.  Maybe there were many of them that couldn't read or write.
Also, have you ever seen two newspapers or internet sites that have varying events of the same story?  Not that either of them are wrong, but they may vary in the content they choose to publish.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke were writing to different audiences, Matthew to the Hebrews, Mark to the gentiles, and Luke to the more educated crowd (he was a physician).  John was an emotional chap that described spiritual movement, not a history buff.  These books were written independently and vary quite a bit.
I could continue to apply your own arguments to your own knowledge, and probably show you that there is less evidence for some of the things you believe than there is for biblical accounts.  But would it do any good?
Most of what you believe or hold to be true in many cases is because someone told you.  Granted I'm sure you have spent time in school learning much, but a lot of it is hearsay.  Doesn't mean it's not true, though.
Quote Only Matthew mention the earthquake, the other gospels don't, Mark, Matthew and Luke mentions an eclipse, John doesn't.
Looks like Matthew likes to embellish his stories a little. Wink 
Of course this all presupposes that the gospels of X,Y and Z were written in the hand of X, Y and Z, that Matthew is the same Matthew of the 12 apostles.
See above post.  This is common even today, and is used even to publish textbooks.
I do not disagree with you, and my post does not make an claims or draw any conclusions, though I was responding to the original question: "how could you explain it today?" and to do that I felt it necessary to look at the "evidence" of the events to see whether a rational explanation was necessary. If the evidence was incontrovertable and a rational explanation could not be speculated then I admit I would be stumped for an answer, but as it is there is reasonable doubt in my mind.
History ("knowledge acquired by investigation") isn't an academic science as such in the same way that chemistry, biology or physics are, however it is the subject of scrutinised research and to the scientific method. What was taught as fact in history lessons 100 years ago is now treated with caution if there is no external supporting evidence - for example no one today believes Sir Francis Drake was playing bowls on Plymouth Hoe when the Spanish Amanda was spotted in the English Channel. As a historic document the bible should be treated the same way, as a religious scripture it can be treated however you like. 

Edited by Dean - December 04 2009 at 12:19
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jampa17 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 11:24
Originally posted by AmbianceMan AmbianceMan wrote:

Quote If we discount the impractical explanations (sunken sandbars, frozen lake, turtles or other water animals as stepping stones etc) then all that remains is the evidence of two biased witnesses (out of a possible 12), the secondhand (hearsay?) account by someone who wasn't there (Mark) and no corroborating independent witnesses. Also the two eye-witness accounts of Matthew and John differ by one significant point - only Matthew mentions that Peter got out of the boat and walked a few steps before sinking, John doesn't think that worthy of mention. Also, Luke fails to report the event at all, yet he writes about the miracle of the previous day (which they all agree on).
Not sure I see a problem here.  Most of what we read and understand to be true is EXACTLY the same as this.  A history book, for example, is full of events from long ago, written by people who weren't there.   And how are you going to have any corroborating witnesses in the middle of a sea during a storm, except for the disciples?   Maybe he talked to several of them.  Maybe there were many of them that couldn't read or write.
Also, have you ever seen two newspapers or internet sites that have varying events of the same story?  Not that either of them are wrong, but they may vary in the content they choose to publish.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke were writing to different audiences, Matthew to the Hebrews, Mark to the gentiles, and Luke to the more educated crowd (he was a physician).  John was an emotional chap that described spiritual movement, not a history buff.  These books were written independently and vary quite a bit.
I could continue to apply your own arguments to your own knowledge, and probably show you that there is less evidence for some of the things you believe than there is for biblical accounts.  But would it do any good?
Most of what you believe or hold to be true in many cases is because someone told you.  Granted I'm sure you have spent time in school learning much, but a lot of it is hearsay.  Doesn't mean it's not true, though.
Quote Only Matthew mention the earthquake, the other gospels don't, Mark, Matthew and Luke mentions an eclipse, John doesn't.
Looks like Matthew likes to embellish his stories a little. Wink 
Of course this all presupposes that the gospels of X,Y and Z were written in the hand of X, Y and Z, that Matthew is the same Matthew of the 12 apostles.
See above post.  This is common even today, and is used even to publish textbooks.
None of this proves or disproves anything, if preachers choose to uses these miracles then that is their prerogative, because unlike you or I, they do believe them - just as it is our prerogative to dismiss them. Focusing on these inconsistencies is missing the point, people don't follow a religion because of a few conjuring tricks or because the stories are believable.
I agree.  And FYI as a Christian I am against "religion" myself.  I don't stick to any organization, and the bible per se doesn't belong to any particular religion.
Yes, that's the mainly point of it... I'm as a journalist can tell you that two persons standing aside witnessing the same action will describe it very different from each other... both will say things in different order and pointing at different details... this has been prooved over and over again... it's easy... go and take a left book of American history and the read the point of the right...
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 11:09
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

^ you're not allowed to demand evidence, and evidence to the contrary is being ignored ... that's one of the concepts of religion (and, by analogy, of Intelligent Design / Creationism).
Making that analogy is wrong on so many levels.  It's kind of like you grab two different things (i.e. Religion and a Concept) and throw them together and say it's some kind of equation.
I despise religion yet believe in a creator.  In my world, evolutionists are the ones practicing religion.  Now we have "Dawkinists" too who somehow feel validated that there is a high profile work discounting God that they can latch onto.  No intention to, but I'm sure that will ignite a few flames.
However, I agree not to call your belief in evolution a religion as long as you don't call my belief in what the bible says a religion.

Edited by AmbianceMan - December 04 2009 at 11:17
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AmbianceMan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 10:59
Quote If we discount the impractical explanations (sunken sandbars, frozen lake, turtles or other water animals as stepping stones etc) then all that remains is the evidence of two biased witnesses (out of a possible 12), the secondhand (hearsay?) account by someone who wasn't there (Mark) and no corroborating independent witnesses. Also the two eye-witness accounts of Matthew and John differ by one significant point - only Matthew mentions that Peter got out of the boat and walked a few steps before sinking, John doesn't think that worthy of mention. Also, Luke fails to report the event at all, yet he writes about the miracle of the previous day (which they all agree on).
Not sure I see a problem here.  Most of what we read and understand to be true is EXACTLY the same as this.  A history book, for example, is full of events from long ago, written by people who weren't there.   And how are you going to have any corroborating witnesses in the middle of a sea during a headwind, except for the disciples?   Maybe he talked to several of them.  Maybe there were many of them that couldn't read or write.
Also, have you ever seen two newspapers or internet sites that have varying events of the same story?  Not that either of them are wrong, but they may vary in the content they choose to publish.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke were writing to different audiences, Matthew to the Hebrews, Mark to the gentiles, and Luke to the more educated crowd (he was a physician).  John was an emotional chap that described spiritual movement, not a history buff.  These books were written independently and vary quite a bit.
I could continue to apply your own arguments to your own knowledge, and probably show you that there is less evidence for some of the things you believe than there is for biblical accounts.  But would it do any good?
Most of what you believe or hold to be true in many cases is because someone told you.  Granted I'm sure you have spent time in school learning much, but a lot of it is hearsay.  Doesn't mean it's not true, though.
Quote Only Matthew mention the earthquake, the other gospels don't, Mark, Matthew and Luke mentions an eclipse, John doesn't.
Looks like Matthew likes to embellish his stories a little. Wink 
Of course this all presupposes that the gospels of X,Y and Z were written in the hand of X, Y and Z, that Matthew is the same Matthew of the 12 apostles.
See above post.  This is common even today, and is used even to publish textbooks.
None of this proves or disproves anything, if preachers choose to uses these miracles then that is their prerogative, because unlike you or I, they do believe them - just as it is our prerogative to dismiss them. Focusing on these inconsistencies is missing the point, people don't follow a religion because of a few conjuring tricks or because the stories are believable.
I agree.  And FYI as a Christian I am against "religion" myself.  I don't stick to any organization, and the bible per se doesn't belong to any particular religion.

Edited by AmbianceMan - December 04 2009 at 11:33
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 10:08
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

Take the "walking on water" part ... how could you explain it today? Some of these things simply don't work at all.
If we discount the impractical explanations (sunken sandbars, frozen lake, turtles or other water animals as stepping stones etc) then all that remains is the evidence of two biased witnesses (out of a possible 12), the secondhand (hearsay?) account by someone who wasn't there (Mark) and no corroborating independent witnesses. Also the two eye-witness accounts of Matthew and John differ by one significant point - only Matthew mentions that Peter got out of the boat and walked a few steps before sinking, John doesn't think that worthy of mention. Also, Luke fails to report the event at all, yet he writes about the miracle of the previous day (which they all agree on).
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

Or take the earthquake that is supposed to have happened when Jesus was crucified - it wasn't reported by any other historian in the area.
Only Matthew mention the earthquake, the other gospels don't, Mark, Matthew and Luke mentions an eclipse, John doesn't.
Looks like Matthew likes to embellish his stories a little. Wink 
Of course this all presupposes that the gospels of X,Y and Z were written in the hand of X, Y and Z, that Matthew is the same Matthew of the 12 apostles.
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

Those bits are key arguments used by preachers to persuade people ... that makes them so important. Modern movies are not realistic either, that much is obvious ... but few people base their life on John McClane, and neither should they base it on Jesus IMO.
None of this proves or disproves anything, if preachers choose to uses these miracles then that is their prerogative, because unlike you or I, they do believe them - just as it is our prerogative to dismiss them. Focusing on these inconsistencies is missing the point, people don't follow a religion because of a few conjuring tricks or because the stories are believable.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:58
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

I'm wondering how you answered the poll itself, based on what you've stated you do and don't believe.
I guessed option 3 but I honestly don't know.

Oh I see.

I didn't vote. None of the poll choices work for me (not the pollmaker's fault).  I've heard arguments for all sides listed but I really haven't made up my mind.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:49
I'm wondering how you answered the poll itself, based on what you've stated you do and don't believe.
I guessed option 3 but I honestly don't know.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:41
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

Robert, just curious, did you but #3 - evolution with Divine Intervention. Because you seem to express belief in the physical universe as the will of God.

I'm sorry Jay, but I'm not understanding your question.  Could you rephrase for me?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:33
Robert, just curious, did you but #3 - evolution with Divine Intervention. Because you seem to express belief in the physical universe as the will of God.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:24
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

jampa said:

"but the fact that science cannot prooved it doesn't mean that it actually can't happen"

Though that might be an offhand comment, I hope it's not a serious factor in believing in something. It's a bad reason to do so.

"you know that there's people who can see the "aura" of other people just by changing their state of mind"? did you know that some people could manipulate the energy of the aura and can move object and even floating in the air... this actually is happening now..."

What!? The amount evidence you need to present before saying that is very high indeed.

"Again, the bible is to teach the love of God more than magical facts to believe in him"

That's true, mostly, but the magical facts are supposed to be corroborating evidence. It's just pretty bad evidence. No one's going to believe that just any random guy you haven't met is God, with no powers. He has to be special to be believed in religiously.
Again, your'e missing the point... maybe is that you have heard too much people trying to convince you... I don't want to... I'm just explaining facts, OK, I'll try this...
I see one person doing this things that I'm talking... moving objects, making them float in the air, even touching people at distance and hell, you have to be there to believe it... and believe me, I was the one that didn't want to believe in all that magical stuff this guy was doing, but I see it and there were like 10 more people who witnessed the same... and believe me, I don't need to believe in it because that guy seems to have problems, we do not like each other, but at the end I cannot denied what he did...
Now, my point was that maybe he didn't broke any rule, he was studying black magic and some middle east practices that I don't understand, but the fact is that he can do that things... maybe is just that science have not already prooved that but eventually maybe we'll get an answer... So, maybe Jesus didn't broke any rule... just know more than us about things -he can, I believe-...
now, Your'e claiming things in the wrong way... you said that if he is trying to convince us he have to do fireworks, you are wrong again... the bible said that Jesus felt sorry of people, because they were following him just for the miracles and he several times argue with them because that was not the message... typical of mankind, your'e prooving again that point... I'm telling you things not to validate the point of Jesus, I'm telling you that science has not reach an explanation... that's all...
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:21
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

"Again, the bible is to teach the love of God more than magical facts to believe in him"

That's true, mostly, but the magical facts are supposed to be corroborating evidence. It's just pretty bad evidence. No one's going to believe that just any random guy you haven't met is God, with no powers. He has to be special to be believed in religiously.

And what I've been saying is that magic should not bolster belief if you think about it.  If God created the world and designed the laws of physics, why should he have to violate them for people to believe in Him?  I would think that there being laws and order in the natural world would be better evidence for God than God popping in and doing magic.

Not saying God couldn't...but still.

I agree, but it's logical that an ancient people who had a hideous knowledge of physics would need otherworldly miracles to believe. I do think the grandeur of physics alone is worthy of awe, I just don't attribute it to God, and in fact think it's more awesome if there was no creator.

I get what you mean, although if I went back in time, I could do many things that are very simple feats today that ancient people would call signs and wonders.

I could also announce myself by blasting "21st Century Schizoid Man..." how's that for an entrance?  Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2009 at 09:16
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

"Again, the bible is to teach the love of God more than magical facts to believe in him"

That's true, mostly, but the magical facts are supposed to be corroborating evidence. It's just pretty bad evidence. No one's going to believe that just any random guy you haven't met is God, with no powers. He has to be special to be believed in religiously.

And what I've been saying is that magic should not bolster belief if you think about it.  If God created the world and designed the laws of physics, why should he have to violate them for people to believe in Him?  I would think that there being laws and order in the natural world would be better evidence for God than God popping in and doing magic.

Not saying God couldn't...but still.

I agree, but it's logical that an ancient people who had a hideous knowledge of physics would need otherworldly miracles to believe. I do think the grandeur of physics alone is worthy of awe, I just don't attribute it to God, and in fact think it's more awesome if there was no creator.
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